04 Assignment 1

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04 Assignment 1

Instructions: (60 points)

1. Choose three (3) social issues to raise awareness of.
Social Issues in the Philippines
o Drug War o Red-Tagging
o Death Penalty o Jeepney Phaseout
o Political Dynasty o Baguio’s Gentrification
o Child Labor o Constitutional Reform (Charter
o SOGIE Bill Change)

2. For each issue, post informative and creative content to be posted on Facebook or Instagram Story. Provide screenshots
of the posts and their reactions.
3. Include a question or a prompt that asks for their support or disapproval of the social issues through

4. Post the three (3) stories consecutively and track their engagement in 24 hours by filling in the table below.
Issues Reactions Views Shares Comments (Optional)
Issue #1
Issue #2
Issue #3

5. In at least three (3) sentences, answer the following questions:

o How would you interpret if a specific issue gets lower traction than others? Exemplify using your posts and their
o Can you gather the same amount of traction if this is done in person for 24 hours? Elaborate.
o Would you consider this promotion of social issues slacktivism? Justify.

04 Assignment 1 *Property of STI

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Excellent Good Fair Poor
Criteria Score
(4) (3) (2) (1)
The student The student The student
Completeness (x5) The output is
provided all the missed some missed most of /20
requirements. requirements the requirements
The student posted The student posted The student posted
Online Content The Story is
an informative and an an unappealing /16
(4) low-effort.
creative Story. uninspired Story. Story.
The student The student gave The student gave The student
provided an a reasonable an incoherent gave a low- /8 x 3
(x2) excellent answer. answer. answer. effort answer.

04 Assignment 1 *Property of STI

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