Concept Map Physc

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Stages of Psychosocial

 Trust vs Mistrust
o The theory states that this starts at birth and more likely that the child only develops
this kind of psychosocial development because basically they only got adults to help
them grow and to depend on and in turn the child will feel safe and secure in the world
 So in my experience this did happen when I was a child often I see trust and feel
safe with them even with my mom and dad and who are ncie to me and my
 Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
o The theory here is about basically says about kids having to have develop a more
personal control like having more of an independent outlook in life
 Personally this happened to me when I was about 3 or 4 years old I wanted to
be more independent when that time came.
 Initiative vs. Guilt
o In this stage the child more likely is near preschool so in turn develops this so called
leading the charge mentality I mean is the child will develop to lead the group and there
are the latter often feeling the guilt if they ever fail on it
 I experienced how to lead the group when I was a kid I had the mind and body
of a leader and well did feel a bit of guilt but it didn’t affect me that much.
 Industry vs. Inferiority
o This theory talks about kids that are 5-11 that are facing first grade schools that often
can help them give the sense of competence or the failure and becoming inferior.
 Simply put I felt great when I was this age it gave me the sense of “I can
completely do this and do that” so yeah it was like that but just until grade 4.
 Identity vs. Confusion
o This stage often refers to as finding once self like finding out what you really are and
what you can really do and this stage really occurs when its around the middle schools
or high schools.
 I didn’t or wasn’t able to get to this stage when in middle school but I did get to
it when I was first year high school and it was not fun at all.
 Intimacy vs. Isolation
o Simply put developing a kind of good and loving relationship with another person and
intimacy with the opposite sex and to those who fail are isolated and it gets hard for
them to just get out of it.
 I was big on this stage of development when I was 3 year of high school I started
to want to connect with people and make friends with them and even started to
love someone or have a crush.
 Generativity vs. Stagnation
o This theory revolves around adulthood and often make this stage where adult would
want to take care of something that would outlast them and making them want to be
more connected to this world and the ones who fail just result in shallow involvement in
the world.
 Still haven’t gone to this stage but as I see people who are in this stage I see it’s
a rather fascinating to see it.
 Integrity vs. Despair
o This stage is on the old aged people reflecting on how life was good for them and to
those who fail to develop integrity often goes to despair that they haven’t done
anything yet and yet they are dying.
 I see often a lot of old people like this seeing as they enjoyed life to the last and
I do see others crying and just being desperate just to live once again.

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