Why I Converted From Islam To Christianity Compilation

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Shawwal 03, 1444AH

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

In their characteristic propaganda, a Christian who claims to have converted from Islam
circulated a message on social media which presents some verses of the Qur’an ignorantly and
mischievously to mislead the audience. In order for the public to know the truth, we provide
appropriate explanations for each and every claim based on the proper meaning that Islam
attaches to them.

The Issues are highlighted in red for your guidance.

I converted from Islam to Christianity simply because Islam gives no guarantee of salvation.

Islam gave guarantees in multiple places in the Qur’an to the effect that anyone who embraces
any religion, philosophy or methodology other than Islam, Allah shall not accept it as the only
way to get into Allah’s Jannah is through Islam and Islam only. The Qur’an states:

‫ِإَّن ٱلِّد يَن ِع نَد ٱِهَّلل ٱِإْلْس َلٰـُم َو َم ا ٱْخ َت َلَف ٱَّلِذيَن ُأوُتو۟ا ٱْلِك َت ٰـَب ِإاَّل ِم ۢن َب ْع ِد َم ا َج ٓاَء ُه ُم ٱْلِع ْلُم َب ْغ ًۢي ا َب ْي َن ُهْم َو َم ن َي ْك ُفْر ِبَٔـاَيٰـ ِت ٱِهَّلل َفِإَّن ٱَهَّلل َس ِر يُع ٱْلِحَس اِب‬

Q3:19 – Definitely the only Deen (religion) with Allah (acceptable to Allah) is Islam (to submit
oneself totally to Allah). Those who were given the Book from before (the Jews and the
Christians) differed only after the knowledge (of Tawheed – the Oneness of Allah) came to them
because of hatred among themselves (caused by their love for wealth, status and power).
Whoever disbelieves in the revelations of Allah, (he should remember that) verily Allah is swift in
taking account.

‫َو َم ن َي ْب َت ِغ َغ ْي َر ٱِإْلْس َلٰـ ِم ِديًن ا َف َلن ُيْق َبَل ِم ْن ُه َو ُه َو ِفى ٱْلَٔـاِخَر ِة ِمَن ٱْلَخ ٰـ ِس ِر يَن‬

Q3:85. Whoever seeks a Deen (religion) besides Islam (which is easy, complete, perfect,
natural), it shall never be accepted from him and he will be among the losers in the Aakhirah
(because he will suffer punishment in Jahannam for rejecting the natural Deen and for making
an incorrect choice).

‫۟ا‬ ‫۟ا‬ ‫۟ا‬ ‫۟ا‬

‫َو ٱْلَع ْص ِر ِإَّن ٱِإْلنَس ٰـَن َلِفى ُخ ْس ٍر ِإاَّل ٱَّلِذيَن َء اَم ُنو َو َعِم ُلو ٱلَّصٰـِلَح ٰـ ِت َو َت َو اَص ْو ِبٱْلَح ِّق َو َت َو اَص ْو ِبٱلَّصْب ِر‬

Q103:1-3 – By the oath of time! (the passage of time that overtakes everything material until the
Hour is established upon them). Verily man is at a loss (in both worlds) except those who have
Iman, who do good deeds, who encourage (urge and counsel) each other towards (remaining
steadfast on and propagate) the truth and who encourage each other to exercise Sabr

Brethren! It is sheer ignorance or mischief that a person who claims to have practiced Islam will
not be aware of the verse quoted above apart from numerous verses which explains that
believers in the Islamic monotheism will be admitted into Jannah (Paradise) while the
disbelievers will go to Jahannam (Hell). If the numerous assurances that Allah has provided us
with in the Qur’an do not satisfy a person who claims to belong to this wonderful Islamic family,
it is only to us (human beings) that will not understand; as for Allah, He has finished His work of
providing guidance to all of creation and observed thus:

‫َف ِبَأِّى َح ِديٍۭث َب ْع َد ُهۥ ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن‬

Q77:50 – So what will they believe in after (rejecting all the detailed explanations given in the

Insha Allah, we shall respond to the other issues in the days to come.


Shawwal 04, 1444AH

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

She said: Because Islam recognises that Jesus is ‘the word of God’ so God “the Messiah”
therefore the savior (Surah 3 v 45).
‫ِبْس ِم ٱِهَّلل ٱلَّر ْح َمٰـ ِن ٱلَّر ِحيِم‬

‫ِإْذ َق اَلِت ٱْلَم َلٰٓـِئَك ُة َيٰـَم ْر َيُم ِإَّن ٱَهَّلل ُيَب ِّش ُرِك ِبَك ِلَم ٍة ِّم ْن ُه ٱْس ُمُه ٱْلَمِس يُح ِع يَس ى ٱْبُن‬

‫َم ْر َي َم َو ِج يًها ِفى ٱلُّد ْن َي ا َو ٱْلَٔـاِخَر ِة َو ِمَن ٱْلُم َق َّر ِبيَن‬

Q3:45 – “When the angels said, “O Maryam, indeed Allah conveys to you the good news of a
word (a child) from Him. His name shall be Al-Maseeh (the blessed one) Isa the son of Maryam.
He shall be celebrated in this world and in the Aakhirah and he will be from among those
brought close (to Allah).”

Yes, we agree that Sayyidina Isa (AS) is Allah’s word because he was created directly by Allah’s
instruction of Kun (“Be!”) and Fayakun (“and he became”) and not by the usual means of
conception. Extrapolating this ‘word of God’ which essentially is an instruction for something to
happen to be ‘God’ is the most preposterous thing to think or say.

Allah is capable of doing all things that He wishes to do as He provided the Muslims the
guidance to know that:

1. ‫ِإَّن َم َث َل ِع يَس ٰى ِع نَد ٱِهَّلل كََم َث ِل َء اَد َم َخ َلَقُهۥ ِمن ُتَر اٍب ُثَّم َقاَل َلُهۥ ُك ن َف َي ُك وُن‬

Q3:59 – “Verily the likeness (creation) of Isa [without a father) with Allah is as the likeness of
Adam (who was created with neither a father nor a mother). He (Allah) created him (Adam) from
clay then said to him, “Be!” and he became” (a living man). Therefore, just as none regard Adam
to be a god because he was born without parents, so too Isa should also not be regarded as a

2. ‫َّلَقْد َكَف َر ٱَّلِذيَن َق اُلٓو ۟ا ِإَّن ٱَهَّلل ُه َو ٱْلَمِس يُح ٱْبُن َم ْر َي َم ُقْل َفَم ن َي ْم ِلُك ِمَن ٱِهَّلل َش ْئًـا ِإْن َأَر اَد َأن ُيْه ِلَك‬
‫ٱْلَمِس يَح ٱْب َن َم ْر َي َم َو ُأَّمُهۥ َو َم ن ِفى ٱَأْلْر ِض َج ِميًع ا َو ِهَّلِل ُم ْلُك ٱلَّس َمٰـ َٰو ِت َو ٱلَْأْر ِض َو َم ا َب ْي َن ُهَم ا َي ْخ ُلُق َم ا‬
‫َي َش ٓاُء َو ٱُهَّلل َع َلٰى ُك ِّل َش ْى ٍء َقِد يٌر‬
Q5:17 – “Indeed those people have committed kufr who say that Allah certainly is Maseeh the
son of Maryam (Isa). Say, “If Allah wishes to destroy Maseeh the son of Maryam, his mother
and all (life) on earth, who will be able to offer them any protection from Allah?” (None can offer
any protection from Allah. It is therefore clear that Isa cannot be a god as some Christians claim
because if he were, he would have been able to protect at least himself and his mother from
destruction.) To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is
between them. He creates what He wills (He created Isa without a father, Hawwa without a
mother and Adam without father and mother). Allah has power over all things” (and everything is
powerless before Him).
Allah went into great detail to discuss His Prophet, Isa (AS) because of all the false accusations
against him and mother by the Jews and the false attributions of Godship and Sonship by the
Christians. On account of these falsities, Allah endowed Isa (AS) to speak while in the cradle.

Q19:27 – She brought the child before her people. They exclaimed, “O Maryam! You have
surely perpetrated a grave (sinful) act (of fornication).”

Q19:28. “O sister of Haroon! Your father was never an evil (wicked) person, nor was your
mother adulterous (unchaste. How then are you such?).”

Q19:29 – (Adhering to the instructions of Jibra’eel, she did not answer and) She pointed
towards the child (indicating to them that they should speak to the child). They said, “How can
we speak to one who is still a baby in a cradle?”

Q19:30 – He (the child who was Isa – AS) said, “1 am a slave of Allah (contrary to the beliefs of
the Christians who claim that he is Allah or Allah’s son). Allah gave me a Scripture (the Injeel)
and made me a Nabi (contrary to the beliefs of the Jews who claim that he was not a Nabi) …”

Q19:31 – “Allah has blessed me wherever I may be (so that I may always be of benefit to
people) and has commanded me to perform salaah and to pay Zakaah (when I return to the
world before Qiyaamah) as long as I remain alive.”

Q19:32 – “Allah has also made me kind to my mother (because I have no father) and has not
made me a tyrant (arrogant; and a wretched (unfortunate) person.”

Q19:33 – “Peace be on me on the day I was born, on the day death comes to me (after I return
to this world before Qiyaamah), and the day when I shall be resurrected” (because these are the
most traumatic times in a person’s life).

Q19:34 – “This is Isa the son of Maryam. (We have spoken) The truth about which they (the
Christians) have doubts” (because the Christians claim that Isa was Allah’s son).

Q19:35 – “It is not (necessary) for Allah to take a son. He is Pure (He does not need children)!
When He decides (to do) anything, all He has to say is “Be!” and it comes into being.”
Q19:36 – (Assert your Iman in Allah, as Isa told the people when He said,) “Without doubt Allah
is my Rabb and your Rabb (also), so worship Him. This is the straight path” (of Tawheed –
monotheism – and Islam).

Q19:37 – However (despite this clear statement of Isa) the groups among the Christians began
disputing (arguing) among themselves (some saying that Isa is Allah and others saying that he
is one of three gods). Woe be to the Kuffaar on the occasion of a momentous (mighty) day” (the
Day of Qiyaamah when they will be punished for their corrupt beliefs).

Allah described the Ummah (community) of Sayyidina Rasulullah (SAW) as

‫َأَفِبَهٰـ َذ ا ٱْلَح ِديِث َأنُتم ُّم ْد ِه ُنوَن‬

Q56:81 – Having pondered over every statement of Allah quoted herein: “Do you regard this
(Qur’an) as something trivial” (something to be treated lightly)?

My brethren! It always pains me when I hear that someone who was a Muslim like us has
derailed from Sirat-al-Mustaqeem of Islam into deviant routes which only lead them to
destruction. This elaborate response is not designed for the non-believers but for us who are
Muslim to appreciate the enormity of guidance that Allah has provided in the Qur’an. You will
observe that I have deliberately refrained from quoting any hadith or the statement of scholars
so far. This is because the volume of guidance on Tawheed in the Qur’an is abundant and clear
enough for everyone to comprehend. May Allah maintain us on this path of Islam till we are
worthy of claiming the inheritance of al-Jannah.

Walhamdulillahi Rabbil A’lameen.


Shawwal 05, 1444AH

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

She said: Because Allah recognises in the Qur’an that those who follow Jesus Christ
(Christians) will be above those who do not follow Jesus Christ ( Muslims and others) until
resurrection ( surah 3 v 55).

‫ِبْس ِم ٱِهَّلل ٱلَّر ْح َمٰـ ِن ٱلَّر ِحيِم‬

‫ِإْذ َق اَل ٱُهَّلل َيٰـ ِعيَس ٰٓى ِإِّن ى ُم َت َو ِّفيَك َو َر اِفُع َك ِإَلَّى َو ُم َط ِّهُر َك ِمَن ٱَّلِذيَن َكَف ُرو۟ا َو َج اِع ُل ٱَّلِذيَن ٱَّت َب ُعوَك َف ْو َق ٱَّلِذيَن َكَف ُر ٓو ۟ا ِإَلٰى َي ْو ِم ٱْلِقَيٰـ َمِة ُثَّم ِإَلَّى‬
‫َم ْر ِج ُع ُك ْم َف َأْح ُك ُم َب ْي َن ُك ْم ِفيَم ا ُك نُتْم ِفيِه َت ْخ َت ِلُفوَن‬

Q3:55 – “When Allah said, ‘O Isa, I shall take you away (from this world), raise you to Me (to the
heavens), purify you from (the company of) those who disbelieve and make those who follow
you above (superior to) those who disbelieve (the Jews) until the Day of Qiyaamah. Then to Me
shall you all return and I shall judge between you concerning those things about which you

This verse was preceded by a discussion to the fact that “They (the Jews) planned (against Isa
– AS) and Allah planned, and Allah is the best of planners” (Q3:54). Allah’s strategies are best
and cannot be overpowered by anyone; so, when they decided to kill Isa (AS) Allah raised him
to the heavens and made someone else who looked like him be killed in his place.

In Q3:55 Allah Almighty made five promises to Sayyidina Isa (AS). These are:

1. The death of Sayyidina Isa will not come at the hands of the Jews through killing. It will
be a natural death coming at its appointed time and that appointed time will come close
to the Day of Doom, when ‘Isa (AS) will come down from the heavens onto the earth as
reported in details in sound ahadith transmitted through unbroken chains, part of which
will appear later.

2. Raise him towards the heavens in the existing situation. This was fulfilled right then. The
report of this fulfillment was given in Surah al-Nisa’ (4:158) by saying: “Certainly, the
Jews did not kill him, instead, Allah Almighty raised him towards Himself”.

3. Cleansed him of false accusations brought on him by his enemies. That promise was
fulfilled when the last of the prophets Muhammad (SAW) came and refuted all false
accusations of the Jews. For instance, the Jews threw slanders on the parentage of
Sayyidna Isa (AS) because of his having been born without a father. The noble Qur’an
refuted this slander by declaring that he was born without a father because such was the
power and will of Allah. And that too does not call for much of a surprise. More surprising
is the birth of Adam since he was born without both a father and a mother. The Jews
accused Sayyidna Isa (AS) of claiming to be God. There are many verses in the noble
Qur’an in which, contrary to this accusation, Sayyidna ‘Isa (AS) has been reported to
have’ publicly confessed his being human and a servant and bondsman of Allah.

4. His followers will triumph against the disbelievers – “and make those who follow you
above (superior to) those who disbelieve (the Jews who were invited by Jesus to accept
the Truth) until the Day of Qiyaamah” - which means that his followers will be made to
overcome those who deny and oppose him. It might be interesting to know that: “Those
who follow” him are really the Muslims only but if it may be taken to imply all those who
believe in him, then the sincere Christians (who do not make Jesus a god, son of God or
subscribe to the ugly doctrine of trinity) may also be included.

One of the instructions given by Sayyidna Isa (AS) was that his followers should believe and
have faith in the last of the Prophets (SAW), who would come after Jesus departs. The
Christians did not follow this instruction in matters of faith and belief, therefore. They deprived
themselves of salvation in the Hereafter while Muslims acted in accordance with that too,
therefore, they became deserving of salvation in the Hereafter.

5. Giving a decision in respect of such conflicts in faith on the Day of Judgement will
certainly be fulfilled on its appointed time as it has been indicated in the verse: “Then to
Me shall you all return and I shall judge between you concerning those things about
which you differed’ (Q3:55).

Brethren! This is the explanation given for the referenced verse of the Qur’an which the
apostate did not understand. Those who followed Sayyidina Isa (AS) who Allah granted success
were the true believers who operated within the monotheism of Isa against the Jews (the
disbelievers in Isa who have all gone astray from the true path of God) and not the Christians
who believe in triune god, a human god or the son of God (for they have earned the wrath of

We close this discussion with reference to what Allah (SWT) discussed with us in Q53:59-62 –
“Are you astonished (amazed) about this speech (the Qur’an)? And do you laugh (at it out of
ridicule) instead of crying (out of fear for the warnings it sounds)? And (instead of accepting its
advice, do you rather) continue being arrogant (misguided)? (Instead of this, you should rather)
Prostrate to Allah and worship Him” (if you are wise).
May Allah bless us with the right knowledge of Islam to serve Him as He ought to be served and
save us from the misguidance of Shaytaan. Allahumma A’miin.


Shawwal 06, 1444AH

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

The apostate said:

1. Because Qur’an itself recognises that Jesus Christ is without sin (pure) (surah 19 v 19),
while the Qur’an asks Mohammed to pray for the forgiveness of his sins (surah 40 v 55).
2. Unlike Mohammed, Jesus has lived more than 33 years without ever sinning.

‫ِبْس ِم ٱِهَّلل ٱلَّر ْح َمٰـ ِن ٱلَّر ِحيِم‬

‫َق اَل ِإَّن َم ٓا َأَن ۠ا َر ُسوُل َر ِّبِك َأِلَهَب َلِك ُغَلٰـ ًما َز ِك ًّي ا‬

Q19:19 – “He (Angel Jibra’eel, who appear in a man’s shape) said, “I am but a messenger of
your Lord (and my task is) to convey to you the good news of a pure son (that is to be born to
you).” The verse is about the good news heralded to Sayyida Maryam about the birth of
Sayyidina Isa through her. Isa (AS) was described as ghulaman zakiyya (pure son) free of sins.
In Islam, every child is born free of sin and they remain pure and unaccountable for any sin until
when they reach the age of puberty. Contrary to this just and equitable nature of the way of
Allah (Islamic Shar’iah), the Christians believe that every child was born with sin arising from the
original sin committed by Sayyidina Adam (AS).

‫َف ٱْص ِبْر ِإَّن َو ْع َد ٱِهَّلل َح ٌّق َو ٱْس َتْغ ِفْر ِلَذ ۢن ِبَك َو َس ِّبْح ِبَح ْم ِد َر ِّب َك ِبٱْلَع ِش ِّى َو ٱِإْلْب َك ٰـ ِر‬

Q40:55 – “So be patient! Allah’s promise (of assistance) is certainly the truth (and will soon
come to you, O Rasululhah). Seek forgiveness for your errors, and glorify the praises of your
Rabb morning and evening”. According to all classical commentators, the above passage is
addressed in the first instance to the Prophet and, through him, to every believer. This
instruction for Rasulullah to seek forgiveness is for him to set the pace and example for the
believers to emulate. In Islam, repentance is not due only when a sin is committed; it is a
worship of the Lord In its own right and a means of getting the soul alert against the evil
whispering and temptations of Shaytan.

The Implication of the general call to repentance is that “since man has been created weak” no
one is ever free of faults and temptations – so much so that even the Prophet used to say,
‘Verily, I turn unto Him in repentance a hundred times every day” (Bukhari and others) on the
authority of Abd Allah ibn Umar).

Unlike in the Christian faith where Prophets of Allah are denigrated as some are said to have
committed polytheism and some committing adultery with his daughters, etc.,), the ummah of
Rasulullah is agreed that the Messengers and Prophets of Allah are infallible:

1. in carrying out their mission they do not forget anything that Allah has revealed to them
except with regard to matters that have been abrogated.
2. in conveying the total Message vouch-saved with them and they do not conceal anything
that Allah has revealed to them, for that would be a betrayal and it is impossible to imagine that
they could do such a thing. Allah says: “O Messenger! Proclaim (the Message) which has been
sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message
3. In that they (the Prophets) do not forget anything of that which Allah has revealed to them,
and thus no part of the revelation is lost.

Because of their human nature Prophets and Messengers may also strive to find the right
judgement in situations with which they are faced (and a revelation has not occurred), and they
judge according to what they themselves understand to be just and equitable. In this case, they
may make an incorrect judgement, as happened to the Prophet of Allah, Dawood (David), who
failed to do so, and Allah helped his son Suleiman (Solomon) to come up with the right answer
in that particular case.

Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that he heard the Prophet (SAW) say: “There were two women,
each of whom had a son. A wolf came and carried off the son of one of them, who said to the
other, ‘the wolf has taken your son’. The other said, ‘No, he took your son’. They came to
Dawood to ask him to judge between them, and he ruled in favour of the older woman. Then
they went to Suleiman the son of Dawood and told him what had happened. He said, ‘Bring a
knife and divide the child between them’. The younger woman said, ‘Do not do that, may Allah
have mercy on you!’ ‘He is her son’. So, Suleiman ruled in favour of the younger woman”
Allah described His Rasul thus:

1. ‫َو ِإَّن َك َلَع َلٰى ُخ ُلٍق َع ِظ يٍم‬

“Verily, you are upon an exalted (flaw less) character” (Q68:4).
2. ‫َّلَقْد َك اَن َلُك ْم ِفى َر ُسوِل ٱِهَّلل ُأْس َو ٌة َح َس َن ٌة ِّلَم ن َك اَن َي ْر ُجو۟ا ٱَهَّلل َو ٱْلَي ْو َم ٱْلَٔـاِخَر َو َذ َك َر ٱَهَّلل َك ِثيًر ا‬

“There is definitely an excellent example in Allah’s Rasool for the one who fears Allah and the
Last Day, and who remembers Allah abundantly” (Q33:21).

Right from childhood, the Prophet (SAW) was known to be of outstanding character which
earned him the nick-name “Al-Ameen” (the Reliable, Trustworthy one). He remained so
cherished by the people until he emerged as the Messenger of Allah. Even when the Quraish
opposed him, no one ever accused him of any wrong doing or lying except that he ‘insults their
gods’. Allah reassured His Messenger thus:

‫َقْد َن ْع َلُم ِإَّن ُهۥ َلَي ْح ُزُنَك ٱَّلِذى َي ُقوُلوَن َف ِإَّن ُهْم اَل ُيَك ِّذ ُبوَن َك َو َلٰـ ِكَّن ٱلَّظ ٰـ ِلِميَن ِبَٔـاَيٰـ ِت ٱِهَّلل َي ْج َح ُدوَن‬

Q6:33 – “We know well that their talks (the rejection of the Kuffar) grieve you. Indeed, they do
not reject you (they do not regard you as a liar because they know that you are not one), but
these oppressors deny the Ayaat of Allah”.

We, as Muslims, are not in the habit of comparing the Prophets of Allah for superiority. Prophet’s
(SAW) said: “Do not over-extol me in the same way that the Christians extol their Prophet…”
(Bukhari #3189) – meaning, do not attribute Divinity to me. Imam al-Busairi stated in his poem
Burdat al-Madih: “Leave what the Christians claim concerning their Prophet, then decide and
say what you wish in praise of him (SAW). And attribute to his being what you can of excellence,
and attribute to his dignified status as much greatness as you wish.”

However, it is important to stress that leadership of the prophets resides with Sayyidina
Rasulullah without any controversy. The two most-outstanding prophets of the Bani-Isra’il are
Musa (AS) and Isa (AS), both of them instructed their followers to following Ahmad (Muhammad
– SAW) if and when he appears to them.

Notwithstanding what we have said, how is it possible to compare the two holy personalities?
Sayyidina Isa left the job uncompleted and so, no one knows how he would have ended and as
a result, he has an unfinished assignment which will entail his coming back to join the Ummah
of Muhammad) to complete. The other personality has completed his task and has earned
distinctions from his Master (Allah- SWT)? Let us even try for the human mind to be awaken to
the reality of the wide gap between the duo.

1. Prophethood: Sayyidina Isa was made a Prophet (Nabiyy) upon his birth and became a
Messenger (Rasul) at 33. Sayyidina Rasulullah (SAW), on the other hand, was the first creature
whose Nuur (Light/Soul) was created from the Nuur of Allah, and was given the position of
Khatmiyya (Seal of Prophethood) at that time well before Adam (AS) was created. The following
ahadith confirm this position:
A. It is related that Jabir ibn Abdullah (RA) asked the Prophet (SAW): “O Messenger of Allah!
Please tell me of the first thing Allah created before all others?” and that he (SAW) replied: “O
Jabir, verily Allah Most Exalted created – before all else – the light of your Prophet from His
Light. That light remained (“turned”) in the midst of His Power for as long as He wished, and at
that time there was not a Tablet or Pen or Paradise or Fire or angel or heaven or earth. And
when Allah wished to create creation, He divided that light into four parts, and from the first
made the Pen, from the second made the Tablet, from the third the Throne.
b. Irbad ibn Sariya (RA) related that the Prophet (SAW) said: “I was the Seal of the Prophets
in the Presence of Allah when Adam (SAW) was between water and clay…and when I was born
my mother saw a light with which she could behold the palaces of Syria…” (Ahmad, Hakim
Bayhaqi in his Dala’il an-Nubuwwa).
c. Abu Hurayra (RA) related that he was asked, “O Messenger of Allah! When was prophet-
hood bestowed upon you?” He replied, “While Adam (SAW) was still between spirit and body”
(Tirmidhi in his Sunan, Hakim, Bayhaqi, Ibn Sa’d in his Tabaqat (7:59), Imam Bukhari in his
Tarikh (7:374)

3. Performance – The Prophethood of Sayyidina Isa was still fledgling

when he was raised up to Allah. He was never married nor did he have a
child. He was not a King over his community; did not engage in business;
did not command a troop; etc. He did not play a role in most human
endeavour. On the contrary, Rasulullah played in all fields of human
endeavour and was a leader in all of them. How can you compare them?

Rasulullah (SAW) became Allah’s messenger at 40 but all the previous messengers, the Angels
and other creatures knew him so well but Allah made it an obligation to introduce him to them all
and made them to believe in him (SAW) whenever he commences his message. Allah said:
“(Remember the time) When Allah took the pledge with (all) the Ambiyaa (saying) “(Take hold of)
Whatever I give you of the Book (divine scriptures) and wisdom, and then when there comes to
you a Rasool (Muhammad, SAW) confirming what is with you, you must believe in him and you
must assist him.” He (Allah) said, “Do you agree and accept My pledge?” They replied, “We
agree!” He said, “Then bear witness and I will be a Witness with you.” The Ambiyaa then also
took the same pledge from their followers. (Q3:81).

This matter is extensive, but we will limit our discussions to what we have been able to put down
herein. May Allah guide and protect our Imaan. Allahumma A’miin.


Shawwal 18, 1444AH

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

The apostate said: “I converted because despite Jesus Christ being surrounded by several
women, he did not seek to have s*x with them unlike Mohammed who even had sex with
Zaynab the wife of his son Zaid, (surah 33 v 37).”

Praise be to Allah, who has honored and favored us by sending our master Muhammad to us.
Allah’s prayer and peace is upon him, now as it was with the previous generations. On his
account, Allah said, “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a mercy to all the
worlds” (Q21:107). Through him, Allah gave us the gift of His revelation, His clear path for those
striving for righteousness. With him, Allah has sent the religion of truth, “so that He may exalt it
above all religions” (Q61:9).

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, upon his family, upon his virtuous
companions, and upon all those who follow him to the Day of Judgment.

Cohabitation within marriage between a man and a woman is not haram (unlawful) as the
objective of creating male and female is for procreation within the ambits of the law (Shari’ah)
through marriage.

Q24:32 – “Get the unmarried ones among you married as well as those slave men and slave
women who are righteous (and capable of fulfilling the rights of marriage). If they are poor
(before marriage) then Allah will (if He wills) make each of them independent (free from needing
financial assistance from others) by His grace (after marriage). Allah is of ample means, All

Q24:33 – “Those who are unable (who have no means) to marry (despite their desire and
efforts) should preserve their chastity until Allah grants them both independence through His
grace (and then they are able to marry) …”.

Like the Qur’an, the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments) is full of instructions commanding
marriage between male and female and the protection of the marriage for the sanity and
morality of society. While Rasulullah (SAW) obeyed the command of Allah to marry to the fullest
but not so with our dear Prophet Isa (AS) who was unable to marry as the challenges he faced
were enormous to allow him settle down to family life; his failure to comply with Allah’s directive
was not deliberate. Celibacy was not the way of the people of Allah right from the time of Adam;
it is an invented philosophy which is in direct opposition to nature of man as created and
ordained by Allah. We are all witnesses to the calamity that celibacy as practiced by the Catholic
Church has brought to humankind leading to abuse of children, sodomy, illicit sexual activities
and desecration of Allah’s laws.

Sayyidina Rasulullah (SAW) lived a life for us to copy. He is the Role Model being the INSAAN
AL-KAAMIL (Perfect Man). As a consequence, he played in every known field that man will be
engaged in. His guidance and performance remain the benchmark for all people and all times.
This is so because his message is meant for al-aalameen (all the worlds- the world of man, jinn,
animals, etc.). The Shari’ah of Islam has extinguished all the Shari’ahs of the previous Prophets.
In his case, Sayyidina Isa (AS) told the Children of Israel (to whom he was specifically sent) that
he did not come to change the law but to fulfill it.

Notwithstanding the mischief with which this apostate put across the marriage of Sayyidah
Zainab bint Jahsh, we will educate ourselves and show clearly that there was nothing untoward
about that marriage. This Mighty Prophet of Allah, whom Allah described as one who “… does
not speak of his own desires, rather whatever he says is revelation (which Allah has) revealed to
him (through the agency of Jibra’eel – AS). He has been taught by one of tremendous might”

For every woman that Rasulullah married since he became a Rasul was based on Allah’s
approval. In defense of His Rasul and a warning for the munafiqoon and Kaafiroon, Allah
revealed thus:

“O Nabi (SAW)! Verily We have permitted you (to many) those wives (of yours: whose dowries
you have paid and those slave women who are in your possession (whom you received) from
the booty that Allah has granted to you (such as Safiyya bint Huyay and Juwayriyya bint Haarith,
both of whom Rasulullaah married after they were brought as captives). And (We have also
permitted you to marry) the daughters of your maternal uncles and daughters of your maternal
aunts who have made Hijrah (to Madinah) with you (such as Zaynab bint Jahsh). And (also
permitted for Nabi to marry was) that Mu’min woman who gives herself (for their injunctions are
different). Indeed, We are aware of what (injunctions) We have stipulated (especially) for them
(the Mu’mineen) with regard to their wives and the slaves they own (but We have granted you
concessions) so, that there is no difficulty for you (to marry whom Allah commands you to marry
for various reasons). Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful” (Q33:50).

For the greater objective of da’wah, the marriage regulations were relaxed by Allah for His
Rasul. If Rasulullah had been restricted to the conditions of marriage regulating other Muslims,
many of the objectives attained through his many marriages would not have been achieved,
thereby depriving the Ummah of great benefits.

When it pleases Allah to stop His Messenger from further marriages, He revealed thus: “After
this (the wives you already have), (other) women are not permitted for you (to marry). It is also
not permissible for you to take another woman in marriage in exchange of any wives, even
though her (the other woman’s) beauty may appeal to you, unless she be (taken as) your slave
(and not as your wife). Allah is Watchful over everything” (Q33:52).

A fundamental rule of the Muslim society is to prohibit mixing of men and women. Providing
direct education for women, though highly compelling, is impossible in the light of this Islamic
norm. Therefore, the Prophet [SAW] had to select some women of different ages and talents,
and indoctrinate them systematically in order to educate she-bedouins and townswomen, old
and young, and thus furnish them with the instruments of propagating the true faith. The
Mothers of believers (i.e., wives of the Prophet [SAW]) were in such a convenient position that
they could convey the state of the Prophet [SAW] and his affairs to people (men and women).
Being educated and taught the teachings and rules of Islam, his wives, especially those who
outlived him, played a very important role in conveying Prophetic traditions [Ahadith] to the
Muslims. ‘Aishah, for instance, related a large number of the Prophet’s deeds and statements.

His marriage to his paternal cousin Zainab bint Jahsh was a peculiar case which aimed at
eradicating a deeply rooted pre-Islamic tradition concerning the adoption of children. In Al-
Jahiliyah (the period of Ignorance),the Arabs used to consider an adopted person exactly like a
real son or daughter as far as rights and sanctities are concerned. That Jahiliyah tradition had
been so deeply rooted in their hearts that it was not easy to remove or uproot it. This tradition in
fact affronts the basic principles of Islam; especially those concerned with marriage, divorce and
inheritance and some other cases, and brought about lots of corruptions and indecencies.
Naturally Islam stands against such deeds, and attempts to remove them from the Islamic
For the eradication of this tradition, Allah (SWT) bid His Messenger [SAW] to marry his cousin
Zainab bint Jahsh, who was an ex-wife to Zaid. She was at variance with Zaid to an extent that
he intended to divorce her — that was at the time when the Confederates (Al-Ahzab) were
making an evil alliance against the Messenger of Allah [SAW] and against the Muslims. The
Messenger of Allah [SAW] feared that the hypocrites, the idolaters, and the Jews would make a
propaganda out of it and try to influence some Muslims of weak hearts. That was why he urged
Zaid not to divorce her, in order not to get involved into that trial. Undoubtedly this hesitation and
partiality were alien to the character of the Prophet (SAW). They did not apply to the power of
determination and will with which he had been sent. Allah, the Exalted, blamed him for that by
saying: “And (remember) when you said to him (Zaid bin Haritha the freed slave of the Prophet
[SAW]) on whom Allah has bestowed grace (by guiding him to Islam) and you (O Muhammad
[SAW] too) have done favour (by manumitting him), ‘Keep your wife to yourself, and fear Allah.’
But you did hide in yourself (i.e., what Allah has already made known to you that He will give her
to you in marriage) that which Allah will make manifest, you did fear the people (i.e., Muhammad
[SAW] married the divorced wife of his manumitted slave) whereas Allah had a better right that
you should fear him” (Q33:37).

Finally, Zaid divorced Zainab and the Messenger of Allah [SAW] married her at the time he laid
siege to Bani Quraiza. That was after she had finished her Iddat (i.e., period during which a
widow or a divorcee may not remarry). Allah Himself had already ordained it, and so gave him
no other alternative. Allah had even started the marriage Himself by saying: “So when Zaid had
accomplished his desire from her (i.e., divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that (in
future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in respect of (the marriage of) the wives of their
adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keep them (i.e., they have divorced them).”

And that was in order to break down the tradition of child adoption in practice after He had done
it in words: “Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just in the
sight of Allah.” [Q33:5]

“Muhammad (SAW) is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah,
and the last (end) of the Prophets” (Q33:40).

From this event we can see very clearly that:

i. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) conveyed the message clearly and did not omit
anything of that which was revealed to him but he conveyed it, even this matter in which
there was a rebuke to him. This indicates that he is indeed the Messenger of Allah
(SWT), who did not say anything but that which was revealed to him, and that his aim
was not self-aggrandizement.
ii. It is essential to give precedence to fear of Allah over fear of people, for that is
more appropriate and is better.

iii. We also learn of the virtue of Zaynab (RA), the Mother of the Believers, because
Allah ordained her marriage to His Messenger (SAW) without any proposal or
witnesses. Therefore, she used to boast of that to the other wives of the Messenger of
Allah (SAW), saying: ‘Your families gave you in marriage, but Allah gave me in marriage
from above seven heavens’.

iv. If a woman has a husband, it is not permissible to marry her or to plan or take
measures to do so, until her husband has completed divorce proceedings with her.
Divorce proceedings are not complete until the ‘iddah (waiting period) is over, because
before the ‘iddah ends, she is still married.

If Allah permits, we will let us know all the wives of the Prophet in our next presentation for you
to see how these women made the task of acceptance of Islam easier and reduce the hostilities
against Rasulullah (SAW).

Brethren! Know that Allah has already elevated His Rasul and the Ummah of Rasulullah! Islam
has continued to grow from strength to strength and the so-called ‘civilised’ people who use to
antagonize Islam by peddling lies against it are now entering the fold of Islam in large numbers
convinced on the authenticity of Sayyidina Rasulullah and the message of the Qur’an (by
acknowledging that the prophesies of the Qur’an and the scientific nature of its prescriptions
exceed human knowledge; it could only have been from Allah).

May Allah preserve the honour of His Prophet and his Ummah and protect us against the guile
of Shaytaan. Allahumma A’miin.

Suleiman Zubair

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