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Date: ______________________

Tiger King: Kalki

Prompts(You must give your response in the next Response in POINTS
column from your understanding of the line )
1. His Highness Jamedar-General, Khiledar-Major, a)
MaharajadhirajaVisvaBhuvanaSamrat, Sir Jilani Jung
Jung Bahadur, M.A.D., A.C.T.C., or C.R.C.K
a) The significance of the name of the king

b) Who is the Tiger King? Why does he get that name?

2. As Bharata said to Rama about
Dasaratha, the Tiger King has reached that final abode
of all living creatures.

Comment on the style of language -Comment

3. The most fantastic aspect of his demise was that as a)

soon as he was born, astrologers had foretold that one
day the Tiger King would actually have to die.

a) Is the above statement satirical? b)

b) Who is being satirized?

4. warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of
Does the child grow up to be all the above?

5. The chief astrologer took his finger off his nose and
fixed his eyes upon the little prince. ‘‘The prince was
born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are
enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger,’’ he
How did the above prediction affect the King?
6. …. he drank the milk of an English cow, was brought up
by an English nanny, tutored in English by an
Englishman, saw nothing but English films
What is the irony here?
7. ‘Your majesty may kill ninety-nine tigers in exactly the
same manner. But...’’ the astrologer drawled. ‘‘But
what? Speak without fear.’’ “But you must be very
careful with the hundredth tiger.’’
a) List the actions of the king that show his fear and
8. a) What did the high-ranking British officer want? a)
b) Was his wish fulfilled?
c) How did the king lose his three lakh rupees?


9. Who knows whether the tigers practised birth control a)

or committed harakiri? Or simply ran away from the
State because they desired to be shot by British hands
alone? b)
a) What had happened to the tigers?
b) When did this happen?
c) Which element of satire do the above lines use? c)

10. ‘‘Your Majesty! Please think it over. Your ancestors a)

were married to the sword. If you like, marry the gun.
A Tiger King is more than enough for this state. It
doesn’t need a Tiger Queen as well!’’. b)

a) What is the meaning of the phrase “married to the

b) How has the Dewan been portrayed?
11. The Maharaja’s anxiety reached a fever pitch a)
a) When?
b) What light does the above statement throw on the
character of the king? b)

12. “As the days passed, the Maharaja’s fury and

obstinacy mounted alarmingly”

How did the king show his anger?

13. a) ‘Why did the Dewan go to the people’s park in a)
b) Do you think he should have done it?

14. The state of the hundredth tiger the king killed.

15. a) Who killed the hundredth tiger? a)

b) Should they have done so?


16. a) What killed the king? a)

b) Is the death of the king ironic?


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