Qp-Ehssm-3, Xi (23-24)

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The Century School

EHSSM-3 (2023-24)


M.M.-10 Time-30 Minutes

1. Read & answer : 1x4=4

When did my childhood go:

Was it the time I realized that adults were not

All they seem to be.

They talked of love and preached of love,

But did not act so lovingly, was that the day!

(a) Find the word from the extract which means teach.
(b) What has the poet realized about the adults?
(c) Name the poem and the poet.
(d) When did the poet lose his childhood?

2. You want to sell your car as you are going abroad. Draft a suitable advertisement in
not more than 50 words. 3

3. Design a poster signifying importance of conservation of energy. 3

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