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TERM 3 -2022




 Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
 Answer all questions in the spaces provided in this paper.
 All answers must be in English.
 Students must check to ascertain that all pages are printed as shown before attempting
any question.

For Examiners Use only

Maximum Score Student Score

80 marks

1) State the meaning of the following: (4 marks)

(a) Conductor of electricity
A substance that allows electric current to pass through it.

(b) Non-conductor of electricity

A substance that does not allow electric current to pass through it.

(c) Matter
Anything that occupies space and has mass.

(d) Mixture
Two or more substances put together in which the individual components forming the
mixture retain their physical and chemical properties.

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2) State the role of chemistry in the following fields: (3 marks)
(a) Medicine
Used to manufacture drugs to fight diseases.

(b) Cosmetics
Used to manufacture hand and body lotions.

(c) Sports
Used to identify banned substances in urine samples of athletes.

3) Which apparatus in the chemistry laboratory is used to: (5 marks)

i) measure temperature General purpose thermometer

ii) crush substances Mortar and pestle

iii) safely hold corrosive or hot solids Tongs

iv) evenly distribute heat when heating substances in beakers or flasks

Wire gauze

v) hold water for rinsing vessels and for adding water to vessels with narrow necks

Wash bottles

vi) dry or keep substances free from moisture Desiccator .

vii) measure mass beam balance/ top pan balance/ electronic balance

viii) measure time Stop watch/ stop clock

ix) provide heat Bunsen burner/ portable burner/ spirit lamp

x) heat solid substances that require strong heating crucible

4) a) Read the following passage and complete it with the correct terms used in Chemistry.
(10 marks)

In nature, matter exists often as mixtures in various combinations. The method used to separate
a given mixture depends on the physical properties of the components of the mixture. To obtain
iron particles from flour in flour mills use of a magnet will be used. Ice cream vendors use dry
ice instead of ordinary ice because it sublimes leaves no wetness and it is a better coolant than
ordinary ice. Decantation is a method of separating a mixture of sand and water but it is not

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efficient because some solids pass into the liquid as the separation is carried out. A more
efficient method of separating this mixture would be filtration. This method is used on a large
scale in water purification plants. A saturated solution is one in which no more solute can
dissolve at a given temperature.

The process of obtaining crystals from a saturated solution is known as crystallization and is the
method used to extract salt from salty water in Lake Magadi and Ngomeni in Malindi. To
separate a mixture of miscible liquids that have boiling points close to each other use fractional
distillation; while for immiscible liquids use a separating funnel. Athletes are usually tested to
check if they have used banned substances to enhance their performance. The method used to
identify the banned substances is chromatography.

b) When substances are heated either a permanent or temporary change can take place. Write
word equations to represent the following :

i) Heating hydrated copper (II) sulphate (1 mark)

hydrated copper (II) sulphate Anhydrous copper (II) sulphate + water

ii) Decomposition of copper (II) nitrate. (1 mark)

Copper (II) nitrate Copper (II) oxide + nitrogen (IV) oxide + water

5) Draw a diagram to illustrate the preparation of oxygen gas using hydrogen peroxide and
manganese (IV) oxide. (5 marks)

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a) What is the function of the manganese (IV) oxide? (1 mark)

It is a catalyst
b) Why are the first few bubbles of gas not collected? (1 mark)

The gas is mixed with air initially present in the apparatus

c) What is the method used in the collection of oxygen gas? (1mark)

Over water method

6) Magnesium can react with several substances. Write word equations for the following

a) i) Magnesium reacting with oxygen. (1 mark)

Magnesium + oxygen → magnesium oxide

ii) Magnesium reacting with water. (1 mark)

Magnesium + water → magnesium hydroxide + hydrogen gas

iii) Magnesium reacting with dilute hydrochloric acid. (1 mark)

Magnesium + dilute hydrochloric acid → magnesium chloride + hydrogen gas

iv) Magnesium and copper (II) oxide. (1 mark)

Magnesium + copper (II) oxide → magnesium oxide + copper metal

v) Magnesium and nitrogen. (1 mark)

Magnesium + nitrogen → magnesium nitride

7) Write down the Reactivity Series of metals in order from the most reactive to the least
reactive. (10 marks)





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Copper Must be in correct order to score




8) a) Hydrogen is a reducing agent for some metal oxides. Where would it be

appropriate to place Hydrogen in the series in question 8. (1 mark)

Between copper and lead

b) List two uses of Oxygen gas. (2 marks)

Used as a reactant in fuel cells

Air enriched with oxygen is used in hospitals for patients with breathing difficulties

Oxygen mixed with acetylene is used to produce a very hot flame used for welding and
cutting metals.

c) List three uses of Hydrogen gas. (3 marks)

Hydrogen is used in the large scale manufacture of ammonia in the Haber process

Used in hardening of oils to form fats in a process called hydrogenation

Used in weather balloons because it is lighter than air

Used in rockets as a fuel

Hydrogen is used a fuel in fuel cells

d) What is the chemical name of rust? (1 mark)

Hydrated iron (III) oxide

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9) Figure 1 below shows a method used to separate a mixture of ethanol (Boiling point 78oC)
and water (Boiling point 100oC).

Figure 1

a) Which liquid will be collected first? Explain. (2 marks)

Ethanol; it has a lower boiling point and hence it distills off first.

b) What is the role of the small beads in the fractionating column? (1 mark)

To increase the surface area for condensation.

c) Name another mixture that can be separated by the method illustrated in figure 1. (1 mark)

Crude oil

10) Fill in the table with the correct answer. (9 marks)

Colour of the indicator in:

Acid Neutral Base
Litmus Red Purple Blue

Phenolphthalein Colourless Colourless pink

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Methyl orange Pink/ red Orange Yellow

11) State three methods that can be used to prevent rusting. (3 marks)

i) Painting

ii) Galvanising,

iii) Electroplating

iv) Oiling and greasing

v) Alloying

vi) Sacrificial protection

12) How are the following chemicals stored in the laboratory?

a) i)Sodium metal in paraffin or oil (1 mark)

ii) Why? It reacts with oxygen in air to form sodium oxide (1 mark)

b) i) Phosphorus in water (1 mark)

ii) Why? It smoulders in air (1 mark)

13 ) List the symbols of the following elements:

a) Sodium Na (1 mark)

b) Sulphur S (1 mark)

c) Chlorine Cl (1 mark)

d) Magnesium Mg (1 mark)

15 ) Name the elements present in the following compounds:

a) Lead (II) oxide (1 mark)

Lead and oxygen

b) Calcium carbide (1 mark)

Calcium and carbon

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