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Amalgamation means to join, merge, combine or unite two or more things to

become one.

The 1914 amalgamation that occurred shortly after the naming of nigeria was one
of the significant moments for British administration in Africa and a pivotal one
for colonial nigeria. Before this event, the Nigerians state had been a political
entity with numerous diversities which made governance difficult. The southern
protectorate, the northern protectorate and the colony of Lagos all had their own
separate styles of government. This regional structure meant different laws were
applicable in the protectorates and colony of Lagos. The protectorates and the
colony of Lagos were quite self-autonomous and governing them with different
laws proved quite a task. As a result, the Nigeria 1914 amalgamation merged the
different parts of the country in order to make governance easier for the colonial

Phases and stages of amalgamation of Nigeria

1897 – Lagos colony and southwest was amalgamated to form the south west
Nigeria which is referred to as the small amalgamation

1906 – South west Nigeria and south east Nigeria was merged to become the
southern Nigeria. This is known as minor amalgamation.

1914 – Southern Nigeria was merged with northern Nigeria to form Nigeria. This is
known as the major amalgamation.

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