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Answer the following questions. Each question has several answers, only one of which is correct.
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1. In practice, to ensure the correct chemical composition of a new piece of steel we:
Subject a sample to a Brinell test
Subject a sample to macro examination
# Obtain a mill certificate
Obtain the mill delivery note

2. A destructive test which measures stress over strain in a steel sample is known as:
An impact test
# A tensile test
An Izod test
A pendulum test

3. We can determine the ductility and malleability of a material from:

An impact test
# A tensile test
An Izod test
A pendulum test

4. Typically, the tensile strength of mild steel is:

# 460MN/m²

5. Typically, the extension of higher tensile is:

# 22%

6. A Charpy test measures a materials:

# Resistance to brittle fracture
Young’s Modulus
Resistance to bending

7. A test which measures the return swing of a pendulum is known as:
A Brinell test
A hammer test
A clock test
# An Izod test

8. The effect of a notch in a piece of material under load is to:

Increase the ductility
Increase the elasticity
# Concentrate the stress and so act as a failure point
Concentrate the oxides and so act as a corrosion point

9. A simple test used to check the ductility of welds is known as:

A Brinell test
A macro examination
An Izod test
# A bend test

10. In conducting a macro examination to determine the grain size and flow of a forging:
# A prepared surface is visually examined
The surface is coated in a dye and sprayed with a developer
The surface is magnetised and viewed under a periscope
A prepared surface is viewed under ultra-violet light

11. A Brinell test is made by:

Striking the test piece with a pendulum
# Indenting the surface of the test piece
Polishing and etching the surface of the test piece
Magnetising the test piece

12. The Brinell test is used to measure:

The ductility of a material
The elasticity of a material
The plasticity of a material
# The hardness of a material

13. Higher tensile steel gear, hardened and tempered should have a Brinell number of:
Between 120 and 143
Between 143 and 193
# Between 152 and 217
Between 248 and 302

14. A method commonly used in the work place to detect surface cracks in welds is:
The Charpy test
The Izod test
The radiographic test
# The dye penetrant test

15. Magnetic detection will locate cracks and fissures:

# To within approximately 10mm depth of the surface
Only at the surface
On materials up to a maximum of 25mm thickness
Anywhere within the line of magnetic flow

16. A method of crack detection which utilises electromagnetic induction is known as:
Magnetic crack detection
# Eddy current crack detection
Radiographic crack detection
Ultrasonic crack detection

17. Radiography is a method of non destructive testing using:

# Photographic film
High frequency sound waves
Magnetic flux
Liquid penetrant

18. Which of the following is a non-destructive test?

Izod test
Tensile test
Bend test
# Hardness test

19. A proof load (force) test should never exceed:

The yield stress
# The elastic limit
Young’s modulus

20. LEEA Technical Requirements require test machines to have a minimum accuracy of:
+0 - 1%
+1% - 2%
# ±2%


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