Function & UI

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Load vs with vs locavarible()

Load variables will be initialized once the form is loaded

We can use load variables in
SaveInto and a!Save()

With variables will be recalculated each time when the expression is re-evaluated.
We can not use with variables in SaveInto and

locavaribles have refresh mechanisum(refresh variable will be used in that so we

can use ) instead of load & with

In local varibles function we have refresh functionality using refreshvarible()

function based on this we can refresh varible
for updated values using

1. change target varibles

2. using time frame meane every 5 seceonds if we want to update or refresh the
values we can use time

Start Form : before process starting If we can conigure a form this will not take
take memory mmory initialy as process model wil not be started when we are
configure start form as it is avaiable to use before process instance is started

User Input Form : This will be used to configure a form after process started only
the form will be avaible to user

Diff B/W length & Count :

length: returns the count of non null values

count:returns the count of the elements in the array including null values.

apply() function call a rule or

function for each item in list and
provides any context specified

applycomponents()function Calls a rule or

function for each item in a list and supports
the preservation of the local state on

fo each function is replcement of apply & applycompoents

!forEach(items: {100, 200, 300}, expression: fv!item + 1) returns {101, 201, 301}

items: {"1"},"2""3},
expression: union(fv!item,append(fv!item))

It will give us 1,2,3 as out put here each one item will be display from array

Remove() Removest he value at given index from an array and returns the resulting
Where() Returns the indices where the values in the input array are true.
Where({true,false,true})—1,3 true indexs

Wherecontains() Receives one or more values and returns an array of indices that
indicate the
position of the values within the array.

Index(array,index,default) returns array[Index], if it is valid else returns

default value.

Contains() Checks whether an array contains the value.

contains({10, 20, 30}, 20)- true
Difference()Returns the values in array1 and not in array2.
difference({10, 20, 30, 40}, {30, 40})—10,20

ToString()Converts a value to Text. If an array is passed in, its values will be

concatenated to form
one string. To preserve the original array structure, use touniformstring.
Tostring({1,2,3})--"1, 2, 3"
ToUniformString()Converts a value to Text, preserving the original scalar or array
structure. To
concatenate the array into one string, see tostring.
touniformstring("John Doe 1060 West Addison Chicago", "IL",15)-- John Doe 1060 West
Chicago; IL; 15

Diff B/W length & Count :

length: returns the count of non null values

count:returns the count of the elements in the array including null values.

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