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This case was prepared by Charles W. L. Hill of the
School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle.

This case was made possible by the generous assis- vehicles to provide complete door-to-door service. It
tance of Airborne Express. The information given was also an airfreight forwarder, moving shipments
in this case was provided by Airborne Express. of any size on a worldwide basis. In 2003 Airborne
Unless otherwise indicated, Airborne Express, and Express held third place in the U.S. air express in-
the Securities and Exchange Commission’s 10–K l- dustry, with 9% of the market for small package de-
ings, are the sources of all information contained liveries. Its main domestic competitors were Federal
within this case. The case is based on an earlier case, Express, which had 26% of the market; United Parcel
which was prepared with the assistance of Daniel Service (UPS), which had 53% of the market. There
Bodnar, Laurie Martinelli, Brian McMullen, Lisa were several smaller players in the market at the time,
Mutty, and Stephen Schmidt. The case is intended as including DHL Airways, Consolidated Freightways
a basis for classroom discussion rather than as an il- (CF) and the U.S. Postal Service, each of which held
lustration of either effective or ineffective handling of under 5% of the market share.1 DHL however, had
an administrative situation. This case was prepared a huge presence outside of North America and was
by Charles W. L. Hill, University of Washington. in fact the largest small package delivery company
Used by permission. in the world. In 2003, after years of struggling to
survive in the ercely competitive small package ex-
press delivery industry, Airborne was acquired by

C3-1 INTRODUCTION DHL, which was itself owned by Deutsche Post, the
large German postal, express package, and logistics
Airborne Inc., which operated under the name The evolution of the air express industry and
Airborne Express, was an air-express transportation the current state of competition in the industry were
company providing express and second-day delivery discussed in a companion case to this one, “The
of small packages (less than 70 pounds) and docu- Evolution of the Air Express Industry, 1973–2010.”
ments throughout the United States and to and from The current case focuses on the operating structure,
many foreign countries. The company owned and op- competitive strategy, organizational structure, and
erates an airline and a eet of ground-transportation cultures of Airborne Express from its inception until
it was acquired by DHL in 2003. It also deals with the
Copyright © 2018 by Charles W. L. Hill. aftermath of the DHL acquisition.

Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog C-39

C3-2 HISTORY OF milestones in the history of Airborne Express.) The

company merged with Airborne Freight Corporation
AIRBORNE EXPRESS of California in 1968, taking the name of the California
company but retaining management direction by the
former of cers of Paci c Air Freight. Airborne was
Airborne Express was originally known as Paci c Air initially an exclusive airfreight forwarder. Freight for-
Freight when it was founded in Seattle at the close warders such as Airborne arrange for the transporta-
of World War II by Holt W. Webster, a former Army tion of air cargo between any two destinations. They
Air Corps of cer. (See Table 1 for a listing of major purchase cargo space from the airlines and retail this

Table1 Major Milestones at Airborne Express2

1946: Airborne Flower Traffic Association of California is founded to fly fresh flowers from Hawaii to the
1968: Airborne of California and Pacific Air Freight of Seattle merge to form Airborne Freight Corporation.
Headquarters are in Seattle, Washington.
1979–81: Airborne Express is born. After purchasing Midwest Air Charter, Airborne buys Clinton County Air Force
Base in Wilmington, Ohio, becoming the only carrier to own and operate an airport. The package sort
center opens, creating the “hub” for the hub-and-spoke system.
1984–86: Airborne is first carrier to establish a privately operated Foreign Trade Zone in an air industrial park.
1987: Airborne opens the Airborne Stock Exchange, a third-party inventory management and distribution
service. In the same year, service begins to and from more than 8,000 Canadian locations.
1988: Airborne becomes the first air express carrier to provide same-day delivery, through its purchase
of Sky Courier.
1990: The International Cargo Forum and Exposition names Airborne the carrier with the most outstanding
integrated cargo system over the previous two years.
1991: A trio of accolades: Airborne is the first transportation company to receive Volvo-Flyg Motors’ Excellent
Performance Award. Computerworld ranks Airborne the “most effective user of information systems
in the U.S. transportation industry.” In addition, it receives the “Spread the Word!” Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) award for having the largest number of EDI users worldwide in the air express and
freight forwarding industry.
1992: Airborne introduces Flight-ReadySM–the first prepaid Express Letters and Packs.
1993: Airborne introduces Airborne Logistics Services (ALS), a new subsidiary providing outsourced
warehousing and distribution services. IBM consolidates its international shipping operation with
1994: Airborne opens its Ocean Service Division, becoming the first express carrier to introduce ocean
shipping services. Airborne Logistics Services (ALS) establishes the first new film distribution program
for the movie industry in 50 years. We also become the first company to provide on-line communication
to Vietnam.
1995: Airborne Alliance Group, a consortium of transportation, logistics, third-party customer service opera-
tions and high-tech companies providing value-added services, is formed. Airborne opens a second
runway at its hub, which is now the United States’ largest privately owned airport. It also expands its
fleet, acquiring Boeing 767-200 aircraft.
1996: Airborne Express celebrates 50 years of providing value-added distribution solutions to business.

(continued )
C-40 Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog

Table1 Major Milestones at Airborne Express2 (continued )

1997: Airborne Express has its best year ever, with net earnings increasing three-and-a-half-fold over the
previous year. Airborne’s stock triples, leading to a two-for-one stock split in February, 1998.
1998: Airborne posts record profits and enters the Fortune 500. The first of 30 Boeing 767s is introduced
to our fleet. The Business Consumer Guide rates Airborne as the Best Air Express Carrier for the
4th consecutive year.
1999: Airborne@home, a unique alliance with the United States Postal Service, is introduced. It enables
e-tailers, catalog companies and similar businesses to ship quickly and economically to the residential
marketplace. Optical Village is created. Part of Airborne Logistics Services, this new division brings
together some of the biggest competitors in the optical industry to share many costs and a single loca-
tion for their assembly, storage, inventory, logistics, and delivery options.
2000: Airborne announces several changes in senior management, including a new President and Chief
Operating Officer, Carl Donaway. Several new business initiatives are announced, most notably a
ground service scheduled to begin April 1, 2001. Airborne also wins the Brand Keys Customer Loyalty
Award, edging out the competition for the second consecutive year.
2001: Airborne launches Ground Delivery Service and 10:30 A.M. Service, giving Airborne a comprehensive,
full-service industry competitive capability. launches its Small Business Center, as well as
a variety of enhancements to help all business customers speed and simplify the shipping process. We
also release the Corporate Exchange shipping application, simplifying desktop shipping for customers
while giving them greater control. Advanced tracking features are added to, and Airborne
eCourier is released, enabling customers to send confidential, signed documents electronically.
2003: Airborne’s ground operations are acquired by DHL for $1.1 billion.

in small amounts. They deal primarily with small Midwest’s eet of prop and propjet aircraft, building
customers, providing pickup and delivery services a modern eet of DC-8s, DC-9s, and YS-11 aircraft.
in most cities, either in their own trucks or through These planes left major cities every evening, ying
contract agents. down the spokes carrying letters and packages to the
Following the 1977 deregulation of the airline in- central sort facility in Wilmington, Ohio. There the
dustry, Airborne entered the air express industry by letters and packages were unloaded, sorted accord-
leasing the airplanes and pilots of Midwest Charter, ing to their nal destination, and then reloaded and
a small airline operating out of its own airport in own to their nal destination for delivery before
Wilmington, Ohio. However, Airborne quickly be- noon the next day.
came dissatis ed with the limited amount of control During the late 1970s and early 1980s, dramatic
they were able to exercise over Midwest, which made growth in the industry attracted many competi-
it very dif cult to achieve the kind of tight coordi- tors. As a consequence, despite a high-growth rate
nation and control of logistics that was necessary to price competition became intense, forcing a num-
become a successful air express operator. Instead of ber of companies to the sidelines by the late 1980s.
continuing to lease Midwest’s planes and facility, in Between 1984 and 1990 average revenues per domestic
1980 Airborne decided to buy “the entire bucket of shipment at Airborne fell from around $30 to under
slop; company, planes, pilots, airport and all.” $15 (in 2003 they were just under $9).
Among other things, the Midwest acquisition put Airborne was able to survive this period by pursu-
Airborne in the position of being the only industry ing a number of strategies that increased productiv-
participant to own an airport. Airborne immedi- ity and drove costs down to the lowest levels in the
ately began the job of developing a hub-and-spoke industry. Airborne’s operating costs per shipment
system capable of supporting a nationwide distribu- fell from $28 in 1984 to around $14 by 1990, and to
tion system. An ef cient sorting facility was estab- $9.79 by 2001. As a consequence, by the late 1980s,
lished at the Wilmington hub. Airborne upgraded Airborne had pulled away from a pack of struggling
Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog C-41

competitors to become one of the top-three compa- system. FOCUS also allowed a customer direct access
nies in the industry, a position it still held when ac- to shipment information through the Internet. The
quired by DHL in 2003. customer needed only to access Airborne’s website
and enter the code number assigned to a package, and
the FOCUS system would track it.
When a driver completed a pickup route, she or he
C3-3 AIR EXPRESS headed to Airborne’s loading docks at the local air-
OPERATIONS port. (Airborne served all 99 major metropolitan air-
ports in the United States.) There the packages were
loaded into C-containers (discussed later in this case
study). C-containers were then towed by hand or by
C3-3a The Domestic Delivery Network tractor to a waiting aircraft, where they were loaded
As of 2002, its last full year as an independent en- onto a conveyor belt and in turn pass through the pas-
terprise, Airborne Express had 305 ground stations senger door of the aircraft. Before long the aircraft
within the United States. The stations were the ends was loaded and would either y directly to the com-
of the spokes in Airborne’s hub-and-spoke system pany’s hub at Wilmington, or make one or two stops
and the distribution of stations allows Airborne to along the way to pick up more packages.
reach all major population centers in the country. In Sometime between midnight and 2 A.M., most of
each station there were about fty to fty- ve or so the aircraft would have landed at Wilmington. An
drivers plus staff. About 80% of Airborne’s 115,300 old, strategic air-command base, Wilmington’s loca-
full-time and 7,200 part-time employees were found tion places it within a 600-mile radius (an overnight
at this level. The stations were the basic units in drive or one-hour ying time) of 60% of the U.S.
Airborne’s delivery organization. Their primary task population. Wilmington has the advantage of a good
was to ferry packages between clients and the local weather record. In all the years that Airborne oper-
air terminal. Airborne utilized approximately 14,900 ated at Wilmington, air operations were “fogged out”
radio-dispatch delivery vans and trucks to transport on only a handful of days. In 1995, Airborne opened
packages, of which 6,000 were owned by the com- a second runway at Wilmington. Developed at a cost
pany. Independent contractors under contract with of $60 million, the second runway made Wilmington
the company provided the balance of the company’s the largest privately owned airport in the country. The
pickup and delivery services. runway expansion was part of a $120 million upgrade
Airborne’s drivers made their last round of major of the Wilmington sort facility.
clients at 5 P.M. The drivers either collected packages After arrival at Wilmington, the plane taxied
directly from clients or from one of the company’s down the runway and parked alongside a group of
15,300-plus drop boxes. The drop boxes were placed at aircraft that were already disgorging their load of
strategic locations such as the lobbies of major commer- C-containers. Within minutes the C-containers were
cial buildings. To give clients a little more time, in most unloaded from the plane down a conveyor belt and
major cities there were also a few central drop boxes that towed to the sort facility by a tractor. The sort facility
are not emptied until 6 P.M. If a client needed still more had the capacity to handle 1.2 million packages per
time, so long as the package could be delivered to the night. At the end of 2001 the facility handled an aver-
airport by 7 P.M., it would make the evening ight. age of 1 million packages a night. The bar codes on
When a driver picked up a package, he or she the packages were read, and then the packages were
read a bar code that is attached to the package with a directed through a labyrinth of conveyor belts and
hand-held scanner. This information was fed directly sorted according to nal destination. The sorting was
into Airborne’s proprietary Freight, On-Line Control partly done by hand and partly automated. At the
and Update System (FOCUS) computer system. The end of this process, packages were grouped together
FOCUS system, which had global coverage, records by nal destination and loaded into a C-container.
shipment status at key points in the life cycle of a An aircraft bound for the nal destination was then
shipment. Thus, a customer could call Airborne on loaded with C-containers, and by 5 A.M. most aircraft
a 24-hour basis to locate their package in Airborne’s had departed.
C-42 Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog

Upon arrival at the nal destination, the plane revenues in 2002. Airborne offered two international
was unloaded and the packages sorted according to products: freight products and express products.
their delivery points within the surrounding area. Freight products were commercial-sized, larger-unit
Airborne couriers then took the packages on the nal shipments. This service provided door-to-airport ser-
leg of their journey. Packages had a 75% probability vice. Goods were picked up domestically from the
of being delivered to clients by 10:30 A.M., and a 98% customer and then shipped to the destination airport.
probability of being delivered by noon. A consignee or an agent of the consignee got the pa-
perwork and cleared the shipment through customs.
Express packages were small parcels, documents, and
C3-3b Regional Trucking Hubs letters. This was a door-to-door service, and all ship-
Although about 71% of packages were transported ments were cleared through customs by Airborne.
by air and passed through Wilmington, Airborne Most of Airborne’s international revenues came from
also established ten regional trucking hubs that dealt freight products.
with the remaining 29% of the company’s domes- Airborne did not y any of its own aircraft over-
seas. Rather, it contracted for space on all-cargo
tic volume. These hubs sorted shipments that origi-
nate and had a destination within approximately a airlines or in the cargo holds of passenger airlines.
300-mile radius. The rst one opened was in Allen- Airborne-owned facilities overseas in Japan, Taiwan,
town, Pennsylvania, centrally located on the East Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and
Coast. This hub handled packages transported London functioned in a manner similar to Airborne’s
domestic stations. (That is, they had their own trucks
between points within the Washington, D.C., to
Boston area. Instead of transporting packages by and drivers and were hooked into the FOCUS track-
air, packages to be transported within this area were ing system.) The majority of foreign distribution,
sorted by the drivers at pickup and delivered from the however, was carried out by foreign agents—large,
driver’s home station by scheduled truck runs to the local, well-established surface delivery companies.
Allentown hub. There they were sorted according to Airborne entered into a number of exclusive strate-
destination and taken to the appropriate station on gic alliances with large foreign agents. It had alliances
in Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, and South Africa. The
another scheduled truck run for nal delivery.
One advantage of ground-based transportation rationale for entering strategic alliances, along with
Airborne’s approach to global expansion, is discussed
through trucking hubs is that operating costs are
much lower than for air transportation. The average in greater detail later in this case.
cost of a package transported by air is more than Another aspect of Airborne’s international opera-
ve times greater than the cost of a package trans- tions was the creation at its Wilmington hub of the
only privately certi ed Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)
ported on the ground. However, this cost differential
is transparent to the customer, who assumes that all in the United States. While in an FTZ, merchandise
packages are own. Thus, Airborne could charge the is tax free and no customs duty is paid on it until it
same price for ground-transported packages as for air- leaves. Thus, a foreign-based company could store
transported packages, but the former yielded a much critical inventory in the FTZ and have Airborne de-
liver it just-in-time to U.S. customers. This allowed
higher return. The trucking hubs also had the advan-
tage of taking some of the load of the Wilmington the foreign company to hold inventory in the United
sorting facility, which was operating at about States without having to pay customs duty on it until
90% capacity by 2003. the need arose.

C3-3c International Operations C3-3d Aircraft Purchase

In addition to its domestic express operations, Air-
and Maintenance
borne was also an international company providing As of 2002, Airborne Express owned a eet of
service to more than 200 countries worldwide. Inter- 118 aircraft, including 24 DC-8s, 74 DC-9s, and
national operations accounted for about 11% of total twenty Boeing 767s. In addition, approximately
Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog C-43

70 smaller aircraft were chartered nightly to connect utilization in 2000. In late 2001, Airborne reduced its
smaller cities with company aircraft that then oper- total lift capacity by some 100,000 pounds (to about
ated to and from the Wilmington hub. To keep down 4 million pounds a day) in an effort to reduce excess
capital expenditures, Airborne preferred to purchase capacity of certain routes and better match supply
used planes. Airborne converted the planes to suit its with demand conditions.
speci cations at a maintenance facility based at its
Wilmington hub. Once it got a plane, Airborne typi-
cally gutted the interior and installed state-of-the-art
C3-3e C-Containers
electronics and avionics equipment. The company’s C-containers, uniquely shaped, 60-cubic-foot con-
philosophy was to get all of the upgrades that it tainers, were developed by Airborne Express in 1985
could into an aircraft. Although this could cost a lot at a cost of $3.5 million. Designed to t through the
up front, there was a payback in terms of increased passenger doors of DC-8 and DC-9 aircraft, they
aircraft reliability and a reduction in service down- replaced the much larger A-containers widely used
time. Airborne also standardized cockpits as much as in the air cargo business. At six times the size of a
possible. This made it easier for crews to switch from C-container, A-containers can only be loaded through
one aircraft to another if the need arose. According specially built cargo doors and require specialized
to the company, in the early 1990s the total purchase loading equipment. The loading equipment required
and modi cation of a secondhand DC-9 cost about for C-containers is a modi ed belt loader, similar to
$10 million, compared with an equivalent new plane that used for loading baggage onto a plane, and about
cost of $40 million. An additional factor reducing op- 80% less expensive than the equipment needed to load
erating costs was that Airborne’s DC-9 aircraft only A-containers. The use of C-containers meant that
required a two-person cockpit crew, as opposed to the Airborne did not have to bear the $1 million per plane
three-person crews required in most Federal Express cost required to install cargo doors that would take
and UPS aircraft at the time. A-containers. The C-containers were shaped to al-
After conversion, Airborne strove to keep air- low maximum utilization of the planes’ interior load-
craft maintenance costs down by carrying out ing space. Fifty of the containers t into a converted
virtually all of its own eet repairs. (It was the only all- DC-9, and about 83 t into a DC-8-62. Moreover, a
cargo carrier to do so.) The Wilmington maintenance C-container lled with packages can be moved by a
facility could handle everything except major engine single person, making them easy to load and unload.
repairs and had the capability to machine critical air- Airborne Express took out a patent on the design of
craft parts if needed. The company saw this in-house the C-containers.
facility as a major source of cost savings. It estimated
that maintenance labor costs were 50 to 60% below
the costs of having the same work performed outside.
C3-3f Information Systems
In December 1995, Airborne announced a deal to Airborne utilized three information systems to help
purchase 12 used Boeing 767–200 aircraft between the it boost productivity and improve customer service.
years 1997 and 2000, and announced plans to pur- The rst was the LIBRA II system. LIBRA II equip-
chase a further 10 to 15 used 767–200s between the ment, which included a metering device and PC
years 2000 and 2004. These were the rst wide-bodied computer software, was installed in the mailroom
aircraft in Airborne’s eet. The cost of introducing of clients. With minimum data entry, the metering
the rst 12 aircraft was about $290 million, and the device weighed the package, calculated the shipping
additional aircraft would cost a further $360 million. charges, generated the shipping labels, and provided
The shift to wide-bodied aircraft was promoted by an a daily shipping report. By 2002, the system was in
internal study, which concluded that, with growing use at approximately 9,900 domestic customer loca-
volume, wide-bodied aircraft would lead to greater tions. The use of LIBRA II not only bene ted cus-
operating ef ciencies. tomers but also lowered Airborne’s operating costs,
During 2001, Airborne was using about 66.6% of because LIBRA II shipment data were transferred
its lift capacity on a typical business day. This com- into Airborne’s FOCUS shipment tracking system
pared with 76.7% capacity utilization in 1997 and 70% automatically, thereby avoiding duplicate data entry.
C-44 Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog

FOCUS was the second of Airborne’s three To build broad market coverage, Airborne fol-
main information systems. As discussed earlier, the lowed Federal Express’s lead of funding a television
FOCUS system was a worldwide tracking system. advertising campaign designed to build consumer
The bar codes on each package were read at vari- awareness. However, by the mid-1980s Airborne
ous points (for example, at pickup, at sorting in decided that this was an expensive way of build-
Wilmington, at arrival, and so forth) using hand-held ing market share. The advertising campaign bought
scanners, and this information was fed into Airborne’s recognition but little penetration. One of the princi-
computer system. Using FOCUS, Airborne could pal problems was that it was expensive to serve in-
track the progress of a shipment through its national frequent users. Infrequent users demanded the same
and international logistics system. The major bene t level of service as frequent users, but Airborne would
was in terms of customer service. Through an Internet typically only get one shipment per pickup with an
link, Airborne’s customers could track their shipment infrequent user, compared with 10 or more shipments
through Airborne’s system on a 24-hour basis. per pickup with a frequent user, so far more pickups
For its highest-volume corporate customers, were required to generate the same volume of busi-
Airborne developed Customer Linkage, an electronic ness. Given the extremely competitive nature of the
data interchange (EDI) program and the third infor- industry at this time, such an inef cient utilization of
mation system. The EDI system was designed to elimi- capacity was of great concern to Airborne.
nate the ow of paperwork between Airborne and its Consequently, in the mid-1980s, Airborne became
major clients. It allowed customers to create shipping a niche player in the industry and focused on serving
documentation at the same time they were entering or- the needs of high-volume corporate accounts. The
ders for their goods. At the end of each day, shipping company slashed its advertising expenditure, pulling
activities were transmitted electronically to Airborne’s the plug on its TV ad campaign, and invested more
FOCUS system, where they are captured for shipment resources in building a direct sales force, which grew
tracking and billing. Customer Linkage bene ted the to be 460 strong. By focusing upon high-volume
customer by eliminating repetitive data entry and pa- corporate accounts, Airborne was able to establish
perwork. It also lowered the company’s operating costs scheduled pickup routes and use its ground capacity
by eliminating manual data entry. (In essence, both more ef ciently. This enabled the company to achieve
LIBRA II and Customer Linkage pushed off a lot of signi cant reductions in its unit cost structure. Partly
the data-entry work into the hands of customers.) The due to this factor, Airborne executives reckoned that
EDI system also included electronic invoicing and pay- their cost structure was as much as $3 per shipment
ment remittance processing. Airborne also offered its less than that of FedEx. Another estimate suggested
customers a program known as Quicklink, which sig- that Airborne’s strategy reduced labor costs by
ni cantly reduced the programming time required by 20% per unit for pickup, and 10% for delivery.
customers to take advantage of linkage bene ts. Of course, there was a downside to this strategy.
High-volume corporate customers have a great deal
more bargaining power than do infrequent users,
C3-4 STRATEGY so they can and do demand substantial discounts.
For example, in March 1987, Airborne achieved a
major coup when it won an exclusive, three-year
contract to handle all of IBM’s express pack-
C3-4a Market Positioning ages weighing less than 150 pounds. However, to
In the early 1980s, Airborne Express tried hard to win the IBM account, Airborne had to offer rates
compete head-to-head with Federal Express. This in- up to 84% below Federal Express’s list prices. Never-
cluded an attempt to establish broad market coverage, theless, the strategy seemed to work. As of 1995,
including both frequent and infrequent users. Frequent approximately 80% of Airborne’s revenues came
users generated more than $20,000 of business per from corporate accounts, most of them secured
month, or more than 1,000 shipments per month. through competitive bidding. The concentrated vol-
Infrequent users generated less than $20,000 per ume that this business represented helped Airborne to
month, or less than 1,000 shipments per month. drive down costs.
Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog C-45

C3-4b Delivery Time, Reliability, the bellies of their planes, to carry less urgent SDS
and Flexibility Early in 1996 Airborne began to phase in
A further feature of Airborne’s strategy was the deci- two new services to replace its SDS service. Next
sion not to try to compete with Federal Express on Afternoon Service was available for shipments
delivery time. Federal Express and UPS have long weighing 5 pounds or less, and Second Day Service
guaranteed delivery by 10:30 A.M. Airborne guaran- was offered for shipments of all weights. By 2001,
teed delivery by midday, although it offered a 10:30 deferred shipments accounted for 46% of total do-
guarantee to some very large corporate customers. mestic shipments.
Guaranteeing delivery by 10:30 A.M. would mean
stretching Airborne’s already tight scheduling system
to the limit. To meet its 10:30 A.M. deadline, FedEx C3-4d Ground Delivery Service
has to operate with a deadline for previous days’ In April 2001, Airborne launched a Ground de-
pickups of 6:30 P.M. Airborne could afford to be a livery Service (GDS) in response to similar offer-
little more exible and arrange pickups at 6:00 P.M. if ings from FedEx and UPS. Airborne came to the
that suited a corporate client’s particular needs. Later conclusion that it was very important to offer this
pickups clearly bene t the shipper, who is, after all, service in order to retain parity with its principle
the paying party. competitors, and to be able to offer bundled services
In addition, Airborne executives felt that a to its principle customers (that is, to offer them air,
guaranteed 10:30 A.M. delivery was unnecessary. ground, and logistics services for a single bundled
They argued that the extra hour and a half does not price). Airborne also felt that they could add the
make a great deal of difference to most clients, and service with a relatively minor initial investment,
they were willing to accept the extra time in exchange $30 million, since it leveraged of existing assets,
for lower prices. In addition, Airborne stressed the re- including trucks, tracking systems, and regional
liability of its delivery schedules. As one executive put ground hubs and sorting facilities.
it, “A package delivered consistently at 11:15 A.M. is The new service was initially been introduced on
as good as delivery at 10:30 A.M.” This reliability was a limited basis, and targeted at large corporate cus-
enhanced by Airborne’s ability to provide shipment tomers. GDS was priced less than deferred services,
tracking through its FOCUS system. re ecting the less time sensitive nature of the GDS
offering. GDS accounted for 1.5% of domestic ship-
ments in 2001, and 4% in the fourth quarter of 2001.
C3-4c Deferred Services
With a slowdown in the growth rate of the express
mail market toward the end of the 1980s, in 1990
C3-4e Logistics Services
Airborne decided to enter the deferred-delivery Although small-package express mail remained
business with its Select Delivery Service (SDS) prod- Airborne’s main business, through its Advanced
uct. The SDS service provides for next-afternoon or Logistics Services Corp. (ALS) subsidiary the com-
second-day delivery. Packages weighing 5 pounds or pany increasingly promoted a range of third-party
less are generally delivered on a next-afternoon basis, logistics services. These services provided custom-
with packages of more than 5 pounds being deliv- ers with the ability to maintain inventories in a
ered on a second-day basis. SDS shipment comprised 1-million-square-foot “stock exchange” facility lo-
approximately 42% of total domestic shipments in cated at Airborne’s Wilmington hub or at sixty
1995. They were priced lower than overnight express smaller “stock exchange” facilities located around
products, re ecting the less time-sensitive nature of the country. The inventory could be managed ei-
these deliveries. The company utilized any spare ca- ther by the company or by the customer’s personnel.
pacity on its express ights to carry SDS shipments. Inventory stored at Wilmington could be delivered
In addition, Airborne used other carriers, such utilizing either Airborne’s airline system or, if re-
as passenger carriers with spare cargo capacity in quired, commercial airlines on a next- ight-out basis.
C-46 Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog

ALS’s central print computer program allowed in- ever more global in their own strategic orientation.
formation on inventories to be sent electronically As this occurred, they were increasingly demanding
to customers’ computers located at Wilmington, a compatible express mail service. In addition, the
where Airborne’s personnel monitored printed out- rise of companies with globally dispersed manufac-
put and shipped inventories according to customers’ turing operations that relied upon just-in-time de-
instructions. livery systems to keep inventory holding costs down
For example, consider the case of Data Products created a demand for a global air-express services
Corp., a producer of computer printers. Data Prod- that could transport critical inventory between op-
ucts takes advantage of low labor costs to carry out erations located in different areas of the globe (con-
signi cant assembly operations in Hong Kong. Many sider the example of Data Products discussed earlier
of the primary component parts for its printers, how- in this case study).
ever, such as microprocessors, are manufactured in The initial response of FedEx and UPS to this
the United States and have to be shipped to Hong challenge was to undertake massive capital invest-
Kong. The nished product is then shipped back to ments to establish international airlift capability
the United States for sale. In setting up a global man- and international ground operations based upon the
ufacturing system, Data Products had a decision to U.S. model. Their rationale was that a wholly-owned
make: either consolidate the parts from its hundreds global delivery network was necessary to establish the
of suppliers in-house and then arrange for shipment tight control, coordination, and scheduling required
to Hong Kong, or contract out to someone who could for a successful air express operation. In the 1990s,
handle the whole logistics process. Data Products however, FedEx pulled out of its European ground
decided to contract out, and they picked Airborne operations, while continuing to y its own aircraft
Express to consolidate the component parts and overseas.
arrange for shipments. Airborne decided upon a quite different strategy.
Airborne controlled the consolidation and move- In part born of nancial necessity (Airborne lacks
ment of component parts from the component part the capital necessary to imitate FedEx and UPS),
suppliers through to the Hong Kong assembly op- Airborne decided to pursue what they referred to
eration in such a way as to minimize inventory-holding as a variable cost strategy. This involved two main
costs. The key feature of Airborne’s service was that elements: (1) the utilization of international airlift
all of Data Products’ materials were collected at on existing air cargo operators and passenger air-
Airborne’s facility at Los Angeles International Air- craft to get their packages overseas, and (2) entry
port. Data Products’ Hong Kong assembly plants into strategic alliances with foreign companies that
could then tell Airborne what parts to ship by air already had established ground delivery networks. In
and when they were needed. Airborne was thus able these two ways, Airborne hoped to establish global
to provide inventory control for Data Products. In coverage without having to undertake the kind of
addition, by scheduling deliveries that guaranteed capital investments that Federal Express and UPS
year-round traf c between Los Angeles and Hong had borne.
Kong, Airborne was able to negotiate a better air Airborne executives defended their decision to
rate from Japan Air Lines (JAL) for the transporta- continue to purchase space on international ights
tion of component parts. rather than y their own aircraft overseas. First,
they pointed out that Airborne’s international
business was 70% outbound and 30% inbound.
If Airborne were to y its own aircraft overseas,
C3-4f International Strategy this would mean ying them back half-empty.
One of the major strategic challenges that Airborne Second, on many routes Airborne simply didn’t
faced (along with the other express mail carriers) have the volume necessary to justify ying its
was how best to establish an international service own planes. Third, national air carriers were giv-
that is comparable to their domestic service. Many ing Airborne good prices. If Airborne began to y
of Airborne’s major corporate clients were becoming directly overseas, the company would be seen as
Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog C-47

a competitor and might no longer be given price C3-4g Organization

breaks. Fourth, getting international airlift space
was not a problem. While space could be limited in In 2001, Carl Donaway became CEO, replacing the
the third and fourth quarters of the year, Airborne long-time top management team of Robert Cline,
was such a big customer that it usually had few prob- CEO, and Robert Brazier, president and COO,
lems getting lift. both of whom had been with the company since
On the other hand, the long-term viability of the early 1960s. Prior to becoming CEO, Donaway
this strategy was questionable given the rapid evolu- was responsible the airline operations, included
tion in the international air express business. Flying managing the Wilmington hub, the package sorting
Tiger was once one of Airborne’s major providers facility, and all aircraft and ight maintenance op-
of international lift. However, following the pur- erations. The philosophy at Airborne was to keep the
chase of Flying Tiger by FedEx, Airborne reduced organizational structure as at as possible, shorten
its business with Flying Tiger. Airborne worried lines of communication, and allow for a free ow of
that its packages would be “pushed to the back of ideas within the managerial hierarchy. The top man-
the plane” whenever Flying Tiger had problems of agers generally felt that they were open to ideas sug-
capacity overload. gested by lower-level managers. At the same time, the
With regard to strategic alliances, Airborne had decision-making process was fairly centralized. The
joint venture operations is Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, view was that interdependence between functions
and South Africa. The alliance with Mitsui was an- made centralized decision making necessary. To
nounced in December 1989. Mitsui is one of the quote one executive, “Coordination is the essence of
world’s leading trading companies. Together with this business. We need centralized decision making
Tonami Transportation Co., Mitsui owns Panther in order to achieve this.”
Express, one of the top- ve express carriers in Japan Control at Airborne Express was geared to-
and a company with a substantial ground network. ward boosting productivity, lowering costs, and
The deal called for the establishment of a joint ven- maintaining a reliable high-quality service. This
ture between Airborne, Mitsui, and Tonami. To be was achieved through a combination of budgetary
known as Airborne Express Japan, the joint venture controls, pay-for-performance incentive systems,
combined Airborne’s existing Japanese operations and a corporate culture that continually stressed
with Panther Express. Airborne handled all of the key values.
shipments to and from Japan. The joint venture was For example, consider the procedure used to
40% owned by Airborne, 40% by Mitsui, and 20% control stations (which contained about 80% of all
by Tonami. The agreement speci ed that board employees). Station operations were reviewed on
decisions had to be made by consensus between a quarterly basis using a budgetary process. Con-
the three partners. A majority of two could not trol and evaluation of station effectiveness stressed
outvote the third. In addition, the deal called for four categories. The rst was service, measured by
Mitsui to invest $40 million in Airborne Express the time between pickup and delivery. The goal
through the purchase of a new issue of nonvot- was to achieve 95 to 97% of all deliveries before
ing 6.9% cumulative convertible preferred stock noon. The second category was productivity, mea-
and a commitment to Airborne from Mitsui of up sured by total shipments per employee hour. The
to $100 million for aircraft nancing. There is no third category was controllable cost, and the fourth
doubt that Airborne executives saw the Mitsui deal station pro tability. Goals for each of these catego-
as a major coup, both nancially and in terms of ries were determined each quarter in a bottom-up
market penetration into the Japanese market. The procedure that involved station managers in the
primary advantage claimed by Airborne executives goal-setting process. These goals are then linked to
for expanding via strategic alliances was that the an incentive pay system whereby station managers
company got an established, ground-based delivery can earn up to 10% of their quarterly salary just by
net-work overseas without having to make capital meeting their goals with no maximum on the upside
investments. if they go over the goals.
C-48 Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog

The direct sales force also had an incentive pay potential for deferred services and ground based
system. The target pay structure for the sales orga- delivery services, (4) lower margins associated with
nization was 70% base pay and a 30% commission. the new GDS offering, (5) the superior scale and
There was, however, no cap on the commissions for scope of its two main competitors, FedEx and UPS,
salespeople. So, in theory, there was no limit to what (6) an economic slowdown in the United States, and
a salesperson could earn. There were also contests (7) persistently high fuel costs (oil prices rose
designed to boost performance; for example, a so- from $18 a barrel in mid-1995 to $25 a barrel in
called Top Gun competition for the sales force, in 2002). The company’s nancial performance, which
which the top salesperson for each quarter won a had always been volatile, was poor during 2001,
$20,000 prize. when the company lost $12 million on revenues of
Incentive pay systems apart, however, Airborne $3.2 billion. In 2002, Airborne earned $58 mil-
was not known as a high payer. The company’s ap- lion on revenues of $3.3 billion, even though av-
proach was not to be the compensation leader. erage revenue per shipment declined to $8.46 from
Rather, it tried to set its salary structure to position $8.79 a year earlier. Management attributed the
it in the middle of the labor market. According to improved performance to strong employee produc-
a senior human resource executive, “We target our tivity, which improved 9.4% over the prior year. In
pay philosophy (total package—compensation plus their guidance for 2003, management stated that
bene ts) to be right at the 50th percentile plus or they would be able to further improve operating
minus 5 percent.” performance; then, in March, DHL made its take-
A degree of self-control was also achieved by over bid for the company. Under the terms of the
trying to establish a corporate culture that focused deal, nalized in 2003, DHL acquired the ground
employees’ attention upon the key values required assets of Airborne Express, while the airline con-
to maintain a competitive edge in the air-express in- tinued as an independent entity.
dustry. The values continually stressed by top man- In the late 1990s, DHL had been acquired by
agers at Airborne, and communicated throughout Deutsche Post, the German postal service. Deutsche
the organization by the company’s newsletter and Post had been privatized years earlier. Deutsche Post
quarterly videos, emphasized serving customers’ spent approximately $5 billion to acquire several
needs, maintaining quality, doing it right the rst companies in the logistics business between 1997 and
time around, and excellent service. There was also 1999. In November 2000, Deutsche Post went private
a companywide emphasis on productivity and cost with an initial public offering that raised $5.5 billion,
control. One executive, when describing the com- and announced its intention to build an integrated
pany’s attitude to expenditures, said, “We challenge global delivery and logistics network.
everything … We’re the toughest sons of bitches on DHL’s goal with the Airborne acquisition was
the block.” Another noted that “among managers to expand its presence in the United States, where
I feel that there is a universal agreement on the need it had long been a marginal player. In 2004–2005,
to control costs. This is a very tough business, and DHL spent some $1.5 billion upgrading Airborne’s
our people are aware of that. Airborne has an un- network to handle higher volumes. The company
derdog mentality—a desire to be a survivor.” also embarked upon an aggressive media advertis-
ing campaign, presenting itself as a viable alterna-
tive to FedEx and UPS. In so doing, DHL seemed
C3-4h The DHL Acquisition to be departing from Airborne’s highly focused
niche strategy.
and Its Aftermath The results were disappointing. The company re-
By 2002, Airborne Express faced a number of key portedly ran into signi cant “integration problems”
strategic opportunities and threats. These included and suffered from reports of poor customer services
(1) the rapid globalization of the air express in- and missed delivery deadlines. In 2006, DHL man-
dustry, (2) the development of logistics services agement stated that they now did not see the North
based on rapid air transportation, (3) the growth American unit turning pro table until 2009. DHL lost
Case 3 Airborne Express: The Underdog C-49

some $500 million in the United States in 2006.3 In hubs, laid off 9,600 employees, and took a charge
2007, they lost close to $1 billion. With corporate cus- against earnings of some $3.9 billion. In explaining
tomers leaving for rivals, and market share sliding, in the exit decision, DHL management stated that they
November 2008, DHL announced that it would exit underestimated how tough it would be to gain share
the U.S. market. DHL shut down its air and ground against FedEx and UPS.4

Standard & Poor’s Industry B. Barnard, “Logistics Spurs
A. Roth and M. Esterl, “DHL

Survey, Airlines, March 2002. Deutsche Post,” Journal of Beats a Retreat from the United
Source: http://www.airborne Commerce, November 8, 2006, States,” The Wall Street Journal,
.com/Company/History.asp?nav page 1. November 11, 2008, page B1.

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