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Duration: 45 minutes
* Time:
* Class:

+ Ss can develop reading skills.
+ Ss can understand the topic “Graffti’s softer side”.

By the end of lesson, Ss will be able to:
 Vocabulary about things in the street.
 The event of yarn bombing, focusing on its cultural impact and artistic expression;

 Apply the organization of multiple-choice questions in exams.
 Using appropriate vocabulary in discussion about street art and argumentation skills.
 Work autonomously;

 Appreciate the diverse ways in which public spaces can be utilized for artistic expression.


 Textbook 11 Friends Global, Unit 7- 7F: Reading

 Computer connected to the Internet
 TV
 Blackboard
 PowerPoint Unit 7 – 7F: Reading
 QR codes for Plickers

V. TEACHING METHOD: scaffolding, Ss work in pairs, groups, individually.


Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

Warm - up - Divide the class into pairs. - Listen and follow

(5 mins) - Give instructions: T’s instructions.
Pair  Watch a video: I covered hateful Graffiti with
Group food art.

 Work in groups and answer the questions: - Answer the
1 2
1. What is the street

art in the video called?

2. What are the differences between 2 photos?Where

is street art?

=> Suggested Answer:

1. Graffiti ( written, painted or drawn on a wall or
other surface, usually without permission and within
public view.)
2. In photo 1, the wall is vandalized by people.
In photo 2, the wall is covered by beautiful
patterns. This picture is street art.

Pre-reading * Guessing (3 mins) - Listen and follow

( 10 mins) - Ask ss to work in pairs . T’s instructions.
- Give instructions: - Discuss in pairs.
 Read the following sentences and guess whether it
is True (T) or False (F). Give explanation for your

1. Graffiti includes solely drawing pictures on the

wall aesthetically.
2. People tend to ignore the graffiti’s patterns due
to the vandalism.
3. Graffiti’s patterns can somehow attract people
due to the messages of them.
4. The police will treat the street artists as - Answer and give
criminals. reasons for answers.
=> Suggested Answer:
1. F (knitting is also a kind of graffiti.)
2. F (catch passers’ attraction)
3. T (eye-catching)
4. T/F (it depends on ss’ views)

=> Today, we will read an article about “Granny

Graffiti” and see the reactions of people toward this
street art.

* Teaching Vocabulary: (7 mins)
- Show Wordwall website on board. - Work in pair and
- Give instructions: complete the task.
 Work in pair.
 Match the words with the correct definitions.
 Look at the pictures for some clues.
- Repeat the words.
- Ask ss to repeat as a whole, in groups, individual.
- Answer CCQs.
- Ask CCQs so that ss can use newwords.

=> Possible questions: (require ss to answer in full


1. What is graffiti includes? Is knitting a kind of

2. In Vietnam, do we have any parking meters?
How much do we need to put in a parking meter?
3. If a man want to engage with his girlfriend,
what should he do?
4. What can be made from yarn?
5. Is this true that only women show feminine
6. If someone crash into a lampost, will it be
considered vandalism?

While – * Task: (10 mins)

reading - Play to the audio. - Listen to the radio.
( 30 mins) - Grass skirt technique: - Work in group:
Group Read and translate.
Individual + Ask ss to work in group of 6 students.
 Group 1: Paragraph 1
 Group 2: Paragraph 2
 Group 3 + 4: Paragraph 3,4,5
+ Give out sentences of paragraph with cardinal
+ SS will choose random and take turns to read and
- Ask 3 groups to present. - Present the idea
- Do E1 &E2, P90 textbook with class.
- Ask ss to do E1, P90 textbook. Describe 3 photos and

 There is a coloured bus on the street in the first

picture. (Magda Sayeg)
 There is a statue of a boxer in the second picture.
(Jessi Hemmons)
 In the third picture, a girl is covering something
with striped wool. (Magda Sayeg)
* Task: (10 mins) Read the Reading Strategy and do
E3,4; P90 textbook.
- Reading Strategy 1 - Read and answer
+ Ask ss to read question 1, 2, 3 and choose correct question 1,2,3.
1. C. she wants more people to go and see the paintings
in the museum.
=> Jessie hopes that more people will visit the
2. A. For her own amusement
=> One day Magda decided, just for fun, to knit a
blue-and-pink cover for her shop's door handle.
3. C. it’s less masculine.
=> Jessie believes that most street art is done by men
and that yarn bombing is a more feminine activity.
+ The correct answers match the meaning of the text but
in different words:
1. Yarn bombed = knit
2. Amusement = for fun
3. Less masculine = more feminine - Read and answer
- Reading Strategy 2 question 4.
+ Ask ss to read question 4 and choose the correct
4. C. They hardly ever try to arrest yarn bombers.
=> They might interrupt them if they see them at work
in the street, but they do not often view them as
+ If you can’t decide between the options, an intelligent
guess is better than no answer. - Read and answer
=> A & B don’t be mentioned in the article. question 5.
- Reading Strategy 3: Question tests the main idea.
+ Examples:
1. What is the writer's overall opinion of …?
2. What are the two main ideas of the article?
3. What do you think is the purpose of the article?
4. What does the author want us to know about the
+ Do E3, P90 textbook and answer question 5,E4.
B. The writer doesn’t express a personal view.
A & C don’t be mention in the article.
=> Conclusion:
- Ask ss to review the order of evidence.
 Multiple-choice questions are always in the
same order as the information in the text.
 Question related to the main idea will come
- Consolidate the Reading Strategy.

* Task: (7 mins) Answer 3 questions.

- Ask ss to work in group of 4 students. - Work in pairs and
- Give out the Plickers Codes. raise Plickers Codes.
- Instruct ss to turn the cards with the answer they
choose up.
- Scan QR and show answer on boards.
1. What is the difference between street art and yarn
A. Street art is female dominated but yarn bombing is
more masculine.
B. Both street art and yarn bombing were born for man.
C. Street art is male dominated but yarn bombing is
more feminine.
2. How did the passers react to the yarn bombers?
A. Some believe yarn bombing can ruin the walls and
B. The officers of the law always try to arrest the yarn
C. Yarn bombers are directly.
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
A. Some belief & ideas relate to the yarn bombing.
B. Knitting is solely for women.
C.Yarn bombers are vandals.
* Language practice: (3 mins) Find the words in the - Scanning and find
article that match the meaning. the words.
1. an object made from a
hard material, especially stone or metal, to look like
a person or animal: statue
2. something which tells drivers not to go: stop sign
3. a tall post with a strong light on the top: lampost
4. a machine at the side of the road where you pay to
park your car: parking meter
Post – * Task:
reading - Watch a video about Magda Sayeg. - Watch the video
(5 mins) - Check T/F - Check T/F

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