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On the morning of July 14, 1789, there was


among the French people in Paris, a city in France, or a rumor was spread that

king was going to kill them all by firing bullets.

It is this feeling that the people of France

think. Why not protest against this

and instigate action against the King? Due to this,

about 7000 men and women

gather in front of the Town Hall of Paris and start protesting. At the same time,

all these people

together form a People's Militia or rather a

military group. Let's take it in which the

general public of France was involved and

after this a group of about 100 people started

moving towards the eastern side of France. These

people vandalized many government buildings in search of weapons.

Friends, after this all these people became famous. In search of

arms and ammunition at Best Child Fortress, they

call Dhaba and

here they also get weapons in heavy mantra.

Friends, this battle of Best Sell Present is

also known by the name of this Charming Day Best Child, in which this

present The commander is killed.

Along with this, these people also take prisoners along with the band in Jai.


Best Child was not liked by all the countrymen of France

because this fort

reflected the extreme power and arbitrariness of the King of France.

After the revolt, this fort gets destroyed to a great extent

and its precious stones are

given away in the mills. Friends, such an

environment is a relief to many people coming to France.

Rallies and demonstrations take place at various places

and most of the people listen to the Indian prices of bread.


all these incidents that were happening in France

finally became the reason for the execution of their king.

So friends, let us know

how, when and why all this happened in France [


Friends, the story begins. From the year 1774,

Louis the 16th became the new king of France.

He was 20 years old and was married

to the Austrian Prince Marie Antonio. Friends, due to the

wars going on for years, the

financial condition of France was not at all good,

but still France Before that, the king used to

spend a lot of money unnecessarily on the maintenance of 100 verses. Due to these
wars and unnecessary

expenses, the treasury of France was getting depleted

and friends, it was during the rule of Louis XVI that


helped in liberating 13 American colonies. It is true

that earlier it was occupied by Britain and which was

also an enemy country of France. Friends,

due to this attack, France gets a debt of one billion rupees due to leverage
and tomorrow together the

debt of France reaches more than two billion,

friends here. The library

was e because it existed in France till 1794 and not

only this, the countries which had

given loans to France, now pay interest on loans up to 10%, due to


most of the money of the French government is spent only on

repaying the interest rate of the loan. These expenses were spent on the same,

but considering the needs of the country

like the cost of maintaining the army,

government offices and universities, the

king is forced to

increase the taxes.

Friends, the society of France in the 18th century was divided into

three categories. Hassan or rather it was

divided into states, first i.e. in the first state

were the clerics who were people associated with the church

like Please Shops etc. and

in the second state were the nobles in which the

King of France and his family members came

and the last i.e. the third. Most of the people in this stage were

farmers and the rest were children,

people like businessmen, merchants,

lawyers, artisans, friends, the

thing to note is that in the third stage, there were

not only poor people, there were many rich people too,

like lawyers, businessmen. Men's friends, in this

society, only the people of the third stage

paid tax, rest of the people of the first and second

stage, no tax was

imposed. This society of France

was a part of the feudal system which existed before 1789,

which we know. Old Jim also

says that friends, in the period before 1789, out

of the total population of France,

90% of the population were people of this class, that is a

different matter, very few pages used to have their own land,

but they did farming extensively. They used to do

farming on the lands of most of the periods

and if we talk about the land then about 60%

of the land was with the nobles, church and some rich people of the third stage

and not only this, the

people of the first and second stage had many There

were all the privileges which they

got from their birth. Also, no

tax was imposed on the people of these two statuses

and those who were noble i.e.

second status, they enjoyed many types of funeral

privileges. The

poor used to get their lands cultivated by peasants

and in return they were given only a part of whatever crop they produced.

Friends, these were the people who worked in the

fields in the houses of the poor and even

in the French army or used to

build roads. Friends, they were also involved in work,

but these poor peasants were

forced to work under these feudal lords

because these people did not have anyone

and they were poor, hence

they were forced to do it. It was not that these

peasants were Only the quilt tax was levied, but the

church i.e. the first state also

levied a tax on pigeons, which was called tenth.

This was basically a tax which was

imposed by the church. At the third stage,

110 percent of whatever crop was produced in it, was given to the church.

And friends, not only this,

many types of taxes were also indirectly imposed on these peasants,

such as

on common salt and tobacco and

all the people of the third stage had to

pay tax to the king i.e. the state as well, in which

Direct textile was involved. Friends,

whatever money the French government was

making from these taxis, a large part or

even the whole of it can be spent.

Friends, in this topic we will know

how much the people of France had to struggle just to survive.

Friends, the population of France was

23 million in 1715, which reached 28 million by 1789. Due to

this increase in population, the

demand for food within the country also increases. It is obvious that

if there are more people,

then the demand for food also increases. The demand

will be high but friends, there

was a lot of demand for food in France, but the food

production was not enough to meet this

demand, due to which the price of bread, which

was a part of the diet in France, started

skyrocketing. And by this time,

most of the workers in France were

fixed who reduced their wages in shops or workshops.

Friends, that is why

inflation was going to increase in the country but the

salary of these workers was the same. Who has heard of these poor

workers till now? There was no one, that is why the

rich people became richer

and the poor people became even

more poor, whenever these

poor people had to face problems like draft i.e. happiness and hell


Due to which their differences had worsened to a great extent.

Friends, due to this there is

a subsistence crisis in France

which happens before the Old Rim i.e. 1789.

Basically it means

when people have their basic needs like food,

clothing and shelter. If people are in danger and people have to

struggle a lot just to survive, then

friends, let us understand it quickly. If

subsistence crisis happens,

then friends, it all starts with the bed

harvester, that is, the crop is not growing well,

due to this there is a problem among the people. There is a shortage of food
i.e. scarcity of grace and

then due to this the food prices start increasing

because the demand for food is the same

but due to bad harvest i.e. crop

failure, the supply is not done properly

and the prices start increasing. And

then the poor people are not

able to buy food like bread, due to this, fights start taking place

between the rich and the poor in the society


people start becoming weak due to lack of food,

due to this, people They start studying insurance and

then they die, and here

people sacrifice their lives in battles because of food rights,

so friends, if we

look at it properly, then yesterday only the mother people would have been involved
in it,

so this was the reason for it

[music] ]

Friends, till now we have seen how poor people were

living their lives with difficulty, they had to

face many problems like food scarcity, tax and many other things, but friends, it

was not at all like that all these people were

helpless. If we see, the

peasants and workers used to revolt against the food scarcity and

increasing taxes,

but these revolts were

not being done on a large scale, that is why

no one listened to them, but it was like this only for some time,

friends. Within the third stage, a

group of people who were neither educated nor

poor nor rich, who had new

history, come to the fore. Friends, this was the

middle class which merged in the 18th century.

These middle class people either went out or They used to

earn by doing overseas raids from the country or by

manufacturing goods like woolen

textiles, silk textiles which were either

exported outside the country

and then bought by the rich people of France.

Friends, these people

along with merchants and manufacturers. -Along with other professions

like lawyers, administrative officials

i.e. all these people were associated with government work, they were educated i.e.

well educated and

friends, they believed that no people

or group should get birth based privilege in the society

as the

first and The people of the second stage

were getting it. They believed that the

status or position of any person should depend on his status and

abilities. Friends, the

history of all these people

was pointing towards a society in which there are opportunities for all.

And I am equal loss, friends,

this history is further praised by many philosophers

like John Locke and Jean

Jacques Rousseau, friends, John people

in their Treatise of Government, describe the king's

arbitrariness i.e. monopoly and his absolute

powers, friends,

similarly. Rousseau also takes this history forward

and he writes in his book about a

form of government in which there are

some rules or rather a social contract between the people and the government

and another

philosopher Montez in his book De Spirit

of D. In Los, we explain the idea of a power division

in which the power lies

between the relative executive and the judiciary.

Friends, a similar model of government is

implemented in it

after the independence of those 13 American colonies

which we talked about in the beginning of the video.

Friends, the

political thinkers in France are

greatly influenced by this model of America. The

ideas of all these philosophers are discussed all over France,


in salons, coffee houses, in books and newspapers.

Many people read this history orally. Used to

read and listen to those people who did

not know how to read and write. Friends, what happens now is

that the news spreads in France that Louis 16 is going to

increase taxes due to rising expenses. On

hearing this news,

anger arises among the people and people They

start protesting against the king and this

time not only the citizens but also the middle

class people who had merged some time ago

also take part in this

and a rebellion breaks out against the arbitrariness of the king.

D Out Break of D Revolution

Friends, we have already read why Louis XVI wanted to increase the tax,

but friends, in the old region i.e.

France before 1789, there was a rule that the

King of France himself could not change anything in the tax as per his wish. In

to bring changes in the tax, he will have to

call a meeting of the Asset Journal, only then this

decision will be passed. Basically, there

was a body in France in which

people of all three statuses used to

send their representatives, although the one who was the king i.e. Louis

16 He alone could decide

when to call this meeting. Friends, the last time this

meeting was called in the year 1614,

since then till now i.e. till 1789, it was not called even once.

5 In 1789, finally this meeting of 16 Exchange Generals was called.

Bullet is issued to

pass the new loss on tax,

but both the second states send their 30,300

representatives, who are

sitting in the front row in this assembly hall,

while these 600 of the third states have to

sit in the back side.

Most of the people were well educated and prosperous,

pigeons and women were not

given entry but their demands were

listed at ₹ 40000, which the people of the third stage had

brought with them, friends

who were allowed to vote in the State General. The method was always

such that every state had

a single vote count for its entire state,

not every individual but the entire

state had only a single vote. This

time also Louis XVI decided to continue with the same method.

Thought but the people of the third stage had a

different demand. They said that instead of

one vote of each state,

one vote of each individual should be counted and friends, this

story was not correct because we

know that first and second If the stages were

mixed then the percentage of the third state would have been

almost the same, that is why the people of the third stage started

opposing this method of voting.

Friends, this demand of the people was raised under the influence of Philosopher

Rousseau's book De Social Contract.


Level 16 rejects this demand

and then all the members of the Third Stage come

out of the Assembly Hall in protest.

Friends, the representatives of the Third Stage

saw themselves as the spokesmen of the entire French nation, i.e.

France. Voice of the people:

After this, on June 20, 1789,

all the people of the third stage gathered in the hall of an Indore tennis court in


declared themselves a National Assembly

and together they took an oath that this We will

not move from here until the

Constitution of France is made which will

reduce the power of the king. Friends,

all these people, or rather,

Mira View and ABCS, were leading the National Assembly.

Friends, by the way, mine too. He was

born in a noble family but he decides to protest

against this funeral privilege society.

He brings a journal with him

and starts giving a speech to the entire

crowd who had gathered in this hall of Versailles

and friends ABC which A priest i.e.

please write a pamphlet whose

name was What Ise D Third Friends, we know this entire

incident by the name of D Ten India.

Friends, on one hand, while the National Assembly

was busy, it was demanding to draft a Constitution within the cells. On the

other hand, there was

turmoil in the whole of France. There was a severe

cold in the whole of France,

due to which the harvesters, that is, the crop got

spoiled, the prices of bread started increasing

and the bakers started hoarding the bread.

So that

they can buy it at a higher price in the future,

people stand in long queues in front of the Ghanta Bakri.

Friends, then suddenly a

crowd of angry women

attacks the goat and at this time the Louis 16C is sent to

Paris. On

July 14, 1789, an angry crowd

attacks Best Child Food.

Friends, on the other hand, let's talk about the

country side of France i.e. Cashan, there such

rumors were spreading that the Lord of Manners

i.e. in symbol language It is said that the

owners of big palaces have given orders to some bandits.

On hearing this news of destroying the raw crops of Pleased Ands, the farmers get

scared and in many places the farmers think of fighting back, using

whatever they can get like weapons. They pick it up, as if

on speech, they attack the palaces of these big lords, the

women whom

we also call chat off, friends, at the same time

these periods are like looting the grains from there

and taking the grains with them.

These people seem to be taking their lives in dialects and they

also burn many documents present there in

which there were records of manorial news.

Friends, after seeing this revolt, many

nobles leave France and run away to neighboring countries.

Friends, all this.

After this, finally Louis 16 agrees, he now gives

recognition to the National Assembly which was formed by the representatives of the
third stage and accepts

that his power will now be

under which tuition, friends, of 4 August 1789. In the night the

assembly passes an order or should we say a demand,

under which all the feudal losses and

taxes should be removed, the Jains and the colored people should

give up their special rights and at the same time the

teeth text should also be removed.

Friends, one of them is And there was a demand that

whatever land belongs to their caste should be

confiscated by the Church, friends, all these demands are given to them

in the decree, friends, due to this, the

French government

confiscates assets worth two billion rupees with total leverage.

Constitutional Monarchy,

friends, we have just said. You saw that the King of France had

approved the making of the Constitution

and friends, finally after two years,

i.e. in 1791, the National Assembly

drafts the Constitution, that is,

friends, the

objective or purpose of this Constitution was

this. The idea was to limit the power of the king and when the

power was in the hands of one person, it should be

divided into different institutions

which are Legislature,

Executive and Judiciary and friends,

after this, France

became the constitutional monarch from 1791. That means there

will be a king but that king will be

able to take decisions only under a constitution. So

friends, let us understand this new political system of France.

First let us look at the legislature in which

745 members of the National Assembly come

and elect these members. These are the electors

in which there are ₹ 50,000 members. These electors

vote and elect these 745 members

and if we talk about ₹ 50,000 electors, then

they are elected by the common people of France. In

this way, the citizens of France have been

divided into two parts.

Only active citizens and paid citizens had the

right to vote

and that too only men and men who were

above 25 years of age and were paying as much tax

as a laborer would earn in three days.

Yes, in the population of about 28 million, there were

only 4 million men active citizens and

friends, those who were paisa citizens did

not have any voting rights and among paisa citizens, there were

about 3 million women, men who did

not pay taxes, children and

people below 25 years of age. Friends, you see the

executive which had the king and his

ministers. Friends, the executive or in

other words the king was controlled by the

legislature but the king

also had a decision power by which he

could change any decision with a single handle. The

name of the power is veto power. With this veto

power, the king can rock or pass any decision as per

his wish but

with some conditions and rules and finally we

see the judiciary. It consists of

judges who are voted by active citizens. If you are

elected then friends, let us

summarize this in the Legislature, there is

National Assembly which has 745 members who are elected

by ₹ 50000 and these ₹ 50000 are elected by the mother,

these are four million active citizens and the

King and Ministers. Control is done

by the National Assembly and finally the

judiciary is also rejected by the

active citizens. Friends, the

thing to be noted here is that if any

actor wants to qualify further in the National Assembly,

then he has to pay a substantial amount of

tax. This would mean that those people

should be income tax payers. Friends of the country, the

Constitution of France starts

with the declaration of Rights of Mother and Citizens like Right to Life, Right of

Speech, Freedom of Opinion, Quality Before

Dr. These are those rights which are natural lights. These

are the rights which every person has from his birth

and no one can filter it

and friends, at the same time it

is the duty of the king to protect all the natural rights of the citizens.

Friends, we just saw that France is a

constitutional country. Mona Ki has been made and now it

seems that everything has gone well in France

but alas, it was not so,

friends, although Louis 16 had

signed the Constitution and

also agreed to accept it, but

inside He knew that his power had reduced a lot and

he wanted to regain his old power and greatness.

Friends, that is why

Louis 16

talks with the king of France's neighboring country Persia and

secretly discusses whether France should Whether

everything can be like before or not?

Friends, many neighboring countries of France were very worried about all the
changes and revolutions that were taking place

in France in the last few years.

They were afraid that the

people of their country would also get influenced by France.

Friends, because of this fear, all these

countries have been thinking of

sending their people to France since 1789

so that whatever revolutions are taking place

in France, they should not do anything to them and the king will have to lose his
car. Rock could go but it is

known that this is not going to happen because

as soon as the National Assembly of France gets the news of this thing,

they declare award on Russia and Austria

in April 1792.

Friends, due to this, a crowd of thousands of people gathered in

different parts of France.

Friends, all these

people see this war against the king and his monarchy present all over Europe.

All these people march forward in Paris

and sing patriotic songs.

Friends, Mercedes who That

is also the national anthem of France, in today's time it was written

by the poet Rozite de So and it was sung for the first

time by these soldiers.

Friends, due to this war, people have to

travel a lot financially i.e. in terms of money.

Where on one hand the men of all the houses

were away from home at war, due to which all the

responsibilities of the family fell on the women

and now the women have to go to work to run the house,

friends, this is the

constitution which was made in France in 1791.

He used to support the rich people of the society

due to which many people think of opposing it

and demand a revolution

and friends, the voices of these people

get support through political clubs,

basically these are

groups formed by the people. Where people used to

discuss and make plans on government policies,

friends, one such

successful political club was the Jacobean Club,

it got its name from the

formal Convent of St. Jabe present in Paris or rather a

religious building. Friends, it is not that

in these revolutions. Not only mothers

were active, but women were also very active during this time

and they were also forming their own political clubs.

And friends, if we talk about Jacobin Club,

most of its members belonged to the

poor sections of the society like

small shopkeepers, artisans, etc. Capricorn

Hello Friends and Daily Him Workers

Friends This group was being led

by Max Million Robespierre Friends,

a large area of the Jacobin Club decides to

wear the long striped trousers

which the postal workers also wore

His motive behind doing so This was to

distinguish themselves from the fashionable people of the suitors, such as

nobles who did not wear bridges. Friends,

this was a way for the Jacobeans to

show that the arbitrariness of people wearing nobridges would

no longer be acceptable. And friends, from then on, the

Jacobeans got the name of Sanseloutos. Gaya


people who did not wear milk without milk, friends, at the same time,

Jacobeans also used to wear a red cap

which symbolized liberty i.e. freedom,

but doing all this

was allowed only to men, not to women, friends.

In the summer of 1772, the Jacobeans

plan a rebellion

against the high prices of bread and the shortage of bread. On the

morning of August 10, 1792,

all these people attack Softwave

and kill the king's guards.

Friends, not only this, they

also keep the king himself captive for several hours

and friends, after some time, the entire royal

family is voted out by the assembly

and friends, then

elections are held in France but there is a

change. From now on, all men who are 21

years of age or above are given voting rights,

whereas earlier only those men who

owned property

and were above 25 years of age were given voting rights, but from now on this love
has been

changed. It was given and friends, now there is a

caste of new assembly electric which is

called D Convention. Friends, on September 21,

Postal Convention removes Munar from France

and declares France

as New Republic of France and we know

that Republic is a form of

There is a government in which the government and its head are

elected by the people

and there is no hereditary monarchy here

i.e. the son of the king will not become the king

but the one whom the people will heal will become the king.

Friends, finally after so much revolt, violence and

hard work, Louis was 16. On

21 January 1793, friends, on

this day finally the people win and

Loose D-16 is reduced to [ __ ] Three in front of the public in a place named

Dialogue on Code.

And at the same time, after some time, the

same thing is done to the Queen too.

Friends, the period from 1793 to 1794 is

known as the Reign of Terror.

After Louis was 16, now

Ra Speer comes to power in France. Who

was the leader of the Jacobin Club, friends, who was a

spare man, he used to adopt very strict and harsh policies

regarding punishment, if he had even the

slightest feeling or suspicion that someone was his or

France's enemy, whether it was a noble

or a girl or Be it from any political party

or his own party, whoever did

not listen to him, he used to put him in jail

and then if tomorrow you

declared him a criminal, he was executed through bulletin.


bulletin was a device in which It had two poles and

one blood. It was invented by

Dr. Gulati and

it was named after him. Friends, what happens now is

that Robbins Player's government passes a law on

maximum prices and wages.

In simple language, things

And a limit was imposed on the salary, that is,

what would be the maximum price on something,

it would be fixed according to this lock. Along with this,

the government was rationing meat and bread

to the people by

force. His grace was being

fixed and sold for a huge sum, the

price of which was being fixed by the government.

Even Robbie Bears had

put a rock on it with the expensive white flower

and all the citizens of France were given only pen

dji light. That is, by allowing equality to eat bread

so that everyone eats bread made from the same flour,

friends, not only this, even the

words of the people were brought to quality, from

now on the traditional words i.e. Sir and

Madam i.e. madam have been replaced by all the French.

Men and women were

ordered to speak i.e. citizens,

all the popular ones were shut down

and it seemed as if they had been recruited for office or military.

Friends, Rabispir was

continuously pushing its policies forward without any pause.

Now this is what happens. His supporters

also get upset with him. There was

anger among all the people against him

and then finally in July 1794,

he is declared a criminal by the court

and then later he is also executed by three.

Friends, this is how the

maximum million draw happens


A Directory Rules France

Friends, after doing office, the

downfall of Jacobin Club starts

due to which the welders of France who were middle class come

into power and then these people come to power in

France. Let's draft another new constitution,

according to which only

those people who

own property will be given voting rights and women will

not be given any voting rights. At the same time, these people will be

one more member of the Legislative Council in France, that is, a total of two
legislative bodies. They

form a council and then these people

make a directory of five members who is the

executive i.e. the head of the state.

Friends, the reason behind doing all this was

that the power should not be given in the hands of any single person

but should be distributed among different people.

Power may be divided among different institutions, but friends,

still problems are seen here,

sometimes these five people start arguing among themselves on something

or sometimes with the legislature

regarding some decision. Due to this political

instability, we

get to see rice. Friends, of a military dictator Napoleon


it was not that in this entire French

Revolution there were only events and battles,

but new history like

freedom, equality before death and fraternity

i.e. brotherhood come out of all these histories

which were later felt in the whole of Europe.

Friends, in this topic we will see what was the

role of women in this entire revolution. So

friends, the women

were actively participating

in the revolution from the very beginning and friends, these women

believed that the

government of France would be destroyed only due to their involvement. There will
be pressure and she will

bring good laws for women.

Friends, most of the women of the third stage had to

struggle and work hard to survive. She used to

send flowers, fruits and vegetables to the market and used to work as

servants in the houses of rich people. And

friends, she had to do a lot of hard work to survive. Till then, most of the women

not have the freedom to study and write nor were they

given any kind of training. When caste was there, only the

daughters of nobles and some rich houses of the third stage were allowed to study
in the convent

and later they were married again.

Caste was friends. Along with the outside work,

women also had to take care of the family

like cooking, fetching water,

standing in long queues in front of goats for bread, taking care of children and

even after all this, their wages i.e. Her

salary was

much less than that of men, although she was working hard and

doing less. Friends, to

carry forward and fulfill their demands, women

form their own political clubs and newspapers. About 60 political

clubs are formed by these women. They were

formed in different parts of France, of which the

most popular political clubs were 10 Society

of Revolutionary and Republic Women.

Friends, talking about the demand of romance,

she wanted that they should also be given political rights

like men have and

Despite the Constitution making them private citizens in 1791, women were

very unhappy with their lives. They also wanted voting rights

and to be elected to the Assembly and

posted in government offices. Friends,

women believed that their demands could be

fulfilled only when they were

given voting rights. He believed that they should be kept on posts in Jain and
government offices, only then

their demands would be fulfilled.

Friends, it was not that none of the demands of women were

fulfilled but many

demands are fulfilled

by the French government. The Rivolas river

government of France had made many such laws

which improved the conditions of women.

Keeping women in mind, the

government created state schools. The

schooling of all the girls is also made compulsory

and is done by their father.

Forced marriage on them is a caste imposed on them even after forcing it, at the
same time the

marriage is made

a contract by bringing it under a civil law

and the divers are made legal. Neither the

mother nor the woman can

apply for it. Can do and

along with this, women are allowed to be trained for jobs


permission is also given to run small business.

Friends, if we talk about political rights, the

struggle of women does not stop during the rain of

terror. Ra Speer's government had destroyed the

political clubs and political activities created by women.


women were arrested and

why were they executed through bulletins. And

friends, let's talk about the struggle for women's voting rights

and equal concerns.

The struggle continued for the next 200 years.

Friends, in many countries, women from all over the world gathered for these

An internet movement has to move forward in the late 18th and early 20th century

and friends, finally the

women of France were given voting rights in 1946.

Friends. In this topic, we will know how

in France and the whole of Europe, people were

exploited by enslaving them

and forcefully making them work

and then how after the Jacobians came to power,

delivery was abolished.

So friends,

at the time of old resume i.e. before 1789,

salary was very popular in France and people used to

oppose it a lot, so

friends, let us understand this entire slavery system very well

with animation.

So friends, this is the country of France. And this is the

Caribbean Islands Martinique, Goa, Pour Pe

and Send Domino, which used to be a colony of France till that time,

that is, France had

possession of these islands. These three islands were

important suppliers of medicine, indigo, sugar and coffee

for France and friends. The

climatic conditions here were also very different from Europe

and that is why this thing was easily

grown here but friends who were Europeans did

not want to go to these islands

because the weather and climatic conditions of these islands were

very different. S

Computer Europe There was much more heat and sunlight here than in

Europe and friends, due to

this, there was labor shortage on the plantations of the islands

and the Europeans did

not want to go here, so to

fulfill this, a triangular slip

trade was started. It is

between Europe, Africa and America and friends, these

Caribbean Islands also belonged to America, you can

see here friends, this slave

trade was started in the 17th century. The

traders of France were the body ox

and ships from the ports of 90s. They used to go in ships to the

African continent from where they had to

buy slaves from the local chieftains

and after writing their names or branding on them, they were

tied, tied and put in ships.

Friends, in the same way

these African slaves were exploited by these

Europeans. African slaves, who could tolerate sunlight

and heat, were taken to these three

islands. After about 3 minutes,

these people had to reach these islands

where these slaves were

bought by these plantation owners.

In France and Europe, the demand for things like sugar, coffee, indigo was

met and the

two port cities of Body Ox and 90

became rich due to this trade.

Friends, as I told you, there was

slavery in the entire 18th century. Very little

criticism is seen in France and

Europe. Friends, the National Assembly of France

also fails to abolish this system. The

National Assembly was afraid that

if they raised the issue at this level, then the

rich businessmen of France would be forced into this

slavery. Those who earn money from trade will get angry,

which was not good for the National Assembly,

friends. Then finally

in 1794, the De Convention which was in place during the time of Robespierre,

removes this system from France

because friends, till that time, the

Jacobeans were in France. Those who were in power were the

lower professors and less

prosperous people of the society and who

were in support of slaves, that is why they abolished the system,

but friends, the matter does not end here, then

after 10 years i.e.

in 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte

Slavery is again legalized under the dictatorship

and again

these indigenous people of Africa are

exploited by these plantation owners by making them slaves and

finally in the year 1848,

slavery was completely abolished from France.

Revolution and Everyday Life

Friends, since the Revolution of 1789 in France,

many changes have been seen in the

lives of men, women and children.

Friends, the revolutionary

government of France had created such laws which destroyed

ideas like liberty and equality.

Promote it One of the important ones

was Dr., which was

created after the Charming de Best Child in Samaras of 1789, which was

before the Abolition of Censorship in the year 1789, that is,

all the written material in the Old Regime, such as Box de

News. Paper Pamphlets Please, all these things could be

published and performed only until

the entire thing was approved by the king's censor.

But friends,

after the Revolt of 1789, this censorship was abolished

and also in the year 1791.

Freedom of speech

and freedom of expression were made natural rights in the Constitution that was

Newsmen, pamphlet boxes

and printed pictures were widely read in France and

in the rural areas of France

and whatever was

popular in France at that time. He was

constantly discussed in the media and newspapers.

Friends, freedom of press means what should be printed

and what should not. This freedom

also meant that

both the good and

bad sides of the revolution and all the events taking place were shown. Earlier,
it was

not possible for all types of people like those who

supported the king and those who did

not support the king to

issue conventions to each other in print or in other words to

present their views to each other.

Friends please songs. And the processor would

attract people with heavy mantras,

due to this even people who were not educated were

now able to understand the history like Liberty and Justice.


Friends, now coming to the final conclusion,

in the year 184, Napoleon Bonaparte declared himself France. He

declares himself the Emperor of France and

attacks many neighboring countries of France so that the

boundaries of France can be expanded

and by removing the old dynasties present in those countries, he

creates new kingdoms. Friends,

Napoleon is called Modern Niger i.e. to

modernize Europe. It is also said that he

brings many types of losses and changes in France, such as the right to protest
against people's private

property and also

brings a uniform system of

weights and measures which were sent on the decimal system.

In the beginning, people

consider Napoleon as a liberator i.e. the giver of freedom, friends, then Napoleon

and his army start invasion at various places

and friends, finally in the

Battle of Water Lumen in 1815, Napoleon is defeated,

friends, even after Napoleon's life.

In many places of Europe, the impact of its modern loss and

history can be seen.


ideas like liberty and democratic rights were born from the French Revolution

and from France itself, this history

was spread throughout Europe during the 19th century.

Friends, due to this history, we can see the abortion

of laws like Feudal System from other countries of Europe.

Friends, it

was this idea due to which today we get to see

something like Nation State.

Friends, this thing is not only in Europe

but also in many Indians.

Tipu Sultan and Ram Mohan Roy are

examples of Indians who

took inspiration from these ideas. So

friends, our

De French Revolution ends with this. See you in another new

video with another chapter. Thank you


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