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Articles in PresS. J Appl Physiol (March 17, 2016). doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00007.




3 Gonzalo Ferrara1, Vanina Siham Kanoore Edul1, Enrique Martins1, Héctor Saúl Canales1,

4 Carlos Canullán1, Gastón Murias1, Mario Omar Pozo1, Elisa Estenssoro1, Can Ince2,

5 Arnaldo Dubin1

6 Cátedra de Farmacología Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional

7 de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina.

8 Academic Medical Center, Department of Translational Physiology, University of

9 Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

10 Correspondence to:

11 Arnaldo Dubin

12 Address: calle 42 Nº 577 (1900) La Plata, Argentina

13 Phone number: +5491150102431

14 E mail:

15 Authors' contributions: GF, VSKE, EM, HSC, CC, GM, MOP, and AD carried out the

16 animal experiments and participated in the design of the study. AD performed the

17 statistical analyses and drafted the manuscript. EE and CI participated in the study

18 design and interpretation of the data. All authors discussed the results and participated

19 in the writing of the manuscript.

20 Dr Ince has developed SDF imaging and is listed as inventor on related patents

21 commercialized by MicroVision Medical (MVM) under a license from the Academic

22 Medical Center (AMC). He has been a consultant for MVM in the past, but has not been

23 involved with this company for more than five years now, except that he still holds

Copyright © 2016 by the American Physiological Society.


24 shares. Braedius Medical, a company owned by a relative of Dr Ince, has developed

25 and designed a hand held microscope called CytoCam-IDF imaging. Dr Ince has no

26 financial relation with Braedius Medical of any sort—i. e., he never owned shares, or

27 received consultancy or speaker fees from Braedius Medical. All other authors declare

28 that they have no competing interests.

29 Running head: Intestinal microcirculation in hemodilution.

30 Supported by the grant PICT 2010-00495, Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y

31 Tecnológica, Argentina.



34 The alterations in O2 extraction in hemodilution have been linked to fast red

35 blood cell (RBC) velocity, which might affect the complete release of O2 from Hb. Fast

36 RBC velocity might also explain the normal mucosal-arterial PCO2 (ΔPCO2). Yet

37 sublingual and intestinal microcirculation have not been completely characterized in

38 extreme hemodilution. Our hypothesis was that the unchanged ΔPCO2 in hemodilution

39 depends on the preservation of villi microcirculation. For this purpose, pentobarbital-

40 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated sheep were submitted to stepwise

41 hemodilution (n = 8), hemorrhage (n = 8), or no intervention (sham, n = 8). In both

42 hypoxic groups, equivalent reductions in O2 consumption (VO2) were targeted.

43 Microcirculation was assessed by videomicroscopy, intestinal ΔPCO2 by air tonometry,

44 and VO2 by expired gases analysis. Although cardiac output and superior mesenteric

45 flow increased in hemodilution, from the very first step (Hb = 5.0 g/dL), villi functional

46 vascular density and RBC velocity decreased (21.7 ± 0.9 vs. 15.9 ± 1.0 mm/mm2 and

47 1033 ± 75 vs. 850 ± 79 µm/s, P <0.01). In the last stage (Hb = 1.2 g/dL), these

48 variables were lower in hemodiution than in hemorrhage (11.1 ± 0.5 vs. 15.4 ± 0.9

49 mm/mm2 and 544 ± 26 vs. 686 ± 70 µm/s, P <0.01), and were associated with lower

50 intestinal fractional O2 extraction (0.61 ± 0.04 vs. 0.79 ± 0.02, P <0.01) but

51 preserved ΔPCO2 (5 ± 2 vs. 25 ± 4 mm Hg, P <0.01). Therefore, alterations in O2

52 extraction in hemodilution seemed related to microvascular shunting, not to fast RBC

53 velocity. The severe microvascular abnormalities suggest that normal ΔPCO2 was not

54 dependent on CO2 washout by the villi microcirculation. Increased perfusion in deeper

55 intestinal layers might be an alternative explanation.



57 This study showed that in the systemic hyperdynamic state of hemodilution,

58 intestinal and sublingual microcirculation were more severely compromised than in

59 hemorrhage. Consequently, the decreased ability to increase O2 extraction could result

60 from microcirculatory shunting, and not from failure in O2 dissociation from Hb. Despite

61 the severe villi hypoperfusion, tissue PCO2 was normal, which could be ascribed to CO2

62 clearance in the deeper intestinal layers.

63 KEY WORDS: microcirculation; PCO2; hypoxia; anemia; hemorrhage.

64 l


66 Tissue hypoxia can result from three basic mechanisms: hypoxemia, ischemia,

67 and isovolemic anemia. When O2 delivery (DO2) decreases beyond a critical point, O2

68 utilization (VO2) becomes supply-dependent, regardless of the cause of hypoxia (34).

69 This limitation in VO2 can depend on diffusional factors such as the gradient between

70 capillary and mitochondrial PO2, or on the rate of the convective O2 transport to the

71 capillaries. Although similar values of critical DO2 have been found in hypoxic and

72 anemic hypoxia, venous PO2 was found to be higher in anemic hypoxia (9). This

73 suggests that the limitation in tissue oxygenation results from the reduction in

74 convective DO2 rather than from the decreased driving pressure for O2 diffusion. It has

75 been shown, however, that the different venous PO2 found in hypoxic and anemic

76 hypoxia correspond to the same tissue PO2 (24). Therefore, diffusional mechanisms

77 might also play a major role in limiting aerobic metabolism.

78 Fast microcirculatory velocity associated with hemodilution might explain the

79 higher venous PO2 found in anemic hypoxia, since shorter erythrocyte transit time

80 could affect the complete release of O2 from the Hb (25). Nevertheless, a parallel

81 decrease in intestinal microvascular O2 saturation and PO2 has been described,

82 suggesting that the venous-capillary PO2 gap was not primarily caused by an O2 unload

83 deficit (35). Another likely explanation for the PO2 gap might be the presence of

84 microvascular shunting.

85 The characteristics of microcirculation during extreme hemodilution have not

86 been completely described, especially in the gut. For example, in the hamster striated

87 skin muscle, capillary density decreased during anemic hypoxia whereas red blood cell

88 (RBC) velocity increased and decreased afterwards, when higher levels of hemodilution

89 were achieved (7). In contrast, hemodilution induced progressive increases in cerebral


90 RBC velocity (27). Accordingly, the gut mucosal PCO2−an indicator of microvascular

91 perfusion−remained remarkably stable during the O2 supply dependency induced by

92 extreme hemodilution (15). These results may be interpreted as an evidence of

93 preserved villi microcirculation.

94 To further clarify the behavior of villi microcirculation in anemic hypoxia and its

95 relationship with mucosal PCO2, we carried out a study in sheep submitted to a

96 stepwise hemodilution. We compared these sheep with another group, in which we

97 performed a progressive bleeding to reach equivalent reductions in VO2. Our

98 hypothesis was that the lack of change in tissue PCO2 in anemic hypoxia depends on

99 the preservation of mucosal microvascular blood flow.


101 Anesthesia and ventilation. This study was approved by the local Animal Research

102 Committee [0800-009634/11-000]. Care of animals was in accordance with National

103 Institutes of Health (United States). Twenty-four sheep (21 ± 7 kg, mean ± SD) were

104 anesthetized with 30 of sodium pentobarbital, intubated and mechanically

105 ventilated with a Servo Ventilator 900C (Siemens-Elema AB, Solna, Sweden) with a

106 tidal volume of 15, a FiO2 of 0.21 and a positive end-expiratory pressure

107 (PEEP) of 6 cm H2O. The initial respiratory rate was set to keep the arterial PCO2

108 between 35 and 40 mm Hg. This respiratory setting was maintained during the rest of

109 the experiment. Neuromuscular blockade was performed with pancuronium bromide

110 (0.06 Additional pentobarbital boluses (1 were administered hourly

111 and when clinical signs of inadequate depth of anesthesia were evident. Analgesia was

112 provided by fentanyl as a bolus of 2 µ, followed by 1 µ These drugs

113 were administered intravenously.


114 Surgical preparation. A 7.5 French Swan-Ganz Standard Thermodilution Pulmonary

115 Artery Catheter (Edwards Life Sciences, Irvine, CA, USA) was inserted through an

116 introducer in the right external jugular vein to obtain mixed venous samples; its side

117 port was used to administer fluids and drugs. Catheters were placed in the descending

118 aorta via the left femoral artery to measure blood pressure, perform the bleeding, and

119 obtain blood samples; and in the inferior vena cava to infuse fluids during isovolemic

120 hemodilution.

121 A midline laparotomy was performed, followed by a gastrostomy to drain gastric

122 contents, and a splenectomy to avoid spleen contraction during the hemorrhage. An

123 electromagnetic flow probe was placed around superior mesenteric artery to measure

124 intestinal blood flow. A catheter was introduced in the mesenteric vein through a small

125 vein proximal to the gut to draw blood samples and to measure pressure. A tonometer

126 was inserted through a small ileotomy to measure intramucosal PCO2. A 10- to 15-cm

127 segment of the ileum was mobilized, placed outside the abdomen, and opened 2 cm on

128 the antimesenteric border to allow an examination of mucosal microcirculation. The

129 exteriorized intestinal segment was covered and moisture and temperature preserved

130 by a device. Finally, after complete hemostasis, the abdominal-wall incision was

131 closed, excepting a short segment for externalization of the ileal loop.

132 Measurements and derived calculations. Systemic VO2, CO2 production (VCO2),

133 and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were measured by analysis of expired gases

134 (MedGraphics CPX Ultima, Medical Graphics Corporation, St. Paul, MN). VO2 and VCO2

135 were adjusted to body weight.

136 Arterial, mixed venous and mesenteric venous PO2, PCO2, pH, Hb, and O2

137 saturation were measured with a blood gas analyzer and a co-oximeter (ABL 5 and

138 OSM 3, Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark). The respective O2 contents were

139 calculated by standard formulae. Systemic and intestinal fractional O2 extraction were

140 calculated as arterial minus mixed venous O2 content divided arterial O2 content and

141 arterial minus mesenteric venous O2 content divided arterial O2 content, respectively.

142 We also calculated the mixed venous minus arterial and the mesenteric venous minus

143 arterial PCO2 differences.

144 Cardiac output was calculated as VO2 divided by arterial minus mixed venous O2

145 content difference. Systemic DO2 was calculated as cardiac output by arterial O2

146 content.

147 Intestinal blood flow was measured by the electromagnetic method

148 (Spectramed Blood Flowmeter model SP 2202 B, Spectramed Inc., Oxnard, CA, USA),

149 with in-vitro calibrated transducers of 5-7 mm of diameter (Blood Flowmeter

150 Transducer, Spectramed Inc., Oxnard, CA, USA). Occlusive zero was controlled before

151 and after each experiment. Non-occlusive zero was corrected before each

152 measurement. Superior mesenteric blood flow (SMABF) was referred to gut weight.

153 Intestinal DO2 was calculated as SMABF by arterial O2 content and intestinal VO2 as

154 SMABF by arterial minus mesenteric venous O2 content difference.

155 Intramucosal PCO2 was measured with a tonometer (Tonometrics Catheter,

156 Datex-Ohmeda, Helsinki, Finland) through the use of an automated air tonometry

157 system (Tonocap, Datex-Ohmeda, Helsinki, Finland). Its value was used to calculate

158 intramucosal-arterial PCO2 (ΔPCO2).

159 Arterial lactate was measured with a point-of-care analyzer (Stat Profile Critical

160 Care Xpress, Nova Biomedical, Waltham, MA, USA.

161 Microvideoscopic measurements and analysis: The microcirculatory network was

162 evaluated in the intestinal mucosa and serosa, and the sublingual mucosa by means of

163 a sidestream-dark-field (SDF) imaging device (Microscan, MicroVision Medical,

164 Amsterdam, Netherlands) (23). Different precautions were taken and steps followed to

165 obtain images of adequate quality and to insure satisfactory reproducibility. After

166 gentle removal of saliva by isotonic-saline-drenched gauze, steady images of at least

167 20 seconds were obtained while avoiding pressure artifacts with a portable computer

168 and an analog-to-digital video converter (ADVC110, Canopus Co., San Jose, CA, USA).

169 The videos were recorded from five different areas. Video clips were stored as AVI files

170 to allow computerized frame-by-frame image analysis. Typical normal and pathological

171 images are shown as Supplemental material.

172 Video-image analysis was performed blindly by well-trained researchers.

173 Adequate focus and contrast adjustment were verified, and images of poor quality

174 were discarded. The entire sequence was used to describe the semiquantitative

175 characteristics of the microvascular flow and, particularly, the presence of stopped or

176 intermittent flow.

177 We used an image-analysis software developed for the SDF-video images

178 (Microscan analysis software®–AVA 3.0–MicroVision Medical, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

179 (13) to determine the total vascular density. An analysis based on semiquantitative

180 criteria that distinguished between no flow (0), intermittent flow (1), sluggish flow (2),

181 and continuous flow (3) was performed on individual vessels (3). The overall score,

182 called the microvascular flow index, is the average of the individual values (29).

183 Quantitative red blood cell (RBC) velocity was determined through the use of space-

184 time diagrams (13). We also calculated the proportion of perfused vessels and the

185 functional vascular density (i.e. the total vascular density multiplied by the fraction of

186 perfused vessels). The flow heterogeneity was evaluated as the coefficient of variation

187 of RBC velocity.

188 In sheep, most of sublingual vascular density (97 ± 1%) and all intestinal

189 vessels consist of small vessels (diameter below 25 µm) (18), so the analysis was

190 focused on these type of vessels; whereas the vessels of higher diameter were

191 assessed only for ruling out compression artifacts.

192 Experimental procedure. Basal measurements were taken after a period of no less

193 than 30 minutes after systemic VO2 and VCO2, and intestinal blood flow became stable.

194 Animals were then assigned to hemodilution (n = 8), hemorrhage (n = 8), or sham (n

195 = 8) groups. In the hemodilution group, we performed a stepwise hemodilution

196 through isovolemic exchange of blood with 6% hydroxyethylstarch 130/0.4 in 0.9%

197 NaCl (Voluven, Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany). The amount of blood

198 exchanged to reach desired levels of hematocrit of about 0.15, 0.10, and 0.05 in each

199 step was estimated as previously referred (4). In the hemorrhage group, consecutive

200 bleedings of 5-10 mL/kg were performed. Similar reductions in systemic and intestinal

201 VO2 were pursued in in both hypoxic groups. In the sham group, the same

202 experimental preparation was carried out, and 0.9% NaCl was infused to maintain

203 hemodynamic variables at basal values, without further interventions. Measurements

204 were performed at 30, 60, and 90 minutes, except for microcirculatory videos, which

205 were only acquired at baseline, and in the first and the last stage of hemodilution or

206 bleeding (0, 30, and 90 minutes). Blood temperature was kept constant throughout

207 the study with a heating lamp.

208 At the end of the experiment, the animals were killed with an additional dose of

209 pentobarbital and a KCl bolus. A catheter was inserted in superior mesenteric artery

210 and Indian ink was instilled through it. Dyed intestinal segments were dissected,

211 washed and weighed to calculate gut indexes.

212 Data analysis. Using the functional vascular density of the intestinal mucosa as the

213 primary measure of outcome and taking into consideration values previously found in

214 control sheep (15), we calculated that 8 sheep were needed in each group to detect a

215 difference of 25%, with a power of 80% and a certainty of 95%.


216 Data were assessed for normality and expressed as mean ± SEM. Groups were

217 compared with two-way repeated measures of ANOVA. After a P <0.05 for time x

218 group interaction, a post-hoc Student t-test with Bonferroni correction was used for

219 pairwise comparisons.


221 Effects on systemic and regional hemodynamics: In hemodilution group, mean

222 arterial pressure decreased in the last stage, while cardiac index and SMABF increased

223 from the first stage. In hemorrhage group, there were progressive decreases in blood

224 pressure, cardiac index, and SMABF. The fraction of cardiac output directed to the

225 superior mesenteric artery remained unchanged in the three groups. Pulmonary

226 occlusion and mesenteric venous pressures increased in hemodilution (Table 1).

227 Effects on DO2 and VO2. In both types of hypoxia, there were significant reductions

228 in systemic and intestinal DO2 and VO2 (Figure 1). Oxygen-supply dependency was

229 produced by reductions in Hb levels in hemodilution, and in blood flow in hemorrhage,

230 respectively. In hemorrhage, there were also decreases in Hb but values were

231 significantly higher than in hemodilution (Table 1). There were concomitant increases

232 in systemic and intestinal fractional O2 extraction, which were higher in hemorrhage

233 than in hemodilution (Figure 1). In the last stage, systemic and intestinal VO2 were

234 similarly reduced in both hypoxic groups but systemic DO2 was higher in hemodilution

235 than in hemorrhage. Comparable increases in RER and lactate levels developed in both

236 hypoxic groups (Figure 2). Systemic and intestinal O2-derived variables and lactate

237 levels remained unchanged in the sham group (Figures 1 and 2).

238 Effects on CO2 metabolism. In the last stage, the decrease in VCO2, compared to

239 the sham group, only reached statistical significance in the hemorrhage group (4.7 ±

240 0.3, 3.6 ± 0.3 and 3.9 ± 0.4 mL/min/kg, P <0.05). Systemic and intestinal

241 venoarterial PCO2 differences and ΔPCO2 increased in hemorrhage, and did not change

242 in hemodilution and sham groups (Figure 2 supplemental material and Figure 3).

243 Effects on microcirculation. In the intestinal mucosa, the total and functional

244 vascular density, the proportion of perfused vessels, the microvascular flow index, and

245 the RBC velocity decreased; and the coefficient of variation of RBC velocity increased

246 in hemorrhage and hemodilution, compared to sham group. The alterations in the total

247 and functional vascular density, and the RBC velocity were more severe in

248 hemodilution than in hemorrhage group (Figure 4). A similar pattern was observed in

249 intestinal serosa and sublingual mucosa, except for the coefficient of variation of RBC

250 velocity, which remained stable (Figures 2 and 3 supplemental material).

251 Microcirculatory variables did not change in sham group. In hemodilution group, there

252 were significant correlations between Hb and both RBC velocity and functional vascular

253 density, in the three microvascular beds (Figure 5).


255 Several studies have characterized the microcirculation during hemodilution.

256 Nevertheless, this is the first study that compares, in different microvascular beds, the

257 effects of extreme isovolemic hemodilution with those of hemorrhage. It also includes

258 a comprehensive evaluation of systemic and intestinal O2 and CO2 metabolism. Our

259 main findings were: 1) The key diffusional and convective determinants of the

260 microvascular O2 transport −capillary density and RBC velocity− were more severely

261 compromised in hemodilution than in hemorrhage. 2) As a result of this, the defect in

262 O2 extraction found in the hyperdynamic condition of anemic hypoxia might not be

263 related to reduced capillary transit time and decreased O2 release from hemoglobin,

264 but to microcirculatory shunting. 3) The absence of mucosal hypercarbia (normal


265 ΔPCO2), which cannot be explained by the clearance of CO2 through the villi perfusion,

266 given the profound microvascular abnormalities.

267 Contrary to the intuitive consideration that the high systemic and regional blood

268 flow of anemic hypoxia is uniformly associated with hyperdynamic tissue perfusion,

269 previous studies have showed a contrasting behavior of the microcirculation among

270 different territories. For example, in the rabbit tenuissimus muscle, isovolemic

271 hemodilution to a hematocrit of 17 ± 2% increased RBC velocity by 45% (31). Similar

272 results were reported in the hamster skinfold model when Hb levels decreased to ~6

273 g/dL. Further hemodilution to values of ~4 g/dL, however, reduced the RBC velocity

274 compared to baseline. The changes in RBC velocity occurred with a progressive

275 decrease in functional capillary density (5, 7). These alterations were even more

276 severe when hemodilution reached extreme values, comparable to ours (Hb = 1.1

277 g/dL) (38). A similar pattern was described in the skin of the rat (33). In contrast to

278 the U-shaped behavior of RBC velocity in muscle and skin, the relationship in the

279 central nervous system (27, 28) and in the heart (2).was found linear

280 Despite all this information about the microcirculation in hemodilution, our

281 findings are original in some points. This is the first study on isovolemic hemodilution

282 that assessed the microcirculation by direct and simultaneous visualization of intestinal

283 mucosa and serosa, and sublingual mucosa. The experimental model consisted in

284 progressive hemodilution, which, differently to most studies, reached a critical DO2.

285 Besides, we compared the effects of similar reductions in VO2 produced by extreme

286 hemodilution and hemorrhage.

287 We showed a progressive alteration in the diffusional and convective

288 determinants of tissue perfusion from the very first stage of hemodilution, when Hb

289 was decreased to 5.0 g/dL. These variables were further impaired in the last stage, in

290 which an Hb of 1.2 g/dL was reached. At this point, microvascular derangements were

291 more pronounced in hemodilution than in hemorrhage and increased flow

292 heterogeneity appeared in the villi. In the hemodilution group, the changes in RBC

293 velocity and functional vascular density were strongly correlated with Hb levels. Our

294 findings differ from those found in other vascular beds such as skin, striated muscle,

295 heart, and brain (2, 5, 7, 27, 28, 31, 33). These differences could result from a

296 different microvascular control in each territory but also from the method used in the

297 assessment. In most of the mentioned studies, conventional videomicroscopy was

298 used, while we used SDF-technology. These techniques have not been directly

299 compared to each other, but both are interchangeable with OPS-videomicroscopy (23,

300 26).

301 Since intestinal regional flow increased and the fraction of cardiac output

302 directed to the gut remained unchanged, the intestinal microvascular alterations

303 cannot be ascribed to flow redistribution to vital organs (35), but to the development

304 of intramural shunting. This phenomenon affected intestinal mucosa and serosa to the

305 same extent, as shown by equivalent reductions in the microvascular variables. The

306 difference was that only the villi, and not the serosa, exhibited an increased

307 heterogeneity. Another study, however, reported that microvascular oxygenation was

308 preserved in the mucosa, but not in the serosa (35). In this study, serosal and mucosal

309 microvascular PO2 were measured by the quenching of Pd-porphyrin phosphorescence.

310 This method has a penetration depth of approximately 0.5 mm (36), almost

311 comprising the total thickness of each layer. It might not notice the alterations in the

312 most superficial villi microvessels, which are appropriately visualized by SDF

313 videomicroscopy.

314 The heterogeneity described among different microvascular territories

315 emphasizes the complexity of the microcirculatory regulation. The decrease in blood

316 viscosity in extreme hemodilution impairs microvascular flow, since a threshold

317 capillary pressure is necessary to maintain capillary patency and allow for the passage

318 of RBCs (6). In addition, capillary pressure also depends on the gradient between

319 arteriolar and venular pressures (35), which acts as the driving pressure for the

320 microcirculatory flow. Arteriolar vasoconstriction induced by catecholaminergic

321 response (21, 40) can lower capillary pressure because of its effect on the driving

322 pressure and by reductions in capillary hematocrit and viscosity (21). Another factor

323 that might decrease the perfusion pressure and disrupt the microcirculation is the

324 increase in venous pressure (37). Accordingly, we found that mesenteric venous

325 pressure was higher in hemodilution than in hemorrhage and sham groups. Providing

326 that the reduction in arterial viscosity was similar in all vascular beds, differences in

327 vascular tone might explain regional heterogeneities (39).

328 Alterations in the microcirculation of intestinal mucosa might affect its barrier

329 function with subsequent translocation of bacteria or their products to the

330 bloodstream, a conceivable mechanism of multiorgan failure in critically ill patients

331 (12). As shown in our study, hemodilution induced mucosal ischemia; accordingly,

332 during cardiopulmonary bypass, hemodilution is associated with intestinal mucosal

333 injury (29). Yet the monitoring of the effects of isovolemic hemodilution on tissue

334 perfusion is a complex issue. For example, in healthy volunteers, VO2 and lactate

335 remain unchanged during hemodilution to Hb levels of 4.5-5.0 g/dL (30, 43).

336 Gastrointestinal capnography is also unable to show the deleterious effects of

337 hemodilution (15). However, in our experiments, an Hb level of 5.0 g/dL induced

338 severe impairment of the intestinal microcirculation. In contrast with experimental and

339 clinical studies showing that sublingual microcirculation fails to reflect the alterations of

340 villi perfusion in septic shock (14, 20), during hemodilution, alterations in sublingual

341 and intestinal microcirculation were parallel. From a clinical standpoint, our study gives

342 experimental basis to support the sublingual window for clinical monitoring of the

343 effects of hemodilution on tissue perfusion.

344 As supported by the behavior of VO2, RER and lactate (8), a similar degree of

345 anaerobic metabolism developed in hemodilution and hemorrhage. The reductions in

346 systemic and intestinal VO2, and the increase in lactic acidosis and in RER were

347 comparable. The rise in RER might identify the anaerobic threshold not only during the

348 increasing DO2 that characterizes progressive muscular workload as in exercise (42),

349 and also in the other extreme of the physiological state, during the development of O2

350 supply dependency (10, 17). Limitation in the rate of VO2, however, developed at

351 higher DO2 and lower fractional O2 extraction in hemodilution. As previously described,

352 anemic hypoxia is characterized by a defective O2 extraction in response to falls in DO2

353 (9). Our findings ruled out the short capillary transit time as an explanation for the

354 lower o O2 extraction, at least in the studied territories, since RBC velocity was low.

355 The concurrence of high regional blood flow with severe microvascular hypoperfusion

356 in intestinal serosa and mucosa, along with increased mucosal heterogeneity (41),

357 suggest that microcirculatory shunting might be the underlying mechanism.

358 The most striking finding of this study was that ΔPCO2, and systemic and

359 intestinal venoarterial CO2 gradients remained unchanged, despite the severe

360 microcirculatory hypoperfusion. ΔPCO2 has been considered a surrogate of mucosal

361 perfusion (14, 16). Our results, however, suggest that the relationship might be more

362 complex. Venoarterial and tissue-arterial PCO2 gradients result from interactions

363 among aerobic and anaerobic VCO2, CO2 dissociation curve, and tissue perfusion (16).

364 During O2supply dependency, opposite changes in aerobic and anaerobic VCO2 occur.

365 Aerobic VCO2 decreases because of a fall in aerobic metabolism, whereas anaerobic

366 VCO2 starts due to bicarbonate buffering of protons derived from fixed acids. Total

367 VCO2 does not increase, as shown in our experiments; but as VO2 further falls, the RER

368 rises. The relative increment of VCO2 with respect to VO2 can only cause venous and

369 tissue hypercarbia during tissue hypoperfusion, in which CO2 removal is reduced. The

370 lack of change in mucosal PCO2 found in hemodilution implies the presence of an

371 effective CO2 clearance. Therefore, a putative explanation for the absence of

372 intramucosal acidosis might be an increased CO2 washout from deeper intestinal

373 layers. Since total intestinal blood flow increased but villi and serosal perfusion

374 decreased, we can speculate that given its high solubility, mucosal CO2 might have

375 been eliminated by means of an increased muscular blood flow.

376 The main limitation of this study remains in the use of SDF-technology for

377 microcirculation assessment. Since the technique is based on Hb absorbance,

378 hemodilution might have altered the red blood cell visualization. A previous study has

379 validated OPS-videomicroscopy during during isovolemic hemodilution (26), but at Hb

380 levels higher than those reached in our study (3.8 g/dL). Yet many reasons support

381 the adequacy of our measurements. First, in the validation study (26), there was no

382 underestimation of capillary density by OPS, compared to standard intravital

383 fluorescence microscopy with the increasing levels of hemodilution. The bias was zero

384 within a wide range of Hb, from 14.6 ± 0.7 to 3.8 ± 0.2 g/dL. This suggests that

385 further hemodilution should not modify the difference between OPS and standard

386 videomicroscopy. Second, SDF-videomicroscopy is an improved technology, which

387 enhances visualization of the microcirculation. Third, RBC velocity and proportion of

388 perfused vessels cannot be underestimated by SDF-videomicroscopy, because both

389 rely on the identification of moving RBC. Once a moving RBC is identified by the

390 space/time diagram or by the eye, the measurements are precise and not affected by

391 the hematocrit. Last, in the first step of hemodilution, with a mean Hb of 5.0 g/dL, a

392 value high enough to dissipate any doubts about the technique’s performance, severe

393 alterations in densities and velocities were present in every vascular territory. In

394 addition, at this stage, a trend of higher compromise in hemodilution than in

395 hemorrhage was observed. This trend reached statistical significance in the intestinal

396 serosa.

397 Another limitation of this study was that we only considered the intestinal

398 serosa and mucosa, and the sublingual mucosal microcirculation. The microvascular

399 behavior might have been different in other territories.

400 In summary, the major findings of our study were: First, in extreme isovolemic

401 hemodilution, there is a dissociation between systemic and regional hemodynamics,

402 and microcirculation. Second, although cardiac output and mesenteric blood flow were

403 increased, there was a severe compromise in intestinal and sublingual microcirculation.

404 The microvascular disorders involve the diffusional and convective components of

405 microvascular flow. Hence, these microcirculatory derangements seem to be the

406 underlying mechanism for the defect in O2extraction, and not the failure in the

407 discharge of O2from Hb. Finally, our results ruled out the hypothesis that the lack of

408 modification in ΔPCO2 results from the preservation of villi perfusion, and suggest that

409 CO2 clearance was achieved in the deeper intestinal layers.


411 Supported by the grant PICT 2010-00495, Agencia Nacional de Promoción

412 Científica y Tecnológica, Argentina.


414 Dr Ince has developed SDF imaging and is listed as inventor on related patents

415 commercialized by MicroVision Medical (MVM) under a license from the Academic

416 Medical Center (AMC). He has been a consultant for MVM in the past, but has not been

417 involved with this company for more than five years now, except that he still holds

418 shares. Braedius Medical, a company owned by a relative of Dr Ince, has developed

419 and designed a hand held microscope called CytoCam-IDF imaging. Dr Ince has no

420 financial relation with Braedius Medical of any sort—i. e., he never owned shares, or

421 received consultancy or speaker fees from Braedius Medical. All other authors declare

422 that they have no competing interests.


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549 Figure 1. Systemic and intestinal O2 delivery and utilization in sham, hemorrhage, and

550 hemodilution groups. Panel A: Relationship between systemic O2 delivery and

551 utilization. Panel B: Relationship between intestinal O2 delivery and utilization. Panel C:

552 Relationship between systemic O2 delivery and fractional O2 extraction. Panel D:

553 Relationship between intestinal O2 delivery and intestinal fractional O2 extraction.

554 *P <0.05 vs. sham and †P <0.05 vs. hemorrhage, for time x group interaction of

555 systemic O2 utilization (Panel A), intestinal O2 utilization (Panel B), systemic fractional

556 O2 extraction (Panel C), and intestinal fractional O2 extraction.

557 The reductions in systemic and intestinal O2 utilization were similar in hemorrhage and

558 hemodilution, but the increases in the fractional O2 extraction were higher in

559 hemorrhage. In the last stage, systemic O2 delivery was lower in both hypoxic groups

560 compared to sham; but the decrease was greater in hemorrhage compared to

561 hemodilution (P <0.05). These significances are not displayed in the figures.

562 Figure 2. Respiratory exchange ratio (Panel A) and arterial lactate (Panel B) in sham,

563 hemorrhage, and hemodilution groups. Similar increases in both variables developed in

564 the last stage of hemorrhage and hemodilution. There were no changes in sham group.

565 Figure 3. Tissue mucosal-arterial PCO2 difference as a function of intestinal O2 delivery

566 in sham, hemorrhage, and hemodilution groups. The gradients increased in

567 hemorrhage and remained unchanged in hemodilution and sham groups.

568 Figure 4. Microcirculatory variables in the intestinal mucosa. Panel A; Total vascular

569 density. Panel B: Functional vascular density. Panel C: Proportion of perfused vessels.

570 Panel D: Microvascular flow index. Panel E: Red blood cell velocity. Panel F: Coefficient

571 of variation of red blood cell velocity. Every microvascular variable was altered in

572 hemorrhage and hemodilution compared to sham group. In the last stage, the

573 alterations in total and functional vascular density, and red blood cell velocity were

574 more severe in hemodilution than in hemorrhage.


576 Figure 5. Correlations between Hb levels and the microcirculatory variables, in

577 hemodilution. Panel A: Intestinal mucosal red blood cell velocity. Panel B: Intestinal

578 mucosal functional vascular density. Panel C: Intestinal serosal red blood cell velocity.

579 Panel D: Intestinal serosal functional vascular density. Panel E: Intestinal mucosal red

580 blood cell velocity. Panel F: Sublingual mucosal functional vascular density. There were

581 significant correlations between Hb levels and the microvascular variables in intestinal

582 mucosa and serosa, and in sublingual mucosa.

8 4

*P <0.05 vs. sham *P <0.05 vs. sham
Systemic oxygen utilization

Intestinal oxygen utilization

6 3

(mL/min/100 g)

4 2
3 * *
2 anemia
hemodilution 1 anemia
1 hemorrhage * hemorrhage
sham sham
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10
Systemic oxygen delivery Intestinal oxygen delivery
C (mL/min/kg) D (mL/min/100 g)
1.0 1.0
*P <0.05 vs. sham. †P <0.05 vs. hemorrhage *P <0.05 vs. sham. †P <0.05 vs. hemorrhage
Systemic fractional oxygen

Intestinal fractional oxygen

0.8 0.8
* *


0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4

anemia anemia
0.2 0.2
hemorrhage hemorrhage
sham sham
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10
Systemic oxygen delivery Intestinal oxygen delivery
(mL/min/kg) (mL/min/100 g)
1.2 * 10
* 9
Respiratory exchange ratio

1.0 hemorrhage
Arterial lactate (mmol/L)

* sham
0.6 5
0.2 hemorrhage
*P <0.05 vs. sham sham *P <0.05 vs. sham
0.0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Systemic oxygen delivery Systemic oxygen delivery
(mL/min/kg) (mL/min/kg)
* hemodilution
25 hemorrhage
Mucosal-arterial PCO2

(mm Hg)



*P <0.05 vs. sham and hemodilution
0 2 4 6 8 10
Intestinal oxygen delivery
(mL/min/100 g)
30 30 1.1

Intestinal mucosal proportion of

‡ ‡
Intestinal mucosal functional

‡ ‡ ‡
vascular density (mm/mm2)

vascular density (mm/mm2)

25 25 ‡
Intestinal mucosal total


perfused vessels
20 * 20 *
* **
15 * * 15
* *
10 *† 10 *†
anemic hypoxia hemodilution
anemic hypoxia hemodilution
anemic hypoxia
5 ischemic hypoxia
hemorrhage 5 hemorrhage
ischemic hypoxia hemorrhage
ischemic hypoxia
sham sham
sham sham
0 0 0.6
basal initial stage final stage basal initial stage final stage basal initial stage final stage
3.2 1200 0.30

variation of red blood cell velocity

red blood cell velocity (μm/s)

‡ ‡
Intestinal mucosal coefficient of hemodilution
anemic hypoxia
‡ ‡ c
ischemic hypoxia
microvascular flow index

3.0 1000 0.25

Intestinal mucosal

Intestinal mucosal

2.8 800 * 0.20
2.6 600 * 0.15
*† *† *
** 400 0.10
anemic hypoxia hemodilution ‡
anemic hypoxia
2.2 hemorrhage
ischemic hypoxia 200 hemorrhage
ischemic hypoxia 0.05
sham sham
2.0 0 0.00
basal initial
initial stage
stage final
final stage
stage basal initial stage final stage basal initial stage final stage

* P <0.01 vs. basal, † P <0.01 vs. hemorrhage, ‡ P <0.01 vs. the other groups
1600 30

functional vascular density (mm/mm2)

red blood cell velocity (μm/s)

Intestinal mucosal

Intestinal mucosal

800 15

y = 64x + 502 5 y = 1.26x + 10.35
200 R² = 0.81 R² = 0.61
P <0.0001 P <0.0001
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Hemoglobin (g/dL) Hemoglobin (g/dL)

1600 30

functional vascular density (mm/mm 2)

red blood cell velocity (μm/s)

Intestinal serosal

Intestinal serosal


800 15

y = 61x + 730 5 y = 1.80x + 11.32
200 R² = 0.58 R² = 0.85
P <0.0001 P <0.0001
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Hemoglobin (g/dL) Hemoglobin (g/dL)

E 1600 F 30
functional vascular density (mm/mm 2)

red blood cell velocity (μm/s)

Sublingual mucosal

Sublingual mucosal


800 15

y = 65x + 844 5 y = 1.84x + 13.30
200 R² = 0.72 R² = 0.87
P <0.0001 P <0.0001
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Hemoglobin (g/dL) Hemoglobin (g/dL)
Table 1. Values of hemoglobin and systemic and intestinal hemodynamic variables in sham, ischemic hypoxia,
and anemic hypoxia groups.

Table 1. Hemoglobin and hemodynamic variables

basal 30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes

sham 25 ± 3
Body weight (kg) hemorrage 22 ± 2
hemodilution 19 ± 1
sham 165 ± 14
Age (months) hemorrage 144 ± 15
hemodilution 123 ± 11
sham 10.0 ± 0.6 10.0 ± 0.6 9.9 ± 0.6 9.9 ± 0.6
hemorrage 8.4 ± 0.5 7.9 ± 0.4*† 7.6 ± 0.5*† 6.6 ± 0.4*†
hemodilution 8.3 ± 0.4 5.0 ± 0.4*†‡ 3.2 ± 0.2*†‡ 1.2 ± 0.1*†‡
sham 167 ± 6 170 ± 2 171 ± 2 161 ± 11
Heart rate
hemorrage 140 ± 13 117 ± 16 124 ± 17 149 ± 17
hemodilution 143 ± 8 167 ± 13 166 ± 11 170 ± 12
Mean arterial sham 93 ± 4 97 ± 4 96 ± 3 99 ± 4
pressure hemorrage 85 ± 5 43 ± 5*† 39 ± 3*† 27 ± 2*†
(mm Hg) hemodilution 83 ± 3 86 ± 4‡ 88 ± 5‡ 59 ± 4*†‡
Central venous sham 2±1 2±1 2±1 2±1
pressure hemorrage 3±1 3±1 4±1 3±1
(mm Hg) hemodilution 3±1 4±1 4±1 6±2
Mean pulmonary sham 12 ± 1 13 ± 1 14 ±1 13 ± 1
pressure hemorrage 16 ± 2 12 ± 2* 11 ± 2* 10 ± 1*
(mm Hg) hemodilution 16 ± 2 21 ± 3‡ 21 ± 2†‡ 18 ± 2‡
Pulmonary sham 3 ± 1 3 ± 1 3 ± 1 3±1
occlusion pressure hemorrage 5±1 5±1 5±1 5±2
(mm Hg) hemodilution 4±1 6 ± 1*† 7 ± 1*† 8 ± 2*†
Mesenteric venous sham 5±1 6±1 6±1 5±1
pressure hemorrage 5±1 4±1 5±1 4±1
(mm Hg) hemodilution 5±1 6 ± 1*‡ 7 ± 1*‡ 8 ± 1*‡
sham 112 ± 10 114 ± 9 112 ± 13 125 ± 19
Cardiac index
hemorrage 166 ± 13 126 ± 32 92 ± 13* 54 ± 6*†
hemodilution 165 ± 16 230 ± 16*†‡ 300 ± 34*†‡ 373 ± 41†‡
Superior mesenteric sham 58 ± 6 63 ± 9 56 ± 6 56 ± 7
artery flow hemorrage 80 ± 90 46 ± 7* 43 ± 5* 23 ± 4*†
(mL/min/100 g) 82 ± 13 97 ± 14*‡ 116 ± 24*†‡ 122 ± 11*†‡
Superior mesenteric sham 16 ± 2 16 ± 1 16 ± 1 14 ± 1
flow/ hemorrage 22 ± 4 18 ± 3 20 ± 2 14 ± 2
cardiac output (%)
hemodilution 18 ± 2 16 ± 2 16 ± 2 18 ± 2
Data are.shown as mean ± SEM. *P <0.05 vs. basal. †P <0.05 vs. sham. ‡P <0.05 vs.

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