Holiday Home Work

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Holiday Home work


PWT I (SESSION–2024-25)


TIME:- 1 hr.30 minutes

 All questions are compulsory

1. Read the paragraph and answer the question given. 1×5=5
The preparation of soil is the first step before growing a crop. One of the most
important tasks in agriculture is to turn the soil and loosen it. This allows the roots to
penetrate deep into the soil. The loose soil allows the roots to breath easily even when
they go deep into the soil. The loosened soil helps in the growth of earthworms and
microbes present in the soil. These organisms are friends of the farmer since they
further turn and loosen the soil and add humus to it. soil contains minerals, water, air
and some living organisms. In addition, dead plants and animals get decomposed by
soil organisms. In this way, various nutrients in the dead organisms are released back
into the soil. These nutrients are again absorbed by plants. Since only a few
centimeters of the top layer of soil supports plant growth, turning and loosening of soil
brings the nutrient-rich soil to the top so that plants can use these nutrients. Thus,
turning and loosening of soil is very important for cultivation of crops.

Que.a. What are the important steps in the Que.b The process of loosening and
preparation of soil? turning the soil is known as:
A. Loosening and sowing A. Winnowing
B. Loosening and weeding B. Ploughing
C. Turning and sowing C. Harvesting
D. Turning and loosening D. Threshing
Que. c What are the advantages of Que.d Arrange the following agricultural
preparing the soil? practices in the order in which they are
A. All of these. followed.
B. Makes decomposition by microbes 1. Harvesting
easier. 2. Sowing
C. Makes the top soil nutrient rich. 3. Storage
D. Allows roots to penetrate the soil 4. Irrigation
easily. 5. Preparation of soil
Que .e Rhizobium bacteria in the root A. 1→2→3→4→5
nodules of leguminous plants help in fixing: B. 5→2→4→1→3
A. Sulphur C. 2→1→3→5→4
B. Oxygen D. 5→3→4→1→2
C. Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen

2. Read the paragraph and answer the question given. 1×5=5

You have seen a game of tug-of war. In this game two teams pull at a rope in opposite
directions. Members of both the teams try to pull the rope in their direction. Sometimes
the rope simply does not move. The team that pulls harder, that is, applies a larger force,
when two teams pull equally hard, the rope does not move in any direction. So, we learn
that a force could be larger or smaller than the other. The strength of a force is usually
expressed by its magnitude. We have also to specify the direction in which a force acts.
Also, if the direction or the magnitude of the applied force changes, its effect also

Que.a What is force? Que.b What is state of motion?

a. pull a. position of rest
b. push b. position of motion
c. push and push both c. both by the state of rest or motion
d. none of these d. none of these
Que.c The strength of force is expressed Que.d Force acts on an object may
by? change
a. weight a. direction
b. mass b. shape
c. magnitude c. speed
d. longitudinal force d. all of above
Que.e When two forces act in opposite
directions, then net force acting two
a. sum of two factors
b. difference bwteen two factors
c. both of these
d. none of these

3. Watch the picture given and answer the question. 1×5=5

Que.a Watering the crops is called: Que.b 4. Which type of irrigation is
(a) sowing similar to rainfall?
(b) manuring (a) Moat
(c) tilling (b) Sprinkler system
(d) irrigation (c) Rahat
(d) Drip system
Que.c In today’s world, where water is a
scarce resource, which of the following Que.d Which of the following is not a
irrigation methods is most feasible and traditional irrigation method?
sustainable? (a) Moat
(a) Sprinkler system (b) Chain pump
(b) Drip system (c) Lever system
(c) Tube well (d) Drip system
(d) Chain pump

Que.e ‘Select the method(s) of irrigation

which can be employed on uneven land.
(i) Moat
(ii) Sprinkler
(iii) Chain Pump
(iv) Drip System
(a) (ii) and (iv)
(b) Only (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (ii)

4. Read the activity and answer the question given. 1×5=5

Take a pair of bar magnets. Place the longer side of one of the magnets over three round
shaped pencils or wooden rollers. Now bring one end of the other magnet near the end
of the magnet placed on the rollers. Make sure that the two magnets do not touch each
other. Observe what happens. Next, bring the other end of the magnet near the same
end of the magnet placed on the rollers. what happens to the magnet placed on the rollers
every time another magnet is brought near it.

Que.a The force between two charged Que.b Magnetic force is

bodies is called a. contact force
a. muscular force b. non-contact force
b. gravitational force c. both a and b
c. magnetic force d. none of these
d. electrostatic force Que.d Similar poles of magnet
Que.c A magnet have a. Repel
a. Two poles b. Attract
b. One pole c. Both
c. Three poles d. None of the above
d. Four poles
Que.e Leaves or fruits fall on the
ground due to
a.magnetic force
b. gravitational force
c. electrostatic force
d. muscular force

5.a Fill in the blanks1/2×4=2

(a) To move a loaded trolley we have to (c) The first step before growing crops is
———— it. _____________ of the soil..
(b) For growing a crop, sufficient sunlight (d) A charged body ———— an
and __________and____________ from uncharged body towards it.
the soil are essential.

5.b In the following situations identify the agent exerting the force and the object on
which it acts. State the effect of the force in each case 1/2×4=2
(a) Squeezing a piece of lemon between the fingers to extract its juice.
(b) Taking out paste from a toothpaste tube.
(c) A load suspended from a spring while its other end is on a hook fixed to a wall.
(d) An athlete making a high jump to clear the bar at a certain height

6. Short answer question )2×6=12

a. If wheat is sown in the kharif d. What are weeds?
season, what would happen? e. A rocket has been fired upwards to
b. A blacksmith hammers a hot piece launch a satellite in its orbit. Name the
of iron while making a tool. How does two forces acting on the rocket
the force due to hammering affect the immediately after leaving the
piece of iron? launching pad.
c. Give two examples of each. f. Give two examples each of
(a) Kharif crop situations in which you push or pull to
(b) Rabi crop change the state of motion of objects.

8. Long answer question - 1×4=4

Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field. OR
Name the forces acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above ground level in
your hand. Discuss why the forces acting on the bucket do not bring a change in its state
of motion.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Sindhudurg

Periodic Written Test 01. Date - 29/04/2024. Max.Marks- 40

Sub- Science, Class-VIII. , Time- 90 minutes

All Questions are compulsory .

General Instructions: (1). All questions are compulsory.

(2) Section - A .Competency Based Questions.[CCT] --- (20 Questions having 01 mark for each

( 3) Section – B.Reasoning Questions(Logical Reasoning) --- (4 Questions having 01 mark for each
(4) Section-C- Short Answers Questions( 6 Questions - 2 marks for each question )

(5) Section-D - Long Answer Question having 04 marks.


Section –A 5x4= 20 marks


Q-1. The preparation of soil is the first step before growing a crop. One of the most important tasks in
agriculture is to turn the soil and loosen it. This allows the roots to penetrate deep into the soil. The
loose soil allows the roots to breathe easily even when they go deep into the soil. Why does the
loosening of soil allow the roots to breathe easily? The loosened soil helps in the growth of
earthworms and microbes present in the soil. These organisms are friends of the farmer since they
further turn and loosen the soil and add humus to it. But why the soil needs to be turned and
loosened? You have learnt in the previous classes that soil contains minerals, water, air and some
living organisms. In addition, dead plants and animals get decomposed by soil organisms. In this way,
various nutrients in the dead organisms are released back into the soil. These nutrients are again
absorbed by plants.

Q-1,1: Write True or False. The loose soil allows the roots to breathe easily even when they go deep
into the soil.

(a) True (b) False

Q-.1.2: Which statement is correct about humus?

(a) dead plants and animals did not get decompose by soil organisms (b) humus provides
nutrients to the crops (c) dead plants and animals get decomposed by soil organisms (d) Both
b and c

Q-1.3: Write True or False. The loosened soil does not help in the growth of earthworms and
microbes present in the soil.

(a) True (b)False

Q-1.4: Soil contains ?

(a) minerals and air (b) some living organisms and water (c) only some living organisms
(d) Both a and b

Q.1.5. Importance of ploughing is .

(a) loosening and turning of soil (b)decrease air circulation (c) roots can not penetrate
easily under the soil (d) Both a and b


Q.2. Storage of produce is an important task.If the harvested grains are to be keptfor longer time,
they should be safe from moisture, insects, rats and microorganisms. Harvested grains have more
moisture. If freshly harvested grains (seeds) are stored without drying,they may get spoilt or attacked
by organisms, making them unfit for use or for germination. Hence, before storing them, the grains
are properly dried in the sun to reduce the moisture in them. This prevents the attack by insect ,pests,
bacteria and fungi. Farmers store grains in jute bags or metallic bins. However, large scale storage of
grains is done in silos and granaries to protect them from pests like rats and insects. Dried neem
leaves are used for storing food grains at home. For storing large quantities of grains in big godowns,
specific chemical treatments are required to protect them from pests and microorganisms

Q-2.1. Grains are damaged by attack of

(a) insect (b) butterflies (c) bacteria and fungi (d) both a and c

Q-2.2: Write True or False. Dried rose leaves are used for storing food grains at home. (a) True
(b) False

Q-2.3: :Write True or False. Very small scale storage of grains is done in silos and granaries to
protect them from pests like rats and insects (a) True (b) False
Q-2.4: Write True or False. For storing large quantities of grains in big godowns, specific chemical
treatments are required to protect them from pests and microorganisms. (a) True (b) False

Q.2.5.Which of the following is correct ?

(a) If freshly harvested grains (seeds) are stored without drying,they may get spoilt or attacked by
organisms, (b) healthy seeds making them unfit for use or for germination (c) damaged seeds
making them unfit for use or for germination (d) both a and c


Q.3. Can you decide who is pulling and who is pushing in these cases? In Figure 1.1.both the girls
appear to push each other while Fig. 1.2 A car being pushed by a man Fig. 1.3 .the pair of girls in Fig.
1.4 . are trying to pull each other. Similarly, the cow and the man in Fig. appear to pull each other.
The girls in the two situations shown here are applying force on each other. Is it also true for the
manand the cow?From these examples, we can infer that at least two objects must interact for a force
to come into play. Thus, an interaction of one object with another object results in a force between
the two objects.Have you ever seen a game of tug-of war? In this game two teams pull at a rope in
opposite directions. Members of both the teams try to pull therope in their direction. Sometimes the
rope simply does not move. Is it not similar to the situation shown in Fig.? The team that pulls harder,
that is, applies a larger force, finally wins the game. What do these examples suggest about the nature
of force? Forces applied on an object in the same direction add to one another. Now recall what
happened when you and your friend pushed the heavy box in the same direction. If the two forces act
in the opposite directions on an object, the net force acting on it is the difference between the two
forces. What did you observe in Activity when both of you were pushing the heavy box from opposite
directions?Recall that in the tug-of-war when two teams pull equally hard, the rope does not move in
any direction.

Q-3.1: Write True or False. The team that pulls harder, that is, applies a larger force, finally wins the
game. (a) True (b) False

Q-3.2:Which of the following is correct ?

(a) If the two forces act in the opposite directions on an object, the net force acting on it is the
difference between the two forces. (b) If the two forces act in the opposite directions on an object,
the net force acting on it is the addition of the two forces. (c) If the two forces act in the opposite
directions on an object, the net force acting on it is the multiplication of the two forces. (d) both a
and c
Q-3.3:Write True or False. In the tug-of-war when two teams pull equally hard, the rope does not
move in any direction. (a) True (b) False

Q.3.4. Write True or False. If the two forces act in the same directions on an object, the net force
acting on it is the addition of the two forces. (a) True (b) False

Q-3.5:Write True or False. Your school friend pushed very heavy box easily. (a) True (b) False

CASE STUDY 4. Animals also make use of muscular force to carry out their physical activities and other
tasks. Animals like bullocks, horses, donkeys and camels are used to perform various tasks for us. In
performing these tasks they use muscular force. Since muscular force can be applied only when it is in
contact with an object, it is also called a contact force. Are there other types of contact forces? Let us
find out. Recall some of your experiences. A ball rolling along the ground gradually slows down and
finally comes to rest. When we stop pedalling a bicycle, it gradually slows down and finally comes to a
stop. A car or a scooter also comes to rest once its engine is switched off. Similarly, a boat comes to rest
if we stop rowing it. Can you add some more such experiences? In all these situations no force appears
to be acting on the objects, yet their speed gradually decreases and they come to rest after some time.
What causes a change in their state of motion? Could some force be acting on them! Can you guess the
direction in which the force must be acting in each case? The force responsible for changing the state of
motion of objects in all these examples is the force of friction. It is the force of friction between the
surface of the ball and the ground that brings the moving ball to rest. Similarly, friction between water
and the boat brings it to a stop once you stop rowing. The force of friction always acts on all the moving
objects and its direction is always opposite to the direction of motion. Since the force of friction arises
due to contact between surfaces, it is also an example of a contact force.

Q-4.1: Write True or False. When we stop pedalling a bicycle, it gradually slows down and finally
comes to a stop. . (a) True (b) False

Q-4.2:Which of the following is correct ?

(a) The force of friction always acts on all the moving objects and its direction is always opposite to the
direction of motion. (b) The force of friction always acts on all the moving objects and its direction is
always same to the direction of motion. (c) A boat comes to rest if we start rowing it. (d) both a and c

Q-4.3:Write True or False. Muscular force can be applied only when it is in contact with an object (a)
True (b) False

Q.4.4. Write True or False. Animals also make use of muscular force to carry out their physical
activities and other tasks (a) True (b) False

Q-4.5:Write True or False. We can not use during playing football and basketball (a) True (b)

SECTION – B.(1x4=4 marks)

Reasoning Questions (Logical Reasoning) --- (4 Questions having 01 mark for each Question).

Q.5. Iam a foce and useful for walking on ground. I can also oppose relative motion of an
object .Can you guess who Iam?

(a) Muscular force (b)Frictional force (c) Gravitational force (d) Magnetic force

Q.6. I am an insect helpful for production of honey .Rearing of me is called as

(a) sericulture (b) pisciculture (c)apiculture (d) poultry

Q.7. I am microorganism can live in root nodules of leguminous plant and Iam useful for nitrogen
fixation , Can you guess who Iam?

(a) virus (b) algae (c) fungi (d) rhizobium bacteria

Q.8. I am tool, made up from iron and useful for harvesting of crops. Can you guess who Iam?

(a) knife (b) axe (c) spade (d) sickle


Write answers in four or five sentences (2Marks Each)

Q-1: If wheat is sown in the kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.

Q-2: Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field.

Q-3: What are weeds? How can we control them?

Q-4: Give two examples of situations in which applied force causes a change in

the shape of an object.

Q-5: Name the forces acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above
ground level in your hand. Discuss why the forces acting on the bucket do

not bring a change in its state of motion.?

Q-6:What is pressure?Write the unit of pressure.


marks) Long Answer Question. Write answer in detail of the

following. Que.7.? (4 marks) ( 10 to 12 lines require )

What is force? What is it’s SI Unit ?Explain types of forces with examples . Or

(a) Give differences in between manures and fertilisers .

(b) What is irrigation? Explain importance of modern methods of irrigation?

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