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c ry p t of t h e

m ellif ied m age

Rafael Barros Cavalcanti da Silva (Order #28401729)


Far Vivend




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Anger Bay

Lake V Vivend





Backwater Bay

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Shadowgate Pass
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The Iron Lock
Fiona Maeve Geist, David McGrogan, Zedeck Siew, Adam Koebel, Nils Karlén


Tomas Härenstam

Alvario Tapia

Christian Granath

Niklas Brandt

Brandon Bowling


Livonia Print, Latvia 2020 978-91-88805-99-7

© 2020 Fria Ligan AB.

CRYPT OF THE Background 37
Background 4 Getting Here 38
Getting Here 5 Monkeys 40
Legend 5 Locations 45
Locations 6 Events 56
Events 22
Aftermath 22 THE DREAM-CLOUD
THE FIRING PIT Background 57
OF LLAO-YUTUY 23 Getting Here 58
Background 23 Legend 61
Legend 24 Locations 61
Locations 24 Events 73
Events 34 The End
Of The Dream 74


As the mural crumbles beneath your determined blows, a

blackened iron door is revealed, decorated with the image of a
bee. The air beyond is stale, yet tinged with the putrid smell of
spoiled meat and something oddly floral….

orbidden Lands is a toolbox for your ✥ David McGrogan (author of the fabulous
imagination. A canvas upon which Yoon-Suin) summons you to the magical
thousands of players and Gamemasters warmth of The Firing Pit of Llao-Yutuy,
have told exciting adventures as diverse as the where a master of his craft creates the
people telling them. These tales of imagination most beautiful pottery in the world – for
are what the game is about. It is about creating the right price.
your own stories and making your mark on the ✥ In Temple of the Six-Limbed Lord, Zedeck
world itself. But like the frenzied blinking of Siew (creator of the brilliant A Thousand
fireflies, most of these adventures only exist for Thousand Islands) leads you to the temple
a brief time before turning into memories and of the Monkey King and drops you in the
legends of past adventures. midst of a struggle for control over the
In this book, we have collected four adven- titular six-limbed lord.
ture sites written by some of the most intrigu- ✥ Lastly, Adam Koebel (co-writer of Dungeon
ing writers in the hobby today. While Forbidden World) takes you on a dizzying tour through
Lands is built on a foundation of Sword & Sor- a mad mage’s mind. It is a dungeon filled
cery, old school aesthetics and sandbox gaming, with memories, regrets and aching pain,
the tales told with the game can go in very differ- where the monsters are nightmares and
ent directions. your own worst fears becomes real.
✥ In Crypt of the Mellified Mage, Fiona Maeve
Geist (writer for the space horror game Moth- Four visions from the Forbidden Lands, told by
ership) invites you to a dungeon of dripping four masters of their craft. So strap on your
honey, weird insectoids and the foul abomi- backpack, light your torch head into these
nation that was once the sorcerer Pagoag. magical places and make them your own.



Lit by guttering candles, the timeworn saint’s the catacomb itself was buried long ago, the
shrine still reeks of burnt offerings. Plaster dust fragrant, windswept heath attracted those
floats in the still air as you smash away a mosaic looking to take advantage of the many subter-
depicting a wondrous healer tending wounds with a ranean beehives in the area. The only sign of
honeyed touch – eyes become bright and clear, limbs prior habitation is a small temple to a forgot-
vital rather than withered, the dead rise from their ten Saint (the entry to location #34 – no one
graves and dance about him. As the mural crumbles thought to shatter the mural seeking a hidden
beneath your determined blows, a blackened iron catacomb). Some roughly hewn buildings have
door is revealed, decorated with the image of a bee. sprung up, though the settlers (thirty odd
The air beyond is stale, yet tinged with the putrid individuals in total) have a reputation for insu-
smell of spoiled meat and something oddly floral…. larity and weirdness.
Beneath their feet slumbers a mellified
man – one who willingly forgoes all sustenance
save honey in a fast to the death before being
BACKGROUND entombed for at least forty years within a bath
The Honied Catacomb gestates beneath the of milk and honey – an invaluable panacea. The
earth like a pustule waiting to burst. While ancient sorcerer Pagoag, vain in his pursuit

chapter 1
of mastering the healing arts, attempted to The PCs can visit the village for a variety of
transform himself into a lich concurrently. mundane concerns, or perhaps because they
The result of this crude fusion of vile necro- have heard the place has exemplary effects on
mancy and the noble sacrifices of the healing the health of those who visit. For any number
arts is the Abomination sealed in location of reasons, the party may uncover one of the
#22. Pagoag is nearly dormant, though aware three entrances (see Background). The interior
of the hive of Insectoids burrowing nearby. of the honied crypt is composed of roughly hewn
However, he is powerful enough to provide the stonework where the mortar is riddled with tiny
inhabitants of the town with haunting dreams tunnels carved by industrious subterranean bees
of honey-dripping wealth hidden inside the seeking pollen – the occasional fall of a piece
catacomb. of ceiling is the only sound that disturbs their
omnipresent humming. The air is always thick,
loamy, faintly spiced and tinged with sweetness.
The PCs can enter the Crypt in one of three ways:
✥ Breaking the mural in the rear of the town
GETTING HERE altar (location #34).
It is suggested that the PCs pass through the ✥ Venturing into the Insectoid cave and
small village at some point. The Insectoids exploring their tunnels (location #30).
will eventually ravage the settlement providing ✥ Uncovering the obscured entrance and
a macabre abattoir for their young (see Events), moving the stone door (location #1).
but this should not happen until after the PCs’
arrival. Happenstance (or research) uncovers The act of entering the catacomb doesn’t trig-
the existence of Pagoag’s fabled healing powers ger anything major, but once the PCs start
and alleged final transformation into a melli- looting treasure the dead awaken and Pagoag
fied man – a treasure sought by any afflicted sets certain plans in motion unless stopped (see
with an incurable illness. Aftermath).
We leave the composition of the village and
the lives of its inhabitants to the GM (if you like,
use the tables in Chapter 12 of the Gamemaster’s
Guide). The three important details are that the
Insectoid cave (location #30) be located close by, LEGEND
the one entrance be an offering place to the mys- The sorcerer Pagoag is a minor note in most his-
terious saint of honey and the healing arts (loca- tories, as his vanity, excesses and medical prowess
tion #34), and a second entrance (#1) be hidden brought plenty of commentary, but darker insinu-
nearby (perhaps overgrown with brush, waiting ations become more and more explicit – that his
to be uncovered). Also, the town should be on an cult was insular, greedy, and lasciviously hedonis-
elevated position as the catacombs were built and tic. The darkest allegation is that Pagoag began
then buried. experimenting with the creation of a mellified

crypt of the mellified mage
man – the candied flesh of which can restore any door depicting a gargantuan bee with a peculiar
being to the apex of their vitality at the cost of a skull pattern on its thorax.
prolonged and torturous end to an individual.
A single pound of mellified flesh can, by renew- Opening the door reveals a long, descending
ing the life of an individual or resurrecting the staircase with sconces at each landing sculpted
recently dead and restoring them to their physical into the wall – skulls merged with detailed
peak, create devastating impacts and destabi- carvings of bees holding perfumed (and
lize power relations. Anyone with even a decent extremely dry) torches.
amount of wealth would have a burning desire
for it.
A shadowed space dominated by a hexagonal font
dripping honey over the eyeless skulls ringing each
See the map overview on page 8. The honey is hallucinogenic, but the effect is
not immediately apparent. Consuming a cup
of honey covers the daily need of FOOD, but any
1. ARCHED ENTRYWAY PC who eats it must make an ENDUR ANCE roll
Hidden behind scrub on the hillside and buried to avoid rolling on the chart below. The effect
just beneath the surface is a stylized circular stone lasts for D6 15-minute turns.


1 EUPHORIA: ThePC heals all damage to Empathy, is immune to further damage

to Empathy, but cannot push any skill rolls.
2 LOSS OF PAIN PERCEPTION: The PC can make Strength rolls with the full attribute
score even after taking damage but cannot push any Strength-based skill rolls.
PC gets to draw two initiative cards at the beginning of
combat and can act on both, but can only perform fast actions.
4 DIZZY: The PC cannot push skill rolls based on Strength or Agility.
5 POOR RISK ASSESSMENT: The PC must push all skill rolls (even when there is no
benefit) but gains no Willpower Points when doing so.
6 DECISION PARALYSIS: The PC draws two initiative cards at the start of combat and
must choose the higher number. Can only perform slow actions except for moving.

chapter 1
3. RITUAL CHAMBER an ostentatious funeral. The medical tools
A small idol of a bee made of expertly worked are worth 4D6 silver.
topaz and onyx sits atop a massive, papery bee-
hive. There are several crude stone basins, along
with a mural on the back wall. Above it there BEE SWARM
is an ivory statuette in an alcove that depicts a A Bee Swarm is a swarm according to
monstrous hybrid of human and queen bee, a body the rules on page 127 of the Game-
simultaneously insectile and angular and disturb- master’s Guide. The Bee Swarms in the
ingly fleshy and bulbous. The room is redolent crypt each have a Strength of D3+3
with buzzing and a sickly-sweet scent. and skill level 4 in SCOUT. A Bee Swarm
attacks using its current strength,
The mural on the back wall depicts a social Weapon Damage 1 (non-typical dam-
hierarchy through the metaphor of a beehive. age). Any living target that suffers
Rotating the statuette above it 180 degrees damage is also exposed to a paralyz-
causes the hive mural to open a double door- ing poison of Potency 5.
way into the Catafalque (location #5).
On the other wall is a life-sized depiction of
a healer whose hands drip honey. The eyes have
been defaced, scoured away and painted over 4. VENERATION CHAMBER
with crude bees. Tapping reveals it is hollow, The walls of this barren room depict cycles of
while cracking it open disgorges a Bee Swarm sickness and healing – miasma coming from the
and reveals a wax figure of a healer propped up sky afflicts a town and their crops but a shining
in a rosewood coffin, clutching a medical bag figure in a glimmering white robe is their sal-
of waxed black linen. Within the medical bag is vation, feeding the ill with honey that revives
a set of gold-plated scalpels, saws, sutures, gold them.
wire and other medical tools with onyx han-
dles (Gear Bonus +2 to HEAL). Upon closer inspection, the figure’s face has
been scratched out throughout the mural and
✥ CREATURES: The beehive is largely replaced with a crudely stylized bee.
dormant but if disturbed, the hive will dis-
gorge a large Bee Swarm. Any PC interact-
ing with or passing close to the hive must 5. CATAFALQUE OF THE
make a STEALTH roll to avoid releasing a REVERED DEAD
Swarm. On evenly spaced elevated biers are four mum-
✥ TREASURES: The stone basins have a mified corpses. Even at a distance the overpow-
total of 3D6 silver coins within them. The ering citrus scent of their preserving herbs and
rosewood coffin is worth D6 gold to a the cloying reek of ambergris they exude is unde-
sufficiently morbid individual looking for niable. They are dressed in conical caps with a

crypt of the mellified mage

34 31






chapter 1






13 2

11 10

crypt of the mellified mage
stylized bee pin complemented with plush flow- HAZY SMOKE: Breath attack against
ing robes styled in zigzagging black and yellow.
all targets in NEAR range. Releases
a cloud of Potency 6 poison
Blossoms of dream herb spill from their gaping
RENDING CLAWS: Roll for the attack
using nine Base Dice and Weapon
Sitting comfortably on the throats of the Damage 1 (slash wound). If the attack
mummified corpses are bronze clasps shaped hits, the victim is also affected by a
like leathery toads with prominent quartz disease with Virulence 6.
warts. Putting one on causes a thin needle to
extend from its mouth, dosing the wearer with
a gargantuan infusion of frog toxin (Potency 9
hallucinogenic poison). 6. EMBALMING ROOM
The back wall depicts the same mural as A room for the preparation and mummifica-
in the Ritual Chamber (location #3) but the tion of corpses. Several flat stone tables remain,
priest caste in the second row have peridot scattered with desiccants, bales of fragrant herbs
shavings for eyes. and ornate, rusted tools for the excision of organs.
✥ CREATURES: If they are disturbed, There is a partially finished body on one of the
the four Mummified Corpses issue a slabs, open chest cavity stuffed with herbs and
sonorous moan and belch forth a cloud skin wrapped in perfumed linen bandages.
of cloying Hazy Smoke (right). If the
Lich-Abomination (location #22) has ✥ CREATURES: The corpse on the slab is
awakened, they rise and attack. harmless.
✥ TREASURES: The conical caps are worth ✥ TREASURES: The herbs include saffron,
D6 silver each. The bronze toads are salvia divinorum, calea ternifolia, hens-
worth 2D6 silver each. The peridot shav- bane, and ambergris. They add up to D6
ings on the mural are worth a total of 2D6 units of HERBS. If the PCs fish around
silver if scratched out. inside the body, they find a topaz amidst
the herbs worth 4D6 silver.

STRENGTH 8, AGILITY 3 A narrow hallway illustrated on both sides with
SKILLS: Melee 3, Scout 3 a mural wherein the humans age and eventually
die within a garden laden with bees and dotted
with ponds containing detailed toads with amber
BONY: Arrows and POINTED weapons
eyes. At the end of their life journey, the humans’
can never cause more than one
point of damage. Other weapons bones are stacked becoming hives and bees flow
cause normal damage. forth across Elysian fields.

chapter 1
A loud droning hum dominates this room of gooey FINDS IN THE HIVE ROOM
dripping hives leaking auburn honey into the mud D6 FIND
and skull plinths they are set atop. The tumorous 1. A cracked “egg” made of
masses of papery leaking hives spill beyond the delicate glass with rich gold
edges of their plinths in irregular masses oozing accents (D6 silver).
with honey and crawling with bees. The floor is 2. A crude bronze pin shaped
marshy as an untended pool beneath the hives has like a bee (2D6 copper).
leak through its retaining wall. Water still flows 3. A sticky and torn bee han-
into the pool in a gentle, gurgling trickle. Pale dler’s facemask (1 copper).
toads croak ominously but shun all light. 4. A copper burial mask with
emerald eyes (D6 silver)
The sheer volume of hives and bees makes 5. A silver framed frog preserved
movement difficult. The zone counts as ROUGH. in amber (3D6 silver)
6. A medical textbook hun-
✥ CREATURES: If the PCs move through the
dreds of years out of date,
with many of its pages stuck
room, they need to make a STEALTH roll to
together (D3 silver).
avoid releasing a Bee Swarm (see page 7).
✥ TREASURES: Each 15-minute turn of
careful investigation (each requiring
a STEALTH roll to not disturb the Bee and flesh flensed from the bones of the faith-
Swarm), results in a find. Roll a D6. ful. Poking around exposes a PC to a Virulence
4 disease and turns up D3 ornate glass knives
with bronze bee hilts.
The rough stonework that composes this room ✥ TREASURES: The glass knives are extremely
highlights the simplicity and starkness of its con- sharp. Any wound on a living target will
tents. In the center there is an empty pool with inflict another point of damage at the start
braziers at its cardinal points. There are four of each round until a HEAL roll stops the
plinths, also at each cardinal point of the pool, each bleeding. The knives are very delicate and are
a rough, elevated stone platform. permanently destroyed if their Gear Bonus is
reduced. Each knife is worth D6 silver.
The braziers each contain a fragrant bundle of
incense that is quite dry and catches easily, illumi-
nating the room while also obscuring it with per- 10. MOURNING CHAMBER
fumed smoke (giving the zone the FOGGY feature). An octagonal dais dominates the scene, support-
There is a miasmic sludge in the pool, con- ing a central brass cupola decorated in gilt bee
sisting of decayed muscle tissue, organs, sinew imagery.

crypt of the mellified mage
Within the cupola is a hexagonal onyx altar Abomination in location #22 has been
roughly one meter across, atop which are the awakened, the bones animate creating D6
prepared bones and overflowing hive that was Bee-Laden Skeletons.
planted within. ✥ TREASURES: Fishing through the room
turns up a paltry 4D6 copper worth of
✥ CREATURES: When interacting with or grave goods – two coins inserted into the
passing close to the hive, the PCs need to ocular cavity of each skeleton. Looting
make a STEALTH roll to avoid releasing a the body destroys the future skeletons.
Bee Swarm (see page 7).

11. MORTICIAN’S CHAMBER These undead are Skeletons as per
A minimalist cell draped with stiff raw silk dyed the rules on page 122 of the Game-
black and gold. There is a clothing chest on the floor. master’s Guide, but as a slow action
they can also vomit forth an aggres-
✥ TREASURES: The raw silk counts as sive Bee Swarm (see page 7).
2D6 units of CLOTH (silk) and is worth 1
gold per unit if sold to a dressmaker. The
clothing chest is full of ceremonial robes
(elaborate brocade, layered and impracti- 13. MAIN HALL
cal, worth 3D6 silver) and a more utilitar- High arched ceilings emphasize the total emptiness
ian set of simple gray robes (D6 silver as it of the space. The architecture is strikingly stark,
is fairly comfortable). composed entirely of minimalist hexagonal brick.

The eye holes to location #18 are visible with

12. MASS GRAVE OF a careful search (looking in is not particularly
THE WORTHY DEAD illuminating).
A room laden with disassembled bones and hives
piled to form a skeletal apiary. Something has
burrowed through one of the walls, possibly the 14. REFLECTING HALL
same thing responsible for many of the hives being The stonework is chalked, displaying a pyramid
smashed, their bones strewn about while dis- of bones topped with a skull spewing phosphores-
tressed swarms dance in the air. cent bees.

✥ CREATURES: When interacting with If the Hive panel is investigated closely, a

or passing close to the hive, the PCs smoothness to the floor is uncovered as the
need to make a STEALTH roll to avoid panel may be pivoted with a MIGHT roll. The
releasing a Bee Swarm (see page 7). If the opening leads to location #18.

chapter 1
15. RITUAL POOL ✥ TREASURES: The wax effigy is of very
A reflecting pool, at the center of which is a little value to anyone.
pagoda where the wax figure of a sorcerer sits
atop a gold plated, impressive throne. Around it
are several hives. The walls have been painted 16. TREASURES OF
to depict an audience scattered amid a garden. THE WORTHY DEAD
Many piles of coinage and grave goods sparkle atop
There are broken mirrors under the shallow altars carved to look like hives. There is a throne
water of the pool which act like caltrops – each in the back of the room.
PC walking in the pool must make a MOVE roll
or suffer one point of damage. The wax figure is Sitting on the throne triggers a pressure plate
a likeness of Pagoag, before his transformation. that causes the back to tilt, spilling the occu-
pant into a deeper chamber (location #17).
✥ CREATURES: If the wall is tapped, there
is a hollow point behind a kneeling noble. ✥ TREASURES: Roll D6 on the table below
Breaking down the wall animates D6 Bee for each 15-minute turn spent searching
Laden Skeletons in location #12. the room.



1 Mummified toads, wrapped in stiff silk and stuffed with perfumed incense,
usable as very smoky TORCHES (2D6 units). They are of negligible value in trade
to anyone except curio dealers and antiquarians.
2 D666 copper in small denomination coins – stamped either with a stylized
bee and its skull-decorated thorax or a bloated toad.
3 Four jade, meter-tall frog statues (worth 4D6 silver each) with prominent
quartz warts melded into them.
4 A brass censer shaped like a bulbous toad on a chain which may be wielded as
a morningstar and works as a lantern if a light source is placed within it.
5 Two extremely rotten divans with very pleasant, filigreed woodwork which are
a rehabilitation job away from being quite valuable. Atop them both sprouts
an array of purple mushrooms (a unit of FOOD each but mildly euphoric – hal-
lucinogenic poison of Potency 3).
6 A tiara of golden bees each with a chrysoberyl thorax bearing vaguely skull-
like details (worth 3D6 silver).

crypt of the mellified mage
The room is vacant, dark, cobwebbed and echoes This hidden hallway is heavily cobwebbed and
dramatically. It is pitch dark. laden with dust.

Hanging from the ceiling is a candelabra that If an uncovered light source is brought far into
extinguishes all light sources that enter the the space, it will ignite the cobwebs. This fire
room, casting a shadowy light that teases of quickly spreads to the oil jars hidden in the ceil-
danger lurking in the darkness. Light sources ing, causing them to fall to the floor, engulf-
can be re-lit once inside the room. ing the room in flame. This counts as an attack
The back wall of the room, if illuminated, with six Base Dice (non-typical). Anyone who
is an alchemical diagram of the human form suffers damage catches fire and suffers another
with pressure points marked with bees and point of damage at the start of every round until
toads. Someone familiar with ancient medi- a MOVE roll is made to extinguish the flames.
cine (a HEAL roll) will know that those cor- Walking along the hall reveals occasional
respond to application points for sympathetic spyholes for peering into location #13, while
medicine based on holistic correspondences. a spot at the end looks into the False Tomb
If the pressure points are pressed (the bees are of Pagoag (location #20). The wall can be
buttons) in ascending order (lowest to high- breached (the wall has Armor Rating 6 and
est) a rusty and extremely loud mechanism takes 30 points of damage before giving way).
engages, opening a hidden stone door that If the cobwebs are cleared away, it reveals
leads to location #22. that on the left-hand side of the passage there is
On the left wall there are torch sconces a mural of a human figure gradually fading and
(stone carved bees with skull thoraxes) at reg- becoming inhuman and skeletal before trans-
ular intervals, two of which have torches in mogrifying into a swarm of phantasmal bees.
them. The torches are made of dream herb, At the exact midpoint of the image, where the
exposing everyone in the room to Potency 3 two forms are most blended and chimeric, there
hallucinogenic poison if lit. Pulling the one on is a false wall. If the players investigate by tap-
the left like a lever audibly loosens the panel ping the wall, they reveal a seam. The section of
it flanks which can be slid open and leads to wall is a sliding panel made of ingeniously dis-
location #27. guised plaster. Setting fire to the hallway reveals
the sliding door as the plaster burns away.
✥ CREATURES: Hidden in the darkness are
several bone hives which animate as D6 ✥ TREASURES: The floor right before the
Bee-Laden Skeletons (see page 12). spyhole into location #20 is audibly glam-
✥ TREASURES: Among the bones are 2D6 oured (there is a 1-in-6 chance any awake
copper worth of grave currency and a undead show up). If the PCs search it ade-
miter made from waxed linen and deco- quately, they will realize that a single stone
rated with brass bees (3D6 copper). panel carved to look like brickwork covers

chapter 1
a square meter and can be lifted as it isn’t action). The wall behind the figure has a non-
mortared in place. Beneath it is a small load bearing column that is hollow and can be
parchment detailing the many horrific smashed. Doing so reveals a tomb in which a
crimes and abominable practices of Pagoag wax effigy of a toad sits atop four stone kings to
and his coterie. The parchment includes form an odd table. It’s valueless but waxed and
D6 Healing spells and is quite valuable to extremely flammable.
historians in Alderland (3D6 silver).
✥ TREASURES: The gold-plated wood is
worth D6 gold, but breaking it down
19. STATUE GARDEN requires a MIGHT roll and it weighs the
Macabre marble statues of the afflicted, twenty-four equivalent of two heavy items in total.
in total, depict a variety of appalling transforma- The onyx toads are also heavy items,
tions that bodies can experience from the ravages of worth D3 gold each.
disease. They are all human-sized and masterfully
carved, but utterly repulsive, especially given the
addition of wax to simulate disturbing protuber- 20. FALSE TOMB OF PAGOAG
ances and sloughing flesh. The statues are positioned The room is positively draped in frayed and some-
so that they appear to be worshiping a six-meter tall what dusty curtains of black silk. A raised dais
construct of gold-plated wood with several hives in the center of the marble floor is topped with a
swelling and bursting forth from its ribs. Beneath brass throne upon which a waxen likeness of the
the statue’s feet are two enormous toads made from sorcerer Pagoag sits placidly, gazing at the wall.
onyx. The right-hand wall says, “May all diseases be
conquered by the power of the hive.” The wall the wax figurine stares at contains
a secret door to location #22. Careful inspec-
If the players investigate the statues, they see that tion of the figurine turns up that it is nailed in
one which is ravaged by some sort of flesh-eating place with nails wrapped in soft lead inscribed
fungus is facing away from the construction and with binding rituals. Pulling them out causes
towards the wall. It is bolted to a twistable plate the Abomination in location #22 to stir.
which clicks when the statue faces the construct. The wall the throne faces bears a mosaic
This causes a series of pulleys in the floor and depicting an abomination leading louche peas-
wall to release, opening a small chamber that ants in death dances around bonfires. If the
houses a figure wrapped in black silk and wearing mosaic is investigated, the PCs see that the
a golden plague doctor’s mask. abomination is clearly made of layered plaster
The figure is stuffed with coriander and embedded with tiles that can be smashed out
its upper face has been replaced with a mum- of the framing masonry. Doing this reveals a
mified toad. The mask is cursed and when door to location #22.
worn triggers a fear attack with six Base Dice The right-hand portion of the wall is missing
against anyone who the wearer stares at (slow most of the tiles and is cryptic as to its contents.

crypt of the mellified mage
If the missing portion of the mosaic is investi- catch which causes the hinged door to swing
gated, there is a section where the plaster chips open. If that door is opened, all the birds turn
away to reveal an opening into location #21. gently as if there is a breeze, always pointing
their beaks towards whoever opened the door.
Breaching the white paint around the sar-
21. ANNEX cophagus causes the birds to start fluttering
A shadowed, narrow room where, atop a stone around in a storm of desiccated wings. This
podium, a golden lantern sits. The room’s most counts as an attack with eight Base Dice and
notable feature is a gold banded black door with Weapon Damage 1 (slash wound) against every-
red text in a variety of languages scrawled upon one in NEAR range (in the room).
it. Nailed to the door are mummified toads
wrapped in black silk. ✥ CREATURES: The dark wax on the sar-
cophagus can be chipped or melted away.
If the PCs make a LORE roll, they understand Honey drips from the revealed seam and
the scrawled text warns that what lies beyond the gold-plated lid depicts a screaming,
cannot be banished, only contained, and that twisted body with soft fleshy skin clinging
breaching the door will unleash this pestilent like jelly to the bones and honeycomb
anathema upon the world. If the toads on the intermittently bursting from within.
door are crushed, they emit a powdery cloud, When enough wax is cleared away, the
exposing everyone within ARM’S LENGTH to a casket flies open and out sloughs the
sleeping potion of Potency 3. Abomination Pagoag.

✥ TREASURES: The gold lantern can trigger

the BANISH UNDEAD spell once per day, at
Power Level 3. The user must spend their
own Willpower Points to use the lantern.


An austere room of black stone with mummified
birds suspended on gold wire from the ceiling.
White wards are painted around an upright
standing sarcophagus, which seems to be dipped in
dark wax.

Hidden in the wall is a door to location #21.

Cleverly hidden in a finely mortared seam is a

chapter 1
horribly batter foes until they com-
PAGOAG ply. Any active undead in the dun-
A twisted, gilded skeleton of fine geon arrive at a rate of D3 per round.
bone structure floating within a
gelatinous spill of honey. Pagoag STRENGTH 9, AGILITY 3, WITS 5, EMPATHY 2
will demand immediate surrender MOVEMENT: 2
and unconditional worship and will ARMOR RATING: 4

crypt of the mellified mage
IMMUNITY: Pagoag is immune to fire 3 CORPSE PUPPETEER! Pagoag raises
and cold. D3 corpses within NEAR range,
REGENERATIVE: Pagoag regains D3 turning them into Ghouls or
points of lost Strength at the start Skeletons, depending on their
of each round. state. This can include slain
TWO ATTACKS: Draw two initiative
4 DEMONIC CLAWS! A melee attack
cards for Pagoag at the start of
combat. He acts on both. with nine Base Dice, Weapon
Damage 2 (slash wound). If the
MELLIFIED FLESH: If Pagoag is target suffers damage, it’s also
defeated, and the PCs aren’t exposed to a disease of Viru-
shy about engaging in macabre lence 6.
activities, his flesh can be carved
up for 4D6 units of FOOD. Con-
5 SICKLY AROMA! Pagoag exudes
suming the mellified flesh will a horribly sweet and sickly
heal all damage (including critical stench. Roll this as an attack
injuries and mental trauma) and with five Base Dice against
rejuvenate the imbiber so as to all targets within ARM’S
LENGTH. Damage is inflicted
technically reduce their age by
half (which can increase attri- on Agility. Armor has no
butes, see page 31 in the Player’s effect.
Handbook). 6 SUMMON SWARM! Pagoag sum-
MONSTER: The Abomination
mons a Bee Swarm which
counts as a monster in combat immediately attacks the PCs.
(see page 73 in the Gamemaster’s
Guide). He performs monster
MONSTER ATTACKS The walls to this antechamber depict the atroci-
D6 ATTACK ties of Pagoag – his delusions of mastery over life
1 ROAR OF THWARTED AMBITION! A and death, his cruel delight in prolonging diseases
fear attack with eight Base to better comprehend them, his plans for dom-
Dice against everyone within ination and the villainy of his followers are all
NEAR range.
depicted in a landscape of depravity, illness, ill-
2 ENGULFING HONEY! A melee rule, squandered wealth, waste and debauchery.
attack with seven Base Dice.
A single gold-plated door with mummified frogs
If hit, the target becomes
wrapped in black silk nailed to it has its seam
GRAPPLED and starts to drown
in honey (see page 113 in the sealed with black wax. On it, a single word is
Player’s Handbook). At the scrawled: Anathema.
start of each round while GRAP-
PLED, the victim loses one WP.
Opening the door to location #22 awakens all
of the undead in the crypt.

chapter 1
24-25. SEAL AGAINST ANATHEMA ✥ CREATURES: Any attempt to snatch the
In this room, four mummified figures in black crown from the hive requires a hard (–2)
silk are posed in penitent positions between evenly STEALTH roll. Failure will trigger a Bee
spaced columns. Each one wears a gold mask and Swarm.
flanks a path to an archway. The masks depict ✥ TREASURES: The crown depicts a bee
stern frogs standing over bowing and scraping astride a kingdom of vacantly staring
mummies wearing masks with horridly teary eyes humans and is slightly unnerving but
and wretched expressions. All the stonework is could still fetch 3D6 silver if sold to the
alabaster and unmarred although finely layered right person.
with dust. The air is still and smells overpow-
eringly of stale coriander and a hard to identify
citrus scent tinged with pepper and other herbs. 27. INITIATES’ PASSAGEWAY
The walls to this space are reworked with plaster
In the corner is an archway obscured by bur- to form odd geometric protrusions in sickly yellow
gundy cloth (location #25) leading to loca- and purplish black. Spaced throughout are also
tion #26. Hidden behind the mummies (but several mirrors.
easily located with a cursory search) is a dark
alcove leading into location #27. Crossing the If any PC is suffering from a hallucinogenic
threshold to this room extinguishes all light poison here, they must make an INSIGHT roll
sources. or immediately start attacking their friends.
✥ TREASURES: The masks are worth D6 A successful MANIPULATION can convince the
gold each. Each mask is a light item. victim to stop fighting.

✥ CREATURES: Heading towards location

#28, hives hang from the ceiling, exposed
26. ADDITIONAL FALSE honeycomb dripping rich amber-colored
TOMB OF PAGOAG effluent. The PCs must make a STEALTH
The walls of this room are draped in burgundy roll here or trigger a Bee Swarm.
cloth. There is an enormous hive in the center of ✥ TREASURES: The room becomes progres-
the room, topped with a crowned skull. The per- sively darker heading towards location
sistent buzzing of many bees fills the air. #25, with occasional skulls painted a deep
amethyst and detailed in gold (worth D6
The entrances to locations #24, #28 and #31 silver as a novelty if pried out).
are hidden behind the curtains in this room.
The door to location #28 can be found by
following a faint buzzing sound. The door to 28. GARDEN OF HIVES
location #31 has no handle and is marked with This large space contains a central fountain
a black X. surrounded by four hives, each set on a podium

crypt of the mellified mage
standing in an overflowing flower garden. The ✥ CREATURES: One Insectoid queen and D6
fountain is topped with a statue of an upwardly drones (see page 109 in the Gamemaster’s
flying swarm of bees transforming into a radiant Guide) watch over 3D6 eggs, raiding the
being detailed with bronze. tomb for honeycomb.

✥ CREATURES: One Bee Swarm in each

✥ TREASURES: The flowers are not particu- A dusty and austere room with a dresser and an
larly valuable (the PCs could get D6 copper uncomfortable bed. A worn tapestry depicts a
for a bundle from a desperate suitor if they knight in plate armor being pressed by ghouls.
were fresh) and taking them disturbs the
bees. The statue is very particular in terms The tapestry covers a door without a handle,
of imagery and is difficult to sell. the face of which has a golden bee with a skull
thorax painted on it. Smashing it down is not
particularly difficult and it leads through a
29. HIVES OF THE DEVOUT long hallway into a room of 30 mummified
The room is filled with hives made from care- corpses draped in black silk, dressed in breast-
fully stacked skeletons with black skulls. plates and holding spears. Beyond them is the
door to location #26.
Towards the back, the hives have been ravaged.
The back wall contains a burrow opening. ✥ TREASURES: The dresser is full of daily
clothes and a set of ranine plate. The
✥ TREASURES: There are a total of 3D6 helmet is complete with bulging vocal
copper coins in the eye sockets of skulls set sack and distended belly and the armor has
into the intact hives and 3D6 more scat- the texture of a leathery toad’s skin. The
tered in the ruined hives. armor counts as normal plate but is magi-
cal and grants the wearer the ability to use
the ANIMAL SPEECH spell once per Quarter
30. INSECTOID CAVE Day (Power Level D3), on frogs and toads
Inside the dim and low cave is a tight space reek- only. Once per Quarter Day, the wearer
ing of musk and decaying meat. can also jump into combat as if they had
the MELEE CHARGE talent at rank 3.
Towards the back, there is a branching burrow
which connects to locations #12, #29 and
#35, though getting to them requires crawling 32. ALTAR TO THE
through a particularly claustrophobic and mal- GREAT SWEET DARK
odorous dark space. Passing through a tunnel The stone walls of this room are coated in
requires an ENDUR ANCE roll. wax imitations of honeycombs. A hexagonal

chapter 1
protrusion in the center of the floor supports a
lifelike bee statue with articulated joints. A few
scattered coins glint around its base. Everything
is exceptionally dusty and the air is stiflingly

✥ CREATURES: Removing the bee statue

without placing an equal or greater weight
on the spot causes a pressure plate under
the bee to rise, uncorking a phantas-
mal hive hidden within the altar. This
releases an Undead Bee Swarm. Triggering
this trap wakes up all the undead in the
✥ TREASURES: The bee statue is worth
D6 gold, but it is heavy and fragile. 4D6
copper coins lie around its base.
stubs stand before a door which is barred by three
beams with wax seals on them.
An Undead Bee Swarm is a swarm Breaking all of the seals causes Pagoag to stir
according to the rules on page 127 of in his crypt and the undead in the dungeon to
the Gamemaster’s Guide. The Undead awaken, but also provides access to location #28.
Bee Swarm in the crypt has a Strength
of D6+3. It attacks using its current
Strength, Weapon Damage 1 (non-typ- 34. VENERATION CHAMBER
ical damage). Any living target that This octagonal room is walled with damask cur-
suffers damage is also exposed to a tains over stone around a central statue glimmer-
disease with Virulence 6. ing with gold.

Accessed by smashing the wall behind the town

shrine to a forgotten saint (see Getting Here),
33. SEALING ALTAR claustrophobic stairs lead down into the dark-
A vacant room save for a central altar topped ness and emerge here.
with an array of items. There is a pewter doll Behind the statue is an archway curtained
with several nails driven into it, along with an in black silk leading to location #32. Even a
offering of desiccated honeycombs and mummi- cursory inspection turns up the archways to
fied toads wrapped in black silk. Several candle locations #31, #33 and #35.

crypt of the mellified mage
✥ TREASURES: The statue, made of wood impact echoing through the largely silent
plated with imitation gold, is of Pagoag. cavern.
The figure is subtly wrong with off-kilter ✥ The PCs hear the faint sounds of whisper-
features and blank eyes with golden nails ing, scuttling claws, and heavy breathing
(worth 5 copper each) driven into them. in the nearest secret room.
The figure is seated on an ostentatiously ✥ A yokel armed with a handaxe and dispro-
busy throne of hexagonal details. portionate self-esteem – and laden with
trade goods – ventures in after the PCs
looking to sell staple goods at an egregious
The room is dusty and minimalist with a canopy
bed as the only focal point besides the strange sword
sitting upright in a stand.

✥ TREASURES: The sword, Hive Bane, is a AFTERMATH

longsword with a series of yellow hexagons If Pagoag is freed, or the tomb is sufficiently
on the blackened steel blade giving it a damaged that awakened undead may uncover
saw-like appearance. The sword is arrogant, their master, he will rebuild his cult and estab-
condescending, vain and demands adula- lish a sanitarium that caters to the incurably
tion from the wielder. If it feels neglected ill. Here he will administer his flesh as com-
(GM decides) it gives a –2 modification to munion in exchange for servitude and worship.
all melee attacks. If it is properly cared for This plan is slow moving and it will take a while
it gives a D8 Artifact Die against anyone for his presence and the nature of his cult to
possessed, charmed, mind controlled or become obvious. He will within a decade begin
encumbered, and adds a D10 Artifact Die to spreading his cult to other populated hexes.
all armor rolls against attacks from insects. If the party doesn’t do anything about the
Insectoids (the locals are unaware that the crea-
tures will slaughter people to fill a larder for
their newly hatched young) quite a few locals will
be taken in the night and several more will die
EVENTS crawling into the caves to retrieve kin. Killing
Beyond the rooms themselves, you can intro- the creatures for bounty or recovering the bones
duce the following events while the PCs are of someone’s deceased relative can be easy hooks
exploring the crypt. to get players into the crypt (location #30).
✥ A hungry, newly hatched Insectoid slips If the party kills Pagoag they are faced with
into the tomb and begins agitating the a vexing dilemma: his flesh (see page 18) is
hives. Soon others will follow. quite valuable and many people for varied rea-
✥ A single brick falls from the ceiling, the sons will want it.

chapter 1


At first it is glimpsed as three thin lines of smoke, pottery. He comes from a distant and unknown
rising up from the plains like snakes engaged in land and inhabits only whispered rumors. Of
a slow and sensual dance. Then, as the curious those aware of his existence, few dare approach
traveler comes nearer, it is seen to be a mound - as him and fewer still could afford his services.
though a great hunk of soil and granite has forced But there are those willing and wealthy enough
its way up from somewhere deep below the surface to employ him as a crafter of golems, statues,
of the earth. The crumpled hill stands alone, with figurines, magical pots and bottles, cups and
trees scattered around its skirts and some great plates, vases and bowls. The purpose of these
fire within, that sighs fumes into the sky above. It objects varies from storing trapped souls to
is like a volcano where one has no right to be. But the blood of sacrifices. Llao-Yutuy makes it all.
this is no volcano. It does not destroy - it creates. He is capricious, villainous and cruel, but he is
also brilliant. None can match his talent: for
those in need and with the means to give him
what he wants, there is only his name.
BACKGROUND Within the mound is a great pit in which
This is the place where Llao-Yutuy, a figure his pottery is fired. Down there, apprentices
known only to a select few, fires his magical labor under their master’s supervision, and

the firing pit of llao-yutuy
servants work ceaselessly to fetch and carry ✥ The PCs are targeted by Llao-Yutuy’s ser-
and to stoke the flames. Others range across vants for capture while in the vicinity.
the landscape gathering wood to turn into ✥ The PCs simply come across the mound
charcoal for the hungry fires or raiding for while traveling.
captives to be brought within for “remaking”
– their bodies gradually broken and smashed
so that their lifeblood can be extracted and
imbued into the pots. And hidden some-
where deep inside the tunnels which riddle LOCATIONS
the mound is a great treasure vault in which Below are the main locations at the firing pit.
Llao-Yutuy stores the payments he receives
for his work – kept only for avarice and greed,
and never spent. 1. MAIN ENTRANCE
A well-trodden path leading to a tunnel entrance
big enough for a man to walk through, slightly
stooped. It leads to a dark tunnel just wide enough
for two men to walk abreast.
Local herders and villagers speak of it in hushed This is the entrance Llao-Yutuy’s servants use
tones. Noticing the smoke on the horizon, they to come and go.
mutter such things as “The fires are hot today”
or “It burns only faintly” as though discussing the
weather. But they avoid getting any closer. Those 2. SIDE ENTRANCE
that do are known never to return. Some say it is A narrow and little-used trail leading to a tunnel
home to demons, or a wizard. Others say it is the entrance big enough for a man to walk through,
entrance to the bowels of the earth, or to the place slightly stooped. The tunnel it opens into is narrow
where ghosts go during the daylight hours. All of and must be traversed in single file.
them know somebody who knew somebody else who
once saw figures on the mound, or heard the dis- This is a side entrance, rarely used by Llao-Yu-
tant sound of wood being chopped, when studying tuy’s servants and left unguarded except for
it from afar. the fungus further up the passage (location
Other possibilities for the PCs discovering the
pit are:
✥ The PCs arrive at a village within the 3. NARROW ENTRANCE
vicinity and learn that somebody is miss- A cave, little more than a crack, that is possi-
ing. This person has been captured by ble to crawl into on all fours. It is at the top of
Llao-Yutuy’s servants. a rock face about five meters up. Behind it is a

chapter 2
passageway only high enough for a man to crawl 6. LOOKOUT
into, and only wide enough to push forward in An opening in the cave, just big enough to be called
single file. a chamber. There is a stool to one side, with a
blanket next to it. The walls are covered with
Llao-Yutuy and his servants generally ignore obscene graffiti scratched into the surface.
this entrance and leave it unguarded, because
of the existence of the pool (location #20). A lazy servant is posted here at all times to
keep watch. Since nobody ever approaches the
mound, duties are treated laxly. There is a bell
4. HOLE ENTRANCE hanging from a hook embedded in the wall
A pit in the ground, about three meters deep. that the servant is supposed to ring if intrud-
At the bottom is a tunnel only high enough for a ers are spotted, in which case Boulder and
man to crawl through, and only wide enough to four more servants come running. The look-
go single file. out has a 1 in 3 chance of being asleep, a 1 in 3
chance of being engaged in whittling or some
Llao-Yutuy and his servants will use this other time-killing activity (in which case he is
entrance as a bolt-hole if necessary. The surprised on being encountered), and a 1 in 3
Watcher is known to occasionally leave via this chance of being reasonably alert.
route to go hunting (see Events).
✥ CREATURES: One servant.

A large black hole in the side of the mound, below THE SERVANTS
which is a steep slope of scree. Strewn all over the A gaggle of twelve men and women
slope and in a huge pile at the bottom are shattered who do the fetching and carrying
fragments of pottery and clay dust. and general dirty work in the firing
pits, gather wood for charcoal, and
This is where Llao-Yutuy’s servants dispose hunt for captives for remaking. They
of pottery cast-offs, of which there are a vast are like images of their master in
amount. Picking through the rubbish for one miniature – vindictive and mean, and
hour will unearth D3 pieces of unbroken pot- impossible to trust. They obey him
tery. At the bottom of the slope is where bodies not because he gives them any-
are buried after their “remaking” – close inspec- thing in return, but because he is an
tion will reveal recent burials. The bodies will emblem of strength and single-mind-
all be stripped and have their throats slit. edness that fills them with envy and
the false promise that one of them
✥ TREASURES: D3 pieces of pottery (see the might one day become as powerful
table on page 35). as he.

the firing pit of llao-yutuy
When the PCs arrive, there is one ser-
vant at the lookout, one at the pot-
tery (location #11), D3 in the quarters
(location #14), and D3 in the guard
room (location #15). The rest are per-
forming duties in other chambers or
are out foraging or raiding and may
return at any time – see Events.


Might 2, Melee 3, Marks-
manship 2 1
WEAPONS: Shortsword or club, small
shield, leather armor, one in two
have a short bow.

A crack in the right-hand side of the wall, just 9
narrow enough for a child, dwarf, halfling, gob-
lin or other small humanoid to squeeze into. This
leads to a narrow crawlspace heading upward at
a steep angle.

The crawlspace is not difficult to climb for

somebody who is the right size – there are
plenty of handholds.

The corridor here suddenly opens into a high
chamber where a sheer rock face, four meters 2
high, cuts across the path. At the top of the rock
face, there is a ledge. A large wicker basket, big
enough to carry a man, sits at the bottom. A rope
attaches it to a pulley at the top of the ledge. A
small gong sits nearby.

chapter 2



B 14





19 3


the firing pit of llao-yutuy
Llao-Yutuy’s servants use the basket to lift 10. REMAKING CHAMBER
themselves and other heavy items up the rock A big cavern with a high ceiling. It is lit by torches. All
face to the ledge at the top. The gong alerts over the floor and walls are blood stains. In the center
those inside the mound to come and operate of the chamber is a round pit, about three meters in
the pulley – its use will call D3+1 servants, diameter, and about the same depth, with smooth
arriving within D6 minutes. The rock face can tiled walls and wet clay collected at the bottom to
be climbed but requires a successful MOVE roll. the depth of about half a meter. To one side stands a
motionless figure wearing a tall bronze crown.

9. SECRET ROOMS This is where captives are “remade” in order to

At the top of the crawlspace is a cavern with walls separate their souls from their bodies for the pur-
that are covered in crude yet beautiful paintings. pose of being imbued into Llao-Yutuy’s pottery.
Their bodies are smashed and broken and then
There are two caverns, linked by a short tunnel their throats are slit and they are hurled into the
which can be crawled through. The walls are pit. The blood and soul leak out of the victim and
covered with paintings – two in the first cham- into the clay while Jistana casts eldritch binding
ber (on the W and E walls) and three in the spells, and this is what gives the pottery its magi-
second (on the W, E and S walls). These were cal potency. After a time, the bodies are removed,
painted in eons past by the primitive people and the clay is dug out to use for potting. The
who lived in the region. They depict, respec- room is guarded by the golem called the King.
tively: a hunter spearing an ox; wolves chasing
hares; a falcon with another bird in its claws;
a bear rearing on its hind legs; a man with the THE KING
head of a heron. Close inspection of the pic- Four clay golems stand inside the
tures will reveal tiny remnants of dried blood. mound, each tasked with a specific
If somebody smears their blood on one function. The first, the King, is a tall,
of the paintings a blessing is bestowed upon thin figure with a high crude crown
them – but this only works once; subsequent on his head, made of rough red clay.
attempts on other paintings will fail. The Those he looks upon feel compelled to
painting of the hunter spearing the ox pro- obey his commands: he orders them
vides a +1 modification to MARKSMANSHIP to attack one another, or to flee.
rolls; the wolves chasing hairs provides +1 to
ENDUR ANCE or MOVE rolls involving speed STRENGTH 12, AGILITY 2
or running; the falcon provides +1 to MELEE SKILLS: Melee 4
rolls; the bear rearing up provides +1 to
MIGHT rolls; and the heron-headed man pro-
vides +1 to INSIGHT rolls. This effect lasts for
WEAPON: Longsword
one month.

chapter 2
SPECIAL: The King can, as a slow The Potters are non-combatants and
action, issue commands to either will offer no resistance if attacked. They
flee, attack a comrade, or drop a
weapon. These commands must be have a rating of 2 in all attributes and
obeyed on a failed INSIGHT roll at a skill level 3 in CRAFTING.
demanding (–1) difficulty. The roll
does not count as an action.


The chamber is mostly taken up by the pit,
11. POTTERY although there is enough space to walk all the way
This circular chamber with its low ceiling is around it. The pit is about two meters deep and
well-lit by torches and swelters with heat as a filled with charcoal, wood, leaves and earth,
result. Six round cushions are arranged in a circle burning with a ferocious heat and sending smoke
in the middle, around a large pile of wet clay. billowing upwards where three holes lead all the
way up to the surface.
This is where the potters do their shaping each
day. They do not have throwing wheels and do This is where the pottery is fired – there are six
everything painstakingly by hand. The potters random objects of pottery in there at any time,
are always in here during the day, along with buried within the midst of the flaming rubbish
one servant. Each will be working on a piece of (see the Pottery table below). Leaning against
pottery at various stages of completion. the wall are a long iron pole with a hook on the
end and a spade with an elongated handle. These
✥ CREATURES: One servant and six potters. are used for raking through the refuse to fish
out the pots when sufficiently fired. A low tun-
nel, which an adult human would have to stoop
THE POTTERS to enter leads W to the Store (see below). It is
Six miserable wretches who have been covered over by a slab of stone. This requires
taken on by Llao-Yutuy as “appren- a MIGHT roll of formidable (–3) difficulty to
tices.” Though each of them has been move. Alternatively, one can simply tap it three
in his employ for decades, none of times with a fingertip and then use that finger-
them has yet satisfied him enough to tip to slide it effortlessly to one side. It is possi-
be declared a journeyman, much less a ble for an adult human to enter or exit through
master. He has crippled each of them the holes in the ceiling, but they are directly
by having their legs repeatedly broken, above the fire itself – one would have to contrive
on the basis that a potter needs only a method of getting up to them.
his hands; they shuffle about by walk-
ing on their fists, dragging their useless ✥ TREASURES: Six items of pottery (see the
legs with them. table on page 35).

the firing pit of llao-yutuy
A chamber filled with wooden shelves, con- Three chambers, each of which contains bedrolls
taining pots, bowls, figurines and so on. This is and other meager possessions belonging to the ser-
where pots are taken to be cooled. There are 3D6 vants and potters.
here at any one time (see the Pottery table). It is
guarded by the golem called the Child, who waits Locations #14A and #14C are where the ser-
in the blackness with effortless patience to attack vants sleep. Each contains six bedrolls – blankets,
intruders. straw pillows, and the like – and mundane items
such as dice, animal bones, and carved wooden
✥ TREASURES: 3D6 items of pottery (see the figurines. Location #14C is where the potters
table on page 35). sleep. As well as their bedrolls there is a large pot
✥ CREATURES: The Child. in one corner filled with a noxious balm which
the potters use to ease the pain they perpetually
feel in their legs. It can be used as a grease or as a
THE CHILD mild numbing agent. On the north wall there is
The Child is made of delicate green- also a stone which can be removed carefully with
white porcelain. She is a little over a knife or other thin object. Behind it there is a
one meter high, and carries two small sack containing keepsakes – 3D6 copper
copper blades, curved like sickles. She pieces, a flute, a tiny drum no bigger than a cup,
hooks them inside flesh, so as to tear and a small bottle containing a hallucinogenic
and rip. And her teeth are filed and liquid used by the servants to amuse themselves.
sharp for biting.
✥ TREASURES: 3D6 copper and some
STRENGTH 10, AGILITY 4 keepsakes.
SKILLS: Melee 4 ✥ CREATURES: D3 servants.

WEAPONS: Two blades (treat as
A wicker gate bars entry to this chamber at all
shortswords). When one blade
damages a target, it hooks into times. It is a simple flat screen which can be easily
the flesh and remains. At the pushed to one side – but it has a dozen small bells
start of the next round, the child attached to it, so that any movement will alert
tugs it free to inflict a greater the occupants of the room beyond. The chamber
wound, doing one additional
is well-lit, and the torch light filters through the
point of damage automatically. If
both blades hit a target, she also wicker to the corridor outside.
bites for one point of damage
(slash wound). This is the guard room and antechamber
for Llao-Yutuy’s inner sanctum. There are

chapter 2
typically D3 servants here at any one time, 16. LLAO-YUTUY’S CHAMBER
lounging around on cushions and gambling on A red silk curtain functions as the doorway to a
scorpion fights. They have 2D6 copper pieces comfortable room containing an oversized bed, a
between them. There are six scorpions kept in work area with comfortable cushions and a large
a crude cage. Their stings have a paralyzing lump of clay, a shelf with six clay bowls on it, each
poison of Potency 7. As soon as a fight com- of a different color, and a chest.
mences one of the servants will open the cage
and throw the scorpions in the general direc- This is where Llao-Yutuy sleeps and works and
tion of the PCs. usually where he can be found during the day.
The bowls on the shelves can be stacked: they are
✥ CREATURES: D3 servants. red, orange, yellow, blue, green and white respec-
tively. If they are stacked so that the blue one is
on the top, it instantly fills with water. If they 17. JISTANA’S CHAMBER
are stacked so that the red one is on the top, it A curtain of hanging bead strings functions as the
instantly fills with blood. If yellow, it fills with doorway to a room containing a hammock strung
3 gold coins which instantly disappear after one from one side to another and a bedroll in one
hour. If orange, it causes a flame to appear inside corner. An ornate and very out-of-place-looking
the bowl which lasts for a minute. If green, it wardrobe stands to one side.
fills with a clear acid. If white, it fills with poison
(Potency 7). This only works once a day. This room is where Jistana and Boulder sleep,
with Jistana taking the hammock and Boulder
✥ CREATURES: Llao-Yutuy. the bedroll. The wardrobe contains a Ghost
✥ TREASURES: The chest contains Llao-Yu- (see the Gamemaster’s Guide) which is trapped
tuy’s ledger (see page 35) and his fine robes inside. If the wardrobe is opened it will imme-
and hats, which are worth 2D6 silver diately attack the nearest living thing and then
pieces and count as a heavy item when seek to leave the mound. The Ghost is protect-
taken all together due to their bulk. ing Jistana’s possessions.

✥ CREATURES: Jistana, Boulder, and the

Llao-Yutuy is fat, pompous, and cruel, like ✥ TREASURES: The wardrobe protected by the
a mean-spirited, flabby young bully-boy Ghost contains a spyglass, a set of 10 silver
inflated into an adult. He is given to rings each worth D6 silver, three random
wearing thick blue robes and a wide- items of pottery (see the Pottery table) and
brimmed hat, even when underground; her grimoire, containing all general spells
his face is big and round, with tiny fea- in Chapter 6 of the Player’s Handbook.
tures dotting the expanse of wobbling
flesh. But his hands and forearms are
muscular and hard from his work, and his JISTANA, THE SORCERESS
strength is terrifying. He hates everyone Llao-Yutuy’s wife is like a grape which
and everything, except for works of clay; has been shriveled into a raisin – tiny,
when studying an item of particular wizened, and creased. Long-suffer-
beauty that a servant has made, he often ing, she dotes on her husband, but
takes to blubbery weeping. receives nothing but contempt in
return: Llao-Yutuy never refers to her
STRENGTH 6, AGILITY 2, WITS 5, EMPATHY 6 by name, but as “the crone,” “the husk,”
Crafting 5, Melee 1, Move 1,
SKILLS: “the old fool” or words to that effect.
Manipulation 4, Might 3, Insight 4 Yet she is a powerful sorceress who
WEAPON: Iron club (treat as a mace) could doubtless blast him into dust
if she chose. Rather than respond in

chapter 2
kind to his cruelties, she instead visits The pots contain Llao-Yutuy’s accumulated
them in turn on her personal servant, wealth. In each, there are 3D6 silver coins.
the one called Boulder, and especially Each pot is covered with a cloth lid, soaked
on any captives before they are even- with a lethal poison of Potency 7, which works
tually shattered and remade. on contact with skin. The chamber is guarded
by the golems called the Dancers. As soon as
STRENGTH 1, AGILITY 2, WITS 5, EMPATHY 4 anybody other than Llao-Yutuy enters the
Melee 1, Move 2, Insight 5,
SKILLS: room, they attack.
Healing 4, Lore 4
Healing 1, Shape-
shifting 1, Awareness 2, Symbolism ✥ TREASURES: 3D6 silver in each pot.
2, Blood Magic 3, Death Magic 3
BOULDER The Dancers are formless, feature-
A tall, broad-shouldered monster of less humanoids, of the most basic
a man, Boulder serves Jistana more mud-brown clay. Both dance. When
obediently even than a dog. She amuses doing so, one of them hums, so
herself by occasionally slicing off a body loud that intruders cannot hear or
part of his; she castrated him long ago concentrate on anything but the
and has also cut off his nose and ears. appalling noise; the other glows so
She delights in threatening to cut off his bright that they cannot see any-
tongue the next time. He will protect thing but the unrelenting white
her with his life, without question, and is glare.
also usually the one who breaks cap-
tives for the process of remaking. STRENGTH 12, AGILITY 3

SKILLS:Might 4, Endurance 4, Melee WEAPON: Fists (monster attacks as a
3, Stealth 2, Marksmanship 2 Troll, see the Gamemaster’s Guide)
WEAPON: Two-handed sword SPECIAL: One Dancer hums contin-
ually during combat, drowning out
all communication and prevent-
ing spellcasting; the other glows
18. TREASURE TROVE brightly, giving a –2 modification
to all close combat and ranged
A dark chamber containing nine earthenware
attacks against it.
pots arranged carefully in rows of three. To either
side stand crude, man-sized figures.

the firing pit of llao-yutuy
19. FUNGUS parchment with a message written on it: “To
A long, narrow chamber filled with pale the one that finds this message – tell my
toadstools. Father I failed to locate her. I hail from […]
and my Father is […].” Insert a location and a
Each mushroom emits sleeping spores as soon name as desired.
as anything bigger than a mouse approaches.
Anyone seeking to cross the room must make
an ENDUR ANCE roll each round or pass out for 22. THE PRISON
D6 minutes, unless fully covering or closing Six wooden cages, big enough to house a crouching
his or her mouth and nose – simply holding adult human, sit in this chamber.
one’s breath is not sufficient to prevent the
spores entering. This is where captives are housed before
“remaking.” There are D3–1 in here at any
one time, of random ages and sexes. They are
20. THE POOL kept naked – piled up in a corner are their
The passage here opens into a long, narrow cham- clothes.
ber with a low ceiling. It is filled with frigid
water full of slithering shapes. ✥ CREATURES: D3 captives. They have a
rating of 1 in all attributes.
The lake is only ankle deep along its shore, but
rapidly gets deeper – in its central section it
is two meters deep, before it quickly becomes
shallower again. The water throngs with pallid EVENTS
salamanders which are weakly electric and stun Use the events below as appropriate during the
swimmers. When trying to cross, a character PCs’ visit to the firing pit.
must make a successful ENDUR ANCE roll. Fail- ✥ The PCs run into a single servant, per-
ure results in being stunned for D6 rounds. forming some random chores.
✥ A group of D6 servants arrives at the
main entrance, returning after foraging
21. THE FISSURE or raiding. If they spot trouble, they will
A crack in the ceiling, wide enough for an adult sound the alarm and chase the PCs.
human to enter, leads to a shaft that stretches ✥ The PCs run into Llao-Yutuy, Jistina
upwards for four meters. At the top is an open or Boulder. Unless the alarm has been
space with a ledge on which a person can stand. A sounded, this event should only occur in
skeleton is curled up in the fetal position on the ledge. the Pottery or the Pit.
✥ The monster called the Watcher, moving
The skeleton clutches a small leather around the tunnels at random, suddenly
pouch, very old, containing a piece of folded comes upon the PCs.

chapter 2

A giant millipede, six meters long, which SKILLS:Melee 4, Move 3, Endurance
patrols the tunnels within the mound 3, Scout 4
with quiet, deliberate movements. It WEAPON: Bite (attack with eight
seems to be possessed of some strange Base Dice, Weapon Damage 1, slash
intelligence and is often found simply wound)
observing Llao-Yutuy’s servants as they SPECIAL: The Watcher counts as a
go about their business, as though monster in combat (see the Game-
master’s Guide), although it has no
monitoring their every movement. They
monster attacks.
suspect that somehow Llao-Yutuy is
able to see through its eyes.

Each item of pottery discovered (normal 2D6 silver. To activate any magical piece of
item in terms of encumbrance) has a 1 in pottery, the correct spoken command is
6 chance of being magical. Otherwise it is needed. Commands for all items are kept
simply an item of primitive beauty worth in Llao-Yutuy’s ledger (see Location #16).


1 Pot 1: POT OF STORING. Stores up to four light items without counting

toward encumbrance.
2-3: POT OF UNBREAKING. Never cracks.
4-5: POT OF PURIFYING. Any liquid poured inside becomes fresh
drinkable WATER.
6: POT OF SCORPIONS. A scorpion lives inside, with a poison of ran-
dom type and Potency D3+3. If it is removed, the next day a
new one appears.
2 Bowl 1-2: BOWL OF WATER ELEMENTALS. When the bowl is filled with water and
certain words are spoken, a Power Level 3 water elemental (see
page 26 of The Bitter Reach) is created and will obey the bearer.
3-4: BOWL OF DROWNING. If a person drinks from it they instantly
shrink to the size of an ant before being plunged into the
middle of the bowl where they start to drown (see page 113
of the Player’s Handbook). The bowl does not smash but falls
to rest either on the table or floor.
5-6: BOWL OF BLOOD BLESSING. Blood poured into the bowl becomes
sanctified, and can be used as an equivalent to holy water – but
the bowl must be full each time.

the firing pit of llao-yutuy

3 Figurine 1-2: MAN.

3-4: WOMAN.

On a spoken phrase, the figurine comes to life for one Quarter

Day and obeys commands, akin to a small golem. It then reverts
to its inert state.
4 Vase or Jug 1-2: ALCHEMY JUG. Pours up to eight units of WATER, four units of
beer, one unit of wine or one unit of oil per Quarter Day.
3-4: EVERSMOKING BOTTLE. When unstoppered it emits thick
billowing smoke continuously, totally obscuring vision in
one zone until stoppered again).
5-6: FLASK OF SPIRITS. On a spoken command, will force any
Ghost or other insubstantial entity to be sucked inside
if within NEAR range – it is then contained indefinitely as
long as the flask is stoppered.
5 Plate 1-2: PLATE OF SHIELDING.On a spoken command the plate trans-
forms into an unbreakable large shield with Artifact Die
D8; this lasts for D6 turns and can only be used once per
3-4: PLATE OF ASSISTANCE. On a spoken command the plate begins
to levitate in position and will follow the person who
spoke the command for the remainder of the day. It can
carry up to two normal items.
5-6: PLATE OF KILLING. On a spoken command, the plate develops
a razor-sharp edge, and it can then be thrown, Gear Bonus
+2, Artifact Die D8 and Weapon Damage 2. This can only be
done once per day.
6 Cup 1-2: SACRIFICIAL CUP. If a
person or animal’s blood is collected in the
cup and drunk, the drinker obtains all the memories of the
3-4: SCRYING CUP. When the cup is filled with water and the com-
mand word is spoken, it allows the viewing of distant loca-
tions akin to a FARSIGHT spell of Power Level 3, lasting for one
turn. This can be done once per day.
5-6: CUP OF POISON. When the cup is filled with any liquid and the
command word is spoken, the liquid transforms into a poi-
son of Potency D6+3 of a random type.

chapter 2


Six towers, behind walls of white and red: The Temple of the Six-Limbed Lord, based
One crackles, limned with storm-cloud electricity; in Eternal Yimming, emphasizes the simian
Two gleam in precious metals – bronze, god’s ambition.
silver, gold; At the beginning of this cycle the Tem-
Two are tile and teak, their roofs hung ple’s leaders decided they would bore upwards
with lanterns; through reality, to invade heaven itself.
The last is merely stone – thin, faceless and dark. Instead, they found themselves upon the
The gate is open. You glimpse gardens, billets, sphere where Ravenland sits. Realizing their
bustle. There is a gruff bellow, some laughing chatter, error, they have decided to make the best of
and the rhythmic crash of mail. A patrol marches out things.
to receive you. The soldiers look nearly human. As antagonists, the monkeys are best pit-
ted against seasoned adventurers. Have them
occupy familiar towns, capture friendly NPCs,
menace player strongholds – make your cam-
BACKGROUND paign’s safe spaces perilous again.
There are as many denominations of the Alternatively: working with the Temple
Monkey King’s worship as there are worlds. can be lucrative. Its priests always want more

the six-limbed lord
– more treasure, more tribute, more territory;
more power. They are willing to hire native LEGEND
freelancers. Demons are an evil come to us through a crack in
The Six-Limbed Lord is always under the world. One of their forms is called monkey – per-
the control of the Sixth Priest of the Tem- son-shaped and person-faced, but subtly perverse.
ple. At present, this is K rakura. K rakura They have pale fur, thumbs on both hands and feet,
wants peace, and to him, peace may only be a cat-like tail, and are long as they are tall. Armed
achieved when no god but his is worshipped, and armored, they come bearing flags and scripture.
anywhere in all realities. To be considered a But their insignias are meaningless heraldry, their
Priest, a creature must have the appropriate shields filigreed in alien styles. Their hymns praise
seal on its person. false divinities – what fearful evil! While some
Nyanyetnya, Seventh Priest of The Six- demons worm through our lowest urges, the monkey
Limbed Lord, was expelled from the temple instead mocks our art, our faith, our civilization.
and now walks the land alone. She wants to Our virtues!
return the Temple to Yimming and knows that
removing Krakura’s control of the Six-Limbed
Lord is key. This can be done by stealing the
seal from Krakura.
If the statue is returned to the Temple GETTING HERE
Hexagon (location #7), the entire complex The longer the Temple remains in this reality,
sinks into the ground, with all its inhabitants, the more its presence is felt. Before the PCs visit
retreating from this reality. That effect is the Temple, introduce the monkeys step-by-step.
also achieved if the statue is defeated, though Each day, in order, replace an entry in the ran-
Nyanyetnya weeps at such sacrilege. dom encounter table with one from the list below:

1. Giggling. Something hits a PC’s head. What at first appears to be a stone,
ridged like a brain, instead turns out to be a plum pit. The Monkey Scout
tracking the PCs has a bag of magic plums. Eating one grants invisibility for a
Quarter Day.The scout is an utter coward and, if captured, is willing to guide
the PCs to the Temple in exchange for his life.
2. The incomprehensible commands of military drill. A troop of twenty-four
Monkey Soldiers, including a bannerman and bellowing sergeant. Marching to
a nearby settlement, the sergeant will demand half of the settlement’s food
stores, and all of its wine.

chapter 3
3. Slurred singing. 2D6 sergeant-less Monkey Soldiers, drunk on pilfered wine.
They want music, company and more food, going so far as to fish rations out
of the PCs’ packs without permission.
The monkeys will continue their impromptu pub crawl until Temple
authorities collect them.
4. A whip-crack. 2D6 Monkey Soldiers with a chain gang of D6 prisoners – each
of a different kin, kidnapped from nearby communities. The monkeys are
collecting specimens.
5. Rolling thunder. It doesn’t seem to end. D6 Cloud-Riders run down a caravan.
Their Cloud Steeds skitter on insect-leg-like arcs of lightning, quicker than
If dismounted, these monkeys expect capture and ransom, as befits
nobles of their status.
6. From a nearby hill, a plume goes up shrieking. Color bursts in the sky. Keng-
kada (see page 54) and D6 Monkey Sages conduct rocketry tests against the
high vault of this new world.
Kengkada will pay for cosmological information about Ravenland.
7. A man-sized bell jar atop a valved copper bowl. Full of red mist. A Bloodling
thumps against the glass. D3 Monkey Sages watch with quill and scroll, jot-
ting down their observations.
Demon-glass is impervious to otherworldly creatures. To mortals it is just
8. “Hail Meemerak, Herald of the Six-Limbed Lord!” a hundred voices say, in
unison. “Hallowed Be, Hallowed Be!” A Macaque Swarm appears, bearing the
Priest’s gilded throne on its shoulders.
Meemerak (see page 47) tours the country, presenting treaties with comi-
cally punitive fine print.
9. The Six-Limbed Lord, smiling, has just stomped a local shrine into rubble. Its
priest kneels, slack-jawed. The Six-Limbed Lord pats him on the head with one
golden palm.
Retracing the god’s path of destruction can lead the PCs back to the
10. A lone figure with yellow eyes and yellow teeth reclines by the fire, waiting
for her skewered fish to cook. She grins when the PCs draw near and rattles a
kettle with her tail. “Tea?”
This is Nyanyetnya, Seventh Priest of the Six-Limbed Lord. Cannot be sur-
prised. She explains her situation to the PCs and asks them to steal Krakura’s
seal to help her return the Temple to Yimming (see Background).

the six-limbed lord
The monkeys appear in idealized form: as tall Endurance 3, Melee 3,
as a human; quicker, stronger, more magi- Crafting 1, Move 3
cal; straight-backed – though bow-legged and GEAR: Studded leather, studded
waddling. leather cap, large shield, trident or
A monkey knows it is better than an ape. sling, bottle of water (or plum wine)
In its eyes, all the kin of Ravenland are apes.
Prone to distraction, especially if there MONKEY SERGEANT
aren’t authority figures around. All mon- STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 4, EMPATHY 3
keys are aligned to one of the priests. Roll Endurance 3, Melee 3,
D6: Manipulation 1
TALENTS: Path of the Enemy 3
GEAR: Chainmail, open helmet, small
D6 PRIEST shield, monkey staff (as halberd),
1 Meemerak orders bearing the seal of a priest

2 Ngarunching MONKEY SAGE

3–4 Ngajaputri
Sages all serve Kengkada.
6 Kengkada SKILLS: Crafting 3, Lore 3, Healing 1
TALENTS: Path of Many Things 2
GEAR: Firework bomb (SHORT range;
if hit, everyone in the target zone
All monkeys are able to use their tails as suffers an attack with six Base Dice,
full limbs – they are able to use two-handed Weapon Damage 1, slash wound),
weapons with shields, or another one-handed assorted tools, writing supplies
Nobles tend to rally behind Sasingha.
MONKEY SCOUT They belong to various houses iden-
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 5, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3 tified by their animal sigil. Roll D10 on
Stealth 3, Marksmanship 2,
SKILLS: the table to the right.
Scout 3, Survival 2 Nobles are ultimately loyal to
GEAR: Throwing knives, map, trail those of their house; blood is blood.
snacks, bag of magic plums (eaten, And the priests of the Six-Limbed
a plum grants invisibility for a Lord are also members of the nobility;
Quarter Day)
they belong to the house they most

chapter 3
resemble – Sasingha is of the Lion, MACAQUE SWARM
Ngajaputri is of the Elephant, etc. Macaques are monkeys the size of
big house cats. A swarm of them
involves hundreds of macaques.
D10 ANIMAL SIGIL Mystically bonded, they cling body
1 Lion to body to body, like maggots in a
2 Tiger burst belly, assembling themselves
3 Elephant into the shape of a single entity.
Typically they form a hulking
4 Rhinoceros
monkey, tall as a giant. But they can
5 Cat
assume other forms, as their collec-
6 Crane tive whim or the situation demands.
7 Peacock Meemerak knows the secret
8 Eagle to their creation; most Macaque
9 Mantis Swarms are in his service.
In combat, a Macaque Swarm
10 Crocodile
counts as a monster.


SKILLS: Scout 2
Melee 4, Scout 2, Animal
Handling 3
TALENTS: Path of the Knight 2
GEAR:Plate armor, closed helmet,
small shield, glaive (as halberd), one 1 MANY GUISES TO TAKE! The
VALUABLE FIND, cloud steed Macaque Swarm re-configures
itself. Roll D6:
CLOUD STEED 1: A rearing cobra (physical
attacks do lethal poison,
Potency 6)
SKILLS: Move 3, Melee 2 2: A tight sphere (Armor
MOVEMENT: 2 Rating 8)
3: A winged garuda (flight)
WEAPON: Lightning Feet (Attack 4: An amorphous blob (counts
with six Base Dice, Weapon Dam- as being within ARM’S LENGTH
age 2, SHORT range, damages Agility of all targets in zone)
instead of Strength, armor has no

the six-limbed lord
5: An antlered stag (Move 3) THE SIX-LIMBED LORD
6: A giant monkey (being the Ever the overachiever, the Six-Limbed
most perfect of forms)
Lord has four arms. With two legs and
This clambering and writh- a tail? That’s seven limbs. But one of his
ing is gross to watch. All foes
right arms ends in a stump. Hence six.
within sight take a fear attack
with five Base Dice. He is a colossal golden statue,
animate as mercury, moving with
swarm’s macaques chatter the grace of a dancer and the weight
all at once. This racket is of a city. His divine footsteps burn
discordant and disorienting. the clay of this material world; their
All targets within NEAR range scorch-marks never fade. Not even
suffer a fear attack with seven
from waves. Yes, he walks on water. The
Base Dice.
Six-Limbed Lord is both idol and god.
He always seeks to destroy the sym-
reaches out to grab a foe
within NEAR range. Attack with bols and sites of other faiths. wearing a
eight Base Dice and Weapon smile upon his face as he does so.
Damage 1 (slash wounds). If The Six-Limbed Lord is always
successful, the target is GRAP- under the control of the Sixth Priest of
PLED and hit with the same
the Temple. At present, this is Krakura
attack every turn, until they
break free. (see page 46). To be considered a Priest,
a creature must have the appropriate
snaps at a foe. Attack with seal on its person.
eight Base Dice and Weapon If the Six-Limbed Lord returns to
Damage 2 (slash wounds). the Temple Hexagon (location #7), the
5 MANY ARMS TO PUNCH! The swarm entire complex sinks into the ground,
hits a target within NEAR range with all its inhabitants, retreating from
with a massive appendage.
this reality. The same thing happens if
Attack with ten Base Dice
and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt the statue is defeated.
force). If successful, the victim In combat, the Six-Limbed Lord
is thrown to SHORT range and counts as a monster.
lands prone.
swarm farts in unison. Each
target within NEAR range
takes an attack with seven ARMOR RATING: 8
Base Dice. If an attack suc- TWO ATTACKS: Draw two initiative
ceeds, the victim suffers from cards for the Six-Limbed Lord at
sleeping poison, Potency 6. the start of combat. He acts on

chapter 3
the six-limbed lord
Limbed Lord speaks. “Come,”
he says. A random monkey of
1 A SIGN OF COMMAND! With one the Temple is teleported to
of his hands, the Six-Limbed him. Roll D6:
Lord makes a sacred gesture. 1: A Monkey Soldier
A target within sight must 2: A Monkey Scout
make a formidable (–3) INSIGHT 3: A Monkey Sage
roll (not an action). On failure, 4: A Monkey Sergeant
the victim goes wherever the 5: A Cloud-Rider, without
Lord’s hand points. The victim mount
can attempt to break free 6: A Monkey Priest
once every round.
The monkey is momentarily
2 A MOTION OF CONTEMPT! With disoriented, but acts normally
one of his hands, the Six- next round, and always in the
Limbed Lord makes a sacred Six-Limbed Lord’s defense.
gesture. All foes within NEAR
range suffer an attack with
6 A STRIKE OF MERCY! The Six-Limbed
eight Base Dice and Weapon Lord steps on a foe. Attack with
Damage 2 (blunt force). A twelve Base Dice and Weapon
target who suffers damage Damage 2 (blunt force). If Bro-
is thrown to SHORT range and ken, the victim can only be
lands prone. saved by magical healing. Even
so, the burns always remain
ugly and weeping – the victim
The Six-Limbed Lord blows permanently suffers a –2 modi-
a gale-force wind from his fication to MANIPULATION rolls.
lips. A target within SHORT
range and everyone within
NEAR range of said foe suf- NYANYETNYA, SEVENTH PRIEST
fers an attack with ten Base
Dice and Weapon Damage 2
(blunt force). If hit, a target is When she was part of the Temple, her
turned COLD. god was the Seven-Limbed Lord.
4 A VISION OF GRACE! The Six- She was expelled by her col-
Limbed Lord glows like a sun. leagues. Perhaps she counseled
All foes within SHORT range restraint. Perhaps she was just not
must make a hard (–2) INSIGHT
noble-born. Stripped of all status, she
roll. On failure, the victim is
struck blind and acts as if still bears her seal.
in total darkness. A blinded Nyanyetnya acts as a beg-
victim may roll ENDURANCE at ging mendicant, mischievous and
the start of each round (not self-deprecating. But she is serious
an action) to blink their sight
about repairing the carnage her Tem-
ple wreaks in the world.

chapter 3
Nyanyetnya seeks to return the belly of the earth. The towers are arranged in
Temple to Yimming and wants the a circle, and can be placed in a number of dif-
PCs to help make this happen. See ferent places. Choose or roll on the table below.
Background and Getting Here.


SKILLS: Move 3, Healing 3 Easternmost of the Temple’s structures is a massive

stupa – its dome silver and its ribbed spire gold. Oth-
TALENTS: Brawler 3, Path of Signs 3
erwise it is unadorned. A moat surrounds it, too
GEAR:Mendicant robes, one
PRECIOUS FIND, teapot, seal of the
wide to jump and filled with lily pads.
Seventh Priest
TWO ATTACKS:Draw two initiative Neither bridge nor steppingstone path leads
cards for Nyanyetnya at the start to the stupa’s entrance. The PCs have to wade.
of combat. She acts on both. The water is full of dire goldfish with razor
teeth. Harming them is taboo.
Inside, the PCs can hear their own heart-
beat. Every word said aloud echoes like a gong
LOCATIONS in this silence.
The Temple of the Six-Limbed Lord and its A monkey is seated in the stupa’s center,
six spires emerged like giant drill bits from the cross-legged – face glowing, eyes shut, smile



1 In the middle of a river, as six islands. Effluvia from the Temple pollutes the
water, poisoning everything downstream.
2 On a steep incline. Now some towers are taller than others. The rivalry
between the priests has erupted into open war.
3 On an important road. The monkeys have taken control – charging a toll, con-
fiscating trade goods, and detaining traffic.
4 Surrounded by smoke and fire. The monkeys are clearing the forest, opening
land for pig pens and plum orchards.
5 Surrounded by rubble. The Temple sits among the ruins of a town. Shell-
shocked former inhabitants serve the Temple as collared, whipped labor.
6 In a bubble at the bottom of the ocean. Krakura maintains this bubble. An
umbilical of air connects it to the shore.

the six-limbed lord
serene. This is Krakura, Sixth Priest of the sight of this glow can cause him
Six-Limbed Lord. The PCs might catch him harm. He typically meditates for a
peeking, if he thinks they aren’t looking. Quarter Day each day.
Krakura wants peace. To him,
✥ CREATURES: Krakura, Sixth Priest of The peace may only be achieved when
Six-Limbed Lord. no god but his is worshipped, any-
where in all realities.
The Sixth Priest of the Temple,
KRAKURA seated in this Meditation Hall, has
He sits with tortoise-like posture, total command of the Six-Limbed
wearing emerald robes and a stylized Lord. At present, this is Krakura.
shell on his back decorated with crys- To be considered a Sixth Priest of
tal scutes. His head and face are bald. the Temple, a creature must have
To anything the PCs say, Krakura the seal of the Sixth Priest on its
responds with a brand of wisdom. person.
Choose or roll D10 on the table If the PCs attack Krakura, 2D6
below: Monkey Soldiers and a Macaque
D10 WORD OF WISDOM Swarm come to his aid.
1 “Peace is an end to suffering.”
2 “The wrong words will be right.”
3 “Old notions are new Move 3, Manipulation 3,

tomorrow.” Healing 3

4 “Not choosing is a road to joy.” TALENTS: Brawler 3

5 “Reserve judgment of your GEAR: Shell with crystal scutes (as

peers.” plate armor), one PRECIOUS FIND, seal
of the Sixth Priest
6 “The penniless have plenty.”
TWO ATTACKS: Draw two initiative
7 “Anything luminous is an cards for Krakura at the start of
illusion.” combat. He acts on both.
8 “Praise is like rain falling MEDITATION: When Krakura medi-
upwards.” tates, no one within sight of him
9 “To rule is to throw a huge can attack anyone.
10 “Death is immortality of a kind.”

Such snippets are infuriating in 2. THE LACQUER PALACE

their vagueness, of course. But This tower is made of luxurious, shiny black
Krakura’s head glows. None within wood, inlaid everywhere with mother-of-pearl.

chapter 3
The scent of burning sandalwood hangs heavy,
masking the smell of wine on the tapestries. MEEMERAK
His head is crested by a cerulean
The folding screens and curtains-of-state are mohawk. He wears an iridescent green
exquisitely painted, displaying scenes of idyllic robe with glowing nail guards, and his
landscapes, sinuous dragons, and sexual aban- tail is laden with peacock feathers.
don. The doors and window slats are heavy, Meemerak is as proud as a dowager.
and lock from the outside. He believes that his Lord’s inter-
This room holds a recent acquisition – choose ests are best advanced by clever,
or roll on the table below. concerted diplomacy. Violence is so
Any disorder is quickly cleared up by Macaque crass. But he isn’t half as clever as he
Swarms, who live in fear of their master’s thinks he is.
displeasure. Meemerak wants royal wives –
Escapees may not be pursued; unless essential marriage is the foundation of any
to his schemes, Meemerak tends not to bother. lasting alliance. The larger the dowry,
the better. As suitor he will not take no
✥ CREATURES: Meemerak, Fifth Priest of for an answer. Prepared to kidnap or
The Six-Limbed Lord. A Macaque Swarm. ensorcel prospective brides.



1 An orc Viraga, posing as a human. The monkeys can’t quite tell the difference.
2 A halfling peddler, desperate to seem cooperative. Alerts guards to intruders.
3 Three Harpies, frozen mid-scream by Meemerak, hung from wire like exhibits.
4 A pair of tongs, sacred to the god Huge. Any dwarf would know their
5 A half-elf sorcerer. Sees opportunity in this; much can be learned from
6 A local mayor’s infant daughter. The macaques don’t know how to care for her.
7 A cushioned jewelry box full of elven rubies, seized from a merchant caravan.
8 Three Iron Guards, stripped of armor, clamped in irons. Oh what dishonor!
9 A vat of mog in the center of a magic circle. Spawns a demon every D6 days.
10 A Raven Sister, imprisoned for helping a village rebuff Meemerak’s advances.

the six-limbed lord
Of his colleagues he loathes Ngajaputri.
He should lead the Temple instead!


SKILLS: Move 3 Manipulation 3 Per-

formance 3
TALENTS: Path of Blood 3
GEAR: Glowing nail guards (Gear
Bonus +2, Weapon Damage 2,
Artifact Die D8), assorted blood
contracts, two PRECIOUS FINDS, seal
of the Fifth Priest
TWO ATTACKS:Draw two initiative
cards for Meemerak at the start of
combat. He acts on both.


This area is dominated by rows of fruit trees, the 13
heat of ovens and the bleat of goats. A chill wind
rises from the meat cellars.

Roll D6 on the table on page 50 to determine

what food the kitchen is currently preparing.
The feast hall is a three-tiered platform, with
a peaked roof and teak legs, overlooking a demon-
glass aquarium large as a small lake. Stocked with
pygmy whale, abyssal octopi, and demon lobster.
Monkeys eat school-canteen-style on the
lowest tier; Cloud-Rider nobles are placed on
the middle tier, with honored guests; above
all, at a round banquet table, sup the priests.
It is dinnertime entertainment to watch
Ngarunching’s servants wrestle and prepare

✥ CREATURES: Ngarunching, Fourth

chapter 3




the six-limbed lord

1 Cocktails of fruit and plum wine. Served alongside white wafers, specially for-
mulated to stave off inebriation. The monkeys do not hold liquor well.
2 A full halfling, spitted from rear end to sternum, turned over a fire pit. Served
with spicy mint sauce. The monkeys are keen to try this new dish.
3 Hundred-meat pie. Made from eighty-four different meats – so the name is a
lie. Ngarunching will be indebted to those who make the name true.
4 Assorted mushrooms, deep-fried. Diverse random effects. Many give pro-
phetic visions; a few cause instant death. Some are crunchy and delicious.
5 Phoenix soup, on the boil for three decades. Knocking can be heard from
underneath the lid. The naked, scalded phoenix begs the PCs to finally end its
6 Peach compote. Specially reserved for the priests. Made from longevity fruit
stolen from heaven; a spoonful adds D12 years to a PC’s lifespan.

Priest of The Six-Limbed Lord. Two shockingly wasteful; if a week goes by

dozen monkey chefs (attributes like Mon- without resupply, the Temple begins
key Soldiers, but unarmed). A Macaque to starve.
Swarm. Of her colleagues Ngarunching
despises Kengkada; they never eat
together. She and Ngajaputri are lovers.
She walks with the languorous step STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 5, WITS 5, EMPATHY 4
of a cat, her voice squeaking out past Stealth 3, Sleight of Hand 3,
long, stiff whiskers as she expounds Performance 3
with the haha-oh-you cloy of a prac- TALENTS: Fast Footwork 3
ticed socialite. GEAR: Poisoned whip (Gear Bonus
She delights in being cruel to her +1, Weapon Damage 1, NEAR range,
staff – a Macaque Swarm, two dozen paralyzing poison with Potency 9),
monkey chefs, and whatever slaves five PRECIOUS FINDS, seal of the Fourth
the Temple captures.
Ngarunching wants more bodies TWO ATTACKS:Draw two initiative
cards for Ngarunching at the start
to work her kitchens, more vassals
of combat. She acts on both.
to fill her stores. As a steward she is

chapter 3
4. THE BRONZE PALACE ✥ CREATURES: Ngajaputri, Third Priest of
This tower is composed of four concentric hexa- The Six-Limbed Lord. Monkey Soldiers
gons, crenellated. Everything is stone – but clad and Monkey Sergeants.
in bronze armor. Verdigris stains the building,
which is covered in upturned spikes.
The barracks rings with shouted roll calls and Plate armor. Her breastplate is a styl-
the clanking of scale mail. Clerks waddle the ized elephant’s head; her codpiece
corridors, tails picking up scrolls fallen from an upturned trunk, with two rubies in
their full arms. The palace is abuzz. Troops place of nostrils.
make ready; their sergeants tasked with exe- The invasion was her idea. Now
cuting Ngajaputri’s newest stratagem. Roll a the Temple is stranded here. Ngaja-
D6 on the table below. putri still believes that right actions
Inside, Ngajaputri paces her throne room. are decisive ones – she bellows
She leans over her war table. Its mahogany commands to her sergeants. She also
cracks and warps and stains – a diorama of the constantly stress-eats.
world, updated in real time, as scouts in the Ngajaputri wants to rule. If you
field annotate their maps. cannot contribute to the expansion
When under attack, fires within heat the metal of monkeydom on this plane, what
walls of the palace, searing would-be invaders. use are you?


1 A siege of the closest heathen fort. The sergeants prefer to starve defenders,
preserving fortifications for their own use.
2 A dam on the nearest river. Summer bungalows built along the new lake will
keep Sasingha and his Cloud-Riders satisfied.
3 A raid on a nearby settlement. Anything and anyone Ngarunching can use will
be taken; whatever is left will be torched.
4 A dig at a nearby ruin. The monkeys want building materials – stone for new
walls, in particular. If they find treasure, that is a nice bonus.
5 A string of watchtowers. Wood platforms with signal flags. The monkeys con-
sider all land within sight of these their own.
6 A mapping expedition. Scouts with bags of magic plums mark places of infidel
worship on their maps, in scarlet ink.

the six-limbed lord
As first among equals she feels 5. THE HALL OF
duty-bound to keep her col- EXALTED HEIGHTS
leagues happy – a losing propo- A stupa, fully brass from foundation to spindly
sition. She and Ngarunching are tip. Wreathed in mist and covered with Cloud-
lovers. Steeds, like a crawling hive of electric bees.

STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 5, WITS 4, EMPATHY 4 The stupa draws lightning; it builds up enough
Melee 3, Endurance 3, Marks-
SKILLS: charge to birth a new Cloud-Steed every
manship 3 thunderstorm.
TALENTS: Path of the Shield 3 Surrounded by pavilions of gold and silk,

GEAR: Plate armor, great helm, marked with animal sigils to denote the var-
large shield, extendable magic flail ious noble houses. These scions are bored
(Gear Bonus +2, Weapon Damage and entitled. Roll a D6 on the table below to
3, SHORT range, Artifact Die D8), determine how they amuse themselves.
two PRECIOUS FINDS, snacks, seal of
The stupa doubles as Sasingha’s chateau.
the Third Priest
The dome level is a private stable for the
TWO ATTACKS:Draw two initiative
priest’s personal charger, Grim Graha. The
cards for Ngajaputri at the start of
combat. She acts on both. place is full of knee-deep water, because Grim
Graha is as big as an elephant, angry-dark, and
always raining.



1 Taming new Cloud-Steeds. They are a danger to potential riders and onlookers
alike; the beasts throw electric zaps indiscriminately, as they buck.
2 Forcing human slaves into a macaque-style swarm. “If those animals can do it,
so can you! Stick together! Layabouts!”
3 Challenging their rival to a duel. This is a matter of saving face. It is tradition to
cheat. Getting caught means losing face.
4 Slipping an aphrodisiac into the goblet of another. The victim goes into a
frenzy and only calms down after copulating with a living thing.
5 Preparing for a hunt. The nobles are willing to hire local trackers. The quarry is
an elf they let go with a flask of water and two strips of jerky.
6 Hopping onto your back. “Giddy-up!” they say, driving spurs into your sides.
Throwing them off is an insult to monkeydom.

chapter 3
✥ CREATURES: Sasingha, Second Priest of GRIM GRAHA
The Six-Limbed Lord. Monkey Nobles Sasingha’s steed.
and Cloud-Steeds.

SKILLS: Move 2, Melee 3

An imperious mane frames his face,
WEAPON: Lightning (Attack with
brown as a lion’s. He wears fur-lined eight Base Dice, Weapon Damage
cavalry plate, along with gauntlets 2, SHORT range, damages Agility
and sabatons that end in talons. instead of Strength, armor has no
Sasingha is quick to feel joy, effect)
and quicker still to anger. He always
smells faintly of puke. A simple crea-
ture, the other nobles smirk at his
loutishness. But never naysay him. He 6. THE STONE PALACE
is of the purest bloodline, and has the A multi-storied pagoda, somewhat plainly-built,
strongest arm. with sealed, darkened windows. There is nothing
Sasingha wants to reave. It gets sinister about this; light just isn’t necessary.
him wine, women, and violence – in
no particular order. The tower is a library. But while Kengkada
Of his colleagues Meemerak never turns down a new book – she doesn’t
offends him the most. He resents read. She cheats. Knowledge in any text that
how Ngarunching rebuffs his enters the Stone Palace is instantly known
advances. The cat belongs to the lion, to the First Priest.
surely? The place is less a library and more a
storehouse, full of unsorted stacks from
STRENGTH 6 AGILITY 5 WITS 3 EMPATHY 4 floor to ceiling. Roll on the tables on the
Might 3 Melee 3 Animal
SKILLS: next page to determine the title and content
Handling 3 of the books the PCs find in any given stack.
TALENTS: Path of the Blade 3 Access to the pagoda is restricted to

GEAR: Plate armor, great helm, hiss- sages, who replace bins of rock salt daily.
ing halberd (D10 Artifact Die), three Kengkada prefers their outdoor work-
PRECIOUS FINDS, seal of the Second shop, full of half-spun spells and bubbling
Priest, Grim Graha alchemy-ware.
TWO ATTACKS: Draw two initiative
cards for Sasingha at the start of ✥ CREATURES: Kengkada, First Priest of
combat. He acts on both.
The Six-Limbed Lord. Monkey Sages.

the six-limbed lord
D10 D10

1 The Night Life Of … 1 The Monkey King

2 Lilies And … 2 Greater Angels
3 A Banquet For … 3 Lesser Demons
4 The Pillow Book Of … 4 Noble Enchantments
5 The Gospel According To … 5 Sacred Geometry
6 Secrets Of The Successful: 6 Luminescent Fungi
7 In The Realm Of … 7 Most Religions
8 Dance With … 8 The Last Courtesan
9 Master Dweng’s Definitive 9 The Frozen North
Guides: …
10 Lies Told Of … 10 The Magician’s Art

D10 D10

1 Conservative 1 History
2 Confused 2 Fiction
3 Radical 3 Verse
4 Remedial 4 Song
5 Tragic 5 Recipes
6 Erotic 6 Spells
7 Fake 7 Illustrations
8 Facetious 8 Techniques
9 Obscure 9 Notes
10 Outrageous 10 Epistolary

the impression that she is more

KENGKADA mantis than monkey. Her voice is
Her compound-eyed helmet, scratchy and frequently cracks.
hunched posture and habit of The chitin-suit she wears is
rubbing her hands together give sealed and tinted. You cannot see

chapter 3
the mummified remains within. Every full moon, the priests summon reinforce-
Kengkada died, but knew the ments from Yimming. Four priests are required
secrets of unlife, so just kept for the ritual. At the height of frenzied chanting,
going. Her colleagues are as yet D12 monkeys fall out of the fig trees, blinking.
Kengkada wants spells to ✥ CREATURES: When there is not a ritual,
squirrel away and living specimens off-duty monkeys use this space to laze.
to vivisect. She’s your typical Many perch in the branches. There is
amoral wizard. always something happening here. Roll a
Ultimately she wants to leave. D10 on the table on the next page.
Heaven is the prize, not this back-
water! No wonder that boor Sas-
ingha likes it so much.
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 4, WITS 5, EMPATHY 5 These may occur while the PCs are within the
SKILLS: Crafting 3, Lore 3 Temple’s walls.

TALENTS: Path of Death 3, Path of

Signs 3
GEAR: Sealed chitin-suit (as chain-
mail and closed helmet, light item), Whiskers flying, an elderly Monkey Sage trips
assorted tools, assorted animal over a flagstone. His scroll-case is knocked
parts, two PRECIOUS FINDS, seal of the open and three peaches fall out. His eyes are
First Priest.
wide with terror. Stealing longevity fruit is a
TWO ATTACKS:Draw two initiative fatal sin.
cards for Kengkada at the start of
The sage will do anything for the PCs, if
combat. She acts on both.
they pledge not to expose his theft. He has
access to the Stone Palace.


An open square. Six broad-crowned sacred figs Maybe a Macaque Swarm’s magic falters and
surround a golden plinth, where the Six-Limbed its hive-mind fails. Individuals escape. There
Lord once stood. Now he’s wandered off. Footsteps are enough freethinking macaques to form a
scorched into the earth mark his passage. resistance, now. They steal food, unlock doors,
and free more of their fellows.
If the golden statue returns here, the entire “Psst!” A thin arm beckons from a shad-
Temple sinks into the ground, with all its owed corner. The macaques want the PCs to
inhabitants, retreating from this reality. help them murder Meemerak.

the six-limbed lord

1 A twig bounces off a PC’s head, followed by rustling and sniggering from a tree.
2 A monkey supremacist spits at a PC. “Get lost, damn dirty ape!”
3 A sergeant leads his troop in meditation. They cannot keep still.
4 Soldiers playing with firecrackers. These explode like grenades.
5 Sages with scary syringes run about, drawing blood from all and sundry.
6 Two work-gangs, in service to rival priests, are drunk and brawling.
7 A sacred fig loses its leaves. Sages are blamed for this sacrilege.
8 An escaped orc captive, armed with a spear. The monkeys taunt her.
9 Cloud-Riders promenade. If the PCs don’t bow, it is considered an offense.
10 A priest, lost in thought and schemes, walks into a tree.

RELIGIOUS SCHISM The soldiers grumble at having their samizdat

Sticky picture-books circulate among the rank- confiscated. At night they wait on the wall for
and-file, containing graphic depictions of the a leaping figure to appear, bearing more hand-
Six-Limbed Lord ravishing a mermaid. drawn smut. It is Nyanyetnya. They speak
The priestly leadership thinks these espe- highly of her.
cially heretical: the god in those drawings has
all four of his hands intact.

chapter 3


As the ritual’s last requirement is met, the world the table on page 59 to generate one result from
around you begins to shift and change. An atmo- each column. Then, decide the appearance, gen-
sphere of terrible profundity suffuses the scene as, der, and details of E’lok Thir according to your
before you, the Dream-Cloud of E’lok Thir begins own ideas about wizards. The life of E’lok Thir
to take shape. Nothing so simple as a door to open should inform the Dream-Cloud in ways both
or threshold to cross, the Dream-Cloud appears vague and specific.
all around you, and all at once. Wherever you The Dream-Cloud is the expression of a self-
were in the waking world fades, and you step into aware being. Wandering its chambers means
the first chamber of the fragmented dream world encountering doubt, elation, fear, and joy. E’lok
beyond. What knowledge and what perils dwell Thir is not necessarily an antagonist. The wiz-
within? Only the dreamer can know for certain... ard’s thoughts are fragmented but not inherently
hostile to visitors. He, she or it cannot tell the
difference between apparitions conjured from
memory and externally “real” people.
BACKGROUND Adventurers will likely anticipate rewards
To understand the Dream-Cloud of E’lok Thir, of glory, gold and secrets when they hear of
one must understand the wizard. Roll D66 on the Dream-Cloud but to focus exclusively on

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir
Characters may learn about the Dream-Cloud in
any number of ways. Whatever they learn, that
knowledge should be accompanied by this fact:
A DIFFERENT KIND OF SITE there are two necessary rituals to be performed
This adventure site differs from to visit the Dream-Cloud and return safely. They
the others found in this book, are the Ritual of Entry and the Ritual of Egress.
and from others published
previously. This adventure site
is located inside the dreams THE RITUAL OF ENTRY
and desires of a powerful sor- The Ritual of Entry is designed to be tailored
cerer. There is no map, no room and adjusted in accordance with your campaign.
descriptions and no paths to Consider a few items from this list, and develop
follow. That means there is more the details from there. The only thing that must
work for you as Gamemaster to be true is that the ritual only functions at night.
prepare running this adventure ✥ It must be performed in a place of signifi-
site, but if you do, the experience cance to dreams, dreamers or E’lok Thir.
will be quite intriguing indeed! ✥ It requires the sacrifice of something mate-
rial and significant.
✥ It requires the sacrifice of something imma-
terial (a memory, a dream, an emotion).
that purpose is to deny a greater depth. Think ✥ It is dangerous, and may inflict physical or
about the kinds of things the characters might mental harm on those who undertake it.
dream about. Let their desires and emotions ✥ It requires the cooperation of a particular
influence your descriptions. One cannot visit sort of person.
without becoming part of the dream. ✥ It must be performed within a specific
window of time.

If you are interested in making the ritual

itself into a sort of quest, do so. If your game
GETTING HERE demands the ritual be more immediate, choose
There are two ways to enter the Dream-Cloud. options that make it dangerous! The ritual
The first is intentional and involves a ritual. itself shouldn’t have a chance to fail outright
The second is accidental. For the latter, the but should impart the challenge of reaching
Dream-Cloud is an opportunity to have charac- the Dream-Cloud and the surreal rules of that
ters “ambushed” by the Dream-Cloud. It can be realm. Make it personal and tie it directly to
a spontaneous event that waylays characters in a the characters.
hurry to somewhere else, or a way to break up an For more about the Ritual of Egress, see
otherwise monotonous expedition. page 74.

chapter 4

11–12 A rural youth Years of toil in Discovered but A falling-out Riches

with loving a non-magical never shared with a once-
parents. field. some new magical close friend
13–14 Born in a mon- Years of toil Spent time in A life bereft Power
astery, cared for as a wizard’s prison after of proper
by monks. apprentice. being wrongfully recognition
accused of com-
mitting a crime.
15–16 Noble-born and Solitude and Spent time in Betrayal Family
pampered. reflection in prison after being by an
hermitage. caught red- apprentice
handed commit-
ting a crime.
21–22 Born in the Ran with a Formed a small Never Romance
city to well-off criminal gang. cult of personality. gaining the
merchants. respect of
a specific
person or
23–24 Born in the city Studied Was wed and had A cruelty left Love
into servitude. religion as a children. to fester
25–26 A simple, if Raised live- Was wed but had A broken Respect
difficult, village stock on a no children. heart, hid-
youth. rural farm. den from the
31–32 Orphaned from Suffered Lauded for a magi- An unspoken Sex
birth, raised by through cal discovery. sadness
family. drought on a
failing farm.
33–34 Orphaned from Survived a Loathed for a A grave Recogni-
birth, raised by terrible trag- magical discovery. sin, never tion
nuns. edy that killed admitted
35–36 Orphaned from Traveled Wounded badly by A spell, part- Academic
birth, raised by the world a mishap. way scribed Progress
wolves, mon- to study its then lost
sters, etc. mysteries.

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir

41–42 Born the Traveled the Wounded badly by A slight to Discovery

chosen one world to sam- someone’s mali- their honor,
of a collapsed ple its delights. cious actions. unsatisfied
43–44 Given to a Spent time as Ended life heart- An apol- Safety
witch as part a mercenary broken and alone. ogy, never
of an ancient adventurer. received
45–46 Born into a Joined a for- Mastered the An apol- Utter
huge family, bidden cult. inner eye, spent ogy, never Oblitera-
lost among much time delivered tion
siblings. meditating.
51–52 The beloved Dabbled in Betrayed by an A long-dead Snakes
child of a pow- alchemy, but apprentice. family mem-
erful wizard. abandoned ber that
the practice. could not be
53–54 Raised among Fell in love and Trained an A child, Magical
a different tribe, was consumed apprentice but abandoned Mastery
culture or race. by it. intentionally
withheld the most
important secrets.
55–56 Born under a Studied in a Built an extremely An Legacy
bad sign, given prestigious impressive tower, only-bare-
away to the university. whose location ly-unfinished
circus. and contents are magical
now lost. experiment
61–62 Born sick, raised Studied in Had an on-and-off Romantic Fame
in seclusion. a garbage relationship with a mishap
university. rival wizard, which
was very spicy.
63–64 Born on a ship, Attended Built a home on a A bad Truth
to a stowaway the fetes of mound of bones business
mother. the rich and taken from former decision
beautiful. enemies.
65–66 No youth to Disappeared Died and was “Perhaps Solitude
speak of, some- from this real- revived several becoming a
how entered ity for a while. times, through wizard was
the world as an Continuity of the use of magical my most
adult. that time is contingencies. meaningful
unclear. mistake”

chapter 4
be pre-prepared or generated randomly as the
LEGEND Dream-Cloud is explored.
Master magus E’lok Thir died not at the hands Play with time, space, and volume when
of zealous bandits, or from the spells of a rival you describe these locations. Present some
wizard, but while asleep, dreaming peacefully. chambers literally but make others more meta-
As with many things to do with magic, death is phorical. What constitutes a “chamber” in the
more complicated than it might be for anyone else. Dream-Cloud is up to you. The descriptions
While its body became limp and lifeless, E’lok provided detail the ambient emotional sensa-
Thir’s spirit was too potent for old age to claim it. tion of each chamber.
Spinning a web of safety out of dream-stuff,
E’lok Thir’s spirit made itself a place to hide
and to recover from the trauma of dying. The 1. THE FOYER
process confused and fragmented E’lok Thir’s Nervous tension fills this chamber, the first of
mind, splitting it into pieces that now wander the what promises to be a labyrinth of strange loca-
Dream-Cloud as it forms, collapses and reforms. tions. As a sense of palpable anticipation seizes
The Dream-Cloud, too, wanders, sometimes real your heart you realize that the emotions you feel
enough that the rain of its melancholy spills on the are not your own. They are emanating from this
stones of the waking world. place, a part of its atmosphere.
It is said, among those who know of such
things, that the Dream-Cloud might be lured The entrance hall of the Dream-Cloud frequently
closer to the world of the waking mind. With the takes the shape of the entrance to a home or insti-
right ritual or the right sort of bait, enterprising tution. It might take on the qualities of anything
individuals could pull the Dream-Cloud close just beginning - the foundations of a home, the
and step between the worlds. Once there, the empty stage just before a play begins, the first day
riches of the mind of a great magician would be of school.
free for the taking. This is a sort of staging ground and exists only
for visitors, newly arrived. Make it as off-putting,
as welcoming, as soft or strange as you like. Let it
foreshadow the rest of this strange place.


Locations within the Dream-Cloud are unfet- is always empty, save for the characters
tered by the rules of causality. A door between themselves.
the Trophy Hall and the Hidden Self may only
operate in one direction and attempting to
return might deposit characters in the Reflec- 2. THE TROPHY HALL
tarium. The Foyer is always the first chamber A sense of reverence fills this chamber, and
that visitors see, but otherwise, the map may surrounds you like a bank of fog. Sound is

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir
dampened here somehow, which gives the cham- PRANKSTER: The Child enjoys playing
ber an authoritative silence, as one might find in
pranks and has a unique sense of
humor. It will hide items, lock peo-
a library.
ple in rooms or closets, hurl taunts,
make biting comments about
E’lok Thir was an accomplished student of the a character’s prowess (or lack
magical arts who uncovered mysteries, bent thereof), or anything else the GM
reality and endured the very special sort of
might find appropriate. The pranks
are generally not physically harm-
hubris only sorcerers can suffer. The Trophy
ful, but the Child rarely considers
Hall is a reflection of accomplishments real the consequences of its actions
and imagined. and is likely to engage in mischief
Consider placing the Trophy Hall after a at very inopportune moments. For
instance, locking a character in a
battle with a manifestation or other denizen.
room might not be harmful in and
of itself, but locking a character in
✥ CREATURES: Both the Child and the Lost a room with a monster could very
and Sorrowful Soul can be found here, well have dire consequences. If
alone or together. confronted about its behavior, the
Child is as likely to giggle as cry,
✥ TREASURES: Trophies representing the
run off or scream in anger, jump up
achievements of E’lok Thir, along with and down or smile impishly.
knowledge relevant to the life of the wiz-
ard, can be found here. It might be possi-
ble to abscond with some of the trophies.

The Child represents naivete and
potential. It can be found nearly
anywhere, often in the company of
another manifestation. It is helpful
one moment and intemperate the
next. Dangerously unpredictable, it
might be bribed, tricked or convinced
to ally with visitors.


SKILLS: Stealth 3, Sleight of Hand 3

GEAR: An object representing E’lok
Thir’s favorite childhood toy

chapter 4
THE LOST AND SORROWFUL SOUL then, it haunts the Dream-Cloud, lash-
Some part of E’lok Thir understands ing out at those it sees as interlopers.
this place. This shade wanders the
halls of its own mind, semi-aware that STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3
it is trapped in unreality. It spreads a SKILLS: Manipulation 4
thick rime of regret on the walls as it GEAR: An object representing E’lok
passes. The Lost and Sorrowful Soul Thir’s greatest loss or regret
is slow to anger, but is an implacable
force of nihilism. Someday the dream
will end, and the Lost and Sorrowful
Soul will breathe a sigh of relief. Until

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir
CHILLING PRESENCE: Anyone spending tainted with sadness, but a weapon used
time near the Lost and Sorrow- to harm a loved one or a spell crafted for
ful Soul is soon overcome with
a selfish purpose are both appropriately
feelings of gloom and depression.
These dire thoughts leave any poetic choices.
creature in the same location bit-
terly COLD, as if its heart was being
squeezed by icy fingers. This condi- THE HEART
tion lasts until the creature leaves
the location. Feeling, emotion and desire rule this
manifestation. It is driven by the
results of the Deepest Desire roll and
will seek out characters connected to
it, even loosely. It is obsessive, des-
3. REGRET MADE MANIFEST perate, and prone to swings of mood
Pain, deeper than that caused by any cut or burn, and energy. An ally one moment, the
suffuses this chamber. You feel it, immediately, like a Heart can betray the next for seem-
sickness in your body, the heavy weight of a whole life’s ingly no reason. The Heart does not
failures suddenly pressing down on you all at once. think or know. It wants and feels.

Guilt regret, sorrow and loss are all manifested STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 2, EMPATHY 5
here. This chamber is especially useful for a SKILLS: Manipulation 4
clear and aggressive manifestation of the entry
GEAR: An object representing E’lok
you rolled or chose as “Last Regret.” Bring it Thir’s deepest desire
to the fore when the characters first enter. UNHEALTHY FIXATION: Each time the
When the characters spend time in this Heart is encountered, choose
chamber, choose one and ask “what is some- one random character to be its
thing you regret?” then weave the answer into obsession. The Heart will seek to
help the object of its obsession
your description of the room. The Dream-
however it can, even if the help
Cloud reacts strongly to this feeling and will isn’t needed (or wanted). However,
plague that character with visions, sounds and if the object of its obsession does
other manifestations (as directly or indirectly not show proper gratitude for
as you like, according to your whims). its efforts, the Heart will become
vengeful and then seek to hinder
its obsession in any way possible,
✥ CREATURES: Any Manifestation or up to and including attacking it in
Creature from any other chamber might a violent fit of rage.
be found here. Regret has a gravity all its
own. The Mind and the Heart are espe- THE MIND
cially likely visitors. The Heart’s foil, the Mind is curi-
✥ TREASURES: Any treasure found here is ous and intentional. It is without

chapter 4
empathy, but brilliant. This is what Whatever deep treasure or terrible pain E’lok
made E’lok Thir a master magus and Thir might bear is kept here. This is a place of
what doomed the wizard to this power and of suffering, of pleasure and all the
place. It can be reasoned with, but weight and accumulated emotional barnacles
must be handled carefully. The Mind of a life. It may take on the form of a vault,
is cruel and brooks no indecision or a fortress or some other secure location but
hesitation. could also be more metaphorical and related
to the life of the wizard. Let the table results
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 5, EMPATHY 2 guide you – this chamber is a perfect place to
SKILLS: Insight 4, Lore 4 learn about E’lok Thir the person.
The Architects spend much of their time
GEAR: An object representing E’lok
Thir’s greatest accomplishment here, pruning and adjusting the Hidden Self to
– something achieved through better reflect some new insight they’ve discov-
intelligence or great mental effort ered. They’ll attempt to drive off anyone who
PREOCCUPIED: When encountered, attempts to alter it.
the Mind will be in the midst of
solving some puzzle or quandary.
✥ CREATURES: No Manifestation can
Its end goal and methods might
be seen as good, evil or morally survive this place but characters are likely
ambiguous. Perhaps it seeks to to encounter an Architect here.
find a cure for some virulent dis- ✥ TREASURES: If you’ve been saving a
ease by infecting the characters chamber for your very best treasure, this
and observing the results. Or
is it. This is where E’lok Thir’s most
maybe it wants to find a way to
live forever, and experiments on precious possession (or memory) is kept,
the characters by aging them or whatever that might be.
making them younger. Whatever
the case, expect no sympathy from
the Mind – it is only interested in THE ARCHITECTS
results, though clever characters
might be able to escape becoming The entities that built this place
unwilling test subjects by convinc- remain to tailor it. Their nature is
ing it that they are willing to help unclear (you may find a place to fit
them into the canon of your cam-
paign). Because of the influence of
both their tenant and visitors to
4. THE HIDDEN SELF the Dream-Cloud, they may take
Calm, at last, but a fragile sort of calm. The kind on a more “real” form, appearing as
shattered by a single misspoken word or misplaced something familiar from the mind of
glance. This place feels delicate and temporary. a visitor. They can be ominous and
Best to hurry, then. threatening, or proud and helpful.

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir
These creatures do not respond to heartbeat, slow and steady in your chest. What
being directly addressed, though secrets will this chamber hold?
some characters may seek out a
rudimentary or particularly creative This chamber is one of relative peace and calm.
method of communication. Since revelation is only possible with reflec-
tion and with revelation comes turbulence,
DOPPELGANGER: Each Architect is the ripples of new ideas will spread out from
unique, and when encountered this place and violently reshape nearby cham-
will possess a form that is specific bers. This chamber is the home of the Mind
to its current task, unknowable as
(see page 64), which does not realize it is in a
that may be. They may appear as
a monster, a previously met NPC, dream, though enterprising and foolish char-
a total stranger, a deceased family acters may attempt to convince it. This could
member or friend, someone from a lead to a total and catastrophic collapse of the
character’s memory (or that of E’lok Dream-Cloud or could somehow coerce it into
Thir), or even as a duplicate of one
a state of lucidity, forming a kind of intention-
of the PCs – basically, whatever you
as GM think will be most interest- ally-crafted Dream-Cloud. If this is possible
ing at that particular moment. The in your version of the location, consider what
Architect will have the same stats that might look like and how it would change
and abilities as the creature copied. the Ritual of Egress, etc. This may be a way to
Architects can be used to create
“save” E’lok Thir if the characters are inter-
all kinds of eccentric situations
and interactions. Just remember ested in that.
that they are strange, supernatural
beings who are likely to think and ✥ CREATURES: This place is the home of
behave in ways completely alien to the Mind but is likely to contain a Causal
normal folk. If the Architect assumes
a form familiar to the players, have
it act in a way that is bizarre or even ✥ TREASURES: This chamber is where all
frightening. Conversely, one might that E’lok Thir knew in life is stored. It is
act exactly like someone the player a vast wellspring of intellectual treasures.
characters know, but take on the Secrets, knowledge, scrolls and books are
form of a different person or kin, or
all appropriate.
appear as a monster. Use encoun-
ters with Architects to unsettle the
players, and to keep them guessing.
Taking the form of various distrac-
tions, Causal Snares are the hiccups
5. THE REFLECTARIUM in dream-narrative. They are hall-
Gentle waves of doubt and certainty wash over ways that go on forever or archways
you in rhythm. You become aware of your own that can never quite be reached.

chapter 4
They are doors without handles and distinctions between one thing and the next
switchbacks. They manifest as deja become unclear. Which way did you come
vu when attempting to be subtle and from? Which way was forward?
as indirect attacks when they are
not. A Causal Snare can be escaped, A confusing maze, where time stretches out
but usually requires a sort of strange until it seems like forever. The Snarl of Doubt
dream logic to do so. is a chamber-between-chambers. It represents a
moment where all possible futures might come
FORMLESS: Causal Snares do not true. This place reflects nostalgia felt for the
have a physical manifestation. past and tells lies about the wizard as often as
While they can and frequently do the other chambers show truth.
alter the physical properties of the
The Snarl will often contain the Appren-
Dream-Cloud, the Causal Snares
themselves are entirely formless tice and the Child locked in debate about what
and cannot be detected in any road to take. Characters might assist them in
way. The only evidence of their their decision-making to earn a boon.
existence comes in the form of the
effect they have on their sur-
✥ CREATURES: The Child (see page 62)
roundings. It is up to you as GM
to decide what impact a Causal and the Apprentice are commonly found
Snare will have and, more impor- here, locked in argument, trapped by
tantly, how the PCs can overcome their own inexperience. If not, an Archi-
one’s meddling. INSIGHT can be tect (see page 65), Causal Snare (see page
used to see through its decep-
66) or an Unwelcome Nightmare might
tion, or a clever character might
use MANIPULATION to somehow make for a suitable encounter.
trick the Causal Snare. Also, bear ✥ TREASURES: This chamber is oracular
in mind that Causal Snares are in its anxious way, and characters might
particularly susceptible to dream learn secrets about their future. A reward
logic. The only way to defeat one
in the form of food, drink or garb might
or escape from it after it has
taken notice of the characters be appropriate to those who escape.
is often to behave in a way that
is impractical, illogical or, under
normal circumstances, outright THE APPRENTICE
Full of hope, the Apprentice rep-
resents E’lok Thir at a turning point,
and is a manifestation of crossroads,
metaphorical or otherwise. It is at
6. THE SNARL OF DOUBT once foolhardy and uncertain, and
Sudden and overwhelming uncertainty, tends to understand better what
here. Left or right, up or down, light or dark, could be rather than what is. The

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir
Apprentice has many magical powers, UNWELCOME NIGHTMARES
but they are unpredictable and often Sometimes the mind dwells in dark-
don’t operate precisely as intended. ness, ruminating on failure. This
attracts the Unwelcome Nightmare.
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3 These creatures dwell in the Dream-
SKILLS: Whenever the Apprentice Cloud waiting for an opportunity to
uses a skill, randomly generate the torment those who visit, and goad
skill level by rolling a D3 (it is still E’lok Thir’s self-loathing. As the
learning, after all) Dream-Cloud destabilizes, the Unwel-
GEAR: An object that represents come Nightmares will become famil-
learning, uncertainty, or both, such
iar with the visiting characters and
as a book about a difficult subject,
hastily scribbled notes or a par- torment them in more specific and
tially labeled diagram personal ways.
MOOD SHIFT: Each time the Appren-
tice is encountered (or, alter- YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE: Unwelcome
natively, if The Apprentice is Nightmares can appear in almost
traveling with the PCs, each time any form. When one is encountered,
a new area of the Dream-Cloud you should pick a PC and have the
is entered) roll a D6 and consult Unwelcome Nightmare manifest as
the chart below to determine its something that PC fears. Alterna-
state of mind: tively, the Unwelcome Nightmare
1–2 SELF-CONSCIOUS: The Apprentice could take on a form that is an
is overwrought with self- amalgamation of fears from each
doubt. Any time it attempts of the PCs, or it could change form
a task, it receives a –2 at random or at predetermined
modification. intervals. Its attributes, movement,
3–4 RELAXED: The Apprentice armor rating and any special abilities
presents itself as calm and should be consistent with the thing
thoughtful. Tasks receive no that the PC (or PCs) dread most,
modification. though fear is an irrational thing and
5–6 CONFIDENT: The Apprentice is often exaggerated, so likewise, the
overcome with eagerness and stats of the Unwelcome Nightmare
feels particularly self-assured. may be similarly exaggerated.
Any time it attempts a task, it
receives a +2 modification.
If there is a task the PCs are
having difficulty with, it might D6 ATTACK
be worth their while to try and 1 CRIPPLING FEAR! All adven-
convince the Apprentice to help, turers within NEAR range
when it is feeling confident, of suffers a fear attack using
course. six Base Dice.

chapter 4
sheer horror of the situ- within NEAR range of the
ation is enough to cause Unwelcome Nightmare is
chest pain, as if a heavy immediately exposed to
fist was punching its their greatest fear. For the
way into the adventur- victims, the experience feels
er’s heart. An adventurer entirely real. Each victim
within NEAR range suffers suffers a fear attacks using
an attack with seven Base ten Base Dice.
Dice and Weapon Damage
2 (blunt force).
One adventurer within
NEAR range sees something 7. ROOMS OF RECONCILIATION
so terrible it will haunt A breath. A moment to pause and the sense that
them for as long as they
this place might be safe to rest in. Or is it another
live. The target suffers a
fear attack using eight illusion? Can this peace be trusted?
Base Dice. An adventurer
hit by the attack must The Rooms of Reconciliation manifest most
spend their next action often as locales of quiet sadness – hospital
fleeing from the Unwel-
rooms, ancient graveyards overrun with grass,
come Nightmare.
places of confession. If the characters have
offended or harmed E’lok’s manifestations
Unwelcome Nightmare uses
whatever form it has taken this is an appropriate place to make amends.
to launch a devastating When the characters enter this chamber,
attack against an adven- ask one character if anyone else in the group
turer within NEAR range. has harmed them in some way or if they carry
The target suffers at attack
a grudge. Ask them what the character who
using eight Base Dice with
Weapon Damage 1. wronged them could do to make amends. Both
characters are aware of the answers, transmit-
adventurers abruptly ted to them by whatever means are appropriate
perceive each other as for the paradigm of the chamber.
personifications of their
greatest fears. They must ✥ CREATURES: Sometimes, the Lost and
each roll for INSIGHT to
Sorrowful Soul (see page 63) can be found
avoid having to spend
their next action attack- here, forlornly wandering, looking for
ing the other in a fit of restitution for some ancient wrong, real or
paranoia. imagined. It may be bargained with, here,
where it is at its most vulnerable.

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir
✥ TREASURES: The foremost treasure here anything brand new, for example.
is the chance to rest, safe for a moment
from the nightmares found elsewhere.
Spirits of eagerness and hedonism,
8. CHAPEL OF these creatures seek to under-
TOMORROW’S PRICE stand and fulfill the desires of
There is something lurking here, ominous as the those they come in contact with.
ticking of a clock. You feel as though you stand The Dream-Cloud is a twisted
on the edge of a precipice and at any moment sleepscape and the attentions of
might plummet or soar from its edge. How a Granter are not always welcome.
uncomfortable! Use a Granter of Wishes to give the
characters who visit the Dream-
Whether this place is a terrifying hell or a Cloud exactly what they most
pastoral heaven is entirely up to two things desire. If you do it right, they’ll
- what E’lok Thir believes in and what E’lok regret ever wanting it.
Thir believes he, she or it deserves. This
chamber seeks an answer to “what now?” and AS YOU WISH: A Granter of Wishes
manifestations present here are at their clos- will generally appear as some-
est to understanding the truth. If the char- thing or someone who is equal
parts non-threatening and
acters are interested in saving E’lok Thir
alluring. Its form may origi-
they may be able to do so by luring all the nate from the memory or inner
manifestations here together and performing desire of one of the characters,
some final task. This place is fearsome in the or from that of E’lok Thir. They
way that owning up to one’s flaws and taking make no attempt to influence
the world around them directly,
responsibility can steal away one’s courage.
unless doing so in response to
This chamber will be especially gruel- a wish. They cannot be harmed
ing or poignant for characters who have had in any way, but if attacked a
their own brush with death. Ensure they Granter will defend itself. Oddly
understand that special connection while enough, the easiest way to be
rid of one is to simply wish it
they are here.
away, though this only works if
everyone in the vicinity (within
✥ CREATURES: Mostly, this place holds NEAR range) truly wants it gone.
Unwelcome Nightmares (see page 68), but If even a single adventurer is
one may also find A Granter of Wishes. thinking of taking advantage of
the Granter, it will stay in order
✥ TREASURES: Treasure that is a meta-
to grant, and probably twist,
phor for some future goal fits best here. that person’s wish.
Magical seeds, trappings of a journey or

chapter 4
of Wishes misinterprets the
person’s desires and instead
1 TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING! A causes them extreme mental
random character is given a anguish. The victim suffers a
glimpse of their greatest desire fear attack with eight Base
and becomes overwhelmed Dice. If hit, the victim must
by the experience unless they spend the next round weeping
make an INSIGHT roll to pull in self-pity, screaming in rage,
themselves together. Failure silently staring off into space
means the character spends or otherwise expressing their
a 15-minute turn completely discontent over the unfairness
lost in their own fantasy world. of it all.
While in this state, the charac-
5 VENDETTA! The targeted adven-
ter does not react to external
turers is holding a grudge
stimuli and acts as if they were
against someone, or so the
in a coma.
Granter believes. In a sudden
2 BETTER YOU THAN ME! The adven- flurry, it lashes out, acting on
turer is spontaneously cured the impulse (real or not) of the
of an ailment, deformity or character who was wronged.
permanent critical injury. Roll for the attack using nine
However, that same ail- Base Dice and Weapon Damage
ment immediately appears 2 (blunt force).
on another random PC.
6 HEART’S DESIRE! Somehow, the
Alternately, someone the
person actually gets what
PC knows could be cured
they want, at least to an
instead, with the PC gaining
extent. Work with the player
their ailment.
to decide what benefit the
3 MEMORY PURGE! The Granter Granter provides. Perhaps
reaches into the adven- a damaged item is repaired,
turer’s mind and pulls out a wound is healed, a small
what it perceives to be an amount of gold coins appears
unwanted or traumatic or the adventurer gains some
memory. The victim loses scrap of knowledge that they
all recollection of a specific were seeking.
event, person, place or item.
You decide what memory
is lost, and whether or not
the effect is permanent or
only temporary. Perhaps the 9. GAUNTLET OF APPROVAL
memory will return as soon
Entering this chamber, you are certain you are
as the PC leaves the Dream-
Cloud, or it might be gone being observed. The ominous eye of some alien
forever. watcher is upon you, and your skin crawls with
the sensation.

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir
In every life there is judgment. Every action one ✥ CREATURES: The Heart is found here,
takes is observed and measured. In the Gaunt- now and then, wanting what it wants. If
let of Approval, E’lok Thir re-experiences every the Mind finds it here, they immediately
moment of judgment faced during the course of become aggressive towards one another.
an entire lifetime. This chamber may manifest ✥ TREASURES: E’lok Thir’s most shameful
as a literal gauntlet of shouting faces and point- secrets are hidden away here – anything
ing fingers or might be more subtle. The deeper forbidden could be discovered in the
into the Dream-Cloud that visitors are, the more Depths.
this chamber reflects their own experiences.
Here, the Apprentice can often be found,
and might be eager to assist or bitter and angry, 11. GROTTO OF PEACE
depending on your whim and what sort of stu- Clarity and a sense of alertness sharpen the
dent E’lok Thir was. features of this chamber. Your mind feels like a
window opening to the spring air after a long,
✥ CREATURES: The Apprentice (see page 67) dark winter.
✥ TREASURES: Treasures granting resilience
or resistance to harm might be secreted Peace is the rarest commodity. This chamber
away in this place. embodies moments of beauty where all is calm.
Here, puzzles become clear and riddles untan-
gle. Here, realization is easy and self-awareness
10. FORBIDDEN DEPTHS possible, if only for a moment. The Grotto of
A childish feeling of shame tightens your stomach, peace manifests as places of fragility and insta-
welling up through your body as you enter this bility. This is not a peace that can last.
chamber. Each step feels like a transgression.
✥ CREATURES: The Child (see page 62) or
Every human mind has fantasies about burning an Architect (see page 65) are most likely
down the house and fleeing naked into the woods. encountered here.
This chamber holds those kinds of secrets. All ✥ TREASURES: Treasures found here will
the forbidden and unacceptable desires of life are shy away from violent expression, but
trapped in this place. It houses some meaning- otherwise any magical treasure could be
ful treasure or tidbit of knowledge among the appropriate.
morass of shame. This chamber might manifest
as a pleasure-house, a private study, or some-
thing repurposed from an innocent origin. 12. THE HELL WE MAKE
Remember your players’ sensitivities when If this maze has a center, this may well be it. No
describing this location. What might seem a treasure awaits here, but instead a terrible pur-
fun level of nightmarish or taboo to you might pose - torment and torture, the kind we turn upon
be upsetting or harmful to a fellow player. ourselves - is made manifest.

chapter 4
A special manifestation of E’lok Thir is being be possible. On a successful INSIGHT
kept here. The others come and go from this roll, the character can hold and
place to check on the fragmented and impris- concentrate on the Essence in order
oned Essence. Without intervention by visi- to alter a location by adding or
tors, the Essence cannot escape. The Essence removing details, cause objects to
cannot think or feel, and is as much a concept appear or disappear, rearrange rooms
as it is an entity. The other manifestations or physical features of the space,
keep the Essence here and punish it in what- increase or decrease the area’s size,
ever method fits your understanding of the etc. Failing the INSIGHT roll causes
self-loathing of a wizard. the Essence to reject the character’s
If the Essence were freed from this place it interference – from now on, any time
might be brought to the Rooms of Reconcili- the character touches the Essence
ation to be reunited with the other manifesta- its psychic backlash causes that
tions. Even attempting such a thing draws in person to suffer a fear attack using
both the creatures that made this place and the twelve Base Dice.
other manifestations.

✥ CREATURES: This is the prison of the

Essence and might be guarded by any of EVENTS
the other manifestations or creatures of The rules of the Dream-Cloud shift and change
the Dream-Cloud. This is the place for a as characters move from one location to
final showdown or to highlight anything another and their own mental and emotional
your players have missed so far. state will affect the landscape. Ask a few of the
✥ TREASURES: The artifact the Essence is following questions, in no particular order,
found here. here and there as the characters progress. The
answers should inform how the Dream-Cloud
might react or shift accordingly.
THE ESSENCE OF E’LOK THIR ✥ What emotion are you most strongly feel-
Formless and inchoate, the Essence ing, right now?
of E’lok Thir represents that final ✥ How did [event that just occurred] make
spark that separates the animate you feel?
from the inanimate. It is the soul of ✥ What does this moment remind you of?
a powerful wizard and is dangerous, ✥ What is a song you remember well from
wondrous and unpredictable. the past? Why did you think of it, just now?
The one who possesses the ✥ When was the last time you spoke to your
Essence of E’lok Thir can exert a parents?
greater degree of control over the ✥ What is something you’re secretly proud of?
Dream-Cloud than would otherwise ✥ What is a shameful memory you carry

the dream-cloud of e’lok thir
around? What about this place reminds aggressively tailor the landscape to the
you of it? intruders, advancing from vague images
✥ What was the last beautiful thing you saw? to concrete representations.
How did it make you feel? ✥ E’lok Thir’s fragments realize the Dream-
✥ Have you ever had a moment in which Cloud is being intruded upon and become
you were afraid to die? What made that hostile, in their way.
moment different from any other time ✥ The Dream-Cloud begins conjuring
you were in danger? wholly-real objects and places tailored to
✥ What do you suspect [other character] the characters, especially impossible or
thinks of you? [to that character:] What incongruous ones.
do you really think? ✥ E’lok Thir’s fragments start to merge,
cohesion coming as a reaction to the
It can be a meaningful signal to a player if threat of the characters, who are pursued,
you ask about their guilt after they’ve done harried and harassed by the various frag-
something you think they might feel badly ments in their idiom.
about. Asking questions seemingly out-of- ✥ The Dream-Cloud unravels, real-world
context can create a sense of paranoia or logic losing all hold on its landscape.
confusion. Absurdity and chaos reign.
As the characters explore the Dream-Cloud ✥ The Dream-Cloud begins to collapse,
their presence inexorably disturbs its stability. withdrawing from the waking world. Con-
An invisible timer is ticking down. Each time sult The End of The Dream.
the players overcome a significant challenge
(like defeating a major denizen, or interacting
with a manifestation for the first time) or rest
for more than a moment, tick off one item
from the list in order. When the final item is THE END
ticked, consult The End of The Dream (to the OF THE DREAM
right) for information about how to end this
long night. When your timer of events runs out and you
✥ E’lok Thir’s fragmented manifestations reach the final entry the Dream-Cloud wanes
begin to notice the characters, acknowl- and moves away from the waking world, threat-
edging and remembering them from ening to take those still inside with it. A second
fragment-to-fragment. ritual must be performed to escape. Without the
✥ The Dream-Cloud itself notices the char- Ritual of Egress, anyone caught in the Dream-
acters’ presence, drawing on their subcon- Cloud is trapped there, incorporated into the
scious desires and creating images from dream or absorbed wholesale and lost forever.
their emotional state. Ensure your players have a chance to learn the
✥ The Dream-Cloud begins to more way out at some point during their visit.

chapter 4
The sorcerer Pagoag is a minor note in most histories, as
his vanity, excesses and medical prowess brought plenty
of commentary, but darker insinuations become more
and more explicit – that his cult was insular, greedy, and
lasciviously hedonistic. The darkest allegation is that Pa-
goag began experimenting with the creation of a mellified
man – the candied flesh of which can restore any being
to the apex of their vitality at the cost of a prolonged and
torturous end to an individual. A single pound of mel-
lified flesh can, by renewing the life of an individual or
resurrecting the recently dead and restoring them to their
physical peak, create devastating impacts and destabilize
power relations. Anyone with even a decent amount of
wealth would have a burning desire for it.

Local herders and villagers speak of it in hushed tones. No-
ticing the smoke on the horizon, they mutter such things as
“The fires are hot today” or “It burns only faintly” as though
discussing the weather. But they avoid getting any closer.
Those that do are known never to return. Some say it is
home to demons, or a wizard. Others say it is the entrance
to the bowels of the earth, or to the place where ghosts go
during the daylight hours. All of them know somebody who
knew somebody else who once saw figures on the mound,
or heard the distant sound of wood being chopped, when
studying it from afar.

Demons are an evil come to us through a crack in the world.
One of their forms is called monkey – person-shaped and
person-faced, but subtly perverse. They have pale fur,
thumbs on both hands and feet, a cat-like tail, and are long as
they are tall. Armed and armored, they come bearing flags
and scripture. But their insignias are meaningless heraldry,
their shields filigreed in alien styles. Their hymns praise false
divinities – what fearful evil! While some demons worm
through our lowest urges, the monkey instead mocks our art,
our faith, our civilization. Our virtues!

Master magus E’lok Thir died not at the hands of zealous
bandits, or from the spells of a rival wizard, but while
asleep, dreaming peacefully. As with many things to do
with magic, death is more complicated than it might be for
anyone else. While its body became limp and lifeless, E’lok
Thir’s spirit was too potent for old age to claim it.
Spinning a web of safety out of dream-stuff, E’lok Thir’s
spirit made itself a place to hide and to recover from the
trauma of dying. The process confused and fragmented
E’lok Thir’s mind, splitting it into pieces that now wander
the Dream-Cloud as it forms, collapses and reforms. The
Dream-Cloud, too, wanders, sometimes real enough that the
rain of its melancholy spills on the stones of the waking world.
It is said, among those who know of such things, that the
Dream-Cloud might be lured closer to the world of the
waking mind. With the right ritual or the right sort of bait,
enterprising individuals could pull the Dream-Cloud close
and step between the worlds. Once there, the riches of the
mind of a great magician would be free for the taking.


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