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Sociology- Interview questions- compiled by Piyush Salunkhe

Q.Why did you choose Sociology as an optional? Did you just go with the crowd?

Q.You did [your graduation subject] and took Sociology as an optional. Why?

Q. How would you use your knowledge of Sociology in administration?

Q. Name any 3 sociologists/ Indian Sociologist and their theories and explain them?
Who is your favourite Sociologist? What do you like about his work?

Q. Mention a couple of problems facing India currently. How can Sociologists help
in amicable resolution of this problem?

Q. How would you explain ‘Sociology’ to a common man?

Q. Which Sociologist do you think is most relevant in contemporary times?

Q. Mention some social problems in your city/village and which theories/tools from
sociology can you use to solve them?

Q. Why is the condition of women better in the North East? Sociological perspective

Q. Should there be old age homes in India? Don’t you think they act as an avenue
for shouldering off responsibility of parents by children?

Q. Influence of media/social media on society?

Q. How has the institution of family evolved over the last 100 years?

Q. Despite more per-capita expenditure in public schools as compared to private

schools, why is the quality of education poor in public schools?

Q.What are your plans for marriage and a family?

Q. What are the day to day problems faced by transgenders in the society? As a
DM what will you do to solve them?

Q. Do you think India is a socialist state?

Q. China also claims to be socialist. What’s the difference between them and us (on

Q. Is caste building or waning in the society as per most sociologists?

Q. Influence of daily serials on family relations & social structure?

Q. Do you think political mobilisation on basis of caste acts as a hindrance in

removing reservation? Is it the right time for removing reservation? When will it be?
Can it be removed? If yes, then how?

Q. Tell me what are the major social issues in the country?

Q. Should women get reservation in civil services/ Parliament/ etc. ?

Q. How to solve the drug Problem of Punjab?

Q.Why female gender is discriminated against? Sociological reasons?

Q.We intended to create an economy driven by market, but we ended up creating a

society driven by economy.” Explain it in Indian context.

Q.What is social engineering?

Q.Can you make a sociological analysis of “sabka saath sabka vikas”?

Q. Quote some social movements in India in the last one year.

Q.Your understanding of the terms: secularism, pseudo secularism, communalism ,

ghettoisation of religious and linguistic minorities.

Q.Fundamentalism in India’s neighbourhood. Why is India more or less shielded

from fundamentalism?

Q. Are working women really empowered or not?

Q.What is the reason behind spatial variation in incidence of violence against


Q.Being a woman, what would you do to empower yourself?

Q. Sociology interview questions and answers

Q. What are the factors that changed the role of women in today’s society?

Q. What are the factors involved in influencing the crime?

Q. What is the purpose of intrapersonal communication?

Q. What are the different types of research possible?

Q. What is the difference between subculture and counterculture?

Q. What kind of impact is being given by social devaluation?

Q. What are the different components of culture?

Q. How social relations affect the individual relationship with one another?

Q. What are the disadvantages of living in counter culture?

Q. What are the disadvantages of having too much freedom?

Q. What are the different types of story that is defined in sociology?

Q. What are the main functions of formalism?

Q. How to manage the problems occurring in contemporary culture?

Q. What is hegemony?

Q. What is the difference between adaptive and real culture?

Q. What is the theory of Non Symbolic interactionism?

Q. What are the different agencies of socializations?

Q. What is the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behavior?

Q. What are the different principles involved in natural science?

Q. What are cultural traits?

Q. What are the different types of deviance that exist?

Q. What is the difference between tertiary and secondary deviance?

Q. What are the different areas of sociology?

Q. What is the difference between urban and rural community?

Q. How racism can be abolished in the society?

Q. How in different ways patriotism can be shown?

Q. What are the different types of agents present in socialization?

Q. What is the meaning of incest?

Q. What is the function of incest?

Q. How cultural diversity can be reduced around different culture?

Q. How psychology different from sociology?

Q. What are the traits involved in social reforms?

Q. What are the different components that are required to create a society’s

Q. What is the difference between social change and development?

Q. What are the different stereotypes used to define group relations?

Q. What are the laws required by civilization?

Q. Define anticipatory socialization?

Q. What is the “conflict theory” in sociology?

Q. How does art and design puts an affect on different cultures?

Q. What are the various branches that exist in sociology?

Q. What is meant by human security?

Q. What is Max Weber theory?

Q. What does the theory describe?

Q. What is the term social stratification defines?

Q. How egotistic suicide helps the society in getting rid of the people who are not
willing to live?

Q. How many relationship that exist within a culture?

Q. What are the problems faced by people due to unemployment?

Q. What is the theory of dual burden?

Q. What are the effective measures taken towards racial discrimination?

Q. What are the indicators used to show the social development?

Q. Are we truly modern? or are we traditional? Has our society found its peace in
their tussle?

Q. What is common sense? How is Sociology different from them or are they the

Q. Sociological analysis of MeToo movement? It is a cyclical or counter cyclical


Q. Is shaming an outcome of modernity? How has it evolved with time? Solutions?

Q. There has been a lingering debated about intolerance in the country for some
time now. Is India a tolerant country? Is being tolerant always good? Give some
cases where it isn’t.

Q. With the continuous harmful levels of pollution in Delhi, give a sociological

analysis of consequences of pollution linking it with poverty, inequality and

Q. This government has given great importance to sanitation. Why even after 70
years of independence our core problems yet remain the same- food, sanitation,
housing, etc.

Q. Are you a feminist? What does it mean to be a feminist? What are femi-nazis? Is
it an extrapolation of society or does it hold ground? Give examples.

Q. Problems of LGBTQ communities? Is giving legal recognition to their marriage


Q. Agents of social change? Explain any 3.

Q. The middle class is ever increasing in the country. Why is this class so important
for the development for the country? - (Sociological over economic angle)

Q. What is the idea of Indian village? With this thrust towards urbanisation, how is
this idea evolving? Is your and your father’s idea of a village same? Why is it

Q. Should tribals be integrated or be left alone?

Q. Should Jews be given minority status? Why being identified as minority is so
important? Why has Gujarat given them the status?

Q. How patriarchal mindset transcends the realms of family and has an impact of
other institutions too?

Q. The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) 2018, released in Bangkok, notes that the
global burden of malnutrition “remains unacceptably high and progress
unacceptably slow” with India leading the charge. With hunger on one hand and
massive food wastage on the other, how to solve this conundrum?

Q. What are Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups(PVTG)? Criteria? How are they
different from other tribal groups? Name some PVTG in your state? What special
assistance should be given to them?

Q. Recent exodus of migrant workers from Gujarat especially workers from UP and
Bihar following a rape incident. What are the reasons for internal migration? What is
more challenging internal or external migration and why? What is the importance of
this migration? What are its sociological consquences? What challenges does it
pose? What are the links between urbanisation and migration?

Q. SC struck down section 497. What are the reasons and sociological

Q. Sociological analysis of manual scavenging?

Q. Suicides in India have increased by 23% from 2000 to 2015 according to data
released by the National Health Profile, 2018. What does Durkheim say about
suicide? What are the various sociological reasons of suicide?

Q. What is care economy? Do jobs under this come under formal or informal
organisation of work?

Q. There has been a constant demand by the women’s movement for a legislative
action against the derogatory depiction of women in India. In response, Ministry of
Women and Child Development has proposed amendments in IRWA. What are
they? What are the sociological consequences?

Q. With India’s demographic bulge soon shifting towards the right, is India ready to
deal with the challenges it entails? What can be done?

Q. Discussions are underway regarding a policy for Domestic Workers. What issues
do they face? Is a policy needed?

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