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IDENTIFICATION (5 items x 2 points)

Answer the following items. Write your answers on the space


1. If the white bread represent the sandy ocean floor, what do the gummy fish on the bread.

–The gummy fish on the bread represent the preserved remains of organisms in the sandy
ocean floor.

2.What do the remaining gummy candy, then the last slice of bread added represent in
procedure number 57?

–The remaining gummy candy and the last slice of bread added in procedure number 57
represent the layers of sediment that accumulate over time and cover the preserved

3.What do placing heavy textbooks on top of the bread to simulate?

–Placing heavy textbooks on top of the bread simulates the pressure from layers of sediment
above the preserved organisms in the fossilization process.

4.What does leaving your model one (1) to two (2) days represent? In reality, approximately
how much does a day represent in the process of fossilization?

–Leaving the model one (1) to two (2) days represents the passage of time in the fossilization
process. In reality, a day represents a longer period of time, usually thousands to millions of
years, for fossilization to occur.

5.Compare the colored residue of the gummy fish in the bread fossil to the remains of the
plants and animals that seep into rock.
–The colored residue of the gummy fish in the bread fossil can be compared to the
remains of plants and animals that seep into rock. Both show the preservation of organic
materials and can provide valuable information about past life forms.

II. ILLUSTRATION (1 item x 10 points)

Provide a photo of your model below. Label the components of your model.

Complete the table below.

Components of My Model

1. Sedimentary layers of sand and mud

2.Organic remains (e.g., shells, bones, plants)

3.Pressure from layers of sediment

4.Permineralization solution

5.Environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, pH)

Representation in the Actual Process of Fossilization

1.Accumulation of sediment over time that covers and preserves organisms

2.Fossilized remains of organisms that have undergone mineralization

3.Compression and compaction of sediment over time that aids in fossil formation

4.Mineral-rich water that seeps into porous materials and replaces organic matter with

5.Influence the preservation and fossilization process by affecting decay rates and

ESSAY (1 item x 10 points)

Answer the following item in no less than five (5) sentences.

Write your answers on the space provided.

What did you learn about fossilization based on the simulation?

–Based on the simulation, I learned several key aspects about fossilization. Firstly, I learned
that fossilization is a slow and gradual process that takes a significant amount of time. The
simulation showed that leaving the model for one to two days represented the passage of
time in the fossilization process, which in reality can take thousands to millions of years.
Secondly, I learned that sediment plays a crucial role in fossilization. The layers of sediment
in the simulation represented the accumulation of sand and mud over time, which can cover
and preserve the remains of organisms. Thirdly, I learned that pressure is important in the
fossilization process. Placing heavy textbooks on top of the model simulated the pressure
from layers of sediment, which aids in the compression and compaction of the sediment to
form fossils. Additionally, the simulation highlighted the significance of environmental
conditions, such as temperature and pH, in influencing the preservation and fossilization
process. Lastly, the simulation emphasized that fossilization can provide valuable information
about past life forms and their environments, as seen in the comparison between the colored
residue of the gummy fish in the bread fossil and the remains of plants and animals that seep
into rock.

Part B. Pinwheel Wind Turbines

ESSAY (3 items x 5 points)
Answer the following items in no less than three (3) sentences. Write your answer on the


1.What happened when you attached the motor to the pinwheel and put it in front of the
fan? Did any energy transformation take place? Why and how?

• When you connected the motor to the pinwheel and placed it in front of the fan, something
interesting happened. The motor used electricity to make the pinwheel spin when the fan
blew air at it. This Is because the motor can change electrical energy into movement energy,
which made the pinwheel move.

2.Does the strength of the wind affect the amount of electricity produced by the windmill?
Prove your answer.

• Yes, the strength of the wind does affect how much electricity the windmill can make. When
the wind is stronger, it pushes the windmill’s blades harder, making them spin faster. This
faster spinning generates more energy that can be turned into electricity. So, the stronger the
wind, the more electricity the windmill can produce.

3.After watching the video William and the Windmill, you must have learned that his
invention is innovative. What invention you think is the most innovative in your area. Explain
your answer.
• After watching the video about William and his windmill, I think his invention is really cool
and innovative. In my area, I believe the most innovative invention is renewable energy
technologies like solar panels and wind turbines. These inventions are important because
they use natural sources of energy, like the sun and wind, to make electricity. They are better
for the environment and can help us reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which are not good
for the planet.

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