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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the rationale of the study, research objectives, research

hypothesis, review of related literature of the study, theoretical and conceptual

framework, the significance of the study, and definitions of terms.


Community participation in peacemaking in simple words aims at developing

trust, safety, and social cohesion within and between communities; strengthening

social and cultural capacities to resolve disputes and conflict, and promoting inter-

ethnic and inter-group interaction and dialogue. To make peace in your community,

get involved in local events. Community participation is simply the involvement of a

person (individual) or a group of people voluntarily in an activity starting from the

planning process, implementing activities, and developing the activity or program.

You can also volunteer at local organizations to help your community. Community

participation means that communities are playing an active part and have a

significant degree of power and influence (Mantiri 2018).

In Indonesia, the role of community participation and obligations in realizing

public peace and order conditions is also stated in the 1945 Constitution of the

Republic of Indonesia as citizens as set out in Section XII Article 30 Paragraphs 1

and 2. Each citizen has the right and the duty to participate in the defense and
security of the state. The defense and security of the state are undertaken through

a defense and security system that encompasses the entire population with TNI and

POLRI as the main powers, and the population as the supporting power. Community

participation is the community’s involvement in implementing activities and in

planning and developing the program’s implementation, including enjoying the results

of the program’s implementation. Furthermore, community participation is simply the

involvement of a person (individual) or a group of people voluntarily in an activity

starting from the planning process, implementing activities, and developing the

activity or program (Mantiri, 2018).

In the Philippines, a barangay is a small community, a basic political entity,

and is charged with maintaining law and order. According to the Department of

Interior and Local Government Memorandum (DILG) Circular 2003-42, which

elevates The Barangay Service Point Officers (BSPOs) maintain law and order aside

from the PNP's important presence in the community. The so-called “Barangay

Tanods” are there to prevent disorderly acts that might occur during night hours and

aid in establishing peace and order within the neighborhood. Furthermore, Barangay

Tanods is a group of civilian volunteers who protects the community form lawless

forces and exhibit their interest in preventing crime, primarily in areas in which there

are few police. They are at the front line of maintaining peace and order in every


With these in mind, a study should be conducted that highlights the Barangay

Auxiliary Groups for Peace and Order Initiatives and the Community Participation in

Maintaining Peace and Order. In this regard, such a study is adequately urgent since

peace and order are essential for any community to thrive. When people feel safe

and secure, they are more likely to invest in their businesses and homes, and to

educate their children.

In connection, the researchers have not across with the study of Barangay Auxiliary

Groups for Peace and Order Initiatives and the Community Participation in

Maintaining Peace and Order in the local setting. There have been studies conducted

such studies of Cruz et al. (2021) and

Research Objectives

The researcher aims to determine the extent of Effectiveness of Barangay

Auxiliary Groups for Peace and Order Initiatives and the Community Participation in

maintaining Peace and Order. Specifically, the researchers seek to answer the

following questions

Specifically, it will address the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Length of Service

2. What is the Level of Effectiveness of Barangay Auxiliary Groups for Peace

and Order Initiatives in terms of:

2.1 Patrolling

2.2 Information Gathering and Reporting

2.3 Traffic Control

2.4 Arrest and Search

2.5 Crime Information Drive and Campaign

3. The Level of Community Participation in Maintaining Peace and Order

Research Hypothesis

HO1. The level of Effectiveness of Barangay Auxiliary Groups for Peace and

Order Initiatives and the Community Participation in maintaining Peace and Order

when analyze according to their demographic profile.

Review of Related Literature

This various readings and research from different books, internet websites

and scholarly works of authors are presented in this section to give further reading
and elaboration of the focus of the study. The literature focus on Effectiveness of

Barangay Auxiliary Groups for Peace and Order Initiatives and the Community

Participation in maintaining Peace and Order.


Barangay is the Philippines’ basic unit of government. Each barangay is

under administration and supervision of cities and municipalities as the lowest level

of political and governmental subdivision in the Philippines. In every barangay there

are Barangay Tanod which play an important part in the development and progress

of the barangay (Sumad-on, 2020). They conduct nightly patrols, necessarily

exposing their lives and limbs to danger in the hands of criminal elements and other

wayward members of society. Barangay Officials

Police patrol is an effective crime prevention tool and boosts public

confidence in urban security. Many interesting decision making problems appear in

route design, resource allocation and jurisdiction planning. Many cities across the

world have adopted a structured and intelligent method of police patrol due to the

presence of a variety of operational and resource constraints. Police patrol is a vital

component in crime reduction strategies of the law enforcement agencies. In general,

the police resources like the personnel and the vehicles are deployed to patrol an

area under the jurisdiction of the agency (Samanta et al. 2021).

Information Gathering and Reporting

Information gathering is a process of collecting information from different

sources, such as books, websites, interviews, surveys, and more. This process is

used to gather information about a particular topic or issue. It helps to create a

comprehensive picture of the subject, and is essential for making informed decisions.

By gathering information, organizations and individuals can better understand the

environment in which they operate, identify potential risks, develop strategies, and

make informed decisions. Additionally, information gathering can help to inform

public policy and create public awareness on important topics (Nehra, 2023).

Traffic Control

According to (Mateen, et al., 2019). Number of vehicles that passes to the traffic

signal at some specific time is known as traffic. Main entities of the traffic control include

roads, vehicles and signals. The problem of the traffic congestion happens due to the larger

traffic demand than the available vehicle pas- sage or unsuitable time interval to each side of

the signal. Traffic jam also occurs due to the many other interrelated real world problems

such as more traffic flow than the availability, wrong lane turns, sudden and unauthorized

pedestrian. Traffic control can be performed through 3 methods (Fixed, Actuated and

Adoptive). One way to assign a fixed interval by considering previous data. To overcome the

cons of Pre-time traffic signal, actuated control method is adopted where the push buttons

(detectors) are used. They provide information to actuator and assign time according to the

traffic flow. Adaptive traffic control has the capability to assign time according to the current

traffic flow and continuously learns from its past.

Arrest and Search

Crime Information Drive and Campaign

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of Community Participation and Peace

and Order by

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this quantitative study is based on the

Effectiveness of Barangay Auxiliary Groups for Peace and Order Initiatives and the
Community Participation in maintaining Peace and Order in Barangay Cambanogoy,

Asuncion, Davao del Norte.


Extent Level Effectiveness of

Barangay Auxiliary Groups for
Peace and Order Initiatives Extent of Community
 Patrolling Participation in maintaining
Peace and Order
 Information Gathering and
 Traffic Control
 Arrest and Search
 Crime Information Drive

and Campaign

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be used as valuable information that would give a

new perspective on Effectiveness of Barangay Auxiliary Groups for Peace and Order

Initiatives and the Community Participation in Maintaining Peace and Order. Hence,

this study would benefit the following involved agencies and people.

To the Barangay Officials. The results of this study may provide an idea for the

barangay officials of Barangay Cambanogoy

To the Community. It may be that the community has become enlightened about

following the instructions from Barangay officials, and now they will respond to every

local ordinance from the city and the barangay in a timely manner.

To the Researchers. This study may help the researchers to know the practices

which is essential to elaborate more to give a find solution to help not only the

Institution but also the other related Institution.

To other Studies and Future Researchers. This may greatly contribute additional

information to present new ideas in conducting new research. This may serve as a

basis for future references to apply in their own research.

Definition of Terms

For a better comprehension of this study, the following terms are conceptually

and operationally define:

Barangay Auxiliary.

Community Participation. Community participation is a term that is used

interchangeably but aims at involving people in the community to get the maximum

benefit for the whole society. A community participation program is about gathering

different views from whoever wants to participate and making people in the city feel

welcome to voice their opinions. (Tank Planning Admin, 2020). As used in this study,

it is the involvement of people in a community in projects to solve their own problems.

Operationally it involves how the community participates in Peace and Order of the

Barangay Cambanogoy, Asuncion Davao del Norte Council. It refers to the act of the

respondents engaging in any activities in the Barangay.

Peace and Order. Is an occurrence of harmony characterized by the

lack of violence, conflict behaviors, and the freedom from fear of violence.

Commonly understood as the absence of hostility and retribution, peace also

suggests sincere attempts at reconciliation (Dr. Lex, 2023). As used in this

study, it is a form of legal protection for anyone who is experiencing problems

with an individual. Serve as the primary government institution that prevents

and suppresses criminality and maintains public order and safety at the

community level. This means the Law that is organized by the Barangay in the

purpose of Peace and order.

Chapter 2

Included in this chapter are the research design, locale, respondents,

sampling techniques, and data-gathering procedures employed in this study.

Research Design

This study is a quantitative approach as it involves the quantification of

variables or the examination of different interventions using correlational methods. It

is considered quantitative research because it aims to quantify and measure the

Effectiveness of Barangay Auxiliary Groups for Peace and Order Initiatives and the

Community Participation in Maintaining Peace and Order. The focus on measuring

effectiveness and community participation suggests a structured and numerical

approach, which aligns with the principles of quantitative research. Additionally, the

potential use of statistical methods to analyze data related to effectiveness and

community participation further supports the characterization of the study as


A descriptive-correlational is a type of research that seeks to describe

relationships among variables without inferring a casual connection. Correlational

research explores the interrelationships among variables of interest without any

active intervention on the researcher’s part (Polit & Hungler, 2013).

Research Locale

This research will be conducted at Barangay Cambanogoy, Asuncion Davao

del Norte. Barangay Cambanogoy is one of the 20 Barangay’s here at Asuncion in

the province of Davao del Norte (Region XI), Philippines. Asuncion, formerly known

as “Saug”, is a landlocked municipality in the coastal province of Davao del Norte. It

is about 104 kilometers from the city proper. Barangay Cambanogoy has a total land

area of 297.39 square kilometers.

The municipality of New Leyte was established on August 1, 1948 by

combining the municipal districts of Saug and Camansa, pursuant to Executive Order

No. 156 as signed by President Elpidio Quirino. The same year in September 13,

New Leyte was renamed to Saug pursuant to Executive Order No. 173 signed once

again by President Quirino, after its largest settlement which used to be one of the

two municipal districts before the merger. Finally, Saug was once more renamed as

Asuncion, named after Our Lady of the Assumption, pursuant to Republic Act No.

1675 approved on June 20, 1957.

Figure 2. Philippine Map Highlighting the Research Locale
Population and Sample

The participants of this study will be residents of Barangay Cambanogoy,

Asuncion, Davao del Norte. The population of the residents of Barangay

Cambanogoy is estimated 3,108 and the researchers will be selecting (300)

individuals to be the research respondents. The participants are composed of male

and female who are 18 years old and above at least a resident of Barangay

Cambanogoy for more than 1 year.

Using a universal sample method, a subset of a population is randomly

selected. Using this sampling method, each member of the population has an equal

chance of being selected. It is the easiest of all probability sampling methods, since it

involves a single random selection and requires little knowledge of the population in

advance. Thomas L. (2022)

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Research Instrument

This study utilized a research-made survey questionnaire and validated by 3

Experts. First part of the survey questionnaire covers the profile of the participants

specifically the demographic profile of the participants, such as age, sex, length of

residency. The second part is focused on the Barangay Auxiliary Groups for Peace

and Order Initiatives. The third part is focused on the Community Participation in
Maintaining Peace and Order. The answer sheet consists of various questions

related to the statement and is answerable using a five (5) point rating scale. The

fourth part, which is the last part, is there

Range of Means Descriptive Description


4.50-5.00 Very High The measure described in the determine

the level of effectiveness of barangay
auxiliary groups for peace and order
initiatives and the community participation
in maintaining peace and order is very

3.50-4.49 High The measure described in the determine

the level of effectiveness of barangay
auxiliary groups for peace and order
initiatives and the community participation
in maintaining peace and order is high.

2.60-3.49 Moderate The measure described in the determine

the level of effectiveness of barangay
auxiliary groups for peace and order
initiatives and the community participation
in maintaining peace and order is

1.80-2.59 Low The measure described in the determine

the level of effectiveness of barangay
auxiliary groups for peace and order
initiatives and the community participation
in maintaining peace and order is low.

1.00-1.79 Very Low The measure described in the determine

the level of effectiveness of barangay
auxiliary groups for peace and order
initiatives and the community participation
in maintaining peace and order is very

Data Collection

In gathering data, the researchers observed the following steps in order to

gather data needed for the study.

Submitting Questionnaires for Validation. The researchers will submit the

research-made questionnaires that will be utilized in the study for validation.

Seeking the Permission to Conduct the Study. Through a letter, the

researcher will request a permission from the LGU-Cambanogoy to conduct the

study among the residents of the aforementioned barangay. Upon the approval, the

researcher will reach out to the barangay captain of barangay Cambanogoy for

further approval.

Distribution and Retrieval of the Questionnaires. Upon approval, the

researcher will reach out to the purok chairman for aid in distributing the survey

questionnaire to the appropriate residents.

Collection and Tabulation of Data. At this point, the research instrument will

be retrieved. The data gathered will be tabulated in accordance with the statistician's

instruction based on the researchers’ statistical treatment. The result was the basis of

the researcher analyze the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data will be gathered through the questionnaires will be tallied and

treated using the following statistical tools.

Mean. This will be used to determine the

Pearson-r Correlation. This will be used to determine the significant

relationship between demographic profiles and the Barangay Auxiliary Groups for

Peace and Order Initiatives and the Community Participation in Maintaining Peace

and Order at Barangay Cambanogoy, Asuncion Davao del Norte.

Ethical Consideration

The purpose of ethical considerations is to ensure the participants rights are

maintained and are kept from being harm whilst participating in partaking in research.

Ethical considerations were addressed and considered accordingly.

Informed Consent. The researcher will distribute a form of consent to those

selected respondents before conducting the research. Ensure that the information

that they share with the study has their consent and that they are willing to

participate. The research will inform them of what is contained in the consent form.

Voluntary Participation. The selected respondents are not forced to respond

to the study. Respondents are willing to cooperate with the study. There are no

gratuities involved in this study.

Data Privacy. The information that the researcher gathers will be kept

confidential and respected. To protect the individual’s right to control and access their

participation in this study. Therefore, the respondents' names are optional; it is up to

them to decide how they must be.

Gender Sensitivity. The researchers will employ gender-sensitive wording

when carrying out this study. The participants' comfort will be guaranteed. The

researchers will try to avoid using terminology that might be upsetting to them.

Culture Sensitivity. The researchers promise that they won't be treated

unfairly. The researchers will take care to avoid offending the participants. Similarly,

the researchers will take care not to use words that make them uneasy.

Health and Safety Protocols. The researchers will follow the right safety

procedures. First and foremost, the respondent's safety when handing out

questionnaires to respondents in person, researchers are required to wear masks to

create a sense of social distancing.

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