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The numbers which are represented with letters

Literal Numbers

The algebraic expression consisting a sum of any number of terms is called a:


Locus of points on a side which rolls along a fixed line.


In an ellipse, a chord which contains a focus and is in line perpendicular to the major axis is
Focal width
Conjugate Axis
Focal Chord
Latus Rectum

​ If the absolute value of the numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator is

​ Proper fraction
​ Improper fraction
​ Common fraction
​ Mixed fraction

​ Any fraction which contains one or more fractions in either numerator or denominator or
both is called

​ Compound fraction
​ Composite fraction
​ Complex fraction
​ All of the above

​ Any algebraic term is a/an _________ term in certain representing numbers if it consists
of the product of possible integral powers of these numbers and a factor not containing

​ Integral
​ Rational
​ Irrational
​ Integral Rational

​ What is the length of the latus rectum of the curve x^2 = 20y?

​ 5
​ 20
​ sqrt of 20
​ sqrt of 5

​ Which of the following is not classified as an integer?

​ Negative numbers
​ Positive numbers
​ Zero
​ Imaginary numbers

​ Any equation which because of some mathematical process, has required an extra root
is sometimes called as:

​ redundant equation
​ literal equation
​ linear equation
​ defective equation

​ An equation in which the variable appear under the radical symbol
​ :Radical Equation
​ Irradical equation
​ Irrational equation
​ Quadratic Equation
​ linear equation

​ An equation in which some or all of the known quantities are represented by letters is

​ redundant equation
​ literal equation
​ linear equation
​ defective equation

​ Equations whose members are equal only for certain or possibly no value of the

​ conditional equations
​ inequalities
​ unconditional equations
​ temporary equations

​ If the equation is unchanged by the substitution of -x to x, the curve is symmetric with
respect to the:

​ x axis
​ y axis
​ origin
​ line 45 degrees with the axes.

​ A statement containing one or more variables and having the property that it becomes
either true or false when the variables are given specific values from their domains.

​ Solution
​ Problem
​ Open sentence
​ Worded problem

​ Considered as the counting numbers

​ Integers
​ Rational Number
​ Irrational Number
​ Natural Numbers

​ A number representing a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal.

​ Irrational number
​ Rational number
​ Natural number
​ Integer

​ If the locus of a point that moves in a plane so that the difference of the distances from
two fixed points of the locus is constant.

​ Ellipse
​ Circle
​ Parabola
​ Hyperbola

​ A prime number has exactly how many divisors?

​ 1
​ 2
​ 3
​ 4

​ The equation which is satisfied by all values of the variable for which the members of the
equation defined is known as:

​ linear equation
​ rational equation
​ conditional equation
​ irrational equation

​ GIven the equations 3x^2 + 2x - 5y + 7 = 0. Determine the curve.

​ Ellipse
​ Parabola
​ Hyperbola
​ Circle

​ An algebraic expression consisting of one term.

​ Monomial
​ Binomial
​ Linear
​ Monomode

​ What type of curve is generated by a point which moves in uniform circular motion about
an axis, while traveling with a constant speed parallel to the axis?

​ Helix
​ Spiral of Archimedes
​ Epicycloid
​ Cycloid

​ What is the curve represented by the equation r = a(theta)

​ Spiral of archimedes
​ Rosette
​ Cardioid
​ Lemniscate

​ What type of conic has the equation Ax^2 + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0

​ Circle
​ Parabola
​ Ellipse
​ Hyperbola
​ An expression of two terms is called.

​ Polynomial
​ Duonomial
​ Binomial
​ All of the above

​ In algebra this consists of products and quotients of ordinary numbers and letters which
represent numbers

​ Expression
​ Term
​ Equation
​ Coefficient

​ An equation which because of some mathematical process has required an extra root is
sometimes called as

​ redundant equation
​ literal equation
​ linear equation
​ defective equation

​ If eccentricity is less than one, then the curve is:

​ Parabola
​ Ellipse
​ Hyperbola
​ Circle

​ It represents the distance of a point from the y-axis.

​ Ordinate
​ Abscissa
​ Coordinates
​ Polar Distance

​ A common fraction with unity for numerator and a positive integer as denominator
(example: 1/n).

​ Ordinary Fraction
​ Unit Fraction
​ Common Fraction
​ Improper Fraction

​ What is the graph of the equation Ax^2 + Bx + Cy^2 + Dy + Ex + F = 0?

​ Circle
​ Ellipse
​ Parabola
​ Hyperbola

​ A horizontal line has a slope of
​ zero
​ negative
​ infinity
​ positive

​ Equations relating x and y that cannot readily be solved explicitly for y as a function of x
or for x as a function of y. Such equations may nonetheless determine y as a function of x
or vice versa. Such function is called:

​ Logarithmic Function
​ Implicit Function
​ Explicit Function
​ Continuous Function

​ A number that consists of an integer part and a decimal part less than unity that follows
the decimal marker, which may be a point or comma.

​ Proper fraction
​ Improper fraction
​ Decimal fraction
​ Mixed number

​ The tangent function is negative in what quadrants?

​ I and III
​ II and IV
​ IV

​ It can be defined as the set of all points in the plane the sum of whose distances from two
fixed points is a constant.

​ Circle
​ Hyperbola
​ Parabola
​ Ellipse

​ In a polar coordinate system, the length of the ray segment from a fixed origin is known
as ___________.

​ Amplitude
​ Radius Veector
​ Hypotenuse
​ Minumum Point

​ What is the degree of the polynomial 3x4y + 2x3z3 - 4yz2?

​ 6th
​ 5th
​ 4th
​ 3rd

​ 4x^2 - 256 = 0 is the equation of a/an:

​ Parabola
​ Parallel Lines
​ Circle
​ Ellipse

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