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published online: 17 May 2017 | doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356

Small-molecule pheromones and hormones

controlling nematode development
Rebecca A Butcher*

The existence of small-molecule signals that influence development in Caenorhabditis elegans has been known for several
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decades, but only in recent years have the chemical structures of several of these signals been established. The identification
of these signals has enabled connections to be made between these small molecules and fundamental signaling pathways in
C. elegans that influence not only development but also metabolism, fertility, and lifespan. Spurred by these important dis-
coveries and aided by recent advances in comparative metabolomics and NMR spectroscopy, the field of nematode chemistry
has the potential to expand dramatically in the coming years. This Perspective will focus on small-molecule pheromones and
hormones that influence developmental events in the nematode life cycle (ascarosides, dafachronic acids, and nemamides),
will cover more recent work regarding the biosynthesis of these signals, and will explore how the discovery of these signals is
transforming our understanding of nematode development and physiology.

. elegans is an ideal model system for studying the roles of Dauers have specialized features, including a thickened cuticle
pheromonal, hormonal, and nutritional cues in controlling and a closed buccal cavity (mouth), that help to protect the worm
developmental decisions. The transparency of C. elegans has from dessication, chemical agents, and pathogens14. As the dauer
allowed its (invariant) cell lineage to be completely mapped, from stage does not feed, it must rely on fat stores in the form of triacyl­
a single fertilized egg to the fully developed hermaphrodite adult glycerols to supply its energy needs15. These fats are converted to glu-
(with 959 somatic cells). Furthermore, the fact that C. elegans is cose via the glyoxylate cycle, and this glucose is used in glycolysis and
primarily hermaphroditic (but still forms the occasional male) has fermentative metabolism when aerobic respiration is suppressed16,17.
facilitated genetic screens that have implicated genes in specific The glucose is also diverted to the biosynthesis of trehalose, which
developmental events. However, our current state of knowledge provides osmotic protection against dessication16,18,19. C. elegans
regarding the role of small-molecule cues in C. elegans and other can survive as a dauer for up to several months, and only begins
nematodes is relatively rudimentary. For example, C. elegans has to die once its fat stores become depleted15. The stress resistance of
over 1,000 G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are poten- the dauer is due, in part, to altered gene expression in which genes
tially involved in the detection of external small-molecule cues, but involved in starvation, heat, and oxidative stress are upregulated20–22.
only a small subset of these receptors have been characterized1,2. C. elegans survives in the wild on rotting plant material23, and the
C. elegans also has 284 nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs), many of dauer serves as a stress-resistant dispersal stage, enabling the worm
which likely respond to internal small-molecule cues, but the ligand to seek out a new microbially rich food source, often by engaging in
for only one of these receptors has been characterized3,4. nictation behavior (waving while standing on its tail) and hitching a
C. elegans can alter or arrest its development at several distinct ride on an invertebrate carrier such as a fruit fly or snail.
points in response to environmental signals. One of the best-studied The insulin/IGF-1 and TGF-β pathways that control dauer for-
developmental events is the formation of the stress-resistant dauer mation were pieced together through genetic screens to identify
larval stage. The dauer has attracted intense scientific interest, in mutant worms that either constitutively formed dauers under favor-
part, because the neuroendocrine pathways that control dauer for- able conditions (Daf-c mutants) or failed to form dauers under unfa-
mation include the insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) vorable conditions (Daf-d mutants) (Fig. 2)3,24,25. Under favorable
and TGF-β pathways, which lie at the nexus of development, conditions (high food and low dauer pheromone), chemosensory
metabolism, stress resistance, and lifespan in C. elegans. Favorable neurons secrete insulin and TGF-β ligands, and downstream signal-
conditions allow C. elegans to develop from an egg through four ing ultimately leads to the production of dafachronic acids, which
larval stages (L1–L4) to the reproductive adult, but high population are hormones that promote reproductive growth and suppress
densities, low amounts of food (bacteria), and high temperatures dauer formation (Fig. 2). Unfavorable conditions (low food and
promote the formation of the dauer, an alternative L3 larval stage. high dauer pheromone), on the other hand, suppress insulin and
C. elegans senses its population density using a secreted phero- TGF-β signaling, thereby inhibiting dafachronic acid production
mone, the dauer pheromone, which consists of several derivatives and promoting dauer formation (Fig. 2). In addition to its function
of the 3,6-dideoxy-L-sugar ascarylose (‘ascarosides’) (Fig. 1a,b)5–9. in dauer formation, the dafachronic acid pathway plays a central
In addition to the dauer, C. elegans can undergo other types of arrest, role in controlling fertility and lifespan26–28.
including starvation-induced larval arrest. If C. elegans is faced with The first part of this Perspective will describe the discovery of
complete starvation at any larval stage, it will arrest at that stage, but the dauer pheromone ascarosides in C. elegans and other nema-
can recover and resume development once it encounters food10,11. tode species and the ways in which this finding has enabled the
Most work on this type of arrest has been done for L1 arrest, which identification of the ascaroside receptors that lie upstream of the
is achieved by hatching C. elegans eggs in the absence of food. An insulin/IGF-1 and TGF-β pathways. It will also describe how
adult reproductive diapause has also been reported in which starva- C. elegans controls the biosynthesis of specific ascarosides in order
tion leads to apoptotic death of the germline; germline regeneration to modulate its chemical message under different conditions. The
occurs once conditions improve12,13. second part of this Perspective will focus on the discovery, biological

Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. *e-mail:

nature CHEMICAL BIOLOGY | VOL 13 | JUNE 2017 | 57 7

perspective Nature chemical biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356

a O O
related ascarosides (Fig. 1a)5–9, most of which were identified
through activity-guided fractionation of crude pheromone extract
O ()
CH3 O ()
OH and subsequent structural characterization of the purified, active
compounds using NMR spectroscopy and MS5–8. The ascarosides,
asc-C6-MK asc-∆C9 which have a modular structure, have fatty-acid-derived side chains
OH (ascr#2; C6) OH (ascr#3; C9) and can have various modifications on the ascarylose sugar (‘head
O O groups’) or at the end of the fatty acid side chain (‘terminus groups’)
(Fig. 1b). Several naming schemes exist for the ascarosides, based
O OH O () OH
O 2 either on the order of their discovery or on elements of their chemical
O structure, such as the number of carbons in their side chain (see
IC-asc-C5 Fig. 1b for structure-based nomenclature)31. The ascarosides can be
OH (ascr#5; C3) OH (icas#9; C5)
divided into two main classes, the (ω-1)-ascarosides, in which the
O CO2– fatty acid side chain is attached at its penultimate (or ω-1) carbon to
O () N
the ascarylose sugar, and the ω-ascarosides, in which the fatty acid
side chain is attached at its terminal (or ω) carbon to the ascary-
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

2 H

O lose sugar. Interestingly, only one of the dauer pheromone compo-
OH (ascr#8) nents is an ω-ascaroside, asc-ωC3 (ascr#5; C3), and this ascaroside
works synergistically with the other dauer pheromone compo-
b Head group Ascarylose Fatty acid side chain Terminus group nents to induce dauer (Fig. 1a)7. The dauer pheromone ascarosides
must accumulate to low- to mid-nanomolar concentrations before
∆ inducing dauer6–8, and a high population density of worms is
O Asc O ( )n OH
required to produce these high concentrations of pheromone.
O CO2– The dauer pheromone ascarosides are only a small subset of a
HN much larger number of ascarosides produced by C. elegans.
PABA Overlapping subsets of ascarosides influence dauer formation and/or
a variety of behaviors, including hermaphrodite aggregation32,33, male
CH3 MK attraction to hermaphrodites34, hermaphrodite attraction to males35,
avoidance32,36,37, and foraging suppression38,39. Many of the ascaro-
R = CH3, (ω-1)-ascaroside sides that trigger dauer also induce avoidance in adults, which may
R = H, ω-ascaroside
provide a survival advantage, as C. elegans should want to avoid the
Name: head group-asc-(ω)(∆)C#-terminus group
environmental conditions that induce dauer. Most ascarosides that
Figure 1 | The dauer pheromone ascarosides and the modular structure
influence behaviors, however, tend to work at much lower concen-
of the ascaroside family of pheromones. (a) Chemical structures of
trations (femtomolar to picomolar) than those that influence dauer,
the primary components of the dauer pheromone6–9. In addition to the
which is consistent with these ascarosides being involved in com-
structure-based name (see b for nomenclature), additional names are
munication between two individuals or small groups of worms.
given, including a name based primarily on the order of discovery (ascr# or
The discovery of the dauer pheromone ascarosides has enabled
icas#) and a name based on an earlier nomenclature (indicating only the
the identification of several of their target receptors. It is impor-
number of carbons in the side chain). (b) The simplest ascarosides in
tant to note that in the past, these target receptors were, for the
C. elegans have an ascarylose sugar attached to a saturated fatty acid
most part, not picked up in forward genetic screens, such as those
side chain of a particular length (C#) at its penultimate (ω-1) carbon.
screening for Daf mutants, possibly because the phenotypes of these
Deviations from that simple structure are indicated in a structure-based
receptors are only apparent in the presence of their ligands. Thus,
nomenclature: head group-asc-(ω)(Δ)C#-terminus group. ω indicates
the identification of the ascaroside pheromones has opened the door
attachment at the terminal (ω) instead of the penultimate (ω-1) carbon.
in a dramatic fashion to further discoveries regarding chemosen-
Δ indicates a double bond at the α–β position. Head groups include
sory control of development and behavior in C. elegans. Several dif-
indole-3-carbonyl (IC), as well as 4-hydroxybenzoyl (HB), (E)-2-methyl-
ferent approaches have been taken to identify the receptor targets
2-butenoyl (MB), and octopamine succinyl (OS), at the 4′ position and
of the dauer pheromone ascarosides. The fact that the dauer phero-
glucosyl (Glc) at the 2′ position. Terminus groups include a methyl ketone
mone downregulates expression of certain chemosensory genes was
(MK) instead of a carboxylic acid and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), as
exploited to screen for mutations that blocked this downregula-
well as ethanolamine (EA). Figure is adapted from ref. 63.
tion, which led to the identification of SRBC-64 and SRBC-66 as
targets of the dauer pheromone components asc-C6-MK (methyl
ketone) (ascr#2; C6) and asc-ΔC9 (ascr#3; C9)40. Efforts to identify
role, and biosynthesis of the dafachronic acids in C. elegans and in the receptors of asc-ωC3 (ascr#5; C3) involved the use of strains
other nematode species. The last part of this Perspective will focus on that had been cultured at high densities for multiple years and had
the discovery of a polyketide–nonribosomal peptide in C. elegans that developed mutations such that they no longer formed dauers in
plays an important role in L1 arrest survival and recovery. Overall, response to dauer pheromone41. After a resistant strain was crossed
this Perspective will describe how the discovery of small-molecule with wild-type worms to generate recombinant inbred lines, quanti-
cues in C. elegans is providing the missing link that is enabling many tative trait locus mapping was used to pinpoint the genomic region
connections to be made between important signaling pathways and responsible for asc-ωC3 (ascr#5; C3) sensitivity, leading to the iden-
developmental processes. tification of its receptors SRG-36 and SRG-37. Additional receptors
for the ascarosides were identified using a biochemical approach in
Role of the dauer pheromone in C. elegans which a component of the TGF-β pathway, the SMAD DAF-8, was
The dauer pheromone was first described in the early 1980s as sev- immunoprecipitated and co-purified with the DAF-37 and DAF-38
eral small molecules of unknown structure that could be extracted GPCRs42. Whereas the daf-37 mutant was defective in responding
from conditioned culture medium and used to induce dauer forma- to asc-C6-MK (ascr#2; C6), the daf-38 mutant was defective in
tion and block dauer recovery29,30. It was not until the mid-2000s that responding to multiple ascarosides. Presumably, many of the GPCRs
the dauer pheromone was shown to consist of several structurally targeted by the ascarosides remain to be identified, considering

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Nature chemical biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356 perspective
Dauer Food the number of ascarosides without known targets and given that
pheromone signal
the ascarosides often have multiple developmental and behavioral
activities and thus likely have multiple targets. Interestingly, the
receptors that have been identified so far come from several dif-
ferent families of GPCRs, including the serpentine receptor class
Chemosensory neurons

GPCR GPCR? BC family (SRBC-64 and SRBC-66), class G family (SRG-36 and
SRG-37), and class W family (DAF-37), as well as a GPCR with
cGMP signaling homology to the human gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor
(DAF-11/guanylyl cyclase,
DAF-21/HSP90) (DAF-38). Therefore, it is unlikely that some structural similarity
between these GPCR targets can be used to identify additional asca-
roside receptors in C. elegans.
DAF-7/TGF-β Insulins
Role of the dauer pheromone in other nematode species
Pristionchus pacificus. Ascarosides are, in fact, widely produced
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

DAF-1, DAF-4/TGF-βR DAF-2/InsR by many nematode species, including some parasitic species43–50. Of
the nematode species examined to date, P. pacificus produces the
most structurally diverse set of pheromones that includes ascaro-
DAF-8, DAF-14/Smad PDK-1
sides, dimeric ascarosides, and paratosides (derivatives of the 3,
AKT-1/2 6-dideoxy-L-sugar paratose)45,46. Furthermore, these ascarosides and
paratosides can have elaborate head and terminus groups derived
Endocrine tissues

Ski DAF-3/
P DAF-16/ from modular assembly of building blocks from lipid, amino acid,
Smad FOXO and nucleoside metabolic pathways45,46. P. pacificus, which engages
in a necromenic association with scarab beetles, survives as a dauer
on the beetle until the beetle dies and then recovers and feeds on
the microbes that proliferate on the beetle carcass (Fig. 3a)51. Once
microbial food begins to run out, specific ascarosides and parato-
sides constitute a dauer pheromone that induces dauer formation.
DAF-36/Rieske oxygenase
Furthermore, exposure of early larval stages to starvation as well
DAF-9/CYP450 as particular ascarosides and paratosides induces the development
of tooth-like denticles in the adult that enable P. pacificus to add
fungi and other nematodes to its diet45,46,51,52. It has been speculated
Dafachronic that the diversity of pheromones produced by P. pacificus is due
acids to heavy competition of different P. pacificus strains for resources
Target tissues

in a very narrow ecological niche (the beetle). Indeed, strains that

produce the most of a given pheromone do not necessarily corre-
NHR spond to the strains that respond most strongly to that pheromone,
suggesting that certain strains may produce pheromones to induce
Nucleus other strains to enter dauer in order to outcompete them46,52. Perhaps
reflecting the importance of its association with scarab beetles,
Reproductive growth
P. pacificus engages in an extreme form of nictation in which it
secretes an extremely long-chain polyunsaturated wax ester (‘nem-
Figure 2 | Role of insulin/IGF-1 and TGF-b pathways in controlling atoil’) that helps hundreds of worms to stick together and form
reproductive growth versus dauer development. The pathways are waving towers of nematodes (‘dauer towers’) to further increase the
depicted under favorable conditions in which the concentration of likelihood of finding a beetle carrier53.
dauer pheromone is low (grayed out) and the concentration of an
uncharacterized food signal is high. Under these conditions, the food Entomopathogenic nematodes. Over a third of nematode species
signal is thought to promote GPCR signaling in chemosensory neurons, are parasitic, infecting either insects, plants, or animals (includ-
leading to DAF-11/guanylyl cyclase activity and increased levels of ing humans). Entomopathogenic nematodes, which infect insect
cGMP, resulting in secretion of TGF-β and insulin ligands. DAF-7/TGF-β hosts, serve as a model system for studying parasitism in nem-
binds to DAF-1,DAF-4/TGF-β receptor (TGF-βR), which regulates atodes and have been shown to use ascarosides to control their
Smad/co-Smad transcriptional complexes. Insulins bind to DAF-2/ development44. Most parasitic nematodes have a dauer-like infec-
InsR, leading to phosphorylation (P) by serine/threonine kinases AKT-1 tive stage called the infective juvenile (IJ) or infective L3 (iL3) that
and AKT-2 of DAF-16/FOXO, which is retained in the cytosol. TGF-β is important for their survival outside of their host. For example,
and insulin signaling promotes the biosynthesis of the dafachronic the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora
acids, which bind to DAF-12/NHR in target tissues, functioning survives in the environment as an IJ as it seeks out an insect host
transcriptionally to promote reproductive growth. Under unfavorable (Fig. 3b). Once inside its host, it regurgitates symbiotic bacteria
conditions in which dauer pheromone is high and food signal is low, that kill the host, and it then recovers and undergoes reproductive
chemosensory neurons do not secrete insulin and TGF-β ligands. growth until the population density reaches a certain threshold. IJs
DAF-16/FOXO becomes dephosphorylated, translocates into the accumulate late in the infection process in response to a secreted
nucleus, and acts as a transcription factor, while DAF-3/co-Smad and ascaroside pheromone with an ethanolamide (EA) moiety (asc-
DAF-5/Sno/Ski are no longer inhibited by DAF-8, DAF-14/Smad and C11-EA) and ultimately break out of the insect carcass to seek a
thus can act as a transcription factor. Consequently, the biosynthesis new insect host44. Interestingly, whereas the H. bacteriophora IJ
of the dafachronic acids is inhibited, and unliganded DAF-12 binds to pheromone blocks recovery from the IJ stage, C. elegans dauer
its inhibitor DIN-1 and promotes a transcriptional program that triggers pheromone does not, indicating that the pheromones in nema-
dauer formation. todes are largely species specific44.

nature CHEMICAL BIOLOGY | VOL 13 | JUNE 2017 | 57 9

perspective Nature chemical biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356

a b c Adults
Eggs Egg
Adult Eggs (J1) Adult LIV molt to adults on
xylem exposed by
beetle maturation L1
3. Symbiotic J1 feeding Propagative cycle
4. Reproductive bacteria kills insect
growth of and nematode 4–5 d at 25 °C
nematode on dead undergoes L4
J4 beetle J4 reproductive L2
growth inside
L3 L2 molt to LIII
3. Microbial J2 J2 after tree dies
growth on carcass 2. IJ enters insect
induces dauer J3 J3 Dispersal cycle
5. Paratosides and host, regurgitates LIV enter through
recovery ascarosides symbiotic
4. Ascarosides the spiracles into Several months
trigger dauer bacteria, and the tracheal system
2. Beetle dies formation at high trigger IJ
recovers to J4 of the beetle adults
eventually population accumulation late
1. Dauers 1. IJs leave in infection LIII aggregate around
densities Adult
disperse to new insect carcass to process the pupal chamber of
beetle carrier seek new host
LIV eclosion LIII the beetle larva and
Dauer Pre-dauer Pre-IJ pupa for several months
LIII molt to LIV
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Figure 3 | Comparison of the life cycles of several nematode species that produce ascarosides. Life cycles of P. pacificus (a), H. bacteriophora (b), and
pinewood nematode (c). Image in c is adapted from ref. 56.

Pinewood nematode. The pinewood nematode is a plant-parasitic acids are hydroxylated at the (ω-1)- or ω-position by an unknown
nematode that relies on a Monochamus beetle vector to transport it cytochrome P450 and that this hydroxylated fatty acid is then cou-
between pine-tree hosts54. Not only does the pinewood nematode pled to an activated form of the ascarylose sugar NDP-ascarylose.
produce ascarosides, but its vector beetle does as well, and these The biosynthetic origin of this putative NDP-ascarylose is also not
ascarosides play an important role in mediating interactions between known. Biosynthesis of CDP-ascarylose has been studied extensively
the two partners47. The Monochamus beetle, in fact, is the first known in bacteria. However, C. elegans does not have close homologs of all
example of ascaroside production in an organism other than a nem- of the genes in the bacterial pathway64. Genetic screens to identify
atode. The pinewood nematode enters its pine-tree host as its beetle genes that are important for the integrity of the C. elegans eggshell
vector engages in maturation feeding on the tree during the summer have identified some candidate genes encoding proteins potentially
(Fig. 3c). The nematode then enters the reproductive phase of its involved in sugar modification, but it remains to be seen whether
life cycle, in which it passes from the egg through four larval stages any of these take part in ascarylose biosynthesis65,66.
(L1–L4) to the reproductive adult. During the reproductive phase, Ascaroside side chain shortening occurs through two paral-
the nematode increases its population density, feeds, and weakens lel β-oxidation pathways, one shortening (ω-1)-ascarosides and
the pine tree. In autumn, the beetle lays eggs on the weakened pine one shortening ω-ascarosides (Fig. 4a,b)63. Each β-oxidation cycle
tree, and the resulting beetle larvae create chambers within the tree. requires four enzymes: an acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOX), an enoyl-
During the cold winter months, the beetle larvae produce ascaro- CoA hydratase (MAOC-1), a (3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydroge-
sides that help the beetle to postpone its molt to the pupal stage. nase (DHS-28), and a 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (DAF-22)33,61,63,67,68.
The deteriorating conditions in the tree trigger the formation of the The ACOXs that participate in ascaroside biosynthesis form both
dispersal third-stage (LIII) nematode larvae, which aggregate around protein homo- and heterodimers, which have specific preferences
the beetle chambers55. The nematode LIII larvae produce ascarosides for side chain length and help to control the mixture of ascarosides
(specifically, asc-C5 (ascr#9) and asc-ΔC6), which promote beetle produced63. Recently, the names of the ACOX enzymes have been
pupation. As the beetle enters the adult stage, the larvae produce changed to reflect their similarities to either human ACOX-1 or
fatty acid ethyl esters that promote development of dispersal fourth- ACOX-3, and this Perspective incorporates this new nomencla-
stage (LIV) nematode larvae56. Ascarosides produced by the adult ture (summarized in the Fig. 4 legend). An ACOX-1.1 homodimer
beetle (specifically, asc-C9 (ascr#10)) are attractive to the nematode can process both fatty acyl-CoA substrates and ascaroside-CoA
LIV larvae, potentially inducing them to enter the tracheal system of substrates, including an (ω-1)-ascaroside that has a 9-carbon side
the beetle for subsequent transport to a new pine-tree host. chain (Fig. 4a)63. An ACOX-1.1–ACOX-1.3 heterodimer is specifi-
cally active toward an (ω-1)-ascaroside with a 7-carbon side chain
Biosynthesis of the dauer pheromone in C. elegans (Fig. 4a)63. An ACOX-1.2 homodimer is specifically active toward
C. elegans biosynthesizes the ascaroside pheromones by producing an ω-ascaroside with a 5-carbon side chain (Fig. 4b)63.
ascarosides with very long side chains and then, through peroxi- The crystal structures of an ACOX-1.1 homodimer bound to a
somal β-oxidation cycles, shortening the side chains by two carbons flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor, as well as an ACOX-
per cycle. This model is based on several lines of evidence. First, 1.2 homodimer bound to an FAD cofactor and its specific substrate
very-long-chain ascarosides have been identified in C. elegans57. (asc-ωC5-CoA; see Fig. 4b for structure), have been solved, reveal-
In fact, the first ascarosides discovered in any organism were very- ing important differences between the two active sites and providing
long-chain ascarosides (29–33 carbons) identified over 50 years ago a molecular basis for their substrate specificities (Fig. 5a,b)69.
in the parasitic worm Ascaris (a large parasitic worm that infects ACOX-1.1, which has a broader substrate range and can process
humans and livestock)58,59. These very-long-chain ascarosides are longer substrates, has a larger active site that opens to two chan-
found in the inner lipid layer of the Ascaris eggshell and are thought nels on the outer surface of the protein. ACOX-1.2, on the other
to contribute to the extreme resistance of the eggs to chemicals and hand, which specifically processes the short-chain ascaroside asc-
salts60. Second, mutant worms defective in peroxisomal β-oxidation ωC5-CoA, has a smaller active site that is largely closed to the outer
accumulate medium- and long-chain ascarosides, suggesting that surface of the protein (Fig. 5c). Furthermore, the ACOX-1.2 active
these ascarosides are biosynthetic precursors to the short-chain site has specific amino acid residues responsible for recognizing the
ascaroside pheromones33,61,62. Lastly, peroxisomal β-oxidation enzymes ascarylose ring of its preferred substrate (Fig. 5c). In fact, mutating
have been shown in vitro to directly process ascarosides rather ACOX-1.1 at these residues to the corresponding residues found in
than fatty acids63. ACOX-1.2 enables it to process asc-ωC5-CoA69.
The biosynthetic origin of the long-chain ascarosides in C. elegans Interestingly, the ACOX-1.1 and the ACOX-1.2 crystal struc-
is not known, although it has been speculated that long-chain fatty tures revealed that the enzymes bind ATP at the dimer interface

580 nature chemical biology | VOL 13 | JUNE 2017 |

Nature chemical biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356 perspective
a Long-chain b Long-chain
(ω-1)-ascarosides ω-ascarosides

β-oxidation MAOC-1 β-oxidation MAOC-1
cycles DHS-28 cycles DHS-28
DAF-22 DAF-22


O ( )2 SCoA O SCoA

O asc-C9-CoA O asc-ωC5-CoA


ACOX-1.1 ACOX-1.2

© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

O ( )2 OH O ( )2 SCoA O SCoA

OH (ascr#3; C9) OH DHS-28 OH DHS-28

DAF-22 DAF-22

HO asc-C7-CoA HO asc-ωC3-CoA HO
OH OH OH (ascr#5; C3)


O CO2– O

O () N O () SCoA
2 H 2
asc-∆C7-PABA MAOC-1
OH (ascr#8) OH


O () CH3 O () SCoA
2 2
OH (ascr#2; C6) OH

Figure 4 | Role of the acyl-CoA oxidases ACOX-1.1, ACOX-1.2, and ACOX-1.3 in the biosynthesis of the ascarosides. Two parallel β-oxidation
pathways shorten the side chains of the (ω-1)-ascarosides (a) and the ω-ascarosides (b). Each cycle shortens the side chains of the ascarosides by
two carbons. The boxed structures are four of the five dauer pheromone components shown in Figure 1a. Figure is adapted from ref. 63. Note that in
order to reflect their similarity to mammalian ACOX-1, C. elegans ACOX-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, and F59F4.1 have been officially renamed ACOX-1.1, -1.2, -1.3,
-1.4, -1.5, and -1.6, respectively. To reflect its similarity to mammalian ACOX-3, C. elegans ACOX-6 has been renamed ACOX-3. There are no C. elegans
homologs of mammalian ACOX-2.

(Fig. 5a,b,d)69. An ATP binding site is found in most C. elegans the production of most ascarosides63,70, and a dietary-restricted
ACOX enzymes, but does not appear to be conserved in C. elegans mutant with reduced pharynx pumping produces less ascarosides70.
ACOX-3 (previously named ACOX-6; ref. 69) or in the ACOX Transcriptional regulation of the ACOX enzymes appears to affect
enzymes of more distantly related nematodes, plants, or mammals69. the relative production of certain ascarosides. For example, bac-
Comparison of the ACOX-1.1 crystal structure that has bound FAD terial food downregulates the expression of acox-1.3 in L4 larvae
and ATP to an apo-ACOX-1.1 structure with no bound FAD or ATP and suppresses the production of short-chain (ω-1)-ascarosides
suggests that ATP binding may lead to a conformational change that that lie downstream of ACOX-1.3, such as the dauer pheromone
stabilizes FAD binding. Mutational studies in which residues in the asc-C6-MK (ascr#2; C6) (Fig. 4a)63. Non-dauer-inducing conditions
ATP binding site or FAD binding site were mutated provide further (high food and low population density) relative to dauer-inducing
evidence that ATP and FAD binding are correlated69. ACOX-1.1 conditions (low food and high population density) upregulate in
mutants that could not bind ATP showed reduced enzymatic activ- early-stage larvae the expression of acox-1.2 and induce the pro-
ity, presumably because they did not bind FAD as well. Although it duction of the very-short-chain ω-ascaroside asc-ωC3 (ascr#5; C3)
remains to be shown whether the ACOX enzymes bind ATP in vivo, over other ascarosides (Fig. 4b)63. Heat stress has been shown to
it is possible that ATP levels in the worm may influence the biosyn- increase the production of several ascarosides63,68,70, and the tran-
thesis of the ascarosides. scription factor HSF-1 may contribute to this increase by upregu-
Production of the ascarosides in C. elegans has been shown to lating the expression of several β-oxidation genes70. Relatively little
be influenced by a variety of factors, including environmental con- is known about the biosynthesis of the various head groups and
ditions, such as food availability and temperature33,63,70, as well as terminus groups and how they become attached to the ascarosides.
larval stage71 and sex35. Increased food availability tends to increase It has been shown that the indole-3-carbonyl (IC) group present

nature CHEMICAL BIOLOGY | VOL 13 | JUNE 2017 | 581

perspective Nature chemical biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356

a c
A116 FAD 1 H
4′ 5 7 Cholesterol
2′ asc-ωC5-CoA
E299 Rieske

b d
Y581 ∆5-Reductase ?

R533 D577
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

H396 HO Lathosterol
N437 R343

Figure 5 | Structures of the C. elegans acyl-CoA oxidases ACOX-1.1 and
ACOX-1.2. (a,b) The ACOX-1.2 homodimer, showing one subunit in yellow Lathosterone Cholest-4-en-3-one
and one in purple (a) or only showing one in yellow (b) bound to an
DAF-9/ DAF-9/
FAD cofactor (blue), an asc-ωC5-CoA substrate (red, structure shown CYP450 CYP450
in Fig. 4b), and ATP (green). (c) Close up of the ACOX-1.2 active site, O O
showing the importance of specific amino acid residues in binding the H
ascarylose ring of the asc-ωC5-CoA substrate. (d) ATP-binding site in
ACOX-1.1 located at the dimer interface (between the orange and light
O ∆7-Dafachronic acid O ∆4-Dafachronic acid
blue subunits). Figure is adapted from ref. 69.
? ?

in the dauer and aggregation pheromone IC-asc-C5 (icas#9; C5), as O

well as several additional aggregation pheromones, is derived from H

tryptophan, although its biosynthetic pathway is unknown32,33. It is OH

thought that attachment of the IC group to the ascarosides occurs H H

relatively late in the biosynthesis of ascarosides, since daf-22 worms O ∆ -Dafachronic acid

(which cannot biosynthesize the ascarosides), when exogenously

provided with an ascaroside that has a 9-carbon side chain, can Figure 6 | Biosynthetic pathway of the dafachronic acids. The biosynthetic
produce the corresponding IC-modified ascaroside33. Future work pathway of Δ4-dafachronic acid from cholesterol is unknown, and it is not
will need to address how the β-oxidation process and head- and clear whether this dafachronic acid is produced at physiologically relevant
terminus-group attachment are coordinated. concentrations in the worm. The biosynthetic pathway of Δ1,7-dafachronic
acid has not been studied, and it is unknown whether it is derived from
Role of the dafachronic acids or converted to Δ7-dafachronic acid (or neither). Dotted lines indicate
The ultimate output of the insulin/IGF-1 and TGF-β pathways is proposed reactions and pathways.
the biosynthesis of the dafachronic acids, the ligands for the NHR
DAF-12. DAF-12 controls the decision of whether or not to enter than Δ4-dafachronic acid4. More recent work to partially purify
dauer and also regulates the adult lifespan in response to signals and spectroscopically characterize endogenous activators of
from the gonad3,72,73. Insulin and TGF-β signaling promotes the DAF-12 transcriptional activity confirmed Δ7-dafachronic acid,
biosynthesis of the dafachronic acids from cholesterol. Although but not Δ4-dafachronic acid, as an endogenous DAF-12 ligand75.
C. elegans is typically cultured in the lab on a bacterial lawn, This work also identified a novel DAF-12 ligand, Δ1,7-dafachronic
these cultures must be supplemented with cholesterol to promote acid, and showed that this ligand has potency similar to that of Δ7-
growth and fertility, as nematodes are unable to synthesize sterols. dafachronic acid.
Cholesterol deprivation leads to the occasional formation of dauer- The biosynthesis of Δ7-dafachronic acid is the most fully
like larvae and to distal-tip cell migration (Mig) defects, in which delineated branch of the dafachronic acid biosynthetic pathway
the gonad fails to migrate properly28. DAF-9 is a cytochrome P450 (Fig. 6). Cholesterol is desaturated to 7-dehydrocholesterol by
that is necessary for dafachronic acid biosynthesis4,74, and daf-9 the Rieske-like oxygenase DAF-36 (ref. 76). An unidentified Δ5-
mutants have phenotypes that are very similar to those induced by reductase is then thought to convert 7-dehydrocholesterol to
cholesterol deprivation74. The first dafachronic acids to be discov- lathosterol, which is subsequently oxidized at the 3-position to
ered, Δ4-dafachronic acid and Δ7-dafachronic acid, were identified lathosterone by DHS-16, a short-chain dehydrogenase77. Finally, the
by incubating candidate substrates for DAF-9 with the enzyme lathosterone side chain is oxidized to a carboxylic acid by DAF-9,
and analyzing whether any products resulted that could stimulate presumably with the help of the cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase
the transcriptional activity of DAF-12 (ref. 4). Partial purification EMB-8 (refs. 74,77). Meanwhile, the biosynthesis of Δ4-dafachronic
of endogenous activators of DAF-12 transcriptional activity also acid is much less well understood. HSD-1, an ortholog of human
gave LC–MS peaks that were consistent with the two dafachronic of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5–Δ4 isomerases, has been
acids, although Δ7-dafachronic acid appeared to be more abundant implicated in the hypothetical step that converts cholesterol to

582 nature chemical biology | VOL 13 | JUNE 2017 |

Nature chemical biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356 perspective
a 7
Nemamide A b 7 Nemamide A c
Nemamide B O
Nemamide B 13
6 6 O
23 16 HN O
5 5 O OH N
–log10 (P value)

10 12

–log10 (P value)
4 4 NH2
34 22 20 18 NH HN O
30 H
3 3 6
2 N
2 2 8
1 1 Nemamide A 4 H2N
H 2N
Nemamide B (∆30)
0 0 O
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8
log2 (wild type vs. pks-1) log2 (wild type vs. nrps-1)

d PKS-1 NRPS-1
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

O O O O O H 2N O H2N O




Figure 7 | Discovery and biosynthesis of the nemamides. (a,b) Comparison of average peak areas for metabolite features in wild-type worms versus pks-1
mutant worms (a) and in wild-type worms versus nrps-1 mutant worms (b), with nemamide A and B highlighted in red. (c) Chemical structures of nemamide
A and B. (d) Proposed biosynthetic assembly line for the nemamides. Domain abbreviations: acyl transferase (AT), acyl carrier protein (ACP), ketosynthase
(KS), ketoreductase (KR), dehydratase (DH), methyltransferase (MT), aminotransferase (AMT), adenylation (A), peptidyl carrier protein (PCP), condensation
(C), and thioesterase (TE). Domains labeled with an asterisk are predicted to be inactive based on the nemamide structures. Figure is adapted from ref. 95.

4-cholesten-3-one78; however, other possible roles for this enzyme Interestingly, the enzymes involved in dafachronic acid biosyn-
have also been proposed75,77. thesis are found in several different tissues. DAF-36 is expressed
The insulin/IGF-1 and TGF-β pathways regulate the dafachronic primarily in the intestine76; DHS-16 in the pharynx, head neu-
acid biosynthetic pathway by promoting DAF-9 expression rons, and hypodermis77; DAF-9 in the XXX neuroendocrine cells,
under replete conditions and inhibiting it under dauer-inducing hypodermis, and spermatheca28,74,79,80,84; and HSD-1 in the XXX
conditions79,80. Dafachronic acid biosynthesis is also influenced cells78. The distribution of the biosynthetic enzymes across multiple
by the methyltransferase STRM-1, which is thought to methy- tissues suggests either that different dafachronic acids are produced
late upstream intermediates in the biosynthetic pathway (such as in different tissues, and perhaps play different roles, or that distri-
lathosterol) at the C4 position and thus syphon off intermediates bution of the biosynthetic genes enables multi-tissue regulation
for dafachronic acid biosynthesis81,82. Interestingly, the metabolic of the biosynthetic pathway. A photocleavable, masked derivative
changes that occur with dauer formation lead to decreased NADPH of Δ7-dafachronic acid has been synthesized that enables light-
levels and may also represent a mechanism to inhibit dafachronic mediated release of the hormone into the worm85. This derivative
acid biosynthesis, given that DAF-9 is NADPH dependent18. could potentially be employed to study tissue-specific functions or
Specifically, the increased trehalose biosynthesis that comes with biosynthetic steps of the dafachronic acids.
dauer formation diverts glucose-6-phosphate from the pentose The role of DAF-12 in development appears to be largely con-
phosphate pathway, a major contributor to cellular NADPH levels, served through nematode evolution86–89. DAF-12 homologs have
thereby reducing cellular NADPH levels and indirectly inhibiting been shown to control the formation of the dauer-like iL3 stage in
dafachronic acid biosynthesis to promote dauer formation18. certain parasitic species. In a cell-based assay, the dafachronic acids
An inhibitor of DAF-9, dafadine, has been identified by screen- stimulated the transcriptional activity of DAF-12 homologs from
ing for compounds that induce a Daf-c phenotype in worms83. the human threadworm (Strongyloides stercoralis) and several spe-
DAF-9 was considered a candidate target for dafadine, as (1) dafa- cies of hookworm (Ancylostoma spp. and Necator americanus)87.
dine gives rise to both Daf-c and Mig phenotypes, (2) epistasis The crystal structures of the S. stercoralis DAF-12 homolog87 and an
analysis with Daf-d mutants suggested that dafadine functions just Ancylostoma DAF-12 homolog88 in complex with dafachronic acids
upstream or at the level of DAF-12, and (3) dafadine contains an have been solved, revealing a conserved ligand-binding domain for
azole moiety that could bind the heme iron at the DAF-9 catalytic the dafachronic acids87,88. In a process analogous to dauer recovery
center. Dafadine was confirmed to inhibit biochemically DAF-9, as in C. elegans, the iL3 larvae of parasitic nematodes will recover
well as the human ortholog of DAF-9, CYP27A1, which is involved and resume feeding once they enter their host or upon exposure
in bile acid biosynthesis83. to serum. The dafachronic acids can induce feeding in S. stercoralis

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perspective Nature chemical biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356

and Ancylostoma spp. iL3 larvae in the absence of serum treatment87. molecules and biosynthetic pathways. Future small-molecule dis-
Although many parasitic nematode species must proceed through covery in nematodes will be facilitated by more recently developed
the iL3 stage and infect their host with each generation, S. stercoralis techniques in MS-based and 2D NMR-based metabolomics. The
can complete one generation outside its host before forming iL3 initial dauer pheromone ascarosides and sex pheromone asca-
larvae in the next generation. Importantly, the dafachronic acids rosides were identified through activity-guided fractionation5–8.
block iL3 formation in this next generation and, in fact, force the Although this approach is the best one for establishing causality
nematodes to develop into free-living fourth-stage larvae that ulti- (i.e., that a given small molecule is the most potent one in a crude
mately die87,89. Additionally, the dafachronic acids have been shown extract that gives rise to a particular activity), it is painstaking
to block the formation of iL3 in Strongyloides papillosus, a parasite of and slow. An LC–MS/MS technique has been developed for rap-
ruminants that can undergo multiple generations outside its host86. idly profiling the ascarosides (and related compounds) in a crude
The ability of the dafachronic acids to force iL3 recovery, leading to pheromone extract33. This technique has been used to analyze the
nematode death, suggests that these compounds could be developed ascarosides in many nematode species, including P. pacificus and
as new therapeutics to treat parasitic nematode infections. pinewood nematode, as well as those in biosynthetic mutants in
C. elegans33,45,47,63. In a complementary technique, partial fraction-
Role of the nemamides
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

ation of crude extracts and subsequent 2D NMR spectroscopy of

In addition to the dauer larval arrest, C. elegans can arrest its life the fractions has been used to facilitate the identification of pre-
cycle at several other stages10,11. Starvation-induced larval arrest is viously unknown ascarosides and dafachronic acids9,45,75. For
typically studied at the L1 stage, since C. elegans eggs hatched in example, this technique was used to compare conditioned cul-
the absence of food directly enter this arrested L1 stage. L1 arrest ture extracts from wild-type C. elegans and a biosynthetic mutant
is not technically a diapause, as dauer is, because arrested L1 lar- (daf-22) to identify one of the five dauer pheromone components9.
vae are morphologically the same as nonarrested L1 larvae10. The Newer techniques in comparative MS-based metabolomics are
insulin/IGF-1 (refs. 90–92), AMP-activated kinase (AMPK)93, and also facilitating the identification of natural products with com-
target of rapamycin (TOR)94 pathways have been implicated in pletely novel structural frameworks, such as the nemamides95.
starvation-induced L1 arrest maintenance, recovery, and survival10. Unfortunately, many of the pheromones and hormones in nema-
In comparison to dauer development, however, L1 arrest is poorly todes are produced in extremely low quantities. Thus, since full
understood. For example, it is unclear how nutrient availability is structural characterization of a structurally novel natural product
sensed, how different signaling pathways respond to this nutrient by NMR spectroscopy requires 50–100 μg of compound (and
availability, and what the sites of action of these signaling pathways preferably much more), tens of liters of worms must often be
are and how they are integrated10. cultivated to obtain sufficient compound for analysis. There are
Two hybrid polyketide–nonribososomal peptides, nemamides no good solutions to this difficulty, which continues to impede
A and B, have been discovered that promote survival during and progress in the field as a whole.
recovery from L1 arrest (Fig. 7a–c)95. The nemamides are produced For the ascarosides, dafachronic acids, and nemamides, there are
by a hybrid polyketide–nonribosomal peptide synthetase, PKS-1, many unanswered questions. The specific biological roles of many of
and a nonribosomal peptide synthetase, NRPS-1, that are expressed the ascarosides and dafachronic acids are unknown. Identification
in the canal-associated neurons, two essential neurons that extend of the receptor targets of the ascarosides will help to define their
the length of the worm and are associated with the excretory canal95. individual roles, and use of quantitative trait locus mapping appears
The nemamides were identified by performing comparative metab- to be an extremely promising method for receptor discovery. Studies
olomics between wild-type, pks-1 mutant, and nrps-1 mutant worms of the biosynthesis of the ascarosides could potentially uncover how
to discover specific masses present in the wild type and missing in C. elegans regulates the production of different ascarosides under
the mutants (Fig. 7a,b). The compounds were then purified from various conditions and could perhaps shed light on the function
the worms and characterized using NMR spectroscopy (Fig. 7c)95. of specific ascarosides. Of particular interest is the way in which
Although polyketides and nonribosomal peptides are produced C. elegans integrates the β-oxidation process, which shortens the
by many species of bacteria and fungi, they are extremely rare in ascaroside side chains, with the addition of various head groups
animals95–97. The nemamides, in fact, represent the first polyketides and terminus groups. The coordination of the biosynthesis of the
or nonribosomal peptides identified that are biosynthesized in an dafachronic acids across multiple tissues is also poorly understood
assembly line manner in animals (Fig. 7d). and could potentially reveal the individual contribution of different
The pks-1 and nrps-1 mutant worms are slow to recover from dafachronic acids to developmental arrest and lifespan regulation.
L1 arrest and also display reduced survival during prolonged L1 For the nemamides, their receptor target has not been identified,
arrest, suggesting that the nemamides may be involved in regulat- and it is unclear how they promote L1 survival and whether they
ing the worm’s response to nutrient cues. Analysis of the expression have additional important functions.
of the 40 C. elegans insulins in arrested and recovered L1s showed Previous work suggests the existence of many as-yet-unidentified
that the mutants fail to upregulate certain insulins during recovery chemical signals in C. elegans. For example, C. elegans L1 larvae
in response to food95. Thus, the nemamides may regulate insulin have been shown to secrete a (non-ascaroside) pheromone that
signaling. However, epistasis experiments suggest that pks-1 and promotes L1 survival98. As another example, C. elegans males
nrps-1 function in a pathway that is at least partially independent of secrete a pheromone that reduces the survival of hermaphrodites99.
the insulin/IGF-1 pathway. Although C. elegans is known to secrete Male-specific ascarosides contribute to this reduced survival, but
an uncharacterized, density-dependent pheromone that promotes additional signals may contribute as well99,100. An uncharacter-
L1 arrest survival, the nemamides do not appear to be a component ized male signal accelerates larval development and promotes
of this pheromone95. Future work is needed to determine the exact reproductive maturation of hermaphrodites, while male-specific
mechanism of action of the nemamides. Interestingly, homologs of ascarosides act as a separate signal, delaying the loss of germline
pks-1 and nrps-1 are found in most nematode species, suggesting that precursor cells in adult hermaphrodites100. Furthermore, identi-
the nemamides play a conserved role across nematode evolution95,96. fication of the pheromones and hormones in C. elegans is only
a starting point. Given that there are thousands of nematode
Future directions species and the chemistries of only a few of them have been
Although C. elegans has been studied extensively in terms of examined to any degree, much is left to be discovered in other
its genes and proteins, relatively little is known about its small species as well.

584 nature chemical biology | VOL 13 | JUNE 2017 |

Nature chemical biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2356 perspective
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77. Wollam, J. et al. A novel 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase that regulates Competing financial interests
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78. Patel, D.S., Fang, L.L., Svy, D.K., Ruvkun, G. & Li, W. Genetic identification
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in Caenorhabditis elegans. Development 135, 2239–2249 (2008). Reprints and permissions information is available online at
79. Gerisch, B. & Antebi, A. Hormonal signals produced by DAF-9/cytochrome index.html. Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
P450 regulate C. elegans dauer diapause in response to environmental cues. claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Correspondence should be
Development 131, 1765–1776 (2004). addressed to R.A.B.

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