Llanes - Module 9 (Synch)

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NAME: Donna Mae O. Llanes


El Penumbra

It was stated in the start of the video that this performance will tackle the causes of climate
change. One of the messages I have interpreted in the performance is it shows the things that are
causing the climate change such as electricity and burning fossil fuels; and then it shows the
effects of climate changes such as a warmer temperature, longer-lasting droughts that can
destroy the crops of the farmers, and even a more intense wildfire and storm. Lately, it showed
the things that can be done in order to prevent and lessen these effects, such as using natural
resources and also lessening carbon footprint. This shows us that there can be stuff in order to
prevent our earth from being fully ruined, that each one of us can contribute in preserving our
mother earth rather than letting it happen because it will get worse if left alone by the
government and volunteers. It also tackles the fact that if we do help each other in preserving this
world, peace will be spread out and childrens or those who will be born in the future can have a
happy life instead of having the burden of trying to survive because their ancestors have
successfully ruined the world they’re supposed to live in. Since the causes of destruction of this
world are human-made things, we must right our wrongs rather than letting the other generations
handle it for ourselves. Finally, I can say that we must not be greedy because the more that we
grasp power and material things, we will lose our natural resources and the planet we live in.

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