Assignment 1.5: 1-1e Assignment File Name

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Name: Victor M. Verano Student number: 7505

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Answer the following questions. Each question has several answers, only one of which is correct.
Select the answer you consider to be the correct one by typing # in the field alongside. When
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1. The illustration is a diagrammatic representation of:

A tensile load
Single shear
A compressive load
# Double shear

2. Stress equals:
Load divided by strain
Strain multiplied by load
# Load divided by cross sectional area
Cross sectional area multiplied by load

3. Strain equals:
# Change in length divided by original length
Original length divided by change in length
Change in diameter divided by original diameter
Original diameter divided by change in diameter

4. A test that measures the load over the extension of a test piece is called:
A stress test
# A tensile test
A strain test
A compression test

5. Point A on the graph shown is known as:

The yield point
The elastic limit A
# The limit of proportionality
The ultimate stress

6. Within the elastic limit the material will return to its original dimensions but if this is exceeded:
The diameter will increase
It will only return by half the amount of the extension
# It will have become plastic and retain its new dimensions
It will become brittle and snap

7. Maximum load divided by original cross sectional area equals:
Ultimate breaking stress
# Tensile strength
Point of plastic deformation
Limit of proportionality

8. Hooke’s law relates to:

# Elasticity

9. Hooke’s law states, within the limit of proportionality, stress divided by strain:
Is a variable
Is equal to the reduction in area
Is equal to the ultimate breaking point
# Is a constant

10. Young’s Modulus of Elasticity (E):

# Equals stress divided by strain
Equals stress multiplied by strain
Equals strain divided by stress
Equals strain multiplied by stress

11. For mild steel E has a value of:

200,000 MN/mm²
200,000 kN/mm²
200,000 NM/m²
# 200,000 MN/m²

12. The beam shown in the illustration is said to be:

Freely suspended
Simply supported
# Encastre

13. If a load is suspended at the centre of a simply supported beam the top flange will be:
Subject to tensile stress
Subject to torsional stress
# Subject to compressive stress
Free of stress

14. The deeper a beam in section:

The more liable it is to bending
The less the load it can carry
# The greater the load it can carry
It has no effect on the load it can carry

15. The point of maximum stress in the lifting beam illustrated will occur at point:
# D

16. The point of maximum stress in the ring shown will occur at point:
# A

17. The point of maximum stress in the collar eyebolt illustrated will occur at point:
# A

18. A steel bar 20mm x 20mm is subject to a load of 10kN. What is the stress in the bar?
# 25MN/m²

19. A bolt in tension supports a load of 6 tons and has a csa of .75 ins². What is the stress in the bolt?
4.5 tons/ins²
6 tons/ins²
# 8 tons/ins²
10 tons/ins²

20. A sheave pin in double shear is subject to a force of 5kN. If the pin has a cross sectional area of 100mm²,
what is the shear stress in the pin?
# 25N/mm²


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