Towards A Formal Creativity Theory: Preliminary Results in Novelty and Transformativeness

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Towards a Formal Creativity Theory:

Preliminary results in Novelty and Transformativeness

Luı́s Espı́rito Santo Geraint Wiggins Amı́lcar Cardoso
CMS – CISUC, CCLab – AILab Centre for Informatics and Systems (CISUC),
University of Coimbra, Portugal Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium University of Coimbra, Portugal Cognitive Science Group
CCLab – AILab, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
arXiv:2405.02148v1 [cs.AI] 3 May 2024

Abstract We believe that some ideas in FLT could have a useful

purpose for creativity studies, especially in structuring and
Formalizing creativity-related concepts has been a long- formalizing matters. Our exploration of this theory is an at-
term goal of Computational Creativity. To the same end,
tempt at formalizing concepts in Computational Creativity
we explore Formal Learning Theory in the context of
creativity. We provide an introduction to the main con- (CC), following a series of similar attempts that are based
cepts of this framework and a re-interpretation of terms on other theoretical fields such as: the early developments
commonly found in creativity discussions, proposing by Wallas (1926), Rhodes (1961) and Guilford (1950);
formal definitions for novelty and transformational cre- Boden’s (1994) ideas and their subsequent examination by
ativity. This formalisation marks the beginning of a others such as Bundy (1994) and Ritchie (2006); Wiggins’
research branch we call Formal Creativity Theory, ex- (2019) progress at bringing extra rigour to Boden’s (2004)
ploring how learning can be included as preparation for proposal; Schmidhuber’s (2010) project to formalise cre-
exploratory behaviour and how learning is a key part ativity; Colton, Charnley, and Pease’s (2011) proposal of
of transformational creative behaviour. By employing Computational Creativity Theory; Ventura’s (2011) adapta-
these definitions, we argue that, while novelty is neither
tion of the “No Free Lunch Theorem”; Shannon’s Informa-
necessary nor sufficient for transformational creativity
in general, when using an inspiring set, rather than a se- tion Theory use by Varshney (2019, 2020) and the approach
quence of experiences, an agent actually requires nov- to Kolmogorov Complexity by Mondol and Brown (2021).
elty for transformational creativity to occur. In this paper, our goal is three-fold: 1) to introduce the
ideas behind FLT; 2) to provide formal definitions for some
creativity-related terminology, inspired in FLT; 3) to show
Introduction how these formal definitions allow to explore and demon-
Since its origins in the 1960s, the theory known as the For- strate results about creativity, by exploring the effective role
mal Learning Theory (FLT) was motivated by the task of of novelty in transformational creativity (Boden, 2004).
providing natural language capabilities to machines. It has
equally been used to explore long-lasting debates on chil- The Endless Explanation of “Grey Music”
dren’s intellectual development or even to structure philo- In this section, we present an anecdote, a scenario, that sets
sophical fields such as epistemology. It is a nonstatistical the stage for our explanation of FLT, by illustrating the foun-
research stem within Computational Learning Theory (CLT) dational concepts within the context of a creative domain
which facilitates the examination of limitations pertaining to and highlighting some important aspects. Since FLT is ag-
learning under theoretical conditions, such as infinite data, nostic and applicable across domains, this anecdote could
time, and space. As such, both language acquisition and sci- pertain to any creative domain and still illustrate the theory
entific discovery are traditionally employed and vastly ex- as effectively. Besides, adapting it for other domains should
plored for the purpose of illustrating and inspiring FLT. be easily achievable. We chose the music domain and titled
Some authors, such as Koestler (2014), argue that cre- our anecdote: The Endless Explanation of “Grey Music”.
ativity has a major role in tasks like language acquisition Our story begins with a vinyl shop assistant and his
and scientific discovery, often seen solely as learning. How- client1 , as they embark on a journey around a musical genre
ever, others find this hard to accept, as Ritchie (2007, p. 69) known as grey music, in a world where intensional defini-
suggests: “Mathematics, science, or engineering are rarely tions are avoided. The anecdote revolves around the client’s
classed as creative unless they are done exceptionally well. 1
FLT is agnostic in terms of what is considered a data provider
This bias does not seem helpful in a rigorous attempt to pin
(client) and a learning agent (assistant). One can think of any data-
down the notion of creativity, particularly when applied to provider in place of the client such as a critic, an audience, na-
machines. Although there is still a tendency within AI to tac- ture, or the assistant himself, and any data-consuming/hypothesis-
itly accept this intellectual apartheid of creative versus non- producing entity in place of the assistant like a scientists, a ma-
creative activities, it would be better if we could be more chine, a team of people. While important for generalization, this
neutral in our formal characterisation of creative actions.” flexibility can be overly complex for this introduction.
extensional description of what she wants for a song and the An Introduction to Formal Learning Theory
assistant’s efforts to understand this musical genre, which is E. Mark Gold (1967) presented the first theoretical re-
as mysterious to the assistant as it is clear to the client. sults that became the foundations of a formal framework
After acknowledging that the assistant has no idea of what to study inductive learning. Building on these results,
grey music, the musical genre, is, the client proceeds to in- Blum and Blum (1975), Angluin (1980), Case and Smith
dicate songs: ‘You know, “Le Freak” by Chic. That is grey (1983) and Case (2012), as well as several other authors,
music!’2 . The client is determined to share every single grey developed a set of other definitions and results that describe
music song, even if there are infinitely many, to ensure the limits on what one learner can learn. We call the collection
assistant gets it exactly correctly, no more no less, the same of such definitions and results, FLT, which we now intro-
way she does. Therefore, she will exhaustively exemplify duce. In this introduction, we reproduce a slight adaptation
grey music, and every time she mentions a song, the assis- of some of the content in the comprehensive review of FLT
tant may refine his understanding of the term, adjusting his made available by Jain et al. (1999). For the sake of clar-
conceptualization of grey music and creating different sets ity and ease of reference, we decided to compile this set
of rules to represent their evolving comprehension. of definitions under a common name: Scientist Identifying
The never-ending part of this story arrives when we un- Languages in Texts (SILIT). This represents what we con-
derstand that if this genre is big enough, i.e., infinite, and the sider to be the most basic framework presented in this area
motivations of the client and assistant never fade then they that will serve as the basis for other possibly more intricate
would be able to stay this way forever. The client can never adaptations and extensions.
be certain whether the assistant have the exactly correct con-
ceptualization of grey music simply by analysing any finite Learning Paradigm
amount of songs suggested by the assistant given his cur-
rent understanding of the term – we will term this situation The anecdote presented illustrates five components that can
in which the client lacks direct access to the assistant’s cur- be found in any empirical inquiry paradigm (Jain et al.,
rent conceptualization as the “evaluator conundrum”. Thus, 1999) and are thus formalized in SILIT:
the client keeps forever providing examples, wholly inde- • a class of possible realities: In our anecdote, this pertains
pendent of the assistants’s understanding 3 . Meanwhile, the to all potential music genres, abstracted as sets of songs.
assistant also is perpetually uncertain about the exaclty cor- • intelligible hypotheses: These refer the way to represent
rect grey music’s essence since he only has access to the ex- the music genre that the assistant is thinking of at each
amples and nothing more – to this other condition we will moment. This corresponds to the set of rules the assistant
call the “learner conundrum” – and has no capacity to inter- produces to represent his hypothetical reality.
vene in the data that is provided. By indefinitely proceeding
the same way, they get stuck in an endless loop: • the extensive data available about the correct reality: The
data in our anecdote are the songs provided by the client.
• the client keeps on exhaustively exemplifying grey music
uncertain if the assistant captured it exactly correctly; • a learner: This is anything that can turn data into hy-
potheses, which corresponds to our assistant; and
• the assistant keeps on trying to acquire the exactly cor-
rect conceptualiation for the genre of grey music, pass- • criteria for success: In our case, we aim at what we des-
ing through several hypothetical genres, but without ever ignated as matching “exactly correctly”, i.e., the assis-
knowing if has matched the client’s idea exactly correctly. tant’s conceptualization perfectly aligns with the client’s,
including no additional songs nor omissions. Various al-
Contrasting with practical research, this kind of thought ternative criteria are explored in different extensions.
experiments provide us – as external observers – direct ac-
cess to both the client’s and shop assistant’s minds. There- Notation and Terminology
fore, despite their conundra, we can determine whether
they will ever successfully converge to precisely the same Here, we introduce some notation, primarily drawn from
the theory of computation, thoroughly explored by Rogers
genre or not. FLT takes advantage of this fact to theo-
(1967). We denote the empty set as ∅, while N represents
retically explore which learning strategies enable assistants
to to achieve success within various environments, seek- the set of natural numbers. In this paper, A encompasses the
set of all conceivable sentences within a chosen alphabet,
ing to understand the nuanced dynamics between different
which serves as potential inputs for programs p written for a
approaches and the contexts in which they are most effec-
tive. Additionally, this method also allows for the study of selected Turing-equivalent algorithmic system. We will use
P to denote the set of all those possible programs. Within our
whether there are genres that are impossible to discern apart.
notation, Wp signifies the domain of the computable func-
Given this single example the reader might already feel the tion expressed by program p. So, the statement L = Wp
urge to trying to unravel what grey music means. This illustrates reads p is a (discriminative)4 grammar for set L. Thus, ev-
human’s predisposition to create these structures. ery program p ∈ P is a grammar for exactly one set L ⊆ A.
Most FLT results assume the premise of passive learning,
where the learner observes data without the capacity of intervening. Discriminative grammars oppose to generative grammars.
Opposedly, active learning allows the learner to experiment and the Discriminative use the domain in their definition and can be used
data will change according to those actions. This dicothomy is dif- directly to semi-decide what sentences are well-formed. Genera-
ferent than the one between implicit vs deliberate learning. tive can be used to always output a well-formed sentence.
Turing’s (1937) results imply that not all sets of sentences area, this list-like representation of all the elements of a set
have grammars, but those that do have a grammar always is termed as ‘text’, since this would correspond to an actual
have a Turing machine that lists all its members. Then, we text with all the sentences that could be written in a lan-
say that those sets which have grammars are therefore re- guage. In the same way, the words in a text do not change
cursively enumerable (r.e.) sets5 and we denote the class of based on what a reader is thinking, this structure is also in-
such sets by E, and we can thus write E = {Wp | p ∈ P}. dependent of what the learner is outputting and may include
repetitions or even blank spaces, points of null data. In our
Scientists Identifying Languages in Texts case, it will be an infinite sequence of sentences that belong
We designate SILIT to address what we consider to be the to the chosen reality, without missing one. We also include
most basic set of definitions among the several introduced by an extra symbol, #, that represents the inexistence of data.
Jain et al. (1999). It is arguably the most basic framework in Definition 3 - Text (Data).
FLT, that can be expanded, adapted, and appropriated to in-
clude other kinds of interesting aspects. This framework as (a) Text. A text T is a mapping N → A ∪ {#}. This can
well as its variations are different ways to formalise the five and will also be equivalently interpreted and noted as an
components that we find in any empirical inquiry paradigm. infinite sequence x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . of sentences where some
Similarly to many other ideas in the theory of computation, might be null, #, instead.
the terminology revolves around languages and sentences, (b) Content of a text. The sentences appearing in this se-
to directly model language acquisition. quence are denoted content(T ) = range(T ) − {#}.
We will start by formalizing the class of possible reali- (c) Text exhaustively exemplifies a language. A text T is
ties, whose formalisation was directly borrowed from com- said to exhaustively exemplify a language L ∈ E in case
putability theory. Since the learner must be able to point at content(T ) = L. In some literature, this reads T is for L.
specific sets of things, for example, songs or sentences, one (d) Text operators. Given a text T and n ∈ N, then T (n)
way is to allow our learner to produce intrinsical definitions represents the n+1th member of T , while T [n] represent
for those sets. Using programs we can actually have a fi- the initial finite sequence of length n, known as prefix.
nite representation for potentially infinite sets. Thus, in this
(e) Prefix operators. Prefixes are represented using the fol-
framework, a possible reality is a r.e. set6 , also designated
lowing symbols: σ, τ. The length of prefix σ is denoted
as a language, L ∈ E. So, in context of SILIT:
|σ|, the concatenation of prefixes writes σ ⋄ τ and the re-
Definition 1 - Language (Reality). A language or a (possi- maining notation and operators for texts (content, prefixes
ble) reality is a recursively enumerable set, L ∈ E. A class and indexing) defined in Def 3.(d), also apply to prefixes.
of languages will be represented by symbol L ⊆ E. (f) The set of all set prefixes. The set of all prefixes is writ-
Following this strategic choice, the hypotheses, i.e., the ten SEQ = {T [n] | T a text and n ∈ N}.
way the learner intrinsically represents these realities, can
be abstracted using grammars, or in other words, computer Notice that for each language L there are infinite many
programs, p ∈ P 7 . These will be the output of the learner texts, except for the empty set ∅ which only accepts one sin-
when presented with data. Then every possible reality has at gle text, namely, T∅ such that ∀x∈N T∅ (x) = #. For example,
least one corresponding hypothesis and every hypothesis as the following three texts all exhaustively exemplify the real-
exactly one reality to which it corresponds. ity of the sentences representing even numbers:
Definition 2 - Grammar (Hypothesis). 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 . . .
(a) Grammar. In this framework, a grammar, a hypothesis
or a conjecture is a program, p ∈ P.
#, 2, #, 4, 4, #, 6, 6, 6, # . . .
(b) Language corresponds to a grammar. A language L is
said to correspond to a grammar p if and only if L = Wp .
#, 2, 6, 4, 10, 8, 14, 12, 18 . . .
We address now how this framework models the data col-
lected from one specific fixed reality. To faithfully emulate We are now in a condition to formalise the idea of learner,
this way of learning, we must ensure that the learner only ac- or scientist, as they are called in this area. We want some-
cesses the correct reality indirectly through extensional data, thing that given partial finite data outputs a hypothesis.
i.e., we need to model the learner conundrum by creating a Definition 4 - Scientist (Learner).
singular interface between the learner and the correct reality.
One simple way to represent data is to consider an infi- (a) Scientist. A scientist is a function M : SEQ → P.
nite sequence of positive examples encompassing all mem- (b) Scientist conjectures reality. Let T be a text and n ∈ N,
bers of the set – an exhaustive representative dataset. In this then a scientist M is said to conjecture the language L on
prefix T [n] if and only if WM(T [n]) = L, i.e., if scientist
The term r.e. set is usually applied to sets of natural numbers M outputs a grammar for L when given as input the initial
and not sentences, yet this is equivalent and simpler. sequence of length n from T .
There are alternative frameworks to learn functions rather than
sets. Yet, the latter is more general and interesting for creativity. It is essential to note that this definition of scientist is
In FLT these are represented using natural numbers by em- notably broad, encompassing even scientists that can never
ploying Gödel numbering as an index. be implemented in computers, i.e., uncomputable scientists.
Such wide-ranging definition was crucial to drawing conclu- Towards Formal Creativity Theory
sions regarding the computability of learning since it facili-
tated the comparison of the learning limitations of this broad The definitions previously discussed were initially devel-
class of scientists with those limitations encountered when oped focusing on the learning component of language and
considering exclusively computable scientists. We proceed science. We believe that these definitions can be refurbished
to present one criterion that assesses the success of a scien- to provide a more rigorous view on CC concepts and pos-
tist in a given text: identifiability. sibly a new formalization to explore creativity in a purely
theoretical way. Thus, the initial goal of this section is to ex-
Definition 5 - Identification (Criterion). Let M be a scien- amine some creativity-related terms through the lens of the
tist and T a text, respectively. previously provided definitions. We shortly introduce some
(a) Convergence on a text. M(T ) ↓ = p, reading M con- concepts from the canonical literature of CC, and what we
verges to p on T , if and only if for all but finitely many consider could be their formal reinterpreted definition under
n ∈ N, we have M(T [n]) = p. If M doesn’t converge to the lens of FLT. Some of these terms are essentially renames
any p then we write M(T ) ↑, reading M diverges in T . of structures from FLT. We believe that the process of re-
(b) Text identification. M is said to identify T just in naming has been instrumental in generating new concepts
case there is a p such that M(T ) ↓ = p and Wp = since it facilitates a clearer understanding. We think of the
content(T ), i.e., just in case M conjectures the language set of these definitions as the beginning of a field that, by
L = content(T ) on all but finitely many prefixes of T . parallelism, we designate Formal Creativity Theory (FCT).
(c) Language identification. M is said to identify the lan-
guage L ∈ E just in case M identifies every text for L. Artefacts
(d) Identification of a classes of languages. Let L ⊆ E be The seminal work by Rhodes (1961), proposing the four P’s
given. M identifies L if and only if it identifies all L ∈ L. of creativity, introduces the idea of ‘Product,’ also tradition-
Then, L is said identifiable in case there is a scientist that ally referred to as artefact, as one of the main components of
identifies it; it is said to be unidentifiable otherwise. creative behaviour. For our purposes, we conceptualize an
Several critical observations regarding this definition of artefact as being represented by a sentence, or, equivalently,
identification need to be considered. Firstly, it is crucial we redefine A as the set of all possible artefacts. This allows
to notice that, according to the definition, to identify a lan- us to abstract and generalize our results across domains, but
guage, L, the scientist needs only to identify all the texts for also pushes this theory away from practical research.
the given language, without restrictions about what happens Definition 7 - Artefact. A product, an artefact (or a concept)
in other texts. Thus, in FLT, only the identifiability of classes is any member a ∈ A, the set of all possible artefacts.
of languages is worth discussing, since discussing the iden-
tifiability of singular languages is rendered superfluous, as Experience and Fate Sequences
every given single language L ∈ E is trivially identified by
at least one scientist: the scientist that regardless of its input While exploring the concept of ‘prefix’ in the context of a
constantly outputs p ∈ P, such that p is the smallest gram- creative scenario, it corresponds to the experience that an
mar for L. We will name such a scientist a dumb visionary agent has access to in a given moment. Therefore, in this
(Def 6). Such broad definitions expand the ideas of both context, we decided to provide another term to refer to this
“learner” and “learning” to include these very dumb or stub- structure: ‘experience sequence’. This refers to the cumu-
born behaviours, which becomes very useful to prove results lative and ordered finite list of an individual’s prior singular
but obviously raises criticism against this framework in what experiences with various artefacts. If we have an infinite
concerns its fidelity and capacity to model real learning be- list, i.e., a text, as we call it in FLT, we will call it a ‘fate se-
haviour. The field addresses these criticisms by extending quence’ in FCT. While a scientist can undergo an experience
the framework, redefining one or more of these components sequence, they can never totally undergo a fate sequence.
while being guided by already proven results. Definition 8 - Experience and Fate Sequences. An experi-
Definition 6 - Dumb Visionary. Given a language L, the ence (sequence) is a prefix, σ ∈ SEQ, that can be undergone
dumb visionary for L, written DVL , is defined as the scientist by scientist. A fate (sequence) is the same as a text, T .
that, regardless of its input, constantly outputs the minimum
program p ∈ P such that Wp = L. Situation
One simple interesting result from the FLT field is that
scientists that can be agnostic about the time they have con- We decided then to define ‘situation’ as a pair consisting of
verged, i.e., they are not imposed to announce their conver- a scientist and an experience. Despite not being a common
gence, can identify more classes of languages than those im- idea in CC, we believe that formalizing this component as a
posed to announce their convergence. This and other intrigu- pair is crucial for later analysis, especially when considering
ing results could be proved within this framework, yet in this properties of an artefact that depend on the experience, the
text, we need to move on to discussing this theory inside the scientist, or the interaction between the two.
context of CC. In this new context, the shop assistant can be Definition 9 - Situation. A situation s is any ordered pair
replaced by a professional composer, yet no consequences s = (M, σ) with M a scientist and σ an experience. We use
of this change will actually be explored in this early work. S to represent the class of all situations.
Conceptual Spaces Platonic Conceptual Space
Conceptual spaces have been commonly discussed in CC
(Boden, 2004; Gardenfors, 2004), even though sometimes The platonic conceptual space, P, is the correct reality
with different meanings. We propose to formalize a con- among the possible ones, the conceptual space that origi-
ceptual space as a r.e. set, i.e., any set of artefacts that can nates a given fate. Conceptually, changing the platonic con-
be intentionally defined (Def 10). This way, any program ceptual space means considering an alternative reality. The
over artefacts defines a conceptual space and all of these can fate, the infinite sequence of artefacts the scientist will expe-
be intentionally defined using a hypothesis. This definition rience, is always congruent with a given platonic conceptual
aligns with Ritchie’s (2006) idea of conceptual space8 . Fur- space and contains all of its elements11 . The fate, then, rep-
thermore, we wish to distinguish three special kinds of con- resents the sequence that encompasses all the artefacts the
ceptual space: the inspiring set, the hypothetical conceptual scientist will ever have access to while trying to guess P.
space, and the platonic conceptual space. Definition 13 - Platonic Conceptual Space. Given a fate T ,
Definition 10 - Conceptual Space. A conceptual space is the platonic conceptual space, P, with which T is congruent,
any r.e. set, A ∈ E. is such that P = content(T ).
Paraphrasing the previously defined criterion for identifi-
Inspiring Sets
cation (Def 5.(b)), a scientist is said to identify a fate, T , if
According to Ritchie (2007, p. 76), in CC the “construction and only if in all but finitely many experiences of T , the hy-
of the program is influenced (either explicitly or implicitly) pothetical conceptual space is the same as the platonic con-
by some subset of the available basic items (...) which we ceptual space12 . Also, a collection of platonic conceptual
will call the inspiring set.” Following the definitions from spaces is identifiable if, for each one P of these, there is a
FLT, it seems logical to define the inspiring set based on scientist capable of identifying all fates congruent with P.
what is available to the scientist, i.e., experiences. Then, we In the anecdote, the platonic conceptual space corresponds
have that the inspiring set is precisely the unordered con- to the client’s idea of ‘grey music’ and the hypothetical con-
tent of the experience sequence (Def 8). The set and the se- ceptual spaces to the several hypothetical genres the assis-
quence are then two different ways to represent inspiration, tant goes through after each provided song.
the latter allowing repetitions, while the former does not.
Definition 11 - Inspiring Set. Let σ be an experience, then
we also call content(σ), the inspiring set, written Iσ or just In the Creative Systems Framework (CSF), Wiggins (2019)
I when the prefix is not ambiguous. presents three sets of rules - R, T, E. These rules play dif-
ferent roles in the creative process - the first one is used to
Hypothetical Conceptual Spaces define the boundaries of a special conceptual space, the sec-
ond is used to generate new artefacts and the last one is used
This concept is not commonly found in CC literature. In- to choose the artefacts with value. While both the first and
stead, it resulted from the exploration of creativity through third are used to distinguish artefacts that belong to a specific
the lens of FLT. A hypothetical conceptual space, H, is any conceptual space or those that are valuable, respectively, the
conceptual space conjectured by a scientist (Def 12). We second one provides an ordered sequence of artefacts. In
see then that a situation s ∈ S totally defines a hypothetical SILIT, the notion of hypothesis corresponds to the implicit
conceptual space9 . Additionally, given a fate, we have an representation of a language. Seems appropriate, then, to
infinite sequence of hypothetical conceptual spaces. correspond such sets of rules to hypotheses (Def 14), de-
Definition 12 - Hypothetical Conceptual Spaces. Let s = spite some being used to decide and others to enumerate. In
(M, σ) be a situation, then we say that Hs = WM(σ) is the the future, we intend to explore CSF-aligned scientists, that
hypothetical conceptual space associated with that situation, output 3 sets of rules, pR , pT or pE , instead of just one.
i.e., it is the conceptual space conjectured by scientist M Definition 14 - Rules. A set of rules is a program, p ∈ P.
when undergoing σ.
In FLT, there is a branch dedicated to studying the impli- Properties
cations of assuming certain relationships between the hypo-
In traditional FLT, various extended models for data (envi-
thetical conceptual spaces and the corresponding inspiring
ronments), classes of learners (strategies), and success cri-
sets. For example, a consistent scientist is any scientist such
teria (criteria) are explored. Yet, to our knowledge, there
that for any situation s = (M, σ) we have that Iσ ⊆ Hs 10 .
is close to no exploration of how these can take advantage
Ritchie (2006) suggests that the term ‘artefact-set’ corresponds of the properties of the artefacts, perhaps due to abstraction
to the set that actually contains artefacts, which we simply call the complexity. Conversely, in CC literature, it is a common but
conceptual space, and the term ‘space-definition’ to the intentional not exclusive viewpoint that a creative act is characterized by
definition of this set, which we call the hypotheses or the rules of
the conceptual space, as mentioned later in this text. 11
FLT includes other structures that consider other relationships
Non-total scientists that are not defined in all experiences are between P and T - a type of extensions named environments - ac-
possible, allowing to model indecision but adding extra complexity. counting for missing data, wrong data, or additional information.
10 12
These and other kinds of constraints imposed on scientists are The last kind of extension is to consider alternative success
considered a type extension to the SILIT known as strategies. criteria to simulate approximate learning or indecision.
a process yielding creative artefacts. Therefore, many of the artefact a is novel, given an inspiring set Iσ , if a ∈
/ Iσ . De-
efforts in CC wander around artefacts and their properties. spite this being a reductionist notion of novelty, it allows to
Several have then been the properties proposed as desider- derive interesting results when paired with other properties.
ata to discern creative artefacts, such as novelty, typicality, Definition 16 - Novelty. Novelty VN is a schema parame-
value, quality or even surprise. terized by a situation s = (M, σ). An artefact a is said to be
We propose to include ‘property extensions’ to FCT as a novel in situation s, writing VN (a, s) = 1, iff a ∈ / Iσ .
new extension type. This new kind of extension enables the
creation of new paradigms, by constraining the class of sci- We can see that a scientist can compute this value metric
entists based on these properties, or just by employing dif- since it only depends on the experience. This means that the
ferent criteria that define success based on such properties. scientist can access the true value of this schema. This is
Due to space limitations, we do not fully detail how prop- not true for all schemas, as there are schemas that can only
erties can alter the basic paradigm but will briefly introduce be approximated by the scientists, which will be the case
two formal properties and some conclusions. for the next schema. Since our model of these schemas is
parameterized, we can see that novelty is not intrinsic to an
Schema artefact, it depends on the experience provided to a scientist.
It makes no sense then to evaluate this predicate out of the
To implement this extension, we adapt the idea of ‘rating context of a specific situation.
schemas’, proposed by Ritchie (2007), that correspond to
operators that can be applied to artefacts. While Ritchie Transformativeness
(2007) implements schema ratings as fuzzy sets, for simplic-
ity, in this initial approach to CC using FLT, we suggest to Following Boden’s (2004) proposal of different kinds of
have schemas as predicates (Def 15). Similarly to Wiggins’ creativity - exploratory, combinational and transformational
(2006) dichotomic evaluation rules, E13 , this simple imple- creativity - more common than not, research in CC is in-
mentation allows for only two states of value: valuable arte- fluenced by the “widely discussed proposal by Boden that
facts and non-valuable artefacts. Despite facilitating theory, high levels of creativity result from the transformation of a
this simplicity-driven design choice can raise criticism, since conceptual space” (Ritchie, 2006, p. 242). Wiggins (2019,
our findings may not apply to alternative rating schema mod- p. 31) paraphrases Boden’s transformational creativity as
els that might be more accurate. However, it aligns with FLT “the kind of creative behaviour concerned (. . . ) with trans-
methodology: proving results for a simplified model first, forming the rule set” that defines a conceptual space.
then extending to more complex versions, with insights from The interplay between transformational creativity and
the simpler approach facilitating subsequent proofs. learning is inherently complex and deeply interconnected.
Definition 15 - Schema. A (dichotomic rating) schema V is Through analyzing hypothetical scenarios of creative be-
just any predicate over artefacts, V : A → {0, 1}. An artefact haviour, we identified two main cases for the relationship
a is then said to be V -valuable if V(a) = 1. between learning and creativity: one where learning pre-
cedes exploration, akin to the preparation phase described
According to this definition, any predicate over artefacts by Wallas (1926); and another where learning occurs during
can be interpreted as a schema, regardless of the domain, exploration, aligning with what Wiggins (2019) describes as
allowing for uncomputable schemas that can never be com- transformational creativity. When analyzing real cases, dis-
pletely correctly grasped in a conceptual space. Yet, a set tinguishing when exploration begins and preparation ends
of rules for a conceptual space can always be used to build become subjective, so one can only differentiate transfor-
a schema. In this study, we decided to focus on schemas mational creativity from well-prepared exploratory creativ-
parameterized by an experience and a scientist. We provide ity by fixing a starting point for the exploration process.
next the working definitions of one well-known and widely
Generalizing Wiggins’ (2019) idea of transformational
used property of artefacts from CC - novelty, VN - as well
creativity as changing an intentional representation, and re-
as introduce a new one - transformativeness, VT r - relating
lating it to how scientists learn in FLT, we say that trans-
to transformational creativity (Boden, 2004).
formational creativity happens whenever a scientist changes
Novelty their hypothesis in a growing experience. Formally, we ob-
serve transformational creativity if a scientist outputs h1
While properties such as complexity or typicality have been from experience σ1 , and then generates a different hypothe-
debated as necessary components for creativity, novelty has sis h2 when undergoing σ1 ⋄ a. Not all artefacts will trigger
increasingly been agreed as one main one, to the point that such shift in a specific situation. Those which do are said
creativity has been seen as the “production of novel, use- transformative, a property we named ‘transformativeness’.
ful products” (Mumford, 2003, p. 110). Wiggins (2006, Definition 17 - Transformativeness. Transformativeness
p. 25) defines novelty as “the property of an artefact (ab- VT r is a schema parameterized by a situation s = (M, σ).
stract or concrete) output by a creative system which arises An artefact a is said to be transformative in situation s, i.e.,
from prior non-existence of like or identical artefacts in the VT r (a, s) = 1, iff M(σ) 6= M(σ ⋄ a).
context in which the artefact is produced.” We define that an
This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first formal pro-
Though Wiggins focuses on predicates, he mentions in the pa- posal to define transformational creativity that allows to di-
per the potential for extending his proposal to fuzzy sets. rectly compare with other properties such as novelty.
Preliminary Results some cases/realities, and that despite novelty they will never
Novelty has been widely discussed in Computational Cre- change their beliefs.
ativity as a mandatory requirement for creative behaviour.
The common way to study this aspect then became to study
Novelty is not necessary for Transformativeness
what makes a product novel and find search strategies that Maybe even more surprising is that, within these definitions,
could increase the likelihood of novelty. Yet, one other as- novelty is also not required for transformativeness. Trans-
pect of novelty we can study, given these new definitions, formativeness can occur in situations and artefacts that fail
is its relationship with other properties such as transforma- to meet the novelty criterion.
tiveness. We aim to study how experiencing novel artefacts Theorem 2. Artefact a being transformative in situation s
affects learning or, in our case, how it affects creativity - does not imply a is novel in that same situation.
namely how necessary it is for transformational creativity
(Boden, 2004). It is unspokenly assumed that novelty is Proof . In this case, we need to provide a situation s and
needed for transformational creativity to happen. This is an artefact a such that a is transformative but not novel in
yet another reason for novelty being valued in creativity - situation s. Suppose M ′ is an ever-changing scientist, i.e.,
because novel artefacts are assumed to impact conceptual M ′ (σ) 6= M ′ (σ ⋄ b) for every σ and b. An example of
models. We prove here that if we consider the general class such a scientist is a scientist whose output depends only on
of scientists, it is wrong to assume that there is a relation- the size of the experience, such as M ′ (σ) = |σ| Suppose a
ship between novelty and the transformation of conceptual situation s = (M ′ , σ) for fixed σ ∈ SEQ but Iσ 6= ∅. Let us
spaces! We prove that, in this wide class of agents, there is choose an artefact such that a ∈ Iσ . We see that the chosen
no such relationship and we illustrate the results using ex- a is not novel, because we explicitly chose something that
amples. We then show that for a sub-class of scientists, it is was already experienced by the scientist, yet our scientist
correct to assume such a relationship. changes always their hypothesis when his experience grows
so M(σ) 6= M(σ ⋄ a) hence a is transformative. 
Novelty is not sufficient for Transformativeness
Once again, these are very trivial scientists. These, con-
Could it be that all pieces of novel information will always trary to the constant ones, are actually not able to identify
make one change their mind? In this framework, we can de- anything. A more complex and more realistic example to
fine scientists that defy such assumption. Actually, we have prove such a result would be a scientist that annotates how
infinitely many scientists that break such statement, some confident it is in its hypotheses by appending a comment to
very trivial, others more complex. the hypotheses. If the artefact matched its hypotheses then
Theorem 1. Artefact a being novel in situation s does not it would increase the confidence by one point, otherwise it
imply a is transformative in that same situation. would decrease the confidence or even make it change com-
pletely if confidence reached zero. Such scientist is by def-
Proof . We will provide a situation s and an artefact a such
inition ever-changing and therefore also proves the theorem
that a is novel but not transformative in situation s. Suppose above, for syntactic transformativeness. This scientist can
Mh is a constant scientist, i.e., there is constant h ∈ N, such converge semantically and can be used to identify using an
that for every σ ∈ SEQ, M(σ) = h. An example of such
expansion to the identification criterion previously presented
kind of scientists is what we defined as dumb visionaries - behaviourally correct identification.
DVA (Def 6). Now, suppose a situation s = (Mh , σ) with
a fixed σ ∈ SEQ. Suppose as well any artefact a such that For Set-Driven Scientists, Novelty is necessary for
a∈ / Iσ . Such a must exist since Iσ is always finite due to the
finitude of σ, i.e., independently of the chosen experience
there is always at least one novel artefact. By definition, A scientist is said to be set-driven if for σ, τ ∈ SEQ, if
we see that the chosen a is novel in s, yet M(σ) = h = content(σ) = content(τ) then M(σ) = M(τ). A “set-driven
M(σ ⋄ a), hence a is not transformative.  scientist is insensitive to the order in which data are present”
(Jain et al., 1999, p. 99). We will prove that for these sci-
As this proof shows, we showcase scientists for whom entists, novelty is a requirement for transformativeness. We
novelty alone is insufficient to alter their ideas. Even though have two conditions:
these seem very simple scientists, we can build more com-
1. Condition 1: for scientist M and σ, τ ∈ SEQ,
plex scientists that would prove such a theorem, such as
content(σ) = content(τ) =⇒ M(σ) = M(τ), i.e., us-
any scientist who identifies an infinite language. If nov-
ing inspiring set notation, Iσ = Iτ =⇒ M(σ) = M(τ)
elty was sufficient to make any scientist change their opin-
ion, then any fate for an infinite platonic conceptual space 2. Condition 2: for artefact a and situation s = (M, σ),
would have infinite points of transformation and therefore VT r (a, s) =⇒ VN (a, s)
no scientist could ever identify it. Yet, we think the sim- Theorem 3. Condition 1 is sufficient for Condition 2, i.e.,
ple scientists provided in the proof illustrate well the argu- if a scientist is set-driven then novelty is necessary for trans-
ment in point, since despite their triviality these simple sci- formativeness in that same situation.
entists still identify one platonic conceptual space. We can
compare these to people with unjustified beliefs who are im- Proof . Let us start by assuming Condition 1, i.e., let M
mune to any kind of evidence, yet can be, by chance, right in be a set-driven scientist. So given any artifact a, and any
experience σ, we have Iσ = Iσ⋄a =⇒ M(σ) = M(σ ⋄ a). derpin a new paradigm, never explaining how we could build
This means the contrapositive M(σ) 6= M(σ ⋄ a) =⇒ such paradigm out of these definitions. A longer format
Iσ 6= Iσ⋄a . Thus for any situation s = (M, σ), we have then would be necessary to fully present these paradigms, what
that VT r (a, s) =⇒ Iσ 6= Iσ⋄a . In turn, Iσ 6= Iσ⋄a =⇒ they can model and how they relate to other classic FLT ex-
(Iσ − Iσ⋄a 6= ∅ ∨ Iσ⋄a − Iσ 6= ∅). Additionally to the tensions such as accountable scientists, incomplete fates and
previous one, we prove now two sub-results. A) From the the behaviourly correct criterion.
definitions of inspiring set and ⋄, we know that for any σ, τ Lastly, a primary objective for our future research is to ex-
we have that Iσ ⊆ Iσ⋄τ , then, we always have also that plore scientists capable of producing multiple sets of rules,
Iσ −Iσ⋄τ = ∅. B) Similarly, for any σ, τ ∈ SEQ, it is always reviewing the role discrimination and generation have within
true that Iσ⋄τ − Iσ ⊆ Iτ , thus Iσ⋄a − Iσ ⊆ {a}. Given the theory of computation. This approach aims to more accu-
last three results, we may conclude that Iσ⋄a − Iσ = {a}, rately model the CSF, providing a nuanced understanding of
and that therefore a ∈/ Iσ , that corresponds to our definition creativity through the lens of FLT.
of novelty, VN (a, s), so we reached Condition 2. 
The consequences of this theorem are significant. At first
glance, we see that it is appropriate to assume that novelty is
actually necessary for transformational creativity when con-
sidering set-driven agents such as those based on the inspir- According to Wiggins (2019, p. 36), a “theoretical frame-
ing sets proposed by Ritchie (2007). Yet, on a second look work, such as that presented here, may be useful in teasing
we may also conclude that assuming such set-driven prop- out philosophical issues, but it may also be useful in giving
erties seems to constitute a big change in the paradigm, im- generalised descriptions of behaviours which might be ob-
plicating several other assumptions and changing drastically served in creative agents.” The present paper provides an
the way creativity is modelled. We believe it is of the most accessible way to understand the advantage of using theo-
relevance to understand the implications and consequences retical frameworks – namely FLT – to study CC.
of such assumptions. This can only be achieved by formal In this paper, we prove that novel artefacts are neither nec-
studies and bringing clarity to how these assumptions relate essary nor sufficient for transformational creativity when we
as well as their limitations. Implementation of set-driven consider the wide range of possible behaviours over a se-
systems can benefit from a better knowledge of these as- quence of artefacts. However, if we consider agents that dis-
sumptions, since human behaviour seems sensitive to repe- regard the order as well as the repetitions, then novelty be-
tition and order in experiences. comes a requirement. We concluded then that agents based
Note that the presented result does not mean that when- only on inspiring sets, as suggested by Ritchie (2007), might
ever we consider novelty as necessary for transformativeness be disregarding some of the characteristics that make human
we are actually considering set-driven scientists. We can use creativity interesting, such as the fact that the same artefact
the formal tools to prove that this is not the case. As a short can actually change one’s mind more than once.
version of this proof, we can suggest the case of the scien- While practical research is crucial, its overvaluation often
tist who always outputs the last novel artefact, which meets sidelines theoretical studies. The current trend of valuing
Condition 2 while not being set-driven (not Condition 1). research topics mainly for their immediate practical applica-
tions can, if overemphasized, risk limiting broader societal
Future Work progress to short-term gains. Theory can clarify the conse-
The richness of this research path made the space restric- quences of certain assumptions and guide developments in
tions of this format quite challenging. Thus, there are several the long run. It is necessary to revitalize fundamental re-
promising directions that stayed out of this paper. Firstly, search by providing novel, pure, and non-applied results.
alternative definitions, such as semantic transformativeness, These approaches are one of the characteristics that dis-
and the formalization of other CC concepts, like typicality, tinguishes what we consider to be CC and Creative AI so we
both represent opportunities to enhance our understanding of believe it is time to finally make it official and have a sub-
creativity’s subtleties. Additionally, we also aim to uncover branch dedicated to these matters – the sub-branch of Com-
new insights through the formal modeling of other assump- putational Creativity Theory (CCT). We believe this sugges-
tions, such as Wiggins’ (2006) premise that transformative tion aligns well with Colton et al.’s (2015) original proposal
artifacts must lie outside the current hypothetical concep- of CCT that aimed at establishing a theory in CC akin to
tual space — termed aberrations. Another avenue involves CLT. However, it is worth noting that over time this term
considering schemas parameterized by various components, has more often than not been associated with specific mod-
such as fates (Def 8), or moving beyond predicates to em- els – FACE and IDEA (Colton, Charnley, and Pease, 2011;
brace alternative schema representations like fuzzy sets or Pease and Colton, 2011) – published by the same authors
semi-orders. Lastly, a critical exploration into the com- under this banner. Our intention is to reclaim and broaden
putability of these properties could yield valuable knowl- the term to designate a comprehensive research area, which
edge about the practicality and limitations of applying these closely aligns with what we think was Colton et al.’s (2015)
theoretical constructs in real systems. original aspiration for CCT and possibly fulfilling its origi-
Despite mentioning ‘property extensions’ within this text, nal aim. To that end, we include under CCT, the new pro-
we have only defined some of the properties that could un- posed set of definitions – the beggining of FCT.
Author Contributions Guilford, J. P. 1950. Creativity. American Psychologist
The primary author took the lead in writing and develop-
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their respective proofs. The co-authors, who are the pri- MIT Press.
mary author’s supervisors, made substantial contributions Koestler, A. 2014. The act of creation. One 70 Press.
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cussions during supervisory meetings. Their expertise and Mondol, T., and Brown, D. G. 2021. Incorporating al-
insights were crucial in refining the definitions, enhancing gorithmic information theory into fundamental concepts
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quality of the final manuscript. International Conference on Computational Creativity,
ICCC 2021. Association for Computational Creativity
Mumford, M. D. 2003. Where have we been, where are we
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CCLab and the CMS, with special appreciation for André 15(2-3):107–120.
Santos and Márcio Lima, for their invaluable and constant
support. This work is funded by national funds through the Pease, A., and Colton, S. 2011. Computational creativity
FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within theory: Inspirations behind the FACE and the IDEA mod-
the scope of the project CISUC - UID/CEC/00326/2020 els. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
and by European Social Fund, through the Regional Op- Computational Creativity, ICCC 2011 72–77.
erational Program Centro 2020. The first author is also Rhodes, M. 1961. An analysis of creativity. Phi Delta
individually funded by Foundation for Science and Tech- Kappan 42(7):305–310.
nology (FCT), Portugal, under the PhD fellowship grants Ritchie, G. 2006. The transformational creativity hypothe-
(2021.05529.BD). sis. New Generation Computing 24(3):241–266.
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