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Criminology as an Emerging Discipline:

Exploring its Importance and Relevance

- Jigar Parmar
B.A LL.B (Hons.)
2nd Semester

A n interdisciplinary area known as criminology focuses on the scientific investigation of

crime, including its causes, effects, and prevention. It includes a number of disciplines, including
public policy, law, economics, psychology, and sociology. In today's society, where crime is
pervasive and changing, criminology is gaining importance as a discipline. We shall examine the
value and applicability of criminology as a developing field in this blog.

Understanding the Concept of Criminology

The goal of the multidisciplinary field of criminology is to comprehend the causes of crime and
create successful crime prevention strategies. It includes research on criminal behavior, criminal
justice systems, and the social and economic conditions that lead to crime. Criminologists employ
scientific techniques to look into the causes and effects of crime and to create evidence-based
practises and policies that will lower crime rates.

Importance of Criminology

There are several reasons why criminology is significant. The first benefit is that it clarifies the
nature of crime and its effects on society. It offers understanding into the causes of criminal
behaviour as well as methods to stop it. Second, criminology assists us in creating tactics that
effectively reduce crime. It enables the development of interventions that specifically address risk
variables that influence criminal behaviour. The third point is that criminology is essential for
creating effective criminal justice laws and procedures. It aids in the creation of just and efficient
legal processes, trial procedures, and sentencing regimes that serve to both discourage crime and
safeguard citizens' rights.
Relevance of Criminology in Today's World

Since crime rates are rising and new types of crime are developing, criminology is becoming more
and more important in today's society. Criminal scientists are required to comprehend and stop
cybercrime, which has grown significantly with the development of the internet and social media.
Similar to this, criminologists are required as society becomes more complex and diverse to address
issues linked to race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status that influence crime. In addition,
criminology is crucial for responding to the difficulties provided by globalisation and transnational
crime as well as the evolving form of crime.

Legal Framework of Criminology in India

A number of regulations and laws in India offer the framework for criminology legal practise.
Criminal offences and associated proceedings are primarily governed by the Indian Penal Code
(IPC) and the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC). In India, data on crime is gathered and examined
by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Police and law enforcement-related research is
carried out by the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD). Making policies and
programmes for crime prevention and victim aid is also the responsibility of the Ministries of Home
Affairs and Women and Child Development.

Importance of Criminology in Indian Context

Since many years ago, India has understood the value of criminology. In India, contemporary
criminology was established by the Indian Penal Code, which was passed in 1860. Over the years,
the code has undergone a number of revisions, but it continues to be a crucial piece of legislation
that oversees India's criminal justice system. Given the recent surge in crime rates throughout the
nation, criminology has taken on more significance in India. In India, more than 3 million criminal
incidents were reported in 2019, according to the National Crime Records Bureau. India has a
disproportionately high rate of crimes against women, children, and marginalised groups, so it's
critical to investigate their underlying causes.

Emergence of Criminology as a Discipline in India

In recent years, criminology has grown in importance in India. Criminology courses are now
available at the undergraduate and graduate levels at a number of universities across the nation. A
key factor in advancing criminology study and teaching in India is the Indian Society of
Criminology, which was founded in 1970. Important theories and research studies have also been
developed as a result of criminology's birth as a field in India. For instance, Indian psychologist
Asha Bajpai has studied the effects of child sexual assault on adult survivors in her country. The
study by Bajpai shows how crucial it is to deal with issues like poverty and illiteracy that are at the
basis of child sexual abuse.

Importance of Criminology in the Criminal Justice System

The Indian criminal justice system heavily relies on criminology. In order to prevent and reduce
crime, law enforcement authorities can benefit from the understanding of criminologists about the
fundamental reasons why crimes occur. Criminologists, for instance, might examine crime statistics
to find patterns and trends in criminal behaviour. The information can then be used to create
interventions that are specifically aimed at reducing crime in a given location or among a given set
of people.The rehabilitation of offenders can benefit greatly from the work of
criminologists.Criminalists can create efficient rehabilitation programmes that deal with the
underlying problems that contributed to the commission of the crime by researching the causes of
criminal behaviour. In addition to mental health counselling and drug misuse treatment, this might
also involve offering educational and employment training programmes.

Implications of Criminology for Businesses

Businesses can benefit from criminology in a number of ways, particularly when it comes to
combating white-collar crime. A non-violent crime committed by people or organisations for
financial advantage is called white-collar crime. It covers infractions like theft, embezzlement, and
money laundering. Businesses can establish measures to prevent white-collar crime by using
criminology to better understand the causes of this type of crime. Businesses can lower the risk of
financial fraud and embezzlement, for instance, by putting in place efficient internal controls.
Additionally, firms can lower the occurrence of white-collar crime by fostering moral behaviour
and developing a culture of compliance.

In conclusion, criminology is a multidisciplinary field with the goal of comprehending the causes
and effects of crime and creating evidence-based prevention methods. Criminology is growing more
and more significant in today's society as a result of increasing crime rates and the emergence of
new types of crime. Criminal justice has a lengthy history in India, where the high number of
crimes against women, children, and underprivileged groups must be addressed. Criminology has
important ramifications for both the criminal justice system and organisations trying to deter white-
collar crime.

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