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1 Listen to the dialogue between Rod and Paul. Then choose the correct answer.

1. Rod is looking for … for the volleyball team.

a. a net b. a ball c. players

2. Paul … jump high.

a. can’t b. can c. mustn’t

3. Water basketball is similar to … .

a. ordinary basketball b. water volleyball c. water football

4. In water basketball, you can … the ball.

a. throw b. run with c. swim with

5. Rod and Paul decide to … on Saturdays.

a. play volleyball b. go swimming c. play water basketball

2 Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Why can’t Paul play volleyball?

2. What sport does Paul usually play?

3. Who is very athletic and loves ball games?

4. How many people can play water basketball?

5. Where is Paul going now?

3. Listen again and fill in this fact file about water basketball.
Fact File
Name of sport:

Number of players:



How to win:
1 Listen to the dialogue between Rod and Paul. Then choose the correct answer.

1. Rod is looking for … for the volleyball team.

a. a net b. a ball c. players

2. Paul … jump high.

a. can’t b. can c. mustn’t

3. Water basketball is similar to … .

a. ordinary basketball b. water volleyball c. water football

4. In water basketball, you can … the ball.

a. throw b. run with c. swim with

5. Rod and Paul decide to … on Saturdays.

a. play volleyball b. go swimming c. play water basketball

2 Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Why can’t Paul play volleyball?

He can’t hit the ball over the net.

2. What sport does Paul usually play?

He usually plays tennis.

3. Who is very athletic and loves ball games?

It’s Jason Miller.

4. How many people can play water basketball?

Five people on a team.

5. Where is Paul going now?

He’s going to a gymnastics lesson.

3. Listen again and fill in this fact file about water basketball.
Fact File
Name of sport:

Number of players:



How to win:
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audio file link or scan the QR code:

Listening Script

Rod: Paul, do you want to be in our volleyball team?

Paul: No thanks, Rod. I can’t play volleyball well.

Rod: I can teach you.

Paul: You can’t teach me, Rod. I can jump high, but I can’t hit the ball over the net. Well,

I can’t hit the ball over the net with my hands. It’s easy with a racket.

Rod: Oh, that’s right. You’re in the tennis team.

Paul: Yes, I am. I love tennis and I do gymnastics, too. But I can’t play volleyball! I’ve got an

idea – ask Jason Miller. He’s very athletic and he loves ball games.

Rod: Jason Miller? I don’t know him. What sports does he do?

Paul: He does gymnastics with me and he plays water basketball.

Rod: Water basketball? What’s that?

Paul: It’s a great game. It’s like ordinary basketball, but you play it in a swimming pool.

Rod: That sounds fun, but what are the rules of the game?

Paul: You mustn’t run or swim with the ball. You must throw the ball or give it to one of

the people in your team. You must try to get the ball into your basket.

Rod: How many people can play it?

Paul: It’s the same as ordinary basketball – there are five people on a team.

Rod: It sounds like great fun!

Paul: It’s a very popular sport. Would you like to go with me on Saturday and play water


Rod: Sure!

Paul: Cool! Well, I’ve got a gymnastics lesson now and I mustn’t be late.

Rod: Don’t forget to tell Jason about the volleyball team.

Paul: OK. See you on Saturday!

Rod: Bye!

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