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Grade 3: ____ Name: ______________________ Date : ____________________________

Giving instruction = Imperative sentences

The purpose of giving instruction is an expression that is used to give advice (nasihat), commands
(perintah) , request (permintaan) to other people for doing or not doing something.
(* Tujuan memberi instruksi adalah Ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberi nasihat, perintah dan permintaan
kepada orang lain untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu).

 Command is used to give order to someone to do. It ends with period (.) or an exclamation mark (!)

Bisa juga menyatakan sebuah keinginan atau larangan dari pembicara kepada lawan bicara.
Ex: 1. Don’t swim too far! (jangan berenang terlalu jauh)

Kalimat Command (perintah) selalu dalam bentuk S.Present Tense ( Verb 1)

 Request is more like asking someone to do something. It ends with period (.) or a question mark (?),
Request adalah permohonan atau permintaan, dapat juga berbentuk kalimat perintah namun bahasanya
lebih halus ( Please, ...)dan tidak menggunakan exclamation mark (!). Dan request biasanya diawali
dengan Will, Could, Would, May, Can.

Read the table and write (C) for command or (R) for request!
Imperatives sentences
1. Put the trash into the dustbin ! Command (perintah)
2. Clean your room .
3. Don’t eat too much!
1. Please turn off the light. Request (Permintaan)
2. Could you help me?

Read the sentence and write (C) for command or (R) for request!

Example : 1. Put the trash in the dustbin! (__Command! )

1. Turn on the television, please. (_______________________)

2. Keep the air clean! (_____________________________)
3. Please use water wisely while washing clothes. (____________________)
4. Could you ride the bike? (_______________________)
5. Be careful! (_______________________)
6. Will you help me? (_______________________)
7. Could you take the garbage outside? (_______________________)
8. Put plastic bottles in the recycling bin. (_______________________)
9. Don’t step on the grass! (_______________________)
10.Please mop the floor. (_______________________)
11. Wash the dishes! (_______________________)
12.Please plant many trees in your school. (_______________________)
13.Could you tidy up the table? (_______________________)
14.Can you sweep this floor? (_______________________)
15.Don’t throw the rubbish in the river! (_______________________)
16.Please reduce the use of plastic. (_______________________)
17.Unplug the electricity if it is not being used. (_______________________)
18.Would you please close the window? The fan is on. (________________)
19. Use public transportation! (_______________________)
20.Turn off the tap after using the water! (_______________________)

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