ING 112A Tables & Figures Interpretation Paragraph & Oral Presentation Rubric (Holistic and Analytical)

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ING 112A
Paragraph Writing & Presentation Rubric (10 + 10 points)

Paragraph Rubric (10 points)

Topic sentence with two controlling ideas 0.5 pts

Major/minor supporting ideas for both controlling ideas 2 x 0.5 = 1 pt

Clear and appropriate interpretation of tables or figures with accurate 2 x 2.5 = 5 pts
grammar & academic and varied vocabulary

Appropriate narrative in-text citations (restatement of title, reporting 2 pts

verb/reference phrase, source information)

Concluding sentence that clearly sums up the paragraph 0.5 pts

Unity & Coherence (Transition signals) 1 pt

Oral Presentation Holistic Rubric (10 points)

ORGANIZATION – 4 points DELIVERY – 6 points
● PowerPoint is used for the presentation. ● Students greeted the audience presenting
● Names, IDs, faculties, and emails are themselves.
included in the first slide. ● The language is clear, accurate, and easy
● The outline of the speech/preview of the to follow with good use of
stress, intonation, volume, and speed.
main points is included.
● There is a smooth transition from one
● There is clear interpretation of tables and
student to another.
● Each pair stated their ideas equally in time
● The presentation is very well-organized, and
and content.
the connection between each section is well-
made. ● The outline is presented at the beginning
● Visual aids are well-designed and effective by one student, and the key points are
summarized at the end of the presentation
in helping the audience follow the
by another student.
presentation easily.
● The presentation is well- timed.
● Color choice and font size enhance
legibility. ● Sources are cited orally
ING 112A
Paragraph Writing & Presentation Rubric (10 + 10 points)

● Slides include bullet points for the ideas to

be presented and do not include too much
● There is accurate use of grammar and
vocabulary with no spelling mistakes.
● Sources are included below each
visual/source information and as a list at the
end of the presentation.
Oral Presentation Analytical Rubric (10 points)
Organization (4 pts)
The presentation was very well-organized (Introduction, development, conclusion). Slides include
students’ names/IDs and an outline. (1 point)
Slides included bullet points for the ideas to be presented rather than long sentences with good color
choice and font size, accurate language, and no spelling mistakes. (2 point)
Sources were clearly cited and included below each visual/source information and as a list at the end of
the presentation; no risk of plagiarism. (1 point)

Delivery (6 pts)
The student presented an outline with a clear explanation of the main purpose and different sections of
their presentation. (1 point) (Consider this criterion ONLY for the student responsible for it)
The student summarized the key points at the end of the presentation. (1 point) (Consider this criterion
ONLY for the student responsible for it)
The students orally cited their sources during the presentation (1 point).
The student was fluent (with accurate use of grammar and vocabulary, good use of stress, intonation,
volume, and speed, and clear pronunciation). (2 points)
There was a good flow of ideas and a smooth transition from one speaker to another. (1 point)
The presentation was well-timed. Each student stated their ideas equally in time and content. (1 point)

PS: Please be aware that for a student submitting a PowerPoint presentation without
delivering an oral presentation the maximum achievable score is 4 points.

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