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Differentiates kinds of variables and their uses.


Kinds of
Variables and
Their Uses

The term variable came from the word “vary” or simply “can change”. Variables are
among the essential concepts of research, together with measurement, validity, reliability,
cause and effect, and theory.
In conducting quantitative research, a variable is an important consideration in
relation to the data. A variable could be an object, event, idea, feeling, time, or any other
type of category (Kalof, Dan, & Dietz, 2008). It is measurable characteristics that change
in value in a data set. It may vary from one group to another group, one person to another,
or even with the same person over time. Variables could be in varied numerical or
categorical in form (Faltado, Bombita, Boholano & Pogoy (2016).

In this module, you will learn what variables are, their types, and their uses in

Hi! I am Teacher Research! I’m going to guide you

in your journey to this module.
At the end of the module, you should be able to:

 Define variables as one of the fundamental concepts of research,

 recognize the nature of variables,
 identify the different kinds of variables and their uses

Directions: Write the letter of the expression in B that matches the one in A.

1. Independent variables a. examples are biological sex, political
affiliation etc.
2. dependent variables b. are units of analysis, some of which
include gender, age, socio-economic
status, attitudes, racial discrimination etc.
3. Intervening variables c. represent categories that can be
ordered from greatest to smallest. Ex.
Freshman, sophomore
4. Control variables d. data which include temperature, IQ test
5. confounding variables e. oppose to net worth, which can have a
negative debt-to-income ratio-level
6. Nominal variables f. those that probably cause, influence, or
affect outcomes.
7. ordinal variables g. they are the outcomes or results of the
influence of the independent variable.
8. interval variables h. stand between, the independent and
dependent variable
9. Ratio variables i. special types of independent variables
that are measured in a study because
they potentially influence the dependent
10. variables j. those that are not actually measured or
observed in a study.
h. attributes


Bernard (1994) as cited by Prieto et. al. (2017) defines a variable as something
that can take more than one value, and values can be words or numbers. Variables are
units of analysis, some of which include gender, age, socio-economic status, attitudes or
behaviors such as bullying, racial discrimination, among others. It refers to some
characteristics, or attribute of an individual that can be measured or observed and that
varies among the people or an organization being studied (Creswell, 2002 as cited by
Prieto et. al. 2017). The most collective variables in social research are age, sex, gender,
education, income, marital status, and occupation.

On the other hand, specialists define a variable as any entity that can take on
different tenets. Basically stated, whatsoever that can vary can be considered a variable.
An attribute, on the other hand, is a detailed value on a variable. For instance, the variable
gender has two qualities: male and female.

The Nature of Variables and Data

Quantitative researchers try to count human behaviors, that is, they attempt to
count multiple variables at the same time. Generally speaking, variables are classified as
one of four types: (Allen, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009).

1. Nominal variables represent categories that cannot be ordered in any particular

way. Examples are biological sex (e.g. males vs. females), political affiliation, basketball
fan affiliation, etc.

2. Ordinal variables represent categories that can be ordered from greatest to

smallest. Examples of ordinal variables include education level (e.g. freshman,
sophomore, Grade XI, Grade XII), income brackets, etc.

3. Interval variables have values that lie along with an evenly dispersed range of
numbers. Examples of interval data include temperature, IQ tests, etc.

4. Ratio variables possess a meaningful (unique and non-arbitrary) absolute,

fixed zero point and allows all arithmetic operations. The existence of the zero point is the
only difference between the ratio and interval level of measurement. Examples of the ratio
scale include mass, heights, weights, energy, and electric charge. Most scores stemming
from responses to survey items are ratio-level values because they typically cannot go
below zero.

Kinds of Variables

Several experts have lumped together with the following as the major kinds of

1. Independent variables-those that probably cause, influence, or affect outcomes. They

are invariably called treatment, manipulated, antecedent, or predictor variables.

2. Dependent variables-those that depend on the independent variables; they are the
outcomes or results of the influence of the independent variable.

3. Intervening or mediating variables- “stand between” the independent and dependent

variables, and they show the effects of the independent variable on the dependent

4. Control variables-special types of independent variables that are measured in a study

because they potentially influence the dependent variable. Researchers use statistical
procedures (e.g. analysis of covariance) to control these variables. They may be
demographic or personal variables that need to be “controlled” so that the true influence
of the independent variable on the dependent can be determined.

5. Confounding variables-those that are not actually measured or observed in the study.
They exist but their influence cannot be directly detected in a study. Researchers
comment on the influence of confounding variables after the study has been completed,
because these variables may have operated to explain the relationship between the
independent variable and dependent variable, but they were not or could not be easily

6. Experimental variable is a variable that is being changed in the actual study while the
controlled variable is a variable that is retained and not manipulated or changed. For
example, if you want to determine the effects of sunlight on the growth rate of selected
plants, the experimental variable is the presence or absence of sunlight while the type of
soil used, type or species of plants used, frequency of watering and weeding is common
among all plants used which are classified as the controlled variable.

7. Continuous variable is a variable that can take infinite numbers on the value that can
occur within the population. Its values can be divided into fractions like age, height, and

8. Discrete variable or categorical/classificatory variable, on the other hand, is a variable

that has a limited number of distinct values that cannot be divided into fractions like sex,
blood group, and the number of children in the family. If the attributes can only be
classified into two like male and female is coined as a dichotomous variable.

Patrick Regoniel (2012) advances these examples of variables.

Phenomenon A: Climate Change

Examples of variables related to climate change:
1. sea level
2. temperature
3. the amount of carbon emission
4. the amount of rainfall

Phenomenon B: Crime and violence on streets

Examples of variables related to crime and violence in streets.

1. number of robberies
2. number of attempted murders
3. number of prisoners
4. number of crime victims
5. number of law enforcers
6. number of convictions
7. number of carnapping incidents

Phenomenon C: Poor performance of students in college entrance exams

Examples of variables related to poor academic performance:

1. Entrance exam score

2. Number of hours devoted to studying
3. Student-teacher ratio
4. Number of students in the class
5. educational attainment
6. Teaching style
7. The distance of school from home
8. Number of hours devoted by parents in providing tutorial support

All of the above examples of variables can be counted or measured using a scale.
The expected values derived from these variables will, therefore, be in terms of numbers,
amount, category or type. Since quantified variables allow statistical analysis, variables
correlations or difference can be determined.

Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent variables stand alone and they are not changed by the other variables
you are trying to measure.

Examples of independent variables are age, gender, what people eat, how much
time they spend using gadgets, how much television they watch or how much time
youngsters spend on computer games.

Dependent variables are what researchers are interested in. They depend on other
factors. For example, a test score could be a dependent variable, because it could change
depending on several factors such as how much you studied, how much sleep you got
the night before you took the test, or even how hungry you were when you took it. In sum,
the changes in the dependent variables are what the researcher is trying to measure with
varied scientific techniques.

In the phenomenon on climate change, temperature (independent variable) may

influence sea level (dependent variable). Increased temperature will cause expansion of
water in the sea. Thus, sea-level rise on a global scale may occur.

In the second phenomenon, crime and violence on streets, the independent

variable may be the number of law enforcers and dependent variable is the number of
robberies. Now, figure out the independent and dependent variables in Phenomenon C.

Usually, when you are looking for some kind of relationship between variables, you
are trying to see if the independent variable causes some kind of change in the other
variables, or dependent variables.

Another example: If you are studying the impact of a new enrollment procedure on
the school personnel and the students, the new enrollment procedure is the independent
variable and the impact of the new enrollment procedure is the dependent variable.

Independent variable causes a change in dependent variable and it isn’t possible

that dependent variable could cause a change in independent variable


Directions: Identify the dependent and independent variable in the given question
below. State your reason/s. Write your answer in your research notebook.

What is the effect of incorporating math manipulatives into problem-solving activities on

student performance on open-ended problem-solving tests?

Directions: Identify if the following are independent and dependent variables in the
following phenomena. Explain your answer in complete sentences.

Phenomenon: COVID 19 Pandemic

Variables (Independent/ Explanation
1 Returning OFWs and LSI

2 78,000 infections, 30,000

recoveries,1,900 death

3 Test Kits from China

4 Sanitation/hygiene

5 Vaccine

6 Mortality rate at different

ages in the population

7 Policy and Governance

Congratulations on finishing the supplementary learning module! You have just

had an amazing learning journey and for sure, you will also do the same in the succeeding
Finally, share to the class your final insights by completing the following sentence

I have learned that _____________________________________________.

I wish to ask my teacher about ____________________________________.

A. Research at least 5 quantitative research studies and supply the information below:

Research Title Author/ Source Variables used Kinds of variables






Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your answer

1. This kind of variable causes, influences, or affects the research outcomes.

A. dependent C. intervening
B. independent D. control
2. This kind of variable shows the effects, results, or outcomes of the influence of the
independent variables/
A. dependent C. intervening
B. independent D. control
3. It refers to the variable that is in between the independent and dependent variables,
showing the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
A. dependent C. intervening
B. independent D. control
4. These variables are measured in a study because they potentially influence the
dependent variable, using statistical procedures like analysis of covariance to control
these variables.
A. dependent C. mediating
B. confounding D. control

5. It refers to the kind of variable that is NOT actually measured but exist.
A. dependent C. mediating
B. confounding D. control

Hi! I am back to congratulate you again!

Please check your answers against the answer key at the back. I
hope you got a perfect score by this time. But if you still have some
errors, you may read the module again or set a conference with your
teacher until you learn. 

The following terms used in this module

are defined as follows…

Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of

an object or event, which can be compared with other objects or
Nominal is something that has almost no value or something that
exists in name only.
Ratio is the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the
number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.
Reliability is the degree of consistency of a measure. A test will be reliable when it gives
the same repeated result under the same conditions.
Validity is the extent to which a concept, conclusion or measurement is well-founded and
likely corresponds accurately to the real world.

Baraceros, Esther L., (2016). Practical Research 2, Rexbookstore, Inc., Quezon City,
Prieto, Nelia, (2017). Practical Research for Senior High School 2 (Quantitative
Research) Lorimar Publishing, Inc., Quezon City, Philippines

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