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Question 1.

Referring to the attitudes that teachers need to adopt as part of your daily duties, discuss 3
skills that a pre-school teacher need to work with children and their families?

As a teacher, I need to have multiple skills which will allow me to work with little children and
also their families. To be able to cope with the work am doing, I need to have compassion, a
Good Communication Skills and also lots of patience. Working with them is not as easy as we
think because we work with children of different character.

Good Communication Skills

To be able to develop good relationship with children and their families, I need to have a good
communication skills. We need to be respectful to the child’s family, respect the child’s family
role, their religion and even their cultures. Hence, we should never talk anything negative about
the child to his parents as it may cause frustration to the parents, instead we should communicate
to parents to help and guide their child at home. As Pre-Primary teachers, we should give each
child the chance to express themselves, about how they feel, to let them interact with people as it
enhances their social well-being. Through communication, the child develop language and
vocabularies and it makes it easier for the child to learn and share things.

As for the parents, effective communication is important as it builds understanding and trust.
When you understand and trust each other, everything becomes easy as it helps you to
understand and work together to support the child. As a Pre-Primary teacher, we should give our
full attention to parents so as to gain their trust and show them that we are listening to them.


Patience is a great skill that we Pre-Primary teachers need to have to work with children and also
with their family. It is very important to be patient with children as it helps them in their
education and also emotional development. When we work patiently with the children ,it helps
them learn how to cope with stress, and how to handle difficult situation. It is indeed very hard to
work with little children, it demands lots of patience, compassion and passion to work with them.
Each child has different character, some who are easy to handle and some who are very difficult
to handle. Sometimes, we need to listen to them patiently about what they want, listen to their
stories, listening to them attentively, to never interrupt them when they are talking. Patience is
one of the most important qualities a good pre school teacher need to have.

We Pre-school teachers, we work with children who are still developing socially and
emotionally. When the children see that we care about them, they will trust us and feel
comfortable with us. Hence we should be well equipped to connect with the child, and we should
try to see from the child’s perspective, and have compassion for them.

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