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Investigation of the Difference Between Males and Females and Their Perception of 3D Space

Representation and Colors

Page count: 20
Table of Contents


Theoretical Background…………………………………………………………………………...2

Data Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………...4





Understanding spatial relationships and colors is essential in many aspects of our daily
lives, whether it's navigating through a sports field, immersing ourselves in a video game,
arranging furniture at home, or selecting the perfect outfit. Researchers have conducted
numerous experiments and studies to explore potential differences in how males and females
perceive three-dimensional objects and colors.

In researching this topic, I found a common notion across various articles: males tend to
excel in spatial recognition. At the same time, females demonstrate a clearer perception of
colors, often discerning hues with greater precision. While many articles claim men excel in
spatial tasks and women in color vision ("women seem to distinguish between colors more easily
than men"1), others challenge this view. For example, "Men and Women Have Equal Spatial
Cognition Skills" (Neuroscience News) argues that "men are not better (or worse) than women at
spatial cognition tasks,"2 though they might approach them differently.

Intrigued by these conflicting reports, I investigated which notion holds more truth.
Specifically, I wanted to test the hypothesis that men have better spatial recognition and women
have better color vision. Additionally, I explored whether there might be a difference in
recognizing shapes (potentially stronger in men) and color shades (potentially stronger in
women). I created a Google survey with separate tests for color, 3D object recognition, and
spatial reasoning to achieve this. This survey was distributed to high school students in my
school. The aim of this internal assessment is to determine whether it is true that there is a
difference in the way girls and boys perceive spatial representations and colors.

Theoretical Background
Hypothesis testing involves comparing observed data to what would be expected under
the null hypothesis, using statistical tests such as the chi-squared test for independence and the
t-test, and making decisions based on the p-value and alpha value.

Null Hypothesis (H0):

● The null hypothesis is a statement of no effect or no difference.

Wong, Gordon, OD. “Do Men and Women See Differently? - La Jolla, CA - Carmel Valley, CA - San Diego, CA.” GW Eye Associates, 7 July

Neuroscience News. (2020, January 27). Men and women have equal spatial cognition skills.,advantage%20in%20mental%20rotation%20

● It represents the status quo or the default assumption.

● Example: There is no difference in the mean scores between Group A and Group B.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1 or Ha):

● The alternative hypothesis is an alternative to the null hypothesis.

● It suggests that there is an effect, difference, or relationship in the population.

● There are two types of alternative hypotheses: one-tailed or a two-tailed hypothesis.

● Example: There is a difference in the mean scores between Group A and Group B.


● The p-value is the probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the observed

results under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true.

● It indicates the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis.

● A smaller p-value suggests more substantial evidence against the null hypothesis.

● Commonly used thresholds for the p-value are 0.05 or 0.01.

● The results for the P-value are given when calculating the Chi-squared test for

independence or the 2 sample t-test in the calculator.

Alpha Value (α):

● The alpha value is the significance level, representing the probability of rejecting the null

hypothesis when it is true.

● The researcher predetermines it before conducting the test.

● Commonly used alpha values are 0.05 or 0.01.

Criteria for Accepting/Rejecting the Null Hypothesis:

● If the p-value is less than or equal to the alpha value (p ≤ α), the null hypothesis is


● If the p-value exceeds the alpha value (p > α), the null hypothesis is not rejected.

Chi-squared Test for Independence:

● The chi-squared test for independence is a statistical test used to determine whether there

is a significant association between two categorical variables.

● It compares the observed frequencies of the data with the frequencies that would be

expected if the variables were independent.

● Hypotheses: Null hypothesis (H0: the variables are independent) Alternative hypothesis

(H1: the variables are dependent)

2 Sample t-Test:

● The t-test is a statistical test used to determine whether a significant difference exists

between the means of two independent groups.

● It assumes that the data are normally distributed and that the variances of the two groups

are equal.

● The t-test calculates a t-statistic and compares it to a critical value from the t-distribution

to determine statistical significance.

● Hypotheses: Null Hypothesis (H0: μ1=μ2) Alternative Hypothesis (H1: μ1>μ2 or μ1<μ2)

Data Analysis

As mentioned above, a Google survey was sent out to high school students with a series
of questions with regards to spatial recognition and color recognition. The first two questions
were on age and gender. Fifty-two students took the survey, which is not an extremely large data
sample (this may cause some inaccuracy in the outcome of the tests due to the small number of
students per grade). Only a few respondents were in either their fourth or fifth year of high
school, so they had to be grouped together to perform the tests. In the bar chart below, however,
year four and five students are separated to show precisely how many students from each grade
answered the survey. The x-axis is labeled with the year (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5), and the girls are
on the left while the boys are on the right.

Figure A: Bar chart with the number of

students from each grade who took the

On the other hand, below is the table used as a reference guide to conduct the tests. In this table,
year 4 and 5 students are grouped as there were not enough respondents in year 5 to leave them
alone (this can be seen in the bar chart above). This table also shows the percentage of students
in each grade in the population that answered the survey.

Age Group Boys Boys % on the Girls Girls % on the

whole whole
population population

Year 1 3 14.3% 8 25%

Year 2 4 19% 6 18.75%

Year 3 9 42.9% 11 34.38%

Year 4 & Year 5 5 23.8% 6 18.75%

The first three questions on the survey were on color recognition. These questions asked the
students how many shades of colors they saw. Both a Chi-squared test of independence and a
2-sample t-test were used for these three questions. The Chi-squared test for independence
highlights if there is a correlation between gender and color recognition, and the 2-sample t-test
underlines if, ultimately, girls are better than boys at recognizing colors.
The answers provided were divided into intervals for the Chi-squared test for independence. An
observed matrix was created on the calculator (Fig. L in the appendix shows the matrix for
question 1 as an example), and then a 2-way test under stat test was performed on the TI-nspire
CX II-T calculator. From that, the results for the 𝑥 and pVal were obtained. For the 2-sample
t-test, a spreadsheet was created on the calculator (Fig M in the appendix displays the
spreadsheet for question 1 as an example) with the girls’ and boys’ responses. A 2-sample t-test
was conducted to obtain the t-Value and pValue.

Question 1

Fig. B: Question number 1 on the survey

Chi-Squared test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): color recognition is independent of the gender of a person.

Alternative hypothesis (H1): color recognition is dependent on the gender of a person.

2-sample t-test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): μ1 = μ2

Alternative hypothesis (H1): μ1 > μ2 (Girls are better at recognizing colors than boys)

Both these tests are conducted at a 5% significance level (α=0.05)

Observed X<35 35≤X<40 ≥40

Girls 2 10 19

Boys 5 4 12

Chi-Squared test Results

𝑥 = 3.65

pVal= 0.161

Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than α, H0 is accepted which means color recognition is

independent of the gender of a person.

2-sample t-test Results

t= 0.604

pVal= 0.289

Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than α, H0 is accepted which means there is no

difference in whether girls or boys perform better at recognizing color.

Question 2

Fig. C: Question number 2 on the survey

Chi-Squared test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): color recognition is independent of the gender of a person.

Alternative hypothesis (H1): color recognition is dependent on the gender of a person.

2-sample t-test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): μ1 = μ2

Alternative hypothesis (H1): μ1 > μ2 (Girls are better at recognizing colors than boys)

Both these tests are conducted at a 5% significance level (α=0.05)

Observed <10 10≤X<15 ≥15

Girls 5 24 2

Boys 3 18 0

Chi-Squared test Results

𝑥 =1.49

pval= 0.475

Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than α, H0 is accepted which means color recognition is

independent of the gender of a person.

2-sample t-test Results

t= 0.376

pVal= 0.362

Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than α, H0 is accepted which means there is no

difference in whether girls or boys perform better at recognizing color.

Question 3

Chi-Squared test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): color recognition is independent of the gender of a person.

Alternative hypothesis (H1): color recognition is dependent on the gender of a person.

2-sample t-test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): μ1 = μ2

Alternative hypothesis (H1): μ1 > μ2 (Girls are better at recognizing colors than boys)

Both these tests are conducted at a 5% significance level (α=0.05)

Observed <20 20≤X<25 ≥25

Girls 3 24 4

Boys 3 16 2

Chi-Squared test Results

𝑥 = 0.356

pVal= 0.837

Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than α, H0 is accepted which means color recognition is

independent of the gender of a person.

2-sample t-test Results

t= 0.406

pVal= 0.352

Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than α, H0 is accepted which means there is no

difference in whether girls or boys perform better at recognizing color.

For questions four through nine I conducted a 2-sample t-test to test if the claim that boys are
better at spatial recognition than girls is valid. I divided the samples into their respective age
groups, as mentioned before, fourth and fifth-year students had to be grouped together as there
were not enough responses to keep them separate, due to the sample size. If I had a more
significant sample, I would have been able to group those two grades individually. From those
groups, I found the number of answers to be correct. From that, a 2-sample t-test was conducted
on the calculator (refer to figs. M and N in the appendix).

Question 4

2 Sample t-test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): μ1=μ2 (there is no difference in who performs better in spatial


Alternative hypothesis (H1): μ1>μ2 (Boys perform better in spatial recognition than girls)

This test is performed at a 5% significance level (α=0.05)

Age Group Boys Correct Boys % Correct Girls Correct Girls %

Answer Answers Answer Correct

Year 1 1 33% 2 25%

Year 2 4 100% 3 50%

Year 3 8 89% 8 73%

Year 4 & Year 5 4 80% 5 83%

2-sample t-test Results

t= 0.905
pVal= 0.2
Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than the α H0 is accepted stating that there is no
difference between boys and girls’ spatial recognition.
Question 5

2 Sample t-test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): μ1=μ2 (there is no difference in who performs better in spatial


Alternative hypothesis (H1): μ1>μ2 (Boys perform better in spatial recognition than girls)

This test is performed at a 5% significance level (α=0.05)

Age Group Boys Correct Boys % Correct Girls Correct Girls %

Answer Answers Answer Correct

Year 1 2 67% 2 25%

Year 2 2 50% 3 50%

Year 3 7 78% 9 82%

Year 4 & Year 5 5 100% 3 50%

2-sample t-test Results

t= 1.4
pval= 0.105

Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than the α H0 is accepted stating that there is no
difference between boys and girls’ spatial recognition.

Question 6

2 Sample t-test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): μ1=μ2 (there is no difference in who performs better in spatial


Alternative hypothesis (H1): μ1>μ2 (Boys perform better in spatial recognition than girls)

This test is performed at a 5% significance level (α=0.05)

Age Group Boys Correct Boys % Correct Girls Correct Girls %

Answer Answers Answer Correct

Year 1 0 0% 3 37%

Year 2 2 50% 4 66%

Year 3 6 67% 8 73%

Year 4 & Year 5 5 100% 6 100%

2-sample t-test Results

t= -613

Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than the α H0 is accepted stating that there is no
difference between boys and girls’ spatial recognition.

Question 7

2 Sample t-test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): μ1=μ2 (there is no difference in who performs better in spatial


Alternative hypothesis (H1): μ1>μ2 (Boys perform better in spatial recognition than girls)

This test is performed at a 5% significance level (α=0.05)

Age Group Boys Correct Boys % Correct Girls Correct Girls %

Answer Answers Answer Correct

Year 1 2 67% 0 0%

Year 2 2 50% 2 33%

Year 3 6 67% 6 54%

Year 4 & Year 5 3 60% 3 50%

2-sample t-test Results

t= 2.05
pval= 0.043
Conclusion: Because the pVal is less than α, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted meaning that on
this particular test boys were better than girls at spatial recognition

Question 8

2 Sample t-test hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): μ1=μ2 (there is no difference in who performs better in spatial


Alternative hypothesis (H1): μ1>μ2 (Boys perform better in spatial recognition than girls)

This test is performed at a 5% significance level (α=0.05)

Age Group Boys Correct Boys % Correct Girls Correct Girls %

Answer Answers Answer Correct

Year 1 0 0% 5 62%

Year 2 2 50% 7 16%

Year 3 4 44% 8 73%

Year 4 & Year 5 4 80% 4 67%

2-sample t-test Results

t= -0.53
pval= 0.63
Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than the α H0 is accepted stating that there is no
difference between boys and girls’ spatial recognition.

Question 9

Age Group Boys Correct Boys % Correct Girls Correct Girls %

Answer Answers Answer Correct

Year 1 3 100% 7 87%

Year 2 4 100% 3 50%

Year 3 8 88% 10 91%

Year 4 & Year 5 5 100% 6 100%

2-sample t-test Results

t= 1.29
pval= 0.122
Conclusion: Because the pVal is greater than the α H0 is accepted stating that there is no
difference between boys and girls’ spatial recognition.


The results I obtained from performing a Chi-squared test for independence underline
that color recognition is independent of gender as in all three questions, the pValue of the test

was more significant than the significance level, meaning H0 (color recognition is not dependent
on gender) was accepted. Furthermore, the results from the 2-sample t-test on all three questions
prove that girls and boys recognize color equally. This is because the pValue for these tests was
also greater than the significance level, meaning H0 was accepted.
The results I obtained from my other six tests prove that, on average, boys and girls tend
to distinguish special recognition generally the same. This is due to, once again, the results of the
2-sample t-test. For all the tests except for one (question 7), the pValue was greater than the
significance level, meaning, once again, H0 was accepted, which states there is no difference in
girls' and boys’ spatial recognition.
The results from all the tests prove the article, which states that boys are better at spatial
recognition than girls, wrong3. This can be gathered by the average result of the t-test mentioned

“Sex Difference on Spatial Skill Test Linked to Brain Structure.” ScienceDaily, 8 Dec. 2008,


Neuroscience News. (2020, January 27). Men and women have equal spatial cognition skills.

“Sex Difference on Spatial Skill Test Linked to Brain Structure.” ScienceDaily, 8 Dec. 2008,

Wong, Gordon, OD. “Do Men and Women See Differently? - La Jolla, CA - Carmel Valley, CA -
San Diego, CA.” GW Eye Associates, 7 July 2021,


Figure J Data sample set part 1

Figure K Data sample set part 2

Figure L Observed matrix for Question 1

Figure M Spreadsheet created for the 2-sample t-test for Question 1

Figure N Data input to perform 2-sample t-test for Question 1


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