Bio Chapter 1

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pe cations of cellular materials — iat Gtk a. light microscope» 4. Make temparas 3 suitable aeaeeite | Dry mount] et mount Squash side | Smear slide Solid specimen | Wet specimen Soft specimen Body Fluids Thin hoes cate] Suspended in [Wet mount [The edge of sae or oil, squashed betwer chide a weal Sectioning, iH a Corerstip Son top. [coverslip at an slide om to sme P iF angle coverslip be thin even aaah nd i — Common smicrosee pe stains: 1) Crystal violet - stains cell walls purple, used in gramstin, 2) Methylene blue - Stains the nude ia animal cell. 3) Congo red — Provides contrast between cell and backareun, $2. Draws cells From microscope slides and phetormicregraphs's %R Obsenations made under microscope ~ photomicrographs: 1) Drassing roust have a title 2) Ghe magnificotion eaaser should be mentioned « 3) Shop HB pencil. A) Single line: 5) No shading. 6) Proper proportions 7) Label lines connect directy. 8) Label tines drawn with ruler: nificadtion of 1 s and actual a m drawings and microg d ac. Calaulating 2 of: spedmens Milimeter be mn? to? Bo : Micrometre? HM 9 lof Nonometre 7 nm? lo"?m ) _— ; Pie. OK A Use an eyepiece graticule and stage micrometer gcale_10_make measurements and te proper units: ag Suppose the unit of a clage scale is Ol mm. wen adjust the unit gf Abe eyepiece. groticule to he stage gale &, Define. vesdlution and magnificotion and explain the differences between thest terms, with reference +b Vigne microscopy and electron microscopy. MN mification: How mart fimes big xy the image of a gpeamen 1S in Compared fo the actual size of the specimen Fegalution: he aboility to distinguish between two Separate poets: ¥ Ihe Yesolution st a light microscope is limited to the wavelength of he li ‘ — he longer the wareleng te , the more it is diffracted - = Electron Microscopes have more fesclution as clectrons hove & Smoller wovdength thon Night. Light microscopes! vs Electron microscope Electron microscope Large & installation, Can’t be moved Fasy Sample preparotion Complicated Sample prep , af TEM: -Uses electromagvets fo focus beam of electrons: — Ream af electrons it transmitted through a specimen: — Denser regions ablosocl more electrons and appear darker. Internal structures within the cells, or even within organelles can be seen weithive as 2D é wemrge — The resolution is higher. SK SEM. ~ Scan & beam af electrons Across @ speamen: The beam bomes off a®surface of the spedmov and electons are detected , focwing an image» — SEMs can produce 3D images thar show te surkace of specimens: — Smee they Scan outside sutlace, the specimen does not have to be tun. ¥ Tmage> nyeciader es tances ADne specimen vas to be stained using bear wetals Clead). Q a agent Vena eee” phospholipid ds Cell surface memlovane ~ A IS Aga she “proteins that eeeTOss st the cell in and out *& Absut Form diameter. SH is cleus; nuclear envelope a and. nucleolus: a he mocks mii she cell S “DNA and therefere cesrtvolemmakemactivitiess of the cell H About NOM omQONRMAA - The nucleus consists of a “The nuclear rer envelope - “Double merbrane surrounding the nucleus. 2 Wudear_pores= Found in enudenr envelpe, tele ences 3:_Chromactin = Qgtai@SHDNIA ard coils up 1 orn chromssomes. 4: fhe _nucletlus - (Makes Uriosemess BD Endoplasmic reticullum= (RER & SERS ~ 3D system of sheet-like membranes, = he ‘membranes ave enclosed with atnehworksot tubules _ and flottened seal sacs (cisternae): H#RER: Rovgh Eod Endoplasmic veticullum! envelope: — Hove ribosomes) one the Surfaces continusys with nuclear Ta. ~ Provides a for protein synthesis. ane * transporting. materials \ike Mroughoust he cell. # SER: Smooth endoplasmic retioulna: ee ~ Deesnat have fibosemes on its surface. = Involved in the production of clipids and sstervid, like dabcholesteral ancl reproductve hormones estrogen ancl Aestosterone » — A majersstorage site fir calcium ions. = fn thevlver SER mmelablices drugs. votus or CB Golgi bac (Gola, apparatus na a ot membrane® 5 its contents — They davesivesumps into a ard sory atten tb the cell__membrane {oy secretion . ACRSaRROSI Gert: ~ Makes Aysosome: (modified peotem) } Hodifies proteins Zlipids ; a Synthese mens cell vsalls: ducing cell dwicion intermembrane Space. — Mitocrondwia is responsible by “tmamaeranes 0) folded te torm | FingerVike is The middle is matrix cand they the» have for a is transferred to molecules of GAME universal joer, carrier). take place in the stleton ‘oflnwatie ard _ cist? hunch Tee er EET am the motrin which are te Ribosomes: — 0s) in eukaryotes, - are a Complex : ons nes ave 44 ntlvesis: oy (FOS) in prokaryotes: at tibosomal RNA @(RNA) and wn A lysosome r 7 my a ParHieulay: son stuff ingested by page cee cells q 1 wornut out organelles. En coy tosis) ; A A Cadletely break down SE cells after the cells dig (selfd ( 45 which ther ave hydrolytic enaymes sare fo “Yhe® outsidd’ of the cell CExocytosis) found in oytoplasin. — Centnoles are mode of 9D sets of 3 microtuloules are composed of a globular proteins 7 There ose in cell and they Wie at ne Fe rac gb Woe Miglstaraagles Yo ore ayrother near HK Function — Centrisles organise mictotuloles ts form spindle flores: during nudear division: . al bodies are ‘ \ which organise tere vricrotubules —Microtulules form the cytoskeleton which gives the THe Shape 4 ce\\ - {nvaved in the memoyennewhamstanellin Ci — Whiptlike structures composed of microtubules in 942 tormation, ‘This allows the resvemedt of cilia Aherefore 1 & & Microvilli - enn ae “like projections of the cell memlaane Wucls a ales the cell efficient for absorption: or secretions 8 Chloroplast : Dif of tipi Chloroplast DNA ~ Doubleimembrand structure. (envelope) — Thylakoids contain chlorophyt. ‘They § in and form granum. Granum Joined and make lamella. a Chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis éf stage - glatesicl e stage - Stromay ~ Calin, ga realan paces a BNA, a losis ee © protein sythesis anol replication: cl Cell yall: ~ Structural support ise by the _ polysaccharide = Acciona the plarct. — Prevent the cell Prom bursting~ mechanical ~ Determine the shape of the cell— structurat — Allow water to pass along it and se contribute to the Trwvenenti of wate raul the plasma: Apsplast 2 symplast- 1 Plasmedesmata: Heath —Mese connect the Galo plasm of the call Be J mainly water and mineral iovs)- between each other ~ They sre part of the “symplasthampathansp. CF Large permanent vacuole, and toneplast a fie surouded by. a called, tones ~ Fhe vacuole gstores) Wailer, ions! aond. Pigments, pushes) the chlevoplyl\ to a and gives \ the cell juraiaity to b i i 8, i Jectron - Describe ond inter ret phstomicro: raphs » el : 4 mcrgraghs and, doings of tial animal splat SS Bee < Cell membrane Unidertifioble Cytoplasm Mitichond via Chromoctin Nuclealu t Nucks Nuclear envelope Se oe c i Photomi prenails f ical amma Bal a plant cel cons 1S nS ols Fa: Electron microg/aphs: exo Cell surface membrane tle org oh HU} o) r uu Microtubules Centrosome Nuclear envelope n Nuckae pore ¢ Nudeslus 2 Chromectin ¥ | Lele cope Jasmelesnoy / widdle / ese E ak Cell wall Vocuole a S Compare the Structure of Nptcal plant and onal he % Features that they have in Common’ 1) Ca Surface “membrane 2) Nucleus 3) Cytoplasm 4) Mitochondria 5) Gala apparatus, x Features that ore different ) Centrioles: 2) Cell walls ond plasmodesmata 3 Vocuole, = Plant cells hae a permanent big ee animal cells have small temporary vacusles 4) Chloroplast 4. State that cells use ATP from respivation for Be SOR TTA epISCESSERS) Re Enerqy is Tequired duc to anabolic reactions ~ axel building larger molecules trom smaller ones. And to move substances across the cell membrane. (active tansport). = Fn anion ne is iced | ) For eS eenta . 2) Conduction of nerve impulses: 5 phosphode 4° ; SEABTEANERIce (Base: Os Fate 5S: Outline the ke esi always "All wall « peptitoalyca yrtouning Cell membrane Circular DNA Cytoplasw TOS Ribosome — work ~~ gis ym Tnnder§ structuro) features of prokaryotic th Sc ae ee ometimes | Structures pre. flagellum Capsule ov shme, layer for extva protection Trflding of cell Surface membyare may form a hetosynctreticd ONES carry out “nitrogen Fixaction — Plasmid ot Bit Gor atechowss) I \ to other cells or surfaces at Pepticoaucan- A polysaccharide comlanal with ormine acids iH 1S Colled ome ynu rein , ie? Prokarystes Typically 5 pm diameter. DNA is free and circular, id makes the cell wall rigid cosets fave siceuboy tece of DNA: CpComparing Prokaryte Aaukar gate cells: y [ _Eukaryotes | Upto 40 pm diameter DNA is antained in nucleus. | ot surrounded by double menbiae, Surrounded by double membrane. Very Apes feu cell organelles | Mang types of organelles. Pepti dogiycan cell wall. Extracellular, simple flagella, which lack mitrotubules. Cell division, occurs by inary fission. carr4 out nitro: qe orn. sibesome | | Cellulose or lignin cell wall Tor plats and chitin in furgi Antracellular , complex flagella With +2! arrangements of Mm crotuloules. Oceurs by mitosis ar meosis and involves spindle | Can coury Fixaction. 805 nmbosome : out nitrogen | FZ. Stote thot all viruses ve non-cellulor structures with o nucleic acid core (DNA or RMA) and capsid made of protein, and Some viruses hove anette Ste made. Sa # Viruses are non-collulor infectious particles whch Con replicate only inside living cells. hex have diameter between (20 and 300 @anm). consists of a molecule of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat aalled capsid % Some viruses have an. outer Jaxer called i envelope usually om the membrane { phespholyds ) CirSses Phospholipid - A lipid to pulich phosphate is added ; the molecule ‘© made of 3 cerel Molecule, 2 fatty acids ond a phosphate YOU? germs ‘4 eae a J AAO 6 Envelope protein —_—-{ ‘ : | | } Envelope Zi Capsid Genome - CDNA /Rur) Figs ‘ypical viTws Cet

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