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Made by : Khaye Gallego


Checking In:

Front Desk Agent (FDA): "Good [morning/afternoon/evening], and welcome to [Your Hotel
Name]. How can I assist you today?"

Guest: "I have a reservation under the name [Guest's Name]."

FDA: "Thank you, Mr./Ms. [Guest's Last Name]. May I please see your ID and the credit card
you'll be using for incidentals?"

[Guest provides ID and credit card.]

FDA: "Thank you, Mr./Ms. [Guest's Last Name]. I've located your reservation. You'll be staying
in room [Room Number] for [Number of Nights] nights. Is that correct?"

Guest: "Yes, that's correct."

(if it is paid, kindly inform the guest, if not tell the total amount to settle)

FDA: "Ma’am/Sir, to inform you. your total bill is $[Total Amount]. How would you like to
settle the bill?”

Guest: (cash / debit or credit card / paymaya / gcash)

FDA: “Would you like a copy of your bill?"

Guest: "Yes, please."

[Front Desk Agent prints the bill.]

FDA: "Here's your bill, Mr./Ms. [Guest's Last Name]. Please review it, and if everything looks
accurate, we'll proceed with the payment."

[Guest reviews the bill.]

Guest: "Everything looks good."

FDA: "Thank you, Mr./Ms. [Guest's Last Name].

(give the card back if they use credit/debit card)

FDA: "Great! I just need your signature here to confirm your check-in and to authorize any
incidental charges during your stay."

[Guest signs the registration card.]

FDA: "Ma’am/Sir, would you like to deposit? or if you want we can cancel this deposit but pay
directly to the restaurant or any consumption in the hotel."

(guest decide)

FDA: "Here are your room keys, Mr./Ms. [Guest's Last Name]. It is located at the [hotel floor].

(give the Welcome Letter)

Breakfast is served from [Breakfast Hours] in our dining : 6-10 AM. If you have any questions
or need assistance during your stay, please dial “0”. Enjoy your stay!"

[courtesy call before check out time]

Checking Out:

FDA: "Good [morning/afternoon/evening], Mr./Ms. [Guest's Last Name]. I hope you had a
pleasant stay with us. Are you all set to check out today?"

Guest: "Yes, I'm ready to check out."

FDA: "Great! May I have your room key, please?"

[Guest returns room key.]

FDA: "I've processed your check-out. You still have a bill to settle the total amount is $[Total
Amount]. How would you like to settle?“

(if they have a deposit)

: would you like to charge it using your deposit?

Guest: "Yes, please."

[Front Desk Agent prints the bill.]

FDA: "Here's your bill, Mr./Ms. [Guest's Last Name]. Please review it, and if everything looks
accurate, we'll proceed with the payment."

[Guest reviews the bill.]

Guest: "Everything looks good."

FDA: "Thank you, Mr./Ms. [Guest's Last Name]. Your payment has been processed. You'll
receive a receipt via email shortly. We hope you had a wonderful stay with us. If you have any
feedback or require any assistance in the future, please feel free to reach out. Safe travels!"

Please remember to replace the placeholders in brackets with actual information

relevant to your hotel. Additionally, always ensure that your staff is trained to handle
guest check-in and check-out professionally, efficiently, and with a warm and
welcoming attitude.
Front Desk Agent (FDA): "Good [morning/afternoon/evening], and thank you for calling
[Your Company/Hotel Name]. My name is [Your Name]. How may I assist you today?"

Caller: "[Caller's Inquiry/Request]"

FDA: "Of course, I'd be happy to help you with that. May I please have your name and a
callback number in case we get disconnected?"

Caller: "[Caller's Name] and my number is [Caller's Phone Number]."

FDA: "Thank you, Mr./Ms. [Caller's Last Name]. How can I assist you with your inquiry today?"

Caller: "[Caller's Inquiry/Request]"

FDA: "I appreciate your inquiry, Mr./Ms. [Caller's Last Name]. Let me check that for you. Please
hold for a moment."

[Place the caller on hold, check the requested information, and return to the call.]

FDA: "Thank you for waiting, Mr./Ms. [Caller's Last Name]. Here's the information you
requested: [Provide the requested information or answer the question]. Is there anything else I
can assist you with today?"

Caller: "[Additional Inquiry/Request]"

FDA: "Certainly, Mr./Ms. [Caller's Last Name]. Let me assist you with that. Please hold for
another moment."

[Place the caller on hold, address the additional request, and return to the call.]

FDA: "Thank you for your patience, Mr./Ms. [Caller's Last Name]. I've taken care of your
request. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Caller: "[Additional Inquiry/Request or No further questions]"

FDA: "Great! If you have any more questions in the future or need further assistance, please
don't hesitate to call us. Have a wonderful day, Mr./Ms. [Caller's Last Name]."

Caller: "Thank you. You too."

FDA: "You're welcome! Goodbye, and have a pleasant day!"

Remember to replace the placeholders in brackets with actual information specific to

your company or organization. Also, ensure that your front office staff is trained to
handle a variety of inquiries and maintain a polite and helpful tone throughout the call.

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