Creation of The Communist State-2

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Cuban Revolution – Creation of the communist state

Task 1 – Watch Cuban Revolution & Fidel Castro's Communist Regime in Cuba | Documentary | 1963

As you view, take key notes about Fidel's regime

- Socialism
- Communism
- Rise to power
- Command economy
- Foreign relations
- Political repression

Read the text above and answer the questions:

1. In your own words, describe Castro’s Communist Cuba using the term expropriation in
your description
Castros communist cuba led to both benefits and consequences to the country. Benefits
include land reforms and consequences include foreign owned assets were expropriated.
2. Suggest reasons why ‘rumblings of dissatisfaction’ would rise with small counter-
revolutionary guerrilla groups beginning to rise?
Reasons why rumblings of dissatisfaction would ruse with small counter-revolutionary
guerrilla groups beginning to rise include political repression, human rights abuses and
economic hardships.
Using your notes from the previous two lessons (reforms & achievements pf the
revolution), complete the following questions:
3. Draw a VENN diagram to compare and contrast the conditions for people under Castro to

Castros rule Batistas rule

- Socialist policies - Laissez fare approach

- Communist policies - Limited
- Limited social services
- Prioritised social political
- Lack of investment on
services freedom
public infrastructure

4. To what extent did conditions improve under Castro’s communist state? Dot point answers
- The conditions somewhat improved under Castro’s communist state
There were various reforms however the rise of a communist state with little freedom of
speech and a tarnished economy limited improvement.

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