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Detailed Lesson Plan In English

I. Objective
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the different types of journalist writing:
b. Created the pattern of organization in journalistic writing; and
c. Appreciate the importance of journalistic writing.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Types of Journalistic Writing
Materials: PPT, Pictures and Newspaper
Source: English Expressway textbook (pages 81-82)

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
May I request everyone to
please stand for a prayer. Our Father in heaven, holy be your
name. Your kingdom come, thy will
be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day and forgive us our
sins as we forgive those who sins
against us. Do not bring us to the
best but deliver us from evil. Amen.

 Greetings Good morning Ma’am Jelyn!

Good morning class!

 Checking of
(say present if your
name is called)

 Review of the past

Okay class, what was Last meeting. We discussed about
your lesson last writing a news story.
A news story is build on facts. It
gives the readers information in a
particular news.

Okay, and what is a

news story?
 Start with the lead
 Give all the important
Very good. details
Who can enumerate the four steps  Follow up main facts
in making a news story? with additional
 Conclude your article.

Very Good!

 Motivation
(shows the class a
newspaper) Ma’am, that is a
What do you think am

Yes, this is a

Now, what do you The newspaper has

think is the importance been part of our daily
of newspapers in our lives and for several
community? countries. It is an
instrument for public
dissemination of


Yes, very good.

Newspaper is where
we get reliable
Inside a newspaper,
And what is inside a are different types of
newspaper? news and comics.
Very good. We have
different news inside a
newspaper and these
news are different
types of journalistic
writing. About the different
types of journalistic
Okay class, so what writing.
do you think our
lesson for today?

Very good! Our lesson

for today is all about
The different types of
journalistic writing.

B. Lesson Proper

Class, this morning

we will discuss about
the different types of
journalistic writing.
First, let us define
what is journalistic Ma’am, journalism is
writing or journalism. the production and
distribution of reports
Any idea? on the interaction of
events, facts, ideas
and people.

Okay, good job.

Journalism helps to
explain the events that
impact our lives and it
developed in a
number of forms and
styles. Each
journalistic form and
style uses different
techniques and writes
for different purposes
and audiences. There
are five principal types
of journalism:
investigative, news,
reviews, columns and
feature writing.

Now, let us associate

it with the song as
(demonstrate the

The first type of

journalistic writing is
called investigative
writing. In your own Ma’am, investigative
opinion, what is from the word itself, it
investigative writing? needs to have an
interaction between
the interviewer and
the interviewee.

Yes, because an


journalism aims to
uncover the truth
about a particular
subject, person, or
event. While
journalism is based on
the basic principle
underlying all
and accurate
presentation of facts-
investigative reports
must often work with
uncooperative or
recalcitrant sources
who do not wish to
divulge information.


News journalism is
straightforward. Facts
are relayed without
flourishes or
interpretation. A
typical news story
often constitutes a
headline with just
enough explanation to
orient the reader.
News stories lack the
depth of feature story,
or the questioning
approach of n
investigative story.
Rather, they relay
facts, events and
information to society
in a straightforward,
accurate and
unbiased manner.


Reviews are partly

opinion and partly fact
based. The review
needs to accomplish
two things: one,
accurately describe or
identify the subject
being reviewed, and
two, provide an
intelligent and
informed opinion of
the subject, based on
research and


Columns are based

primarily on the
personality of the
author, allowing him or
her to write about
subject in a personal
style. Column writers
can take a humorous
approach, or
specialize in a
particular subject area
or topic. It’s important
for columnists to
develop their own
voice that is
recognizable by their
Columnists can
interpret events or
issues or write about
their own personal
experiences or
thoughts. Columns
are usually published


Feature writing
provides scope, depth
and interpretation of
trends events, topics
or people. Feature
aim not only to
thoroughly explore a
topic by conducting
interviews with
numerous experts or
the key people
involved, but to offer a
previously unseen
perspective on an
event, issue, or


The student will be divided

into four groups and each
group will choose one
bond paper and then
analyze what types of
journalistic writing they
you choose.


Okay, congratulations to
everyone because you all
did well on your activity.
Now, based on the
discussion that we had,
who can give a recap
about the levels of
biological organization?

Very good!!

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the following types of journalistic writing. Write your answer
in a one whole sheet of paper.


1. It help to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in
number of forms and styles.
2. A type of journalistic writing that is straightforward.
3. It is a partly opinion and partly fact based.
4. A type of journalistic writing that is based primarily on the personality of
the author.
5. They can interpret events or issues or write about their own personal;
experiences or thoughts.
6. It provides scope, depth, and interpretation of trends, events, topics or
7. It aims to uncover the truth about a particular subject, person or event.

V. Assignment
Direction: In a one whole sheet of paper, answer what is being asked.

What is the importance of journalistic writing?

Prepared by:
Pre- Service Teacher
Approved by:
Coordinating Teacher

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