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Sin and Salvation

 Understand Christian beliefs about the origin and nature of sin, including
original sin
 Consider the effect that sin has on salvation

Key terms
 Sin
1. Any action or thought that separates humans from God
2. Behaviour which is against God’s law and wishes or against principles
of morality which God requires his people to follow
 Original sin
1. A Christian doctrine, originated by St. Augustine that says that
everyone is born with a built-in urge to do bad things and disobey
God. It is an important doctrine with the Catholic Church
 Salvation - saving the soul; deliverance from sin and admission to heaven
brought by Jesus
 Grace – a quality of God which God shows to humans by providing love
and support which they do not need to earn

Sinful Thoughts and Sinful Actions

There is often coloration between sinful thoughts and sinful actions. Sinful
thoughts like anger can lead to sinful actions like assault or murder, and lustful
thoughts can lead to sinful actions such as adultery.
Sin and the Law of the State
Many sinful actions such as assault, murder and rape are also against the law of
various states. However, some sinful actions are not illegal before the state. For
example, many countries do not necessarily regard adultery as against their law.
It should be born in mind that although they may not be illegal, it does not make
committing them as right.
Christian Perspective of Sin
Christians believe that all human beings commit sin because nobody is perfect
therefore it is impossible not to sin. This is further reinforced by the doctrine of
original sin which is the belief of many Christians.
Original Sin
Original sin suggests that human beings are born with an in-built tendency to do
wrong. Christians believe that original sin was introduced through Adam and
Eve as they ate the forbidden fruit. Once they had eaten the forbidden fruit, they
became aware of sin through their own sinful action. This awareness is shared
by all human being as descendants of Adam and Eve. The result is separation
from God and death.
The Snake Tempting Eve
Many Christians interpret the story of the snake tempting Eve to eat the
forbidden fruit as representing Satan (the Devil) tempting people to do evil
things, as the Devil is seen as a force of evil.
Christians believe that they are tempted by the Devil to do evil things which
displease God, such as
 Drug abuse
 Sexual immorality
 Misuse of money by spending on things which displease God
Free Will
Christians believe that God gave humans free will in order to choose how they
live their lives. However, Christians believe that after humans make a choice,
they are not free from the consequences. For example, if they make wrong
choices, they will end up being sinful and will be separated from God.
Guidance on How to Use Free Will
Christians are guided by
 the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1–19)
 the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1 – 12)
 other Christian teachings
These guide them how to use their free will wisely rather than through it
commit sin
In Christian belief, salvations means
 to be saved from sin and its consequences
 and to be granted eternal life with God
Christians believe that sin separates humans from God who is holy and
salvation enables humans to get close to God again

Main Christian Ideas about Attaining Salvation

The main Christian ideas about how to attain salvation is (1) through good
works, and (2) through grace
 Salvation through good works – this is taught especially through the Old
Testament stating that a person achieves salvation by having faith in God
and obeying God’s law
 Salvation through grace – this states that salvation is given by God through
faith in Jesus. It is not earned or deserved but it is a gift for the faithful.
Varying Christian Beliefs on Salvation
Salvation through good works is a predominantly held viewpoint. However,
many Christians dispute this stating that salvation is by grace alone (Ephesians
2:8 – 9)

The Role of Christ in Salvation


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