Annual Report 2009

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2009 Annual Report


MESSAGE TO OUR SUPPORTERS Mukono Multi-purpose Youth Organisation wish to take this opportunity to pass a vote of thanks to all our supporters, volunteers and partners who provided us with the ability to continue work on the projects being undertaken. Without your strong support we would not be able to offer services to the under privileged groups, the youth, children and women. We are particularly grateful to Christopher Campbell and Emma, Peter and Ann, Kinsey Linnell, Tami and others Thanks to you all.

INTRODUCTION History Founded in 1992, the Mukono Multi-purpose Youth Organisation (MUMYO) is a Uganda NGO dedicated to various issues aimed at promoting the rights and well being of the youth especially in the rural areas. Since its formation, the organization has been actively involved in the sensitization of communities in Mukono district to take charge of their own development, with emphasis on marginalized groups, the youth, women and children. MUMYO depends on the valuable contributions of its members and other development partners including the Global Volunteer Network, International Council on Management of Population Programmes (ICOMP), Doctors With Africa (Cuamm), the local government (NAADS Program), current and former volunteers. Our Mission To enhance the quality of life and expand the opportunities of the young men and women to achieve life long successes through formal and informal education, health care and sustainable socio-economic development. Overall Objectives a) To develop and strengthen youth programs, through training, micro enterprise schemes and exchange visit for self reliance. b) To advocate for increase access to and quality education both formal and non formal including child education and career guidance. c) To promote adult functional literacy, vocational and apprenticeship schemes for youth and out of school, street children and youth with disabilities. d) To build the abilities of young people to participate effectively in development and decision making process through youth camps, workshops and conferences. e) To initiate and implement projects geared towards hunger and poverty alleviation, improved healthcare environmental protection for sustainable development

Programs and Activities HIV/AIDS prevention, education, care and support Advocacy and support of orphans and vulnerable children Training the youth in sustainable farming methods Hygiene and sanitation education Supporting Suubi Nursery school Supporting women craft group at Naggalama.

In 2009 MUMYO was involved in HIV/AIDS counseling at Naggalama Hospital and at community (outreach) levels. Counseling at Naggalama Hospital went on smoothly throughout the year. There was extension of the counseling/working hours to include Saturdays and Sundays. Counseling at outreach level was done throughout Nakifuma county, in the sub-counties of Nabbale, Kasawo, Kimenyedde and Ntunda. This included community sensitization on HIV, through drama and testing (VCT) services by MUMYO and hospital staff. At least four parishes in each of the sub-counties were reaches.

Also, in April 2009, MUMYO helped to re-roof the house of a disabled old man, Mr. Ochume Cyrus (65), located in Ntunda sub-county in Mukono District. Onyait Harriet, the daughter of Cyrus, was working as a house girl in Mukono town and learnt of an NGO the Community Based Rehabilitation (COMBRA) that helps people with disabilities, seeking help of her father and family. At COMBRA Harriet was advised to contact MUMYO that works in her area. Harriet contacted the Coordinator, Mr. Byansi Lawrence, on phone and appointment was fixed to meet her to discuss further her issues. The meeting was held as planned and the Coordinator decided to send a team to Ntunda to assess the situation. Led by Harriet, the team visited Mr. Ochubes home where they found two huts in which he lived with his wife and four grand children (1-5years) of his late son. The old man told them that, in his early 50s, he fell down which resulted into permanent disability, all legs were affected, cannot stand or walk apart from crawling like a baby. The team also found in the home a new unused wheel chair which was donated by the local government.

The team resolved to help the family in three ways; 1. To repair Mr. Ochubes house by putting a new roof. This was done with funding from Christopher Campbell, UK. 2. To train the old man on how to use the wheel chair though he was hesitating 3. Recommending the daughter, Harriet, for skills training at Mukono Womens Skills Centre. She successfully got skills in tailoring and hairdressing and started working independently which saved her from being a household worker It is such a family that needs help in all the basic requirements, food, shelter, medical and education for children. MUMYO can successfully assist the family if supported financially.

Education support for the orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) continued and, during the year, some children were given full sponsorship; others were supported with half pay of their school fees or given scholastic materials with funding from Christopher Campbell, Tami, and other former volunteers. Four OVCs, namely, Eva Nassali, Namutebi Milly, Nankubi Betty and Serwanga Deogratius were supported with full sponsorship and 32 others got half or scholastic materials. Also, 2009 saw the starting of another school at MUMYO site at Wabikokoma village, Naggalama and we managed to enroll some children from the nearby villages.

During the year, shutters (windows and doors) were fixed in the building at the site with funding from Chiara, a former volunteer, after her fundraising campaign from relatives and friends in Italy.

Also, we were able to construct toilet facilities at the site (left) and make twenty thousand bricks ready for construction of other classroom blocks on availability of building materials particularly cement.

Orphan Day
During the year, a number of orphan days were organized to enable the orphans and other vulnerable children come together to share their experiences with the organization and fellow children and to be sensitized on various issues including human rights, HIV/AIDS, education and environment. This day is held 6 times a year and, on each day, children are served with meals. Children also participate in games and sports to improve their physical fitness and, at the end of the day, children are given (prizes for winner) and other presents from volunteers.

Volunteer Program
Since 2005, the organization has been receiving volunteers from different countries and, in 2009; the organization received three volunteers from the Global Volunteer Network/ Real Uganda and one from Japan, through the Uganda Volunteer Development Association (YUAKA). We are also in touch with Peace Corps volunteers who promised to send us more volunteers starting August 2010

Staff training
During the year MUMYO staff members attended a number of training workshops and meeting including the following; 1. Training of NGOs in Statistics and Data management organized by the Development Network of indigenous voluntary Associations (DENIVA), on 30th April at Hotel Equatorial, with the aim of equipping participants with skills in management. One staff member attended. 2. Home Based Care for Community Based volunteers training- organized by MILDMAY, 6-10 April 2009 at Ntawo District Farm Institute, aimed at equipping community based volunteers with palliation care skills. Two staff members attended 3. WASH Training of Trainers- organized by USAID/HIP/PLAN and Uganda Water and Sanitation NGO Network (UWASNET), 12-15th October 2009 at Colline Hotel Mukono, with the major theme of integrating WASH into Home Based Care (HBC). The trainees learnt the effects of WASH on health, the importance of WASH to People Living with HIV/AIDS and the role of HBC providers. Two staff members attended. 4. Funding In 2009, a total of Uganda Shs. 31,489,670 (approx. US $15,000) was raised in support of the organization activities. The major sources revenue in 2009 were Naggalama Hospital, which contributed a total of UShs. 20,770,000, and the individual donors, mainly the former volunteers, who contributed UShs. 10,228,795. Special thanks to all those contributed during the year.

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