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English: Grade 3 May Review, 2023

Name: ______________ Section: ______ Date: ______________

Total Marks: 30
Section A: Reading

Instructions: Read the text and answer the questions. /20

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Long ago, there was a shepherd boy who lived next to a small village. The
boy’s job as shepherd was to watch his family’s sheep and make sure none
of them got away or got injured.
Soon, the boy grew impatient and bored of his job and decided to have
some fun. As he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep, a wicked
idea came to his mind. He decided to trick the villagers.

“Wolf! Wolf!” he yelled. The villagers nearby rushed to help the boy and
to try save the sheep. But when they arrived, they realized it was just a
trick played by the mischievous boy and there was no wolf. The boy
laughed at the villagers who had come to his help.
The villagers were annoyed that they had come to help just to be laughed
at by the shepherd boy. The next day, the boy was walking with his herd
of sheep when he noticed a wolf hiding in the trees nearby. It was
peeping at them. He was afraid when he spotted the wolf’s angry eyes,
razor-sharp teeth, long bushy tail and his wicked grin.

“Wolf! Wolf!” he screamed. But nobody came to help. The boy began
shouted again. “Wolf! Wolf.”

Again, no one paid any attention to him. “We will not help him as he is an
immature boy.” The villagers did not believe the boy after what he had
done the day before.
English: Grade 3 May Review, 2023

1. Why didn’t the villagers help the boy? /2



2. Why were the villagers annoyed at the boy? /1

a. he stole their belongings
b. he tricked them

3. What is the setting of the story? /1

a. A marketplace
b. A village

4. Which wicked idea came to the boy’s mind? /2


5. Find two words with the prefix ‘im-‘ from the passage /2

___________________ __________________

6. What does mischievous mean? /1

a. kind
b. naughty

7. What does peeping mean? /1

a. looking
b. laughing

8. Make a sentence of the word “mischievous.” /2


9. Identify the genre of this story /1

English: Grade 3 May Review, 2023

a. Fiction
b. Nonfiction

10. Identify the author’s purpose /1

a. to entertain
b. to inform

11. Circle four adjectives in the sentence below. /2

He was afraid when he spotted the wolf’s angry eyes, razor-sharp teeth,
long bushy tail and his wicked grin.

12. Underline two nouns in the sentence below. /2

Long ago, there was a shepherd boy who lived next to a small village.

13. Circle any four pronouns in the paragraph. /2

The villagers were annoyed that they had come to help just to be
laughed at by the shepherd boy. The next day, he was walking with his
herd of sheep when he noticed a wolf hiding in the trees nearby. It was
peeping at them.

Section B: Listening Comprehension /5

Listen to the “Brian’s Big Move” twice. Circle the correct option

1. Brian was excited to move to a new house.

a. true

b. false

2. Brian got a new bed for his birthday.

a. true

b. false

3. Uncle John took Brian to a __________.

a. park
English: Grade 3 May Review, 2023

b. movie

c. circus

4. Dad told him that Brian could

a. choose his room in the new house

b. paint his room blue

c. buy him a book

5 At the end, Brian helps by

a. keeping the boxes in the truck

b. cleaning the house

Section C: Writing

Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to stay over with you
during summer break /5
Remember to;
• Add feelings and details
• Use correct punctuation marks
• Use the correct format








English: Grade 3 May Review, 2023






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