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Image Caption Generator

Submitted to

Dr. Tapsi Nagpal

Associate Professor

Submitted By

Pradeep Jakhad(21cs38)
in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Degree


Bachelor of Technology


Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth
(Deemed to be University Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Old Faridabad-Jasana Road, Nachauli, Faridabad

May 2024

S.No Content Page No.

1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2-3

3. Objectives 4
4. Methodology 5-6
5. Requirements 7-8
6. Future Scope 9

7. References 10

In a world where the digital landscape is dominated by captivating visuals, each image tells a
story waiting to be heard. From the breathtaking landscapes captured by travel photographers to
the intimate moments frozen in time by street photographers, the richness of visual content
permeates every aspect of our lives. Yet, amidst this visual abundance lies a challenge that
transcends the pixels on our screens - the challenge of interpretation.

The Image Caption Generator project emerges at the intersection of art and technology, seeking
to unravel the intricacies of visual storytelling through the lens of artificial intelligence. It is born
out of a profound appreciation for the narratives embedded within images and a recognition of
the transformative power of language in elucidating these narratives.

Imagine a world where machines possess not only the ability to perceive images but also to
understand and articulate their essence in the form of descriptive captions. This project
endeavors to turn this vision into reality, embarking on a journey to equip machines with the
cognitive faculties necessary to comprehend and communicate the stories depicted within visual

At its core, the Image Caption Generator project represents a convergence of cutting-edge
research in computer vision and natural language processing, converging to unlock the latent
potential hidden within images. It is a testament to human ingenuity and curiosity, driven by a
desire to transcend the boundaries of conventional perception and imbue machines with the
capacity for creative expression.

Beyond its technical intricacies, this project holds profound implications for diverse domains,
from accessibility and assistive technologies for the visually impaired to content indexing and
retrieval mechanisms in digital archives. It is a testament to the boundless potential of human-
machine collaboration, where the synergy between human creativity and artificial intelligence
yields transformative innovations.

As we embark on this quest to unravel the mysteries of visual intelligence, let us remember that
the stories within images are not merely pixels on a screen but reflections of the human
experience, waiting to be discovered and shared. The Image Caption Generator project serves as
a beacon of hope and innovation, illuminating the path towards a future where machines not only
perceive but also comprehend and communicate the beauty of visual narratives.
2. Literature Review

In the realm of image caption generators, diverse applications have emerged, showcasing their
versatility. From aiding in medical diagnoses, as seen in SkinVision, to organizing personal
photo collections with tools like Google Photos and Picasa, these generators have permeated
various facets of daily life. Even autonomous vehicles, such as those developed by Tesla and
Google, leverage image captioning for navigation, demonstrating their critical role in modern

Megha J Panicker, Vikas Upadhayay, Gunjan Sethi, and Vrinda Mathur delve into the realm
of image captioning, leveraging deep learning methodologies. Their model integrates
computer vision techniques with machine translation to detect objects within images, discern
their relationships, and subsequently generate descriptive captions. By employing the Flickr8k
dataset and Python3 programming language, they implement Transfer Learning using the
Xception model to execute their experiment. Additionally, the paper elucidates the intricacies
of the neural networks utilized, underlining their significance in computer vision and natural
language processing domains. Moreover, the authors underscore the manifold applications of
image caption generators, spanning from image segmentation to aiding the visually impaired.
Their research underscores the potential of deep learning approaches in advancing image
captioning systems for practical and impactful real-world deployment.[1]

Dr. P. Srinivasa Rao and comprising Thipireddy Pavankumar, Raghu Mukkera, Gopu Hruthik
Kiran, and Velisala Hariprasad, delves into image caption generation using deep learning
techniques. Their research focuses on developing a model capable of automatically generating
descriptive captions for images. Through experimentation with various neural network
architectures, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks
(RNNs), specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, they aim to optimize
caption generation performance. Their work involves extensive exploration of feature
extraction, sequence modeling, and language generation techniques. Evaluation using
established metrics like BLEU, METEOR, and CIDEr ensures the quality of generated
captions. Overall, their research contributes to advancing image captioning technology, with
potential applications in assistive technologies, content-based image retrieval, and automated
image annotation.[2]

Parth Kotak and Prem Kotak at the Vidyalankar Institute of Technology focuses on
developing an Image Caption Generator using deep learning methods. The project aims to
automatically generate descriptions for images using natural language sentences, requiring
integration of computer vision and natural language processing techniques. The study
highlights the challenges in caption generation and emphasizes the effectiveness of deep
learning, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image understanding and
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for sequential data modeling. By leveraging these
techniques, the authors aim to enhance user experience in various applications such as image
indexing and assisting visually impaired individuals. Overall, their work contributes to
advancing image captioning technology, offering potential benefits in social media and other
natural language processing applications.[3]

Palak Kabra, Mihir Gharat, Dhiraj Jha, and Shailesh Sangle at the Department of Computer
Engineering, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, focuses on developing an
Image Caption Generator using deep learning techniques. The paper addresses the increasing
demand for such systems in various contexts, including social media and aiding visually
impaired individuals. The proposed model utilizes a CNN-LSTM architecture, where CNN
layers extract input data features and LSTM networks generate relevant captions. Python 3
and machine learning techniques are employed for implementation. The study emphasizes the
importance of providing accurate image descriptions, highlighting applications in video
surveillance, social networking, and web accessibility for the visually impaired. Through the
integration of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks
(RNNs), the model can effectively process spatial and temporal input structures, enabling
accurate sequence prediction. Overall, the research contributes to advancing image captioning
technology, catering to diverse user needs and improving accessibility to visual content on the

Jianhui Chen, Wenqiang Dong, and Minchen Li from the CPSC department present an Image
Caption Generator based on deep neural networks. Their study systematically analyzes CNN
and RNN components, proposing a simplified GRU recurrent layer to optimize memory and
training speed. Evaluation includes VGGNet for CNNs and Beam Search for sentence
generation, showing comparable performance with reduced training memory. They discuss
prior work on recurrent convolutional architectures and emphasize the need for understanding
intermediate results. Overall, the project aims to advance image caption generation by
optimizing deep neural network architectures for efficiency and accuracy.[5]

Grishma Sharma, Priyanka Kalena, Aromal Nair, Nishi Malde, and Saurabh Parkar from K.J
Somaiya College Of Engineering propose a Visual Image Caption Generator using deep
learning techniques. The study aims to accurately describe images using natural language,
crucial for applications like robotic vision and assisting visually impaired individuals.
Leveraging deep neural networks and machine learning, they analyze various RNN
techniques and compare feature extraction models for improved accuracy. Utilizing the Flickr
8k dataset, they employ CNNs for feature extraction and LSTM/GRU architectures for
sentence generation, evaluating performance using BLEU scores. The study acknowledges
previous attempts, highlighting the importance of RNNs in image captioning and the
challenges posed by vanishing gradients. Methodologically, they adopt a merge architecture
for simplicity and efficiency, achieving faster training and better memory utilization.[6]

Chaitanya Chandrakant Jadhav, Shiva Jitendra Pandey, Nitin Narayan Khade, and Harshada
Sonkamble from Vishwatmak Om Gurudev College Of Engineering present an Image Caption
Generator utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short Term Memory
(LSTM) in Python. The project aims to bridge computer vision and natural language
processing, enabling computers to describe images in English. They leverage CNNs like
Xception for feature extraction and LSTM for caption generation. CNNs process 2D matrix
data, adept at handling translated, rotated, or scaled images, while LSTMs excel in sequence
prediction, retaining relevant information through input processing. They reference various
applications like SkinVision and Google Photos employing similar techniques for tasks like
skin cancer detection and image classification. Similarly, platforms like Facebook and
Shutterstock use image caption generators for image organization and tagging.[7]
3. Objectives

1. Develop a deep learning architecture combining CNNs and RNNs for image feature
extraction and caption generation.
2. Curate and preprocess extensive datasets of images paired with descriptive captions to be
used for training the model.
3. Implement semantic understanding techniques to ensure contextually relevant and coherent
caption generation.
4. Design adaptive learning mechanisms to enable the model to continuously improve its
captioning capabilities over time.
5. Employ natural language generation techniques to produce grammatically correct and fluent
captions resembling human-written descriptions.
6. Define robust evaluation metrics to assess the quality and relevance of generated captions
7. Explore integration possibilities with various applications and platforms for seamless
incorporation of image captioning functionality.
4. Methodology

Fig 3.1: Flow chart

The methodology of the image caption generator project begins with data acquisition and
preprocessing, followed by feature extraction using a pre-trained convolutional neural network
(CNN) model. Subsequently, a recurrent neural network (RNN)-based architecture is designed
for caption generation. This is then followed by the training procedure, evaluation, and
validation of the model's performance. Finally, fine-tuning and optimization techniques are
applied iteratively to enhance caption quality and generalization.

● Importing Required Modules: The code begins by importing necessary libraries, including
OpenCV (cv2), Keras, NumPy, NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit), and Matplotlib . and
cv2_imshow for displaying results in Google Colab.

● Data Collection and Preparation: Acquire the necessary dataset, such as the Flickr8K dataset,
containing images and corresponding captions. Preprocess the dataset by resizing images to a
uniform size, tokenizing captions into words, and splitting the data into training and validation
sets. This step ensures that the data is properly formatted and ready for training the image
captioning model.
● Feature Extraction with Pre-trained Models: Utilize pre-trained convolutional neural network
(CNN) models such as VGG16 or ResNet to extract high-level features from the input images.
These models are trained on large-scale image classification tasks and can capture rich visual
information from images. Extracted features serve as input to the captioning model, encoding
the visual content of the images in a meaningful way.
● Sequence Modeling Architecture: Design a sequence-to-sequence architecture for generating
captions based on the extracted image features. This architecture typically consists of an
encoder-decoder framework, where the encoder processes the image features and the decoder
generates a sequence of words to form the caption. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs),
particularly Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, are commonly used for sequence
modeling in this context due to their ability to capture sequential dependencies.
● Model Training and Optimization: Train the sequence model using the prepared dataset and
extracted image features. During training, optimize the model's parameters using techniques
such as gradient descent and backpropagation to minimize the loss function. Fine-tune
hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch size, and dropout rate to improve model
performance and convergence.
● Evaluation and Validation: Evaluate the trained model on a separate validation dataset to assess
its performance. Use evaluation metrics such as BLEU score, METEOR score, and CIDEr
score to measure the quality and fluency of generated captions compared to ground truth. Fine-
tune the model based on evaluation results to improve captioning accuracy and coherence.
● Inference and Caption Generation: Deploy the trained model to generate captions for new,
unseen images. During inference, pass the input images through the feature extraction and
sequence modeling components of the model. Generate captions by decoding the output
sequence of words using techniques such as beam search or greedy decoding. Post-process the
generated captions to ensure readability and coherence.
● Testing and Deployment: Conduct extensive testing of the image captioning system on diverse
datasets to evaluate its generalization performance and robustness. Deploy the system in a
production environment, ensuring scalability, efficiency, and reliability. Monitor the system's
performance and gather user feedback for further improvement

In conclusion, the development of the image caption generator represents a significant

advancement in the intersection of computer vision and natural language processing. Through
the integration of deep learning techniques and the utilization of the Flickr8K dataset, the
project has successfully demonstrated the capability of generating descriptive captions for
images automatically.

Overall, the project contributes to advancing the capabilities of artificial intelligence in

understanding and interpreting visual content through natural language descriptions.
5. Software / Hardware Requirements

The requirement for this Python project is to understand the necessary libraries and knowledge
base. Proficiency in deep learning libraries such as Keras or TensorFlow is essential.
Additionally, expertise in neural networks, specifically CNNs for image feature extraction and
RNNs for sequence modeling, is required..You need to have Python installed on your system,
then using pip, you can install the necessary packages.

● Python: Python is the basis of the program that we wrote. It utilizes many of the python

● Keras : Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on
top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. In the project, Keras is used for building and training
deep learning models efficiently.
● NumPy: NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It provides
support for arrays, matrices, and mathematical functions, which are essential for handling data
in deep learning projects.
● Pandas: Pandas is a powerful data analysis and manipulation library for Python. It is used for
data preprocessing tasks, such as loading and organizing the Flickr8K dataset.
● NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit): NLTK is a leading platform for building Python programs
to work with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and
lexical resources, such as WordNet. NLTK is used for text preprocessing and tokenization.
● Matplotlib: Matplotlib is a plotting library for Python and its numerical mathematics extension
NumPy. It is used for visualizing data and results, such as displaying images and plotting
training/validation loss curves.
● Neural Networks: Neural networks, inspired by the brain's structure, power the image
captioning project. Comprising interconnected nodes arranged in layers, these models learn
patterns and relationships within data. In this project, convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
extract visual features, while recurrent neural networks (RNNs) generate captions. CNNs
capture spatial hierarchies in images, while RNNs handle sequential data, producing coherent
textual descriptions. Together, they bridge the gap between images and language, providing
accurate descriptions.

● Deep Learning: Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, revolutionizes AI by

automatically extracting features from raw data. Deep learning models, with layers of
interconnected neurons, learn complex patterns. In the image captioning project, deep learning
is pivotal. Leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for feature extraction and
recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for sequence modeling, the model generates captions by
understanding image content. Through training on large datasets, deep learning continually
refines representations, improving accuracy in describing diverse visual content.

● Neural Networks in Natural Language Processing (NLP):Neural networks are fundamental to

Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the image captioning project. These models,
built with interconnected nodes, excel at learning patterns within text data. In NLP, recurrent
neural networks (RNNs) and variants like LSTM networks are key. In image captioning, RNNs
analyze caption text sequentially, capturing context to generate descriptions. Through neural
networks, the system bridges visual content and language, producing accurate captions for
diverse images.

In this project, the following Keras imports are used:

1. from keras.models import Model: This import allows us to define and manipulate models in
Keras. The Model class is particularly useful for creating functional API models, enabling the
construction of complex architectures involving multiple inputs and outputs.
2. from keras.layers import Input, Dense, LSTM, Embedding, Dropout, add: These imports
provide access to various layers in Keras. Here's a brief explanation of each:
a. Input: Used to create an input tensor for the model.
b. Dense: Represents a fully connected layer, often used in the final layers of neural networks.
c. LSTM: Stands for Long Short-Term Memory, a type of recurrent neural network layer
commonly used for sequence modeling tasks.
d. Embedding: Used for creating word embeddings, which map words to dense vector
e. Dropout: Represents a regularization technique used to prevent overfitting by randomly
dropping units during training.
f. add: Used to merge layers element-wise.
3. From keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, img_to_array: These imports are used for
loading and preprocessing images. load_img loads an image from a file path, while img _ to_
array converts the image to a numpy array, making it suitable for further processing.
4. from keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input: This import is specifically used for
pre-processing images before passing them to a pre-trained VGG16 model. It ensures that the
images are formatted and normalized properly according to the requirements of the model.
5. from keras.models import load_model: This import is used to load a pre-trained model saved in
the HDF5 format. It allows reusing pre-trained models or fine-tuning them for specific tasks
without retraining from scratch.
6. from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences: This import provides functionality
for padding sequences to ensure uniform length, which is often necessary when dealing with
sequence data such as text.

6.Future Scope

● Multimodal Fusion Techniques: Research and implement advanced multimodal fusion

techniques to effectively combine information from multiple modalities such as images, audio,
and text to generate more comprehensive and contextually rich captions.
● Adaptive Language Models: Develop adaptive language models that can dynamically adjust
their parameters based on the linguistic characteristics of different languages, enabling more
accurate and fluent caption generation in multiple languages.
● Fine-Grained Image Understanding: Investigate methods to improve the model's ability to
recognize and describe fine-grained details in images, including subtle visual cues and intricate
relationships between objects, leading to more detailed and informative captions.
● Interactive Captioning Interfaces: Design and implement interactive captioning interfaces
that allow users to actively participate in the captioning process by providing real-time
feedback or corrections, facilitating continuous improvement and personalization of captions.
● Context-Aware Caption Generation: Develop techniques to incorporate contextual
information such as user preferences, temporal dynamics, and environmental cues into the
caption generation process, resulting in more relevant and adaptive captions tailored to specific
● Knowledge-Enhanced Captioning Models: Integrate external knowledge sources such as
structured ontologies, semantic graphs, or commonsense knowledge bases to augment the
model's understanding of the world, enabling it to generate more informed and contextually
grounded captions.
● Cross-Domain Captioning Applications: Explore the applicability of the captioning model in
diverse domains such as medical imaging (e.g., radiology report generation), satellite imagery
analysis (e.g., environmental monitoring), and robotics (e.g., scene understanding for
autonomous navigation), adapting the model architecture and training strategies as necessary.
● Real-Time Captioning Systems: Research and develop efficient algorithms and architectures
that enable the generation of captions in real-time for streaming video content or live events,
ensuring low latency and high throughput to support interactive applications and immersive
● Bias Detection and Mitigation Strategies: Implement mechanisms to detect and mitigate
biases in the training data and model predictions, including algorithmic fairness techniques,
diversity-aware training objectives, and bias-aware evaluation metrics, to ensure that the
captioning system produces equitable and inclusive captions for all users.
● Community Engagement and Open Science Initiatives: Foster collaborations with research
communities, industry partners, and open-source initiatives to promote knowledge sharing,
code reusability, and collaborative development, contributing to the advancement of image
captioning technology and its broader accessibility and impact.


1. Megha J Panicker., Vikas Upadhayay, Gunjan Sethi, and Vrinda Mathur. "Image Caption
Generator." International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
(IJITEE), 2021.
2. Dr. P. Srinivasa Rao, Thipireddy Pavankumar, Raghu Mukkera, Gopu Hruthik Kiran, and
Velisala Hariprasad. "Image Caption Generation Using Deep Learning Technique."
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
(IRJMETS), 2022.
3. Parth Kotak and Prem Kotak. "Image Caption Generator.", International Journal of Engineering
Research & Technology (IJERT), 2021.
4. Palak Kabra, Mihir Gharat, Dhiraj Jha, and Shailesh Sangle. "Image Caption Generator Using
Deep Learning.", International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology
(IJRAET), 2022.
5. Jianhui Chen, Wenqiang Dong, and Minchen Li. "Image Caption Generator Based On Deep
Neural Networks." Department of Computer Science, CPSC 503/540, CS Department.
6. Grishma Sharma, Priyanka Kalena, Aromal Nair, Nishi Malde, and Saurabh Parkar. "Visual
Image Caption Generator Using Deep Learning." SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019.

7. Jadhav Chaitanya Chandrakant, Pandey Shiva Jitendra, Khade Nitin Narayan, Harshada
Sonkamble. "Image Caption Generator Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short
Term Memory." International Journal of Current Research and Technology (IJCRT),2021.

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