S4 Worksheet 08

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PSSPX DE NYUNDO Academic year: 2020

Prepared by: Jean Paul RUBAYIZA Class: S4 MCB


Mathematics Topics for S 4 Mathematics Topics for S 5 Mathematics Topics for S 6

1 Algebra 6 Calculus I 10 Complex numbers

Algebra and plane
2 7 11
Geometry Bivariate Statistics Linear Algebra

3 Trigonometry 8 Combinatorial analysis and 12

Probability Calculus II
4 Descriptive Statistics 9 13
Space Geometry Differential equations
Matrices of order 2 and
5 14 Conics
order 3
Probability (Random

Guidelines before sitting for any evaluation

 Read and understand the problem

 Draw a diagram if necessary
 Start with a formula if necessary
 Show your all working steps
 When using a calculator, first check its mode
[Degree(D), Radian(R) or Grade (G)]
 Graphs must be done using a pencil and a ruler

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Important Formulas

I. Polynomials V. Geometry (Perimeters , Areas and Volumes)

1. nth degree polynomial function 1. Triangle

2. Constant function:
3. Linear Function:
4. Quadratic function: 
5. Cubic function: a c 
6. is a linear factor of the polynomial f(x) iff
II. Absolute value 2. Rectangle
1. | | {
 ( )
2. | | w 
3. | | √
4. | | | | l
5. | | ( ) 3. Square
6. | | | || |
| | a 
7. || || ( )

8. | | | | | | (Triangular inequality)
9. If then a
| | 4. Circle
| |
III. Powers 

3. ( ) 5. Trapezoid
4. a
( )
5. h
7. ( ) b
6. Parallelepiped
8. ( ) w

IV. Radicals (Surds)
1. √ h ( )
2. (√ ) √ ●
3. (√ )
4. √ √ √

5. √ ( )

6. √ √ √

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V. Geometry (Perimeters , Areas and Volumes) 12. Frustum
7. Cube

● ( )


8. Cylinder

VI. Quadratic formula
h √

● 1. {

9. Cone 2.
3. (Sum of roots)
4. (Product of roots)
h l 5. Factorization

● 6. Quick factorization

where {
10. Sphere
7. Finding two numbers (x) and (y) whose sum (s) and
product (p)are given

r ● 2

VI. Direct and inverse variation
1. varies directly with if
11. Prism
2. varies inversely with if
● 3. k is called constant of proportionality or
( )

a c

Page 3 of 26
VII. Equations of a line X. Dot (scalar )Product of ⃗ and
1. Point-slope form: 1.
( ) ‖ ‖‖ ‖
2. Two-Points form: line through ( ) and ( ) 2.
( ) or ( )
(slope or gradient of the line) XII. Trigonometric formulas
3. Slope-intercept form: 1. Conversion formulas

the slope and ( ) is the y-intercept. 2. Trigonometric ratios

4. Standard form: ●
, ( ) ( )
5. Lines parallel to the x-axis: ●
6. Lines parallel to the y-axis: b c

7. Lines passing through the origin (0,0):
θ ●
8. Vector equation of a line through point with a
direction vector . /: a ●

. / ( ) . / ●
3. Trigonometric functions of important angles
9. Parametric equations of a line: { in in
degrees radians
10. Cartesian equation of a line:
0 1 0 0
11. Parallel and perpendicular lines:
; √
● √
● 1
√ √
VIII. Midpoint and distance formula through points
( ) and ( ) √ √
1. , . /
0 1
2. √
0 0
IX. Equations of a circle with center and radius r
1. Parametric equation
{ 1 0 0
2. Cartesian

3. Expanded equation

{ ‖ ⁄

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VII. Trigonometric formulas 9. General solution of basic trigonometric equations
( )
10. Fundamental formulas
Equations involving sine function
8. (i)
9. (ii)
10. (iii)
(iv) { (| | )
13. Equations involving cosine function
14. (v) ( )
11. Sine rule and cosine rule (vi)
C (vii) ( )
● (viii) (| | )
Equations involving tangent function
b a ●


A c B ●
XII. Descriptive Statistics
1. Measures of location

(a) ̅̅̅ ∑ (A.M)
12. Addition and subtraction formulas (b) √ (G.M)
● ( ) (c) ∑ (H. M)
● ( )
(d) ̅̅̅
● ( ) (e) Mode ( )
13. Double and half angle formulas
Ungrouped data Grouped data

. /

(f) Median or middle value (Me)

Ungrouped data Grouped data

 If (odd ),
( )
14. S ’  If (even ),

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XII. Descriptive Statistics
(g) Quartiles

Ungrouped data Grouped data

(1) Calculation of
● 1st case: if is an integer number;
(1) ( )
● 2nd case: if is not an integer number, find 2 consecutive
integers such that ;
(2) Calculation of (2) 4 5

● 1st case: if is an integer number the;

●2nd case: if is not an integer number, find 2 consecutive
integers such that :
The Interquartile range (IQR) equals:

2. Measures of dispersion (variability) 3. Mean and Variance of combined group of

(a) – data
(b) Mean deviation (MD): ∑ | ̅|
Group 1 Group 2
(c) Variance and standard deviation Number of data
∑ ( ̅) ∑ ̅ (variance) Mean ̅ ̅
√ (standard deviation) Variance
Properties of variance
(P1): The mean ̅ and variance of the combined groups
(P2): If , then ̅ ̅ and are:
(P3): If , then ̅ ̅ and ̅ ̅
(d) z-score (Standard unit) ̅
. ̅ / . ̅ /
(e) Coefficient of variation (CV)

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Chap Mathematics for S4

Q1. Operation is defined in the set of integer numbers by

a) Calculate and .
b) Prove that the operation is commutative or associative.
c) Determine an identity element for this operation if it exists.
d) If it exists one and only one identity element, what are the invertible elements?
e) What can you conclude about the ordered pair ( )?

Q2. In , two binary operations and are defined by

Determine whether or not the operation is distributive with respect to the operation .
Q3. A binary operation is defined in by
(a) Show that ( ) is a group
(b) Is this group be an Abelian one?
(c) Solve in this algebraic structure the equation:
Q4. A binary operation is defined in the set * + by

Show that ( * + ) is an Abelian group

Q5. Solve in , the following inequalities


(a) | | (b) | | (e)

(c) (d) (f) {

Q6. By graphical method, solve the following simultaneous equations


Q7. Find two real numbers a and b if the polynomial ( is

divisible by .
Q8. Solve in , the following 3rd degree and 4th degree reciprocal equations:
(a) (d)
(b) (e)
Q9. Let (
(a) Show that 3 is a zero of (
(b) Factorize ( by
(c) Solve the equation: (
(d) Hence deduct a factorization of P(x), then solve the inequality (
Q10. Solve the following systems in

(a) { (b) { (c) {

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Q11. Solve in the following equations:
(a) (d)
(b) ( √ ) √ (e)

Q12. Let a be a real number. Consider the 3rd degree polynomial function f defined by:
( ( (
’ d (
(b) Write ( as a product of 3 linear factors
(c) Solve the equation (
Q13. (a) Show that there exist 3 real numbers a, b and c which verify the 2nd degree
polynomial function ( such that
( , ( and ( .
(b) Find the real numbers m and p such that (
is divisible by

Q14. Find two real numbers x and y such that:

(a) their sum is 60 and their product is 756
(b) their sum is 14 and their product is 56

Q15. (a) If one root of the equation is four times the other, show that
(b) Show that there exist 3 real numbers a, b and c such that for each real number x:
( ( (
(c) Consider the parametric equation:
Determine the value of m so that the root of equation is and find the other root.

Q16. Four brothers James, John, Peter and Paul share a certain sum (S) proportionally to the numbers 2, 5, 3 and 4.
(a) Determine in terms of the sum S, the share of each brother.
(b) If James receives 11200Frw, calculate the sum to be shared and the shares of others.

Q17. (i) Given the polynomials:

( and (
Find the real numbers a, b and c such that ( (
(ii) Consider the polynomial (
Find the three real numbers a, b and c such that
; ;
Q18. Given the lines
( ) ( ) ; and
Find the real numbers a and b so that these lines are concurrent ant the point A(1, 1)

Q19. Consider the line with equation ( ) ( )

Determine k and p in such way that the gradient of the line is and it passes
through the point

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Q20. (a) Find a linear function whose graph passes through the point A(3, 2) and it is parallel to the
(b) Determine the real numbers a and b such that the line with equation passes through the
point P(2, 1) and it is perpendicular to the line .
Q21. Hilton University Drama club sold 311 tickets for a play. Student tickets cost $0.50 cents each; non student tickets
cost $1.50. If total receipts were $385.50, find how many tickets of each type were sold.
Q22. A farmer has 200 hectares of land suitable for cultivating crops A, B, and C. The cost per hectare of cultivating
crops A, B, and C is $40, $60, and $80, respectively. The farmer has $12,600 available for cultivation.
Each hectare of crop A requires 20 labor-hours, each hectare of crop B requires 25 labor-hours, and each hectare
of crop C requires 40 labor- hours. The farmer has a maximum of 5950 labor-hours available.
(a) If she wishes to use all of her cultivatable land, the entire budget, and all the labor available, formulate a
system corresponding to the problem, stating the meaning of each variable used.
(b) Hence determine the numbers of hectares of each crop she should plant.
Q23. Alloys are made by mixing metals. Two different alloys are made using iron and lead. To make the first alloy, 3cm 3
of iron and 4cm3 of lead are used. This alloy weighs 65grams.
(a) Let x grams be the weight of 1cm3 of iron and y grams be the weight of 1 cm3 of lead. Write down an
equation in x and y which satisfies the above information.
To make the second alloy, 5cm3 of iron and 7cm3 of lead are used. This alloy weighs 112 grams.
(b) Write down a second equation in x and y which satisfies this condition
(c) Find the weight of 1cm3 of iron and the weight of 1cm3 of lead.

Q24. A tortoise makes a journey in two parts: It can either walk at 4cm/s and crawl at 3cm/s. If the tortoise walks the first
part and craws the second, it takes 110 seconds. If it crawls the first part and walks the second part, it takes
100 seconds. Find the lengths of the two parts of the journey.
Q25. Suppose that a manufacturer of printed circuits has a stock of 200 resistors, 120 transistors and 150 capacitors
and is required to produce two types of circuits.
Type A circuits requires 20 resistors, 10 transistors and 10 capacitors.
Type B circuits requires 10 resistors, 20 transistors and 30 capacitors.
If the profit on type A circuits is £5 and that on type B circuits is £12, how many each type should be produced in
order to maximize the profit?
Q26. A farmer has 20 hectares for growing barley and swedes. The farmer has to decide how much of each to grow.
The cost per hectare for barley is £30 and for swedes is £20. The farmer has budgeted £480. Barley requires
1 man-day per hectare and swedes require 2 man-days per hectare. There are 36 man-days available. The profit
on barley is £100 per hectare and on swedes is £120 per hectare. Find the number of hectares of each crop the
farmer should sow to maximize profits.
Q27. A shopkeeper sells two types of chewing gum, Big and ORBIT. Each BIG costs sh 30 and each ORBIT costs sh 40.
The shopkeeper has put aside sh 3000 for the purchase of the gums. He needs at least twice as many BIG as
ORBIT and there must be at least 50 BIG and at least 20 ORBIT. Let x represent the number of BIG and y the
number of ORBIT the shopkeeper purchases.
(a) Write down all the inequalities representing the information above.
(b) Represent the inequalities in part (a) graphically.
(c) The shopkeeper makes a profit of sh 1.0 on each BIG and sh 1.50 on each ORBIT. Find the number of gums
of each type that would give him maximum profit hence find the maximum profit.

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Q28. A school intended to transport 900 students to Mombasa on closing day using both the school bus and a
matatu. The bus can carry a maximum of 60 students, while a matatu can carry a maximum of 45 students.
The matatu has to make more than twice the number of trips made by the bus. The total number of trips has
to be less than 20. The cost per trip is sh 1000 for a bus and sh 800 for the matatu.
(a) By taking x and y to represent the number of trips made by the bus and matatu respectively, write all
the inequalities representing the above information.
(b) Using a scale of 4 cm to represent 5 units on both axes, draw the graphs representing the inequalities
on the graph paper.
(c) Use the graph to determine the minimum expenditure.

Q29. A patient recovering from an illness requires to have daily, at least 5 units of vitamins A and at least 9 units of
vitamins E. The vitamins are available in both tablet and capsule form. Each tablet contains 2 units of A and
1 unit of E. Each capsule contains 1 unit of A and 3 units of E. By letting x and y be the number of tablets and
the number of capsules respectively, required daily,
(a) (i) Write down 4 inequalities satisfied by x and y.
(ii) Represent graphically the above inequalities in part (i)
(b) If the total number of tablets and capsules combined is to be a minimum,
how many of each should be taken daily?
(c) If each tablet cost sh 1.00 and each capsule costs sh 2.50, find:

(i) How many units should be taken daily in order to minimize the cost?
(ii) The minimum cost.
Q30. Solve the following systems algebraically and graphically:

(a) { (b) {

Q31. Solve the following systems

(a) { (b) { (c) {

Q32. Simplify:

. /

. /. /

Q33. A rectangle has length ( √ ) and area ( √ ) . Find the width of the rectangle, giving your
answer in the form ( √ ) , where m and n are integers.

√ √
Q34. (a) Rationalize ; √
√ √ √ √
(b) Use the identity to rationalize

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Q35. The polynomial ( is given by
( where c and d are integers.
(a) Given that is a factor of ( , show that
(b) The remainder when ( is divided by is 65. Obtain a further equation in c and d.
(c) Use the equations from parts (a) and (b) to find the value of c and the value of d.

Q36. (a) Discuss the number and signs of roots of the parametric equation

Q37. Given that and are roots of the quadratic equation , find
(a) (c)
(b) (d)
Q38. If the roots of the equation are and .
Given that √ √
(a) Show that √
(b) Find the value of
(c) Form a quadratic equation whose roots are: and

Q39. Find a second degree function whose graph passes through

the point (2, 3) and whose vertex is at the point (1, 4).

Q40. Find the value of m in such way that the equations

have a common root, for each of these values, solve the two equations.

Q41. For what values of m the following system has a unique solution:

Q42. If and , prove that ( ) √ and generalize the result.

Q43. (a) Transform the following double radicals into simple radicals
(i) √ √ (ii) √ √

(b) After squaring the following number, write it in its simplest form
√ √ √ √
Q44. A stone was thrown vertically upwards and its height above the ground was measured at various times.
The table below shows the results obtained:
Time (s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Height (m) 0 35 60 75 80 75 35 0
(a) Plot a graph of height on the y-axis against time on the x-axis.
(b) From the graph, find:
(i) the maximum height reached.
(ii) the time taken to reach the maximum height.
(iii) the speed of the stone at the maximum height.

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Q45. (a) Use the dot product to show that points A(2, 2), B(5, 7) and C(15, 1) are
vertices of a right angled triangle.
(b) Find the shortest distance from the point to the line .
Q46. Given the points A(5 , 10), B( 5 , 3) and C(2 , 7).
(a) Calculates the dot products
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ , ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
(b) Calculate the sizes of angles ̂ and ̂
(c) Identify the type triangle ABC and calculate its area.
Q47. If ⃗ ( ) and ⃗ ( ), write down a relationship between x and y of the
following cases:
(a) ⃗ is of magnitude 5 units (c) ⃗ is perpendicular to ⃗
(b) ⃗ is parallel to ⃗ (d) (⃗ ⃗ ) is perpendicular to ( )
Q48. The point A has coordinates and the point B has coordinates
(a) (i) Find the gradient of AB.
(ii) Hence find an equation of the line AB, giving your answer in the form
where p, q and r are integers.
(b) The midpoint of AB is M.

(i) Find the coordinates of M.

(ii) Find an equation of the line which passes through M and which is
perpendicular to AB.
(c) The point C has coordinates . Given that the distance from A to C is √ ,
find the two possible values of the constant k.
Q49. (a) Find the equation of a locus of the points that are equidistant from points A(1, 1) and B(5, 3)
(b) Given the vectors . /, . / and . /, find the value of the constants
m and n such that . Evaluate the dot product of and and hence the cosine of
the angle between the direction of and the direction of
Q50. A line passes through points A(2, 1) and B(4, 5).
a) Write a vector equation of the line.
b) Write parametric equations for the line.
c) Determine if the point C(3, 2) lies on the line.
Q51. (a) For what values of x the vectors ⃗ and are orthogonal?
(b) Show that the points A(1, 1), B(6, 4) and C(8, 2) are non collinear and find the area of .
Q52. (a) The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 4:5:6. Find their sizes.
(b) Find the set of all points P(x, y) that are equidistant from points
Q53. Points A, B and C have coordinates (7, 9), and (2, 6) respectively. Find:
(a) the Cartesian equation of the straight line through points B and C.
(b) the length BC.
(c) the perpendicular distance from A to BC.
(e) the area S of .
Q54. Given the parametric equations of 2 lines and as follows:
{ , and {
Study the intersection of lines and .

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Q55. (a) Show that the equation of a straight line L whose x-intercept is a and whose
y-intercept is b can be written as:

(b) Apply part (a) to find the equation of a line whose x-, and y- intercepts are
respectively 5 and .
Q56. Given the equations of two straight lines , and ,
(a) Express each equation in the form and hence show that and are perpendicular.
(b) Express each equation in the form 0 1 [ ] 0 1 and use scalar product to show that
and are perpendicular.
Q57. (a) Given that M(10, 6) is the midpoint of segment [AB] where A(y, 2x) and B(x, y), find x and y.
(b) A triangle has vertices X(2, 5), and Z(6, 0).
(i) Find the coordinates of L, M and N, which are the midpoints of XY, YZ and ZX respectively.
(ii) Find the equations of the lines LZ, MX and NY.
(iii) Show that the lines LZ, MX and NY meet in a single point with coordinates (2, 1).
Q58. Given the triangle whose vertices are A( 2, 3), B(6, 1) and C(0, 3 p ’ d ’
respective midpoints of the line segments [BC] and [AC].

(a) d p ’ d ’ p p
on both axes).
(b) d ’ d ’ d p p
used in part (a).
(c) Determine the coordinates of the point G, the center of gravity of the triangle ABC and represent
the point G on the same graph used in part (a).
[ Hint: Solve the system of equations of the 2 medians obtained in part (a)]
(d) Verify by calculations that ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗ and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ .
Q59. In the rectangular coordinate system, determine Cartesian equation of the circle:
(a) whose center is and whose radius is
(b) whose diameter is [AB] where A(5, 3) and
(c) Circumscribed to the triangle ABC where A(5, 3), and
Q60. P and Q are the points of intersection of the line
( , ),
with the x- and y-axes respectively. The distance PQ is 10 and the gradient of PQ
is . Find the value of a and b.
Q61. (a) Given that the points (4, 2), (1, 6) and (5, k) lie on a straight line, calculate the
value of k. The line meets the x- and y-axes at points A and B, respectively. If O is the
origin, calculate the lengths OA and OB, and the area of the triangle AOB.
(b) The line and the curve intersect at the points
and Q. Find the values of a and b and the coordinates of Q.
Q62. Find the coordinates of the center and the radius of the circle:

Q63. The straight line cuts the circle at A and B.

(a) Find the coordinates of A and B.
(b) Find the equation of the circle which has AB as diameter.

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Q64. (a) Find the equation of the tangent to the circle
at the point .
(b) Find the points of intersection of the circle and
the line .
(c) The point (3, c) lies on the circle . Find c.

Q65.Given the points , and

Find the equation of the circumscribed circle to triangle ABC.
[Hint: the required equation is in the form ]
Q66. (a) Show that the equation represents a circle C whose
center and radius are to be determined
(b) Find the coordinates of the points of intersection A and B of the circle C and the
Q67. A circle with centre C has equation .

The point lies on the circle.

(a) Express the equation of the circle in the form
( ) ( )
(b) (i) Write down the coordinates of C.
(ii) Show that the circle has radius √ , where n is an integer.
(c) Find the equation of the tangent to the circle at the point A, giving your
answer in the form , where p and q are integers.
(d) The point B lies on the tangent to the circle at A and the length of BC is 6.
Find the length of AB.
Q68. Find the equation, the center and the radius of the circle passing through the given three points
(1, 0), (0, 1) and (3, 4). Represent graphically the circle on the Cartesian plane.
Q69. (a) Find the center and the radius of the circle
(b) Represent the circle C and the line on the same Cartesian plane.
(c) Frome your graph, find the coordinates of the points P and Q of the intersection of the
C and the line
Q70 (a) Show that the set E of all points P(x, y) of the plane verifying the equation

is a circle of which you will find its center and radius r.

(b) Prove that the set F of all points P(x, y) such that is a
disk of center and radius r.
(c) What is the set of all points P(x, y) of the plane such that ?
(d) Solve graphically the following system

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Q71. (a) Simplify:
(b) Solve the following trigonometric equation in the interval [0, 2 ], leaving
in your answer.

Q72. Show that for any triangle ,

Q73. Simplify the following fractions:

( )
(a) (b) (c)
( )

Q74. Factorize:
(a) (b) (c)
Q75. Prove the following identities:
(a) ( )( ) (d)
(b) (e)
(c) ( ) ( )

Q76. Given that , calculate without using a calculator the exact value of
(a) sina (b) cos2a

Q77. If A, B and C are taken as angles of a triangle, prove the following identities

Q78. Given that with

and with
Without using a calculator, find the exact value of ) and )

Q79. If , use the formula for to show that .

Hence deduce the exact value of .
√ √
Q80. (a) Given that and , find without using a calculator, the exact value of
and .
(b) The lengths of sides of a triangle are 7m, 10m and 16m. Calculate the size of each angle of the triangle.
Q81. Given that where
(a) Express A in terms of .
(b) Hence find the value of x for which .
Q82. Prove the following identities:
(a) (c)
(b) (d)

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Q83. Find the general solution to the following trigonometric equations:
(a) (d)
(b) (e)
(c) √
Q84. Solve the following trigonometric equations on the given interval
(a) , -
(b) , -
(c) √ , -
Q85. (a) Factor ( )
(b) Hence solve the system

{ √
where and

Q86. Solve in the following simultaneous equations:

{ where

Q87. Solve the following inequalities


(a) in the interval

(b) in the interval
(c) ( ) √ in the interval
(d) ( ) in the interval
(e) √ in the interval
Q88. Find the general solution to the folowing trigonometric equations
(a) √ √
(b) √
Q89. If , find the value of .
Q90. (a) Show that
(b) Hence solve the following equation for x:

Q91. If and , show that .

Q92. Given that and , find the greatest and least values of a and b.

Q93. In the triangle ABC, , and

(a) Calculate the size of angle A
(b) Hence calculate the area of the
Q94. (a) Solve the triangle ABC given that , and .
(b) Calculate the area of a triangle whose lengths of its sides are , and

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Q95. The circle in the diagram below has a radius of 8cm. Calculate the area of the shaded region.

Q96. At a certain distance, the angle of elevation from the top d ˚ From 46 meters
k d ˚. Find the height of the building.

˚ ˚
x 46m

Q97. Find the angle of elevation when a 12 meter-tall tree casts a 20-meter-long shadow.


Q98. (a) Two boats leave the same place. At the same time. One travels 56 km in the
direction N E while the other travels 48 km in the direction S E. What is the
distance between the new positions of the boats?
(b) A ladder leaning against a building makes an agle of 78˚ with the ground. The foot of the
ladder is 5 feet from the building. How long is the ladder? (ft is a unit of length )

Q99. (a) A surveyor measures a distance of 12.5m to the base of a building. The angle of elevation to
the top of a building is 76.78˚ W d ’
(b) A person is standing halfway between two trees that are 3m apart. The angles of elevation to
the tops of trees are 42˚ and 36˚. How much taller is one tree over the other?
(c) Peter is 1m70cm tall. Find the length of her shadow if the angle of elevation of the sun is 30.2º.

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Q100. A building is 60 m high. From a distance at point A on the ground, the angle of elevation to the top
of the building is 40º. From a little nearer at point B, the angle of elevation is 70º. Find the distance
from point A to point B.


40º 70º
A B x
Q101. (a d ’ d d p
course were 71, 78, and 89, respectively.
(i) If the weights accorded these grades are 2, 4, and 5, respectively, what is
an appropriate average grade?
(ii) What is the average grade if equal weights are used?

(b) For a set of 20 numbers, ̅ and . For a second set of 30 numbers, ̅

and . Find the mean and the standard deviation of the combined set of 50 numbers.
Q102. The following frequency distribution shows the lengths of 30 randomly selected 12-day old babies

Length (cm) [40, 42) [42, 44) [46, 48) [48, 50) [50, 52) [52, 54)
Frequency 1 3 y 11 5 2

(a) Find the value of y.

(b) Calculate the mean length, the standard deviation and the coefficient of
variation of the distribution.
Q103. The table shows the number of passengers in each of 100 taxis London Airport.

No. of passengers 1 2 3 4
No. of taxis x 40 y 26

(a) Find the value of .

(b) If the mean of passengers per taxi is 2.66, show that .
(c) Find the value of & .
Q104. (a) Find two numbers whose arithmetic mean is 9.0 and geometric mean 7.2.
(b) The weighted mean of two numbers 30 and 15 is 20. If the weightings are 2 and x
respectively, find x.

Page 18 of 26
Q105. Find ̅ and for the following data, using
(a) the long method and
(b) the coding method ( change the data as )

x 462 480 498 516 534 552 570 588 606 624
f 98 75 56 42 30 21 15 11 6 2

Q106. The following set of raw data shows the lengths, in millimetres, measured to the
nearest mm, of 40 leaves taken from plants of a certain species.
40 54 25 50 58 45 47 49
52 31 52 41 47 44 46 39
49 38 43 48 43 43 40 51
31 53 44 37 35 37 33 38
30 51 40 46 28 59 56 36

(a) Group the data into classes of 5mm starting with [25, 30[, [30, 35[,

(b) Using as the working mean, compute the mean and the standard
deviation of the distribution.
(c) Calculate the coefficient of variation of the distribution.
(d) Draw a histogram to represent the data.
Q107. Thirty bulbs were life-tested and their lifespan to the nearest hour are as follows:

167 171 179 167 171 165

177 169 171 177 173 165
172 164 175 179 179 174
175 179 169 171 175 167
174 168 171 174 177 168
(a) Find the mean and standard deviation of lifespan by grouping the lifespan
using class intervals 164 – 166, 167 – 169, and so on
(b) What is the modal class?
Q108. (a) A group of 20 people played a game. The table below shows the frequency distribution of
their scores.

Score 1 2 4 x
Number of people 2 5 7 6

Given that the mean score is 5, find

(i) the value of x.
(ii) the variance of the distribution
(b) (i) Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the numbers 2, 3, 6, 9.
(ii) Two numbers a and b are added to this set of four numbers, such that the mean is
increased by 1 and the variance is increased by 2.5. Find a and b.

Page 19 of 26
Q109. (a) The numbers a, b, 8, 5, 7 have mean 6 and variance 2. Find the values of a and b
if .
(b) Cartons of orange juice are advertised as containing 1 litre. A random sample of 100
cartons gave the following results for the volume, X.
∑ , ∑
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the volume of orange juice in these
100 cartons.
(c) From the information given about each of the following sets of data, work out the missing
values in the table

n ∑ ∑ ̅ s
63 7623 924800
152.6 10.9 1.7
52 57300 33
18 57 4

Q110. (a) Copy and complete the frequency table below:

Class ( ) C.F
41 - 49 ---- ---- 450 ---- ----

50 - 58 ---- 16 ---- ---- ----

59 - 67 63 ---- 1575 ---- ----
68 - 76 ---- ---- 864 ---- ----
77 - 85 ---- 13 ---- ---- ----
86 - 94 90 4 360 ---- ----
∑ ---- ---- ----

(b) State the class width.

(c) Calculate the mean mark.
(d) Calculate the coefficient of variation for this data.
(e) Draw a histogram to represent the data.
Q111. The following table shows the marks of two classes A and B of the same level in a
mathematics test out of 20 marks.

Marks Number of Marks Number of (a) Find the mean and variance for each
students students class.
9 3 8 4 (b) Hence or otherwise, calculate
10 11 9 3 the mean and standard deviation of
11 10 10 12 the combined classes.
12 12 11 10
13 6 12 8
14 3 13 6
Tot 45 14 2
15 1
Tot 46

Page 20 of 26
Q112. (a) Prove that the variance of the set of n numbers
( ) ( )
(Arithmetic progression with the first term a and common difference d)
is given by
( )
(b) Use part (a) to find the standard deviation of the arithmetic progression:
4, 10, 16, 22, , 154
[Hint: Use the formulas ( ) ,
( ) ]

Q113. The table below shows the time used by 100 employees to travel from their home to the
Time (min) [0, 10[ [10, 20[ [20, 30[ [30, 40[ [40, 50[ [50,60[
Frequency 14 15 16 20 23 12

(a) Calculate the mean time of travelling (Rounded in minutes)

(b) Calculate the modal time of travelling.
(c) On a graph paper, draw a cumulative frequency curve (ogive) and estimate the following:

(i) the median time

(ii) the percentage of employees who spend a time less than a half of an hour to reach
to the enterprise from their home.
(iii) the percentage of employees who spend a time between 15 min and 45 min during
their walking.
Q114. The following table gives a frequency distribution of grades on a final examination in College
Grade Number of students
90 – 99 9 (a) Use as a working mean to compute the standard
80 – 89 32 deviation of the distribution.
70 – 79 43 (b) Find the quartiles of the distribution and interpret clearly
60 – 69 21 the significance of each.
50 – 59 11 (c) Find the interquartile range.
40 – 49 3 (d) Use the empirical formula
30 – 39 1 ̅ ̅
to approximate the mode of the distribution
Total 120

Q115. On a final examination in statistics, the mean grade of a group of 150 students was 78 and the
standard deviation was 8.0. In algebra, however, the mean final grade of the group was 73 and
the standard deviation was 7.6.
(a) In which subject was there the greater
(i) absolute dispersion and
(ii) relative dispersion?
(b) A student received 75 in Statistics and 71 in Algebra. In what examination has he
passed relatively?

Page 21 of 26
Q116. A frequency table for the heights of a volleyball squad Height (in cm) Frequency
is given alongside.
E p ‘ ’ 1
(b) Calculate the standard deviation and the coefficient 8
of variation of the distribution. 9
[use as the assumed mean] 11

Total 44
Q117. The table below shows the distribution of bakeries of a certain city according to the price at which
they sell a baguette

Price(£) 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Frequency 4 14 26 11 7 12 7 5

a. Calculate the total number of bakeries

b. Make a cumulative frequency table and calculate
(i) the average price of a baguette to 2 decimal places
(ii) the median price of a baguette
(iii) the first and third quartiles of the distribution
c. Find the range and the midrange of the distribution

Q118. Solve the matrix equation for a, b, c and d 0 1 0 1

Q119. Given the matrices [ ] and [ ]


Obtain a 3 2 matrix X so that .

Q120. Let F be a linear product defined on by:

where . / and is written as a column vector . /

(a) Show that we have
(b) Apply part (a) to find if ( ) and ( )

Q121. Given the following three matrices

[ ], [ ] and [ ]

Obtain the matrix X such that .

Page 22 of 26
Q122. Show that the following mapping defined by
( ) is linear
Q123. Find the matrix representing each of the following linear operators on relatively to the
usual basis
(a) ( )
(b) ( )
Q124. (a) Let V be a vector space equipped with the basis ( ). Write down the matrix A
representing the following linear operator f defined by
(b) Find the matrix M representing the linear operator f on defined by
( ) relatively to the standard basis of
Q125. Let T be the linear operator on defined by
(i) Find

(ii) In particular, find .

Q126. Let and
be three vectors in , and let f be a linear transformation such that
( )
{ ( )
( )
Find ( )
Q127. (a) Find where 0 1 and

(b) Show that 0 1 is a zero of

Q128. Find d for each linear operator T

(a) T is the operator on defined by ( )
(b) T is the operator on defined by ( )

Q129. Show that | |

Q130. Singular matrix

Find all values for which d

(a) 0 1 b) [ ]

Q131. Consider the matrix [ ]

(a) Is the matrix A invertible?

(b) If yes, find its inverse
(c) Verify that

Page 23 of 26
Q132. Find the values of a, b and c for which the matrix A is symmetric

[ ]

Q133. Given the matrix 0 1

(a) Verify where I is 2 2 unit matrix.
(b) Hence find
Q134. Let 0 1
(a) Show that 0 1
(b) Guess the formula of the matrix for any positive integer n.
Q135. Solve the following linear systems by using the indicated method.
(a) { (Matrix inversion method)

(b) { ’ d

Q136. Consider the set M of square matrices of order 2 of the form

0 1
where a and b are arbitrary real numbers.
Show that the set M is closed under
(i) addition of matrices and
(ii) multiplication of matrices.

Q137.. Given the matrix [ ]

(a) Verify that where I is a 3 3 unit matrix.
(b) Hence find .

Q138. Given that [ ]

(a) Evaluate and .

(b) Show that where I is a unit matrix of order 3.
(c) Deduce that and use this equation to find .

Q139. (a) Verify if ( ) and ( ), then

where I is the identity matrix.

(b) Use this to solve the matrix equation

( )4 5 ( )

Page 24 of 26
Q140. Solve and discuss the following system
( )
(a) { (b) {
( )

(c). {

Q141. (a) Determine whether the set 2. / 3 is closed or not under:

(i) addition of matrices.
(ii) multiplication of matrices.
(b) *⃗⃗ ⃗ + is a basis of the vector space . Linear operator f is defined in by
⃗⃗ ) ⃗⃗ ⃗
⃗ ) ⃗⃗ ⃗
(i) Write down a matrix M representing f in basis B.
(ii) If ⃗⃗ ⃗) ⃗⃗ ⃗ , express and in terms of and .

Hence write down .

Q142. (a) Let
( ) ( )
(i) Show that f is linear.
(ii) Show that f is a one-to-one mapping and find its inverse
(b) Find two matrices X and Y such that:
. / and . /

Q143. (a) Find the matrix . / such that

. /. / . /
(b) Find the value of x for which:

(i) | | (ii) | |

Q144. A transformation is represented by the matrix . /. R maps an object of

area 10 cm2 onto an image of area 110 cm2. Find the possible values of x.
Q145. You have two jobs. One as a lifeguard and one as a cashier. Your lifeguard job pays $8 per hour
and cashier pays $6 per hour. Last week you worked a total of 14 hours between the two jobs and
earned $96.
(a) Write down the above information in matrix form
(b) Hence or otherwise, find the number of hours you have worked at each job?
Q146. At a pizza shop, two small pizzas, a liter of soda, and a salad cost $14; one small pizza, a liter
of soda, and three salads cost $15; and three small pizzas and a liter of soda cost $16.
(a) In matrix form, write a system of equations corresponding to the problem.
(b) What is the cost of each item sold separately?

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Q147. An electrical shop sold 5 televisions, 10 VCD players and 15 DVD players on
Monday. On Tuesday, it sold 7 televisions, 8 VCD players and 9 DVD players.
(a) Design a matrix (A) to represent this information
(b) Given that the price of television is $90, the price of VCD player is $40 and
the price of DVD player is $80, find the total sales for Monday and
Q148. A cafeteria sells both green tea and ice cream. A small portion of either costs
$0.75 and a large portion costs $1.25. During a short period of time, the number
of cups of green tea and the number of ice creams sold are shown in the table
small large
Green Tea 3 4
Ice cream 6 3

(a) Write down a column matrix N, representing the cost of each portion of ice cream.

(b) Given that, . /, evaluate MN.

(c) Explain what your answer represents.
Q149. A business makes toy buses and toy lorries. The following table is used in
calculating the cost of manufacturing each toy.
Labour (Hours) Wood (Blocks) Paint (Tins)
Bus 6 4 3
Lorry 3 4 2

Labour costs $8 per hour, wood costs $1 per block and paint costs $2 per tin. It is given that

. / ( ) and

(a) Evaluate C.
(b) Explain what the numbers in your answer represent.

Q150. (a) Find the inverse of . /

(b) The parking fees for a certain zoo to local and non-local vehicles are respectively £3 and £4.5.
In a sample of 4 days chosen at random, the manager of the zoo has recorded the total number of
vehicles arriving at the zoo and the amount earned. The table below shows the results.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Total number of vehicles 55 70 75 62
Total receipts (£) 210 247.5 292.5 246
(i) By letting x and y be the number of local and non-local vehicles respectively arriving at the
zoo, design a system of equations to represent this information in matrix format.
(ii) Hence find the number of each kind of vehicles (local & non-local) which have arrived at the
zoo in these 4 days.

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