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8 Market

Siosifa Alo
1.0 introduction.....................................................................................................................................................2
2.0 formation.........................................................................................................................................................3
3.0 Market Day......................................................................................................................................................4
0.4 Profit/loss........................................................................................................................................................5
5.0 Reflection........................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.0 conclusion........................................................................................................................................................7
1.0 introduction
This business report will aim to provide what we could have done to improve our business in making more
revenue and profits plus how we could improve our business overall. Our business idea was focused on
basketball shooting, and it turned out to be a minor success. However, there were a few issues we could have
changed to make our business progress in revenue and profits.
2.0 formation
We started our business by thinking of ways how we could attract and entertain people to play our game. We
discussed between each other what games/sport would attract students at the college and we came up with a
game Mini-Basketball shooting. We selected this game because students at St Edmunds college play basketball
for the school and outside the school. Each member in our group had an important role Tyler had to take care
of giving out the prizes and collecting money from students, I had to explain the rules to students on how to
play the game and Desmond was absent the day of Market Day
3.0 Market day

During market day there were issues that were faced. As a pair me and Tyler came across many problems such
as, we were not expecting people coming and trying to refund their prizes, there were people coming to our
game trying to get free prizes and shots and we ran out of lollies to give. Although there were many issues
challenged, there were things we did very well like managing people where they needed to stand to take a
shot, collecting money and giving out prizes and attracting people to our stand. During market day their
unprepared challenges we faced.
4.0 Profit/loss
Our expenses were a total of $5.55, using this money we bought a four 4 pack of grape Zappos and a pack of
fruity chews. We discussed as a group that theses lollies will be suitable because they were delicious and were
a popular choice for most students. In our group we made a total revenue of $14. By making this much
revenue customers came through quickly at an estimated 4 customers per 10 mins. Skills we used to attract
customers were price specials we did near the end of our time limit. We made a profit in our business
calculated at $9.45.
5.0 Reflection
To make our business more successful in making profit we would change where we located our business
because we positioned our business were no one could see our game as well as making sure we had more
lollies because we started to run out of lollies about 10mins before our time limit.
6.0 Conclusion
In this report I have told you how we achieved a profit and changes we could have done to become better. In
our we business could have done better in many ways to become more successful to make revenue and

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