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SESSION 2024-25

Dear Students,

Summer break is a time to relax, rejuvinate and also a time to pursue our passions/hobbies. Along with this,
we need to balance our academic expectations and for the same we have uploaded worksheets on G-suite
classrooms which are based on the recent CBSE guidelines.
Moreover, internal assessment/ activity/ project work has been designed for the year. The list is as follows:


English Project work based on chapters Deep Water and The Interview
Conduct interview of the person who has overcome fear ,record for ASL
purpose and submit on GCR
Physics Complete the project work as per CBSE guidelines on topic of your choice
mentioned in list already provided to students.
Chemistry Completion of chemistry file record and project file(anyone topic given in
CBSE curriculum with proper format)
Biology 1. Preparation of investigatory project report on a current biological issue.
2. Completion of practical records as per the syllabus of class xii.
Mathematics Applied Practical file completion. Project based on given topics
Accountancy Complete the worksheets uploaded in the link given below:
Economics Prepare Project Report File as per the CBSE Guidelines.
Business studies Prepare Project Report File as per the CBSE Guidelines. Chose any one topic
out of four choices: Principle of Management / Business Environment/
Marketing Management/ Financial Market
Geography 1. Largest Country in each continent in term of area.
2. Areas of Subsistence Gathering.
3. Major Areas of Nomadic Herding of the World
4. Major Areas of Commercial Livestock Rearing.
5. Major Areas of Extensive Commercial Grain Farming.
6. Major Areas of Mixed Farming in the World.
7. Transcontinental Railway: Terminal Stations – Trans Siberian Railways,
Trans Canadian Railways, Trans Australian Railways.
8. Major Sea Ports: i) Europe – North Cape, London, Hamburg.
ii) North America – Vancouver, San Francisco, New Orleans.
iii) South America – Rio De Janeiro, Colon, Valparaiso.
iv) Asia – Yokohama, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Aden, Karachi, Kolkata.
v) Australia – Perth, Sydney, Melbourne.
vi) Africa : Suez, Cape Town.
9. Inland Waterways – Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Rhine. St Lawrence
10. Major Airports: i) Asia – Tokyo, Beijing, Mumbai, Jeddah, Aden.
ii) Africa – Johannesburg, Nairobi. iii) Europe – Moscow, London, Paris,
iv) North America – Chicago, New Orleans, Mexico City.
v) South America – Buenos Aires, Santiago. vi) Australia – Darwin,
11. File Work of Chapter 1 ( Practical)
History Select any one topic from the below mentioned.
1. The Indus Valley Civilization-Archaeological Excavations and New
2. The History and Legacy of Mauryan Empire
3. “Mahabharat”- The Great Epic of India
4. The History and Culture of the Vedic period
5. Buddha Charita
6. A Comprehensive History of Jainism
7. Bhakti Movement- Multiple interpretations and commentaries.
8. The Mystical Dimensions of Sufism
9. Global legacy of Gandhian ideas
10. The Architectural Culture of the Vijayanagar Empire
11. Life of women in the Mughal rural society
12. Comparative Analysis of the Land Revenue Systems introduced by the
Britishers in India
13. The Revolt of 1857- Causes; Planning & Coordination; Leadership,
Vision of Unity
14. The Philosophy of Guru Nanak Dev
15. The Vision of Kabir
16. An insight into the Indian Constitution
17. Comparative study of Stupas and Pillar edicts
18. Comparative study of Mughal and Vijayanagar architecture
Kindly refer to the guidelines on project work for class XII given below: - One
Project to be done throughout the session
As per the existing scheme.
1. Steps involved in the conduct of the project:
Students may work upon the following lines as suggested:
 Choose a Title/Topic
 Need of the Study, Objective of the Study
 Hypothesis
 Content -Timeline, Maps, Mind maps, Pictures, etc. (Organization
of Material/Data Present Material/Data)
 Analysing the Material/Data for Conclusion
 Draw the Relevant Conclusion
 Bibliography
2.Expected Checklist for the Project Work:
 Introduction of topic/ title.
 Identifying the causes, events, consequences and/or remedies.
 Various stakeholders and effect on each of them.
 Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified.
 Short-term and long-term implications of strategies suggested
during research.
 Validity, reliability, appropriateness, and relevance of data used for
research work and for presentation in the project file.
 Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project
 Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes,
resources section, bibliography etc.
Do the research work and prepare a soft copy of the information collected.
Computer Science Project based on Interface Python with MySQL
Submission Link and guidelines: Kindly find it on GCR.
Mathematics Core practical file completion. Project based on given topics
Informatics Practices Complete the Program File with output as per the list of programs provided
and also given in GCR.
Legal Studies Case file preparation for Civil, Constitutional and Criminal cases.
FMM Calculate key indicators of Indian stock Market. Analyse your answer and
prepare presentation.
Entrepreneurship 1. Prepare Business Plan
2. Conduct Market Survey and prepare report on it.
Executive summary. An introductory overview of your business.
Company description. A more in-depth and detailed description of your
business and why it exists.
Market analysis. Research-based information about the industry and your
target market.
Products and services. What you plan to offer in exchange for money.
Marketing plan. The promotional strategy to introduce your business to the
world and drive sales.
Logistics and operations plan. Everything that happens in the background to
make your business function properly.
Financial plan. A breakdown of your numbers to show what you need to get
started as well as to prove viability of profitability.
Hindustani Music प्रैजतिकल क पी एिॉं रजिस्िर में अलॉंकार, राग भैरि पररिय, आरोह अिरोह, सरगम गीत,
लिण गीत, बॉंददश आलाप तान सदहत, बडा ख्याल या विलॉंत्रबत .प्रिम यतू नि के सभी
पररभाषाएॉं अपने रजिस्िर में पण
ू भ ललिें .राग भैरि की बॉंददश तान के साि याद करके आए
ऑडियो के अनस
ु ार
Political Science Start making a project on any one of given topics:
1. NAM- 1961 to present times.
2. Division of Germany with special focus on the construction and dismantling
of the Berlin Wall.
3. CIS-Central Asian Republics
4. Disintegration of USSR with special focus on Gorbachev.
5. Arab Spring
6. Cover the negative as well as positive aspects of relationship between India
and the following countries.
Focus on any one of the following (current updates should be highlighted):
a) Relationship between India and Russia
b) Relationship between India and China
c) Relationship between India and Pakistan
d) Relationship between India and Bangladesh
8. European Union and BREXIT
11. India’s Nuclear Policy
12. United Nations with focus on India’s candidature in Security Council.
13. UN Agencies – UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO
14. Pandemics: Covid 19- Its global impact (focus on worldwide cooperation
and preparedness along with controversies (please collect newspaper clippings
for the same)
15. Partition of India-Theory behind it and its legacy
16. Comparison between NITI AAYOG and Planning Commission and their
contribution in India’s Development.
17. Election 2019- Rise of BJP and Downfall of Congress (1989-2019).
18. Emergency – A blot on Indian Democracy 19.NDA III and NDA IV –
Social and Economic welfare programmes.

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