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Engineering Innovation Challenge 2022

Project Title: FBI (Farm Beyond Intelligence)

Project Code: S-8

Akshit Govil, Aaditya Pillai, Tanay Adgaonkar, Tanmay Kumar

Yuvabharathi International School (YBIS)

Project Title: FBI (Farm Beyond Intelligence)
Project Code: S-8

Project Abstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is commonly being used in multiple agricultural setups today. We
are using AI enabled IoT sensors to monitor soil health and provide the data collected to the
farmers where they can seamlessly access it. Moreover, we have integrated an automated
irrigator, which functions on the basis of the moisture level reading provided by the sensors
and rectifies the problem of low moisture.

We aim to not only preserve but also improve the quality of the soil by giving the soil exactly
what it needs at the right time to ensure better crop yield. We also plan to implement an
automated fertiliser spray, to counter high or low acidic contents of the soil.

Our project consists of research regarding the many problems the soil is facing and studying
how drastically improved soil conditions play a role in the quality of the yield.
The prototyping is of a setup that monitors soil contents, provides that data to the farmers and
based on its readings, automatically waters or even fertilises the soil as per the requirement.

Project Title: FBI (Farm Beyond Intelligence)
Project Code: S-8

Project Report

Problem Statement:
Soil provides an ecosystem of services critical for life: soil acts as a water filter and a
growing medium; provides habitat for billions of organisms, contributing to diversity; and
even supplies most of the antibiotics used to fight diseases. But perhaps, the most important
of the above is its crucial role in agriculture. We are facing an unprecedented crisis of soil
deterioration, desertification and erosive loss that is becoming increasingly problematic for

The impact of soil degradation could total $23 trillion in losses of food, ecosystem services
and income worldwide by 2050, according to the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification. According to the U.N., soil erosion may reduce up to 10% of crop yields by

Research Question:
Can improved soil conditions play a role in producing a better yield of crops? If so, to what
extent and how can we improve it using IoT sensors and AI? Also, how does it prove

The prototype uses IoT sensors, which connect directly to the IoT cloud to display the data as
well as automatically water the soil or spray it with the required fertilisers.

What are IoT sensors?

By definition, Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the collective network of connected devices
and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as
between the devices themselves. IoT sensors themselves are part of this network. Instead of
just collecting data, they also send it to the cloud, other connected devices and managing

Project Title: FBI (Farm Beyond Intelligence)
Project Code: S-8
systems. It allows these sensors to seamlessly connect and display the data on the Internet
making it ever more accessible.

Functioning of our setup:

1. Calibrating the soil moisture sensor

Our setup uses a capacitive soil moisture sensor, which is first calibrated with the help
of an Arduino Uno microcontroller to find out the dry reading (the raw number
reading given at 0% moisture) and the wet reading (raw number reading given at
100% moisture) which we will record and later use for building a soil moisture meter.

2. Building a soil moisture meter

Using a Raspberry Pi Pico controller, we can connect the soil moisture sensor to an
OLED screen and as we write a code, we will be able to gain the moisture reading in
percentage. It is much like a data feed, providing the up to date, relevant information
in real time. When we test this meter by watering the soil, a rise in the percentage
displayed on the OLED screen can be seen in real time, telling us that there is an
evident rise in the moisture of the soil. Now, we can set a percentage below which the
moisture content in our soil should not drop, say 20%.

3. Automatic Soil Watering System

Using an Arduino Nano 33 IoT board, a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor,
five volt relay module, water and fertiliser pump and an adequate power supply along
with the same capacity soil moisture sensor and OLED screen, by writing a rather
detailed code, we can create a set up for an automatic watering system on the IoT
Arduino cloud. Once we integrate the pump trigger level (like previously said, 20%
moisture in the soil), if the moisture level detected by the sensor ever drops below the
trigger level, the pump will set off, until the moisture detected is more than that
trigger level, upon which, the pump will be turned off automatically.

Using a similar process, we aim to create an automatic fertiliser spray as well, to

counter the low nutritional content, over acidity or high basic contents of the soil.

Methods for data analysis:

Project Title: FBI (Farm Beyond Intelligence)
Project Code: S-8

Our project as well as setup allows the user to analyse and monitor the soil’s health
and contents by the detailed data provided by our sensors. Since it is built using IoT
sensors on the IoT Arduino Cloud, the data can be seamlessly accessed and is
automatically displayed in front of the user in a user centred manner. One can see the
moisture contents of the soil in real time, as well as from 15 days ago. Moreover,
using this data we aim to build an app or even a website, which can be accessed even
more easily. Since our project will be used in open farming applications, it is crucial
to factor in other environmental factors, such as the weather. Via the temperature and
humidity sensors (DHT22, as mentioned previously) we can monitor the external
factors that affect agriculture too, and as they are IoT sensors, we can provide this
data for the users too, in real time.

Implementation in Agriculture:

The setup’s sensors are immersed in soil, for example the moisture sensor that
supports three different depths on a single node. On a real agricultural setup, via
connecting wires, the microcontroller and other non-sensor units can be stationed
away from the soil to avoid dysfunction due to water.
The implementation of this setup can result in reduction in the chances of
desertification of the soil, as well as by keeping the soil well watered and providing it
with the necessary nutrition could significantly reduce soil erosion and lead to better
overall soil health.

Role in sustainability:

Another factor is sustainability, and how our project does in that regard.
In 2015, the UN set up a collection of 17 interlinked global goals called the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) designed to be “a shared blueprint for peace
and prosperity for the people and the planet, now and into the future”.
In particular, Sustainable Development Goal 15 (SDG15) as per the UN, “Life on
Land” talks about combating desertification, reversing land degradation and halting
biodiversity loss.

Project Title: FBI (Farm Beyond Intelligence)
Project Code: S-8
How can our project reach these goals, if implemented properly? The set-up is
dedicated to monitoring the soil’s deficiencies and when needed, replacing it through
automated mechanisms. Giving the soil the care it needs greatly improves soil health
and does in fact reverse land degradation. It proves sustainable, as we improve and
preserve a crucial resource on our planet, soil.

Expected Outcomes:
1. Less chance of human error
2. Better maintenance of soil quality
3. Allows farmers to focus more on improving yields
4. Allows for a faster rate of production of agricultural goods.
5. Makes large scale farming possible and easier.
6. Reduces any cost spent on manual labour and lets the AI do everything
7. Since the data is constantly updated, any problems in soil can undergo early detection.
8. Prevents inexperienced or new farmers from using the wrong or harmful amount of
any chemical.

Future Improvements (Engineering Goals):

● Aside from just the Arduino IoT cloud, we want to create our own website/app so we
can bring the data to our users more effectively.
● In our current Automatic Soil Watering System’s wiring setup, we have not included
an automated fertiliser spray. Using a pH level sensor in the soil, we can automate it
to spray the required fertiliser whenever necessary. That is something that we
definitely want to do as we progress in the competition, as it is fairly easy to
implement as well.
● As discussed earlier, instead of using just a simple capacitive soil moisture sensor,
using an I2C capacitive moisture sensor would also provide us with the soil
temperature and light data readings, further improving the range of our set-up’s
● As for now, our focus is on improving soil health as it plays a major role in
agriculture. However, we are always willing to expand and include more functions
and features that can further streamline and better the process of crop growth as a

Project Title: FBI (Farm Beyond Intelligence)
Project Code: S-8



Project Title: FBI (Farm Beyond Intelligence)
Project Code: S-8


● Impact of Soil Degradation (Problem Statement)-
● Impact of soil erosion (Problem Statement)-

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