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J Neurosurg 136:512–522, 2022

Predictors of surgical outcome in focal cortical dysplasia

and its subtypes
Sita Jayalakshmi, DM,1 Sudhindra Vooturi, PhD,1 Rammohan Vadapalli, MD,2
Sailaja Madigubba, MD,3 and Manas Panigrahi, MCh4
Departments of 1Neurology, 2Radiology, 3Pathology, and 4Neurosurgery, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences,
Secunderabad, India

OBJECTIVE The authors analyzed predictors of surgical outcome in patients with focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) and its
ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) subtypes after noninvasive multimodal evaluation and calculated time to
first seizure.
METHODS Data of 355 patients with refractory epilepsy, confirmed FCD pathology, and 2–13 years of postsurgical
follow-up were analyzed to determine the predictive roles of clinical, EEG, imaging, and surgical factors that influence
seizure freedom.
RESULTS The mean ± SD age at surgery was 20.26 ± 12.18 years. In total, 142 (40.0%) patients had daily seizures and
90 (25.3%) had multiple seizure types. MRI showed clear-cut FCD in 289 (81.4%) patients. Pathology suggested type I
FCD in 27.3% of patients, type II in 28.4%, and type III in 42.8% of patients. At latest follow-up, 72.1% of patients were
seizure free and 11.8% were seizure free and not receiving antiepileptic drugs. Among the subtypes, 88.8% of patients
with type III, 69.3% with type II, and 50.5% with type I FCD were seizure free. Multiple seizure types, acute postoperative
seizures (APOS), and type I FCD were predictors of persistent seizures, whereas type III FCD was the strongest predic-
tor of seizure freedom. Type I FCD was associated with daily seizures, frontal and multilobar distribution, subtle findings
on MRI, incomplete resection, and persistent seizures. Type II and III FCD were associated with clear-cut lesion on MRI,
regional interictal and ictal EEG onset pattern, focal pattern on ictal SPECT, complete resection, and seizure freedom.
Type III FCD was associated with temporal location, whereas type I and II FCD were associated with extratemporal loca-
tion. Nearly 80% of patients with persistent seizures, mostly those with type I FCD, had their first seizure within 6 months
CONCLUSIONS Long-term seizure freedom after surgery can be achieved in more than two-thirds of patients with FCD
after noninvasive multimodal evaluation. Multiple seizure types, type I FCD, and APOS were predictors of persistent sei-
zures. Seizures recurred in about 80% of patients within 6 months postsurgery.
KEYWORDS focal cortical dysplasia; epilepsy surgery; seizure freedom; types of FCD; long-term follow-up

ocal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is the most common for FCD localization, especially in patients with type I
malformation of cortical development (MCD), caus- FCD and patients with subtle findings on MRI.7 Complete
ing drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE). FCD is notorious resection of FCD is a major prognostic factor for seizure
for intrinsic epileptogenicity.1–4 FCD is the most common freedom,8 and histopathologic characteristics predict post-
pathology in children and the third most common etiology surgical prognosis.5
in adults undergoing epilepsy surgery.2,3 High-resolution Pathologic grade or type of FCD correlates with surgi-
MRI has increased the rate of detection of FCD and early cal outcome. Patients with type II FCD have higher rates
resection.5 Detection of FCD on MRI is higher in patients of seizure freedom after resective surgery, particularly
with severe pathology (type II FCD), and this has been those with type IIb.2,9,10 However, Keene et al.11 and Kloss
associated with better surgical outcome.6 Furthermore, et al.12 reported no differences in postsurgical outcomes
FDG-PET and ictal SPECT are complementary to MRI between patients with different subtypes of FCD. Fauser

ABBREVIATIONS AED = antiepileptic drug; APOS = acute postoperative seizures; ATL-AH = anterior temporal lobectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy; DRE = drug-
resistant epilepsy; ETLE = extratemporal lobe epilepsy; FCD = focal cortical dysplasia; ILAE = International League Against Epilepsy; MCD = malformation of cortical devel-
opment; TLE = temporal lobe epilepsy.
SUBMITTED September 4, 2020. ACCEPTED December 30, 2020.
INCLUDE WHEN CITING Published online July 30, 2021; DOI: 10.3171/2020.12.JNS203385.

512 J Neurosurg Volume 136 • February 2022 ©AANS 2022, except where prohibited by US copyright law

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et al.13 reported that patients with type I FCD and mild semiology was classified as lateralized, nonlateralized,
MCD had better outcomes than those with severe forms and contralateral. Patterns on ictal EEG included focal,
of FCD. In a long-term follow-up study, the same authors regional, hemispheric, generalized, and contralateral.15
reported that seizure freedom was significantly greater in Regional onset on ictal EEG, lateralized semiology, and
patients with unilobar FCD, complete resection of lesion, unilateral spikes were compared with the other param-
age ≤ 18 years at surgery, and shorter duration of epilepsy, eters in each FCD group.
whereas age > 18 years at surgery was a negative predic- FDG-PET was performed in all 156 patients with ex-
tive factor.14 In a meta-analysis, seizure freedom was as- tratemporal lobe epilepsy (ETLE), as well as 106 patients
sociated with partial seizures, temporal location, detection with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and subtle findings on
on MRI, type II FCD, and complete resection.8 Most stud- MRI or no concordance between findings on MRI and
ies included patients with type I and type II FCD or few ictal EEG. PET-MRI fusion was performed using Syngo
cases of type III FCD. Multimodality Workplace software (Siemens). The fusion
The aim of the present study was to investigate the roles images were analyzed in all three projections. Metabolism
of clinical, EEG, imaging, and surgical predictive factors on PET was classified as focal (confined to the lesion/lobe)
for seizure freedom after surgery for FCD in patients with hypometabolism or hypermetabolism or as normal metab-
DRE evaluated with a noninvasive multimodal protocol. olism. The extent of hypometabolism or hypermetabolism
We also investigated the influence of International League was classified as lateralized if the PET abnormality was
Against Epilepsy (ILAE) subtype of FCD on postopera- beyond one lobe but in the same hemisphere. Findings
tive seizure freedom and time to first seizure. were classified as not informative if PET was normal or
inconclusive. For data analysis, patients with focal hypo-
Methods metabolism and hypermetabolism were considered as one
group and compared with the rest.
Patients Ictal SPECT was performed in 157 patients with TLE,
Of 987 patients who underwent epilepsy surgery be- ETLE with subtle findings on MRI, or lack of concordance
tween January 2005 and December 2019, we analyzed the between MRI and ictal EEG or MRI and FDG-PET. Dur-
data of 355 consecutive patients who underwent surgery ing video-EEG monitoring, SPECT images were obtained
for DRE and had a pathological diagnosis of FCD. The with the Millennium MG system (GE Healthcare). Hyper-
inclusion criteria were 1) pathological diagnosis of type perfusion on ictal SPECT was classified as focal (confined
I, II, or III FCD in the surgical specimen and 2) at least to the lesion/lobe) or lateralized (beyond one lobe but in
2 years of postsurgical follow-up. Patients with tuber- the same hemisphere). Patients with focal hyperperfusion
ous sclerosis, hemispherical dysplasia, and periventricu- and the rest were separated into two groups for analysis.
lar nodular heterotopia and those who required invasive
EEG monitoring were excluded from the study. Data on Surgery
presurgical, surgical, and postsurgical variables were col- Patients were approved for surgery after consensus was
lected with an approved data collection form. Follow-up reached regarding the surgical procedure at a multidis-
consisted of patient visits and telephone calls. Follow-up ciplinary conference that reviewed multimodality data.
assessment was done at 3, 6, and 12 months postsurgery, Consensus was reached when concordance was observed
and then every year for at least 10 years or longer. The between at least two or more imaging modalities (clear-cut
study was approved by our institutional ethics committee. lesion on MRI, localized pattern on FDG-PET, or local-
Patients were included in the study after informed consent ized pattern on ictal SPECT; Figs. 1 and 2). All patients
was obtained from the patient or caregiver. with subtle findings on MRI were evaluated with FDG-
PET and ictal SPECT and underwent surgery, if both were
Presurgical Evaluation concordant. Surgical procedures included focal resection
All patients underwent presurgical evaluation with 3-T (lesionectomy/lobectomy), multilobar resection, anterior
MRI brain and video-EEG, as well as structured neuro- temporal lobectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy
psychological and developmental assessments. FDG-PET (ATL-AH), and posterior disconnection. Neuronavigation
with PET-MRI fusion was done in 262 patients, whereas with MRI and FDG-PET data was used to confirm FCD
ictal SPECT was done in 157 patients. MRI was done location during surgery.
using a 3-T scanner (Ingenia 3T, Philips Healthcare) as Intraoperative ECoG was performed before and af-
part of our epilepsy protocol; details were discussed in ter resection under optimal anesthetic conditions. ECoG
a previous publication.7 MRI abnormalities were classi- results were graded as a score from 1 to 5.16 An ECoG
fied as either clear-cut FCD or subtle FCD (the brain was score of 2 to 5 was considered abnormal, and these regions
apparently normal or the lesion was indistinct on MRI, were included within the resected zone. During focal re-
and FCD was detected retrospectively after PET-MRI section of a clear-cut lesion, the FCD was resected along
fusion). Functional MRI was used to evaluate lateraliza- with at least 1 cm of circumferential cortex, and resection
tion of language, memory, and motor functions for select was extended in noneloquent cortical regions if postresec-
patients. tion ECoG showed epileptiform activity. In patients with
Prolonged video-EEG monitoring was done until at subtle findings on MRI, resection of the abnormality on
least two seizures were recorded. Interictal spikes were FDG-PET was performed with neuronavigation and ex-
classified as unilateral (if 75% of spikes were confined to tended on the basis of ECoG results. In patients with a
the side of the lesion), bilateral, and multifocal. Seizure lesion that was close to or overlapping with the motor cor-

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FIG. 1. A patient with drug-resistant TLE and a right-sided subtle temporal abnormality (arrows) on 3D T1-weighted axial MR (A)
and 3D coronal FLAIR (B) images. Axial (C) and coronal (D) FDG-PET images show right-sided temporal hypometabolism, and
an axial ictal SPECT image (E) reveals right-sided temporal hyperperfusion. Interictal EEG (F) shows right-sided anterior and mid-
temporal spikes, and ictal EEG (G) is suggestive of right-sided hemispheric ictal onset. The patient underwent right-sided ATL-AH
and was seizure free for 42 months. The pathological diagnosis was type Ib FCD. Figure is available in color online only.

FIG. 2. A patient with drug-resistant frontal lobe epilepsy and a subtle prefrontal abnormality (arrows) on a 3D T1-weighted axial
MR image (A). Axial (B) and coronal (C) FDG-PET and PET-MRI fusion (E) images show left-sided mesial frontal hypometabo-
lism, and an axial ictal SPECT image (D) reveals left-sided frontal hyperperfusion. Interictal EEG (F) shows left-sided rhythmic
frontocentral (F3-C3) spikes, and ictal EEG (G) is suggestive of left-sided frontocentral onset. After left-sided, ECoG-guided
mesial frontal and prefrontal resection, the child was seizure free for more than 8 years. Histopathological examination was sug-
gestive of type IIa FCD. Figure is available in color online only.

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tex, the boundaries were defined with direct intraoperative Results

cortical stimulation under general anesthesia. Demographic and Clinical Variables
Pathologic Examination Of 355 included patients, 159 (44.8%) were women.
The mean ± SD age at onset of epilepsy was 9.71 ± 8.51
A trained neuropathologist examined the resected tis- years, and the mean duration of epilepsy was 10.85 ± 8.22
sue, and FCD was classified as type I, II (including types years. The mean age at surgery was 20.26 ± 12.18 years.
IIa and IIb), or III (including types IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, and Family history of epilepsy was reported by 68 (19.2%) pa-
IIId) according to the ILAE classification system.17 Type I tients, 72 (20.3%) had febrile convulsions, 49 (13.8%) had
FCD was characterized by isolated lesions, which present a history of status epilepticus, and 53 (14.9%) had delayed
with either radial and/or tangential dyslamination of the development. Aura was reported by 124 (34.9%) patients,
neocortex. Type II FCD was characterized by isolated le- and 142 (40.0%) had daily seizures and 90 (25.3%) had
sions with cortical dyslamination and dysmorphic neurons multiple seizure types.
without (type IIa) or with (IIb) balloon cells. Type III FCD
includes type IIIa (type I FCD with hippocampal sclero-
sis), type IIIb (type I FCD with glial or glioneuronal tu- Sensitivity of Various Diagnostic Modalities
mor), type IIIc (type I FCD with cerebral vascular malfor- Interictal EEG showed regional epileptiform discharg-
mation), and type IIId (type I FCD with any other lesion es in 229 (64.5%) patients, and 216 (60.8%) had regional
acquired during early life, such as those due to trauma, onset on ictal EEG. Seizure semiology was lateralized in
ischemic injury, and encephalitis). 271 (76.3%) patients. The combination of semiology and
surface EEG data showed localization in 319 (89.9%) pa-
Postsurgical Evaluation and Outcome tients. MRI showed clear-cut FCD in 289 (81.4%) patients.
MRI showed a subtle abnormality in 66 (18.6%) patients,
Seizures that occurred within 7 days after surgery were
and the lesion was identified after FDG-PET and MRI fu-
classified as acute postoperative seizures (APOS). All pa-
sion. Concordance between MRI and surface EEG data
tients underwent EEG, neuropsychological evaluation at 3
was achieved in 78.5% (227) of patients, and concordance
months and 1 year, and brain MRI at 1 year postsurgery.
between MRI and combined surface EEG and semiology
Completeness of resection was analyzed by comparison of
data was achieved in 92.3% (267) of patients with clear-
presurgical and postsurgical MRI data, but only for patients
with clear-cut FCD on MRI. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) cut FCD and 78.78% (52) with subtle findings on MRI. Of
were continued unchanged through 1 year after surgery 258 (72.7%) patients who underwent interictal FDG-PET,
and then down-titrated sequentially over a few months in 230 (89.1%) had hypometabolism and 21 (8.1%) had hy-
seizure-free patients. Outcome at the latest follow-up was permetabolism. Focal pattern on FDG-PET was observed
assessed (according to the ILAE classification system) in 204 (77.9%) patients. Of the 157 patients who under-
and categorized as class 1 (seizure free) or persistent sei- went ictal SPECT, focal hyperperfusion was noted in 119
zures.18 Patients who had seizures during AED reduction (75.8%) patients.
but remained seizure free after AED was restarted were
considered seizure free. In patients with persistent seizures Surgical Procedures and Pathological Analysis
following surgery, the time to first seizure was recorded. The most common surgery performed was ATL-
AH in 149 (42.0%) patients, followed by focal resection
Statistical Analysis in 143 (40.3%). Resection involved the temporal lobe in
We confirmed data homogeneity, and all continuous 199 (56.1%) patients, frontal in 102 (28.7%), parietal in 17
variables were expressed as mean ± SD and categorical (4.8%), and occipital in 10 (2.8%) patients. Multilobar re-
variables were expressed as number (percentage). The section was done in 27 (7.6%) patients. FCD was close to
primary outcome of the statistical analysis was seizure an eloquent cortex in 36 (10.1%) patients. There were no
freedom at latest follow-up. Accordingly, the study cohort deaths, but 35 (9.8%) patients had postsurgical complica-
was divided into groups on the basis of seizure freedom, tions, including 22 with transient motor weakness, 10 with
FCD type, and FCD location (temporal vs extratemporal). language disturbance, and 2 with hemianopia. One patient
Intergroup comparison of categorical variables was done had persistent foot drop, and 2 had hemianopia after pos-
using the Fisher’s exact test, whereas the independent Stu- terior disconnection.
dent t-test was used for comparison of continuous vari- Histopathological results were suggestive of type I
ables. After univariate analysis, the variables that were FCD in 97 (27.3%) patients, type II in 101 (28.4%) (IIa in
significantly different between groups (based on seizure 58 patients and IIb in 43), type IIIa in 116 (32.6%), type
freedom) were included in logistic regression analysis to IIIb in 17 (4.7%), type IIIc in 4 (1.1%), and type IIId in 15
evaluate predictors of seizure freedom. (4.2%). Five (1.4%) patients had mixed type I/II FCD with
The other outcome of interest was time to first seizure. oligodendroglia hyperplasia. Complete resection of FCD
Because duration of follow-up ranged from 2 to 13 years, was done in 255 of 289 (88.2%) patients with clear-cut le-
Kaplan-Meier curves were used to show time to first sei- sion on MRI.
zure for patients with the various types of FCD. Data
analysis was done using SPSS for Windows version 20.0 Outcomes
(IBM Corp.). A p value ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically Postsurgical follow-up ranged from 2 to 13 years. At
significant. the latest follow-up, 256 (72.1%) patients were seizure free

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(ILAE class 1), and an additional 53 (14.9%) had > 90% 69.3% with type II, and 50.5% with type I were seizure
seizure reduction (ILAE class 2 and 3) and 23 (6.5%) had free. Of the 42 patients who were seizure free and not re-
50% seizure reduction (ILAE class 4). Five patients had ceiving AEDs, 30 (71.4%) had type III FCD, 9 (21.4%) had
running-down phenomenon, with postoperative seizure type II, and 3 (7.14%) had type I FCD.
through 3 weeks postsurgery and maintenance of long-
term seizure freedom. Forty-two (11.8%) patients were not Comparison of FCD Location
receiving AEDs. Significantly greater percentages of patients with TLE
had clear-cut FCD on MRI (p = 0.039), lateralized semiol-
Predictors of Outcome ogy (p = 0.002), regional interictal and ictal EEG onset
Analysis of the factors that influence seizure freedom pattern (both p ≤ 0.001), and focal pattern on ictal SPECT
showed that mean age at onset (p = 0.007), duration of (p = 0.035) than patients with ETLE (Table 3). Nearly one-
epilepsy (p = 0.031), and age at surgery (p = 0.001) were third of patients with ETLE had onset of epilepsy at an
greater in patients who were seizure free (Table 1). Great- early age (p ≤ 0.001), multiple seizure types (p = 0.041),
er percentage of patients with persistent seizures had and delayed development (p ≤ 0.001). Seizure frequency
daily seizures and multiple seizure types (both p ≤ 0.001) was greatest among patients with ETLE, of whom 62.8%
than patients who were seizure free. Seizure freedom was had daily seizures prior to surgery (p ≤ 0.001). Type III
significantly associated with clear-cut MRI lesion (p = FCD was associated with TLE (p ≤ 0.001), whereas type
0.006), lateralized seizure semiology (p = 0.005), and re- I and II FCD were associated with ETLE (p ≤ 0.001). Of
gional interictal (p = 0.035) and ictal (p = 0.052) EEG on- patients with FCD in the temporal lobe, nearly 84% were
set pattern. A significantly greater proportion of seizure- seizure free and 15.6% were not receiving AEDs.
free patients had concordant findings between MRI and
ictal EEG compared with patients with persistent seizures Time to First Seizure According to FCD Subtype
(56.6% vs 42.4%, p = 0.018). Patterns on FDG-PET and Chronological analysis with Kaplan-Meier curves of
ictal SPECT were distributed equally between groups (p time to first seizure among the 99 patients with persistent
> 0.05). seizures showed that 18 (18.19%) patients had their first
Seizure freedom was associated with FCD location in postoperative seizure within 1 week after surgery. An ad-
the temporal lobe (p ≤ 0.001), type III FCD (p ≤ 0.001), ditional 63 (63.63%) patients reported their first seizure
and complete resection (p ≤ 0.001), whereas frontal (p ≤ within 6 months after surgery; the majority of these pa-
0.001) and multilobar (p = 0.023) location, APOS (p ≤ tients (33 [52.3%]) had type I FCD (Fig. 4).
0.001), resection close to an eloquent cortex (p ≤ 0.001),
and type I FCD (p ≤ 0.001) were associated with persistent Discussion
seizures (Table 1 and Fig. 3).
On multiple logistic regression analysis of outcome, In the current study, we have described and analyzed
type III FCD was the strongest predictor of seizure free- the factors that affected long-term seizure outcomes after
dom (β = 6.79, 95% CI 1.83–25.18, p = 0.004), whereas surgery for DRE and FCD in a large single-center cohort.
predictors of persistent seizures were type I FCD (β Our results demonstrate that epilepsy surgery led to sei-
= 5.28, 95% CI 1.71–16.22, p = 0.004), multiple seizure zure freedom in 72% of patients. Type III FCD was the
types (β = 0.35, 95% CI 0.12–0.99, p = 0.048), and APOS strongest predictor of seizure freedom. Multiple seizure
(β = 0.29, 95% CI 0.11–0.80, p = 0.017). types, APOS, and type I FCD were predictors of persistent
seizures. About 80% of patients with persistent seizures,
mostly those with type I FCD, had their first seizure with-
Comparison of FCD Subtypes in 6 months postsurgery.
Comparison of study variables among patients with The novelty of the present study is that all included
various types of FCD (I, II, and III) showed that more patients underwent noninvasive multimodal evaluation
children had type I FCD (45.4%), whereas type III FCD and surgery when there was concordance between at least
was more common in adults. Early age at onset (< 2 years) two imaging modalities (brain MRI, FDG-PET, and ictal
and presence of multiple seizure types were associated SPECT). As suggested by Rathore and Radhakrishnan,
with type I and II FCD when compared with type III FCD. epilepsy surgery programs in low- and middle-income
FCD was clear-cut on MRI in 92.8% of patients with type countries should be customized and tailored instead of
III FCD, 82.2% of those with type II, and 61.9% of those merely duplicating the patterns and protocols of epilepsy
with type I FCD (Table 2). surgery programs in Western countries.19 In countries with
Lateralized semiology, regional interictal and ictal limited resources, where patients and their caregivers bear
EEG onset pattern, and focal pattern on ictal SPECT were the cost of medical care, the majority of patients cannot
more common in patients with type III FCD, followed by afford the expensive, invasive EEG evaluations required
patients with type II FCD. Type I FCD was associated for presurgical evaluation.
with frontal and multilobar location. Complete resection Favorable seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery was
of FCD (in patients with clear-cut lesion on MRI) was reportedly observed in 80% of patients with lesional epi-
achieved in 96.5% of patients with type III FCD, 69.3% lepsy, such as epilepsy due to primary brain tumor or
with type II, and 49.5% with type I. A significantly greater vascular malformation.5 However, the efficacy of surgi-
number of patients with type I FCD had APOS (42.3%). At cal treatment was less favorable for patients with FCD,
the latest follow-up, 88.8% of patients with type III FCD, with only 33%–75% of patients becoming seizure free.5

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TABLE 1. Comparison of presurgical and surgical variables according to seizure outcome (n = 355)
Variable Seizure Free (n = 256) Persistent Seizure (n = 99) p Value
Women 109 (42.6) 50 (50.5) 0.192
Age at surgery, yrs 21.5 ± 12.2 16.8 ± 11.3 0.001
<2 3 (1.2) 6 (6.1) 0.016
3–12 62 (24.2) 34 (34.3) 0.062
13–18 52 (20.3) 21 (21.2) 0.883
>18 139 (54.3) 38 (38.4) 0.009
Age at onset, yrs 10.5 ± 8.9 7.7 ± 6.7 0.007
Age <2 yrs 40 (15.7) 29 (29.3) 0.007
Duration of epilepsy, yrs 11.4 ± 8.4 9.3 ± 7.4 0.031
Febrile convulsion 57 (22.3) 15 (15.3) 0.183
Aura 109 (42.7) 15 (15.3) <0.001
Normal IQ 195 (76.5) 55 (55.6) <0.001
Psychiatric/behavioral problems 161 (62.9) 60 (60.6) 0.715
Delayed development 27 (11.2) 26 (28.0) <0.001
Daily seizure 84 (32.8) 58 (58.6) <0.001
Clear-cut lesion on MRI 218 (85.2) 71 (71.7) 0.006
Focal pattern on ictal SPECT (n = 157) 78 (77.2) 41 (73.2) 0.566
Focal pattern on FDG-PET (n = 262) 136 (80.0) 68 (73.9) 0.277
Onset pattern on interictal EEG
Regional 174 (68.0) 55 (55.6) 0.035
Hemispherical 44 (17.2) 13 (13.1) 0.421
Generalized 8 (3.1) 14 (14.1) 0.003
Bilateral/multifocal 30 (11.7) 17 (17.2) 0.220
Seizure semiology
Lateralized 206 (80.5) 65 (65.7) 0.005
Generalized 40 (15.6) 30 (30.3) 0.002
Bilateral 3 (1.2) 3 (3.0) 0.354
Contralateral 6 (2.3) 1 (1.0) 0.678
Multiple seizure types 42 (16.4) 48 (48.5) <0.001
Onset pattern on ictal EEG
Regional 164 (64.3) 52 (52.5) 0.052
Hemispherical 32 (12.5) 10 (10.1) 0.587
Generalized 36 (14.1) 33 (33.3) <0.001
Contralateral 4 (1.6) 2 (2.0) 0.672
Multifocal 19 (7.5) 2 (2.0) 0.076
Concordance btwn MRI & ictal EEG 145 (56.6) 42 (42.4) 0.018
FCD type
I 49 (22.1) 48 (52.2) <0.001
II 70 (31.5) 31 (33.7) 0.791
III 103 (46.4) 13 (14.1) <0.001
Location of FCD
Temporal 166 (64.8) 33 (33.3) <0.001
Frontal 58 (22.7) 44 (44.4) <0.001
Parietal 12 (4.7) 5 (5.1) >0.99
Occipital 6 (2.3) 4 (4.0) 0.474
Multilobar 14 (5.5) 13 (13.1) 0.023
Type of resection
Lesionectomy 92 (35.9) 51 (51.5) 0.008
ATL-AH 125 (48.8) 24 (24.2) <0.001

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TABLE 1. Comparison of presurgical and surgical variables according to seizure outcome (n = 355)
Variable Seizure Free (n = 256) Persistent Seizure (n = 99) p Value
Type of resection (continued)
Lobectomy 8 (3.1) 6 (6.1) 0.227
Multilobar resection 15 (5.9) 12 (12.1) 0.071
Posterior disconnection 1 (0.4) 2 (2.0) 0.189
Lesionectomy w/ ATL-AH 15 (5.9) 4 (4.0) 0.606
Resection close to eloquent cortex 14 (5.5) 22 (22.2) <0.001
Complete resection 214 (98.2) 41 (57.7) <0.001
APOS 46 (18.0) 44 (44.4) <0.001
Values are shown as number (percentage) or mean ± SD unless indicated otherwise.

In a meta-analysis of 2014 patients with FCD, Engel class I Even in patients with clear-cut abnormality on MRI
(seizure-free) outcome after surgery was reported in mean who undergo epilepsy surgery for FCD, seizure outcome
± SD 55.8% ± 16.2% of patients.8 In the current study, 72% is worse than those who undergo surgery because of other
of patients were seizure free at latest follow-up. Complete- focal lesional epilepsy syndromes.5 The rate of seizure
ness of resection was associated with seizure freedom in freedom for patients with clear-cut FCD on MRI was
the current study. Incomplete resection is an independent, 85% in the current study, which is better than the rate of
important prognostic factor for poor surgical outcome.20 80% reported for patients who underwent resection for fo-
Complete resection of radiological abnormality is a sig- cal epilepsy. Our better outcome may be due to the use
nificant predictor of seizure freedom, and the odds of good of multimodal diagnostic evaluation, which was reported
seizure control were about 6 times higher among patients previously.7
who underwent complete resection than those who did Fauser et al.13,14 have reported that unilobar resection
not.4 FCD with dysplastic neurons is intrinsically epilep- is more successful than multilobar resection, but a meta-
togenic; hence, the presence of any residual tissue after analysis reported that temporal resection is associated
resection will result in postsurgical seizures. FCD was with seizure freedom.8 The current study reports that fron-
close to an eloquent cortex in 10% of patients and was a tal and multilobar FCD were associated with poor seizure
predictor of persistent seizures in the current cohort. Such outcome, whereas FCD located in the temporal lobe was
patients often undergo subtotal resection to avoid the risk associated with seizure freedom. Fauser et al.21 reported
of unacceptable postoperative neurological deficit.3 Subtle that younger age at epilepsy surgery was an important
or normal findings on MRI are often associated with dif- positive predictive factor, whereas age at surgery did not
ficulty to define the epileptogenic zone, which often results influence seizure freedom in a meta-analysis.8 In the cur-
in incomplete resection.5 rent study, although type III FCD was a strong predictor of

FIG. 3. Comparison of rates of seizure freedom across various study variables (n = 355).

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TABLE 2. Comparison of study variables according to FCD subtype (n = 350)

Variable Type I (n = 97) Type II (n = 101) Type III (n = 152)
Women 49 (50.5) 48 (48.0) 58 (38.4)
Age at surgery, yrs 17.13 ± 9.31 18.68 ± 12.28* 24.67 ± 12.22†
Age at onset <2 yrs 31 (32.0) 26 (25.7)* 10 (6.6)†
Febrile convulsion 8 (8.2) 15 (14.9)* 47 (31.0)†
Aura 23 (23.7) 30 (29.7)* 70 (46.1)†
Delayed development 29 (29.9) 17 (16.8) 5 (3.3)†
Daily seizure 50 (51.5) 60 (59.4)* 32 (21.1)†
Multiple seizure types 44 (45.4) 32 (31.7)* 11 (7.2)†
Regional onset on interictal EEG 43 (44.3)‡ 69 (68.3)* 111 (73.5)
Lateralized semiology 68 (70.1) 73 (72.3)* 128 (84.2)†
Regional onset on ictal EEG 41 (42.3)‡ 62 (61.4) 111 (73.5)†
Clear-cut lesion on MRI 60 (61.9)‡ 83 (82.2)* 141 (92.8)†
Focal pattern on ictal SPECT (n = 155) 43/64 (67.2)‡ 41/51 (80.4) 34/40 (85.0)†
Focal pattern on FDG-PET (n = 240) 70/95 (73.6) 75/94 (79.7) 42/51 (82.3)
Location of FCD
Temporal 28 (28.9) 34 (33.7)* 137 (90.1)†
Frontal 39 (40.2) 50 (49.5)* 11 (7.2)†
Parietal 8 (8.2) 9 (8.9) 0 (0.0)
Occipital 3 (3.1) 5 (5.0) 2 (1.3)
Multilobar 19 (19.6) 3 (3.0)* 2 (1.3)†
Resection close to eloquent cortex 16 (16.5) 15 (14.9)* 5 (3.3)†
Complete resection 46 (49.5)‡ 70 (69.3)* 136 (96.5)†
APOS 41 (42.3)‡ 27 (26.7)* 20 (13.2)†
Seizure free 49 (50.5)‡ 70 (69.3)* 135 (88.8)†
Not receiving AEDs 3 (3.1) 9 (8.9) 30 (19.7)†
Values are shown as number (percentage) or mean ± SD unless indicated otherwise.
* Significant difference between type II and type III FCD (p < 0.05).
† Significant difference between type I and type III FCD (p < 0.05).
‡ Significant difference between type I and type II FCD (p < 0.05).

seizure freedom, multiple seizure types, APOS, and type I pared with type I FCD associated with other lesions.22 In
FCD were predictors of persistent seizures. the current study, we report that type I FCD was associat-
In the current study, we report that regional interictal ed with daily seizures, subtle abnormality on MRI, gener-
and ictal EEG onset patterns were more frequent in pa- alized seizures, generalized interictal and ictal EEG onset
tients with type III FCD, followed by those with type II pattern, and frontal and multilobar distributions. Further-
FCD, and associated seizure freedom. Patterns on FDG- more, type I FCD was associated with risk of incomplete
PET and ictal SPECT did not influence outcomes. In com- resection and increased risk of persistent seizures, whereas
parison, Kim et al. reported that secondarily generalized type II and III FCD were associated with clear-cut lesion
tonic-clonic seizures were associated with poor surgical on MRI, regional interictal and ictal EEG onset pattern,
outcome, but results of MRI, scalp EEG, FDG-PET, and focal pattern on ictal SPECT, significantly greater chance
ictal SPECT were not associated with surgical outcomes.20 of complete resection, and seizure freedom. In a large
Rowland et al. reported no association between EEG and multicenter cohort study, patients with type I FCD or mild
seizure freedom.8 Notably, all patients in the current study MCD had the worst seizure outcomes, with only 50% be-
underwent surgery after noninvasive multimodality evalu- ing free from disabling seizures.23 FCD localization to a
ation and their outcomes were comparable to those of pa- lobe or presence of widespread epileptogenic network does
tients who underwent invasive evaluation.20,21 influence surgical outcome. Type I FCD is generally more
FCD epileptogenicity is often associated with patho- widespread than type II FCD. FDG-PET is more sensitive
logical severity, resulting in different characteristics relat- than MRI for evaluation of FCD, and use of multimodal-
ed to the epileptogenic network. Tassi et al. reported that ity imaging improves the chance of seizure freedom after
isolated type I FCD is characterized by frequent seizures, surgery.7 Kim et al.20 also reported that patients with FCD
negative findings on MRI, frequent frontal or multilobar of severe pathology (type II) had higher chances of com-
involvement, and worse postsurgical outcome when com- plete resection of FCD and subsequent seizure freedom.
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TABLE 3. Comparison of study variables between patients with ETLE and TLE (n = 355)
Variable ETLE (n = 156) TLE (n = 199) p Value
Age at surgery, yrs 17.47 ± 11.13 23.26 ± 11.98 <0.001
Age of onset <2 yrs 48 (30.8) 21 (10.6) <0.001
Febrile convulsion 18 (11.5) 54 (27.2) <0.001
Aura 31 (19.9) 93 (46.8) <0.001
Delayed development 43 (27.6) 10 (5.0) <0.001
Daily seizure 98 (62.8) 44 (22.1) <0.001
Multiple seizure types 26 (38.8) 6 (17.6) 0.041
Clear-cut lesion on MRI 119 (76.3) 170 (85.4) 0.039
Focal pattern on ictal SPECT (n = 157) 61 (68.5) 58 (85.3) 0.035
Focal pattern on FDG-PET (n = 224) 117 (75.0) 53 (77.9) 0.735
Regional onset on interictal EEG 78 (50.0) 151 (75.9) <0.001
Lateralized semiology 104 (66.7) 167 (83.9) 0.002
Regional onset on ictal EEG 74 (47.4) 142 (71.7) <0.001
FCD type on histopathology
I 69 (45.7) 28 (14.1) <0.001
II 67 (44.4) 34 (17.1) <0.001
III 15 (9.9) 137 (68.8) <0.001
Complete resection 93 (78.2) 162 (95.3) <0.001
APOS 54 (30.6) 36 (18.1) <0.001
Seizure freedom 90 (57.7) 166 (83.4) <0.001
Not receiving AEDs 11 (7.1) 31 (15.6) 0.013
Values are shown as number (percentage) or mean ± SD unless indicated otherwise.

FIG. 4. Comparison of times to first seizure among patients with different types of FCD.

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However, Fauser et al. reported that FCD types were not invasive protocol. Multiple seizure types, type I FCD, and
correlated with postoperative seizure freedom.14 As sug- APOS were predictors of persistent seizures. About 80%
gested by Hauptman and Mathern,3 if EEG cannot localize of patients with persistent seizures, mostly those with type
type I FCD and MRI shows normal findings, noninvasive I FCD, had their first seizure within 6 months postsurgery.
tools are required to identify the lesion, detect the borders Type I FCD was associated with daily seizures, subtle ab-
of the lesion for histopathological analysis, and determine normality on MRI, generalized seizures, generalized in-
whether the lesion involves the functional cerebral cortex. terictal and ictal EEG onset pattern, frontal and multilobar
In a large surgical series, patients with FCD represent- distribution, incomplete resection, and increased risk of
ed 30% of the population, and those with type III FCD persistent seizures; type II and III FCD were associated
represented about 10%.10 Type III FCD is characterized with clear-cut lesion on MRI, regional interictal and ictal
by dyslamination with normal neurons (type I FCD) ad- EEG onset pattern, focal pattern on ictal SPECT, and sig-
jacent to another principal lesion.10 Type IIIa FCD occurs nificantly greater chances of complete resection and sei-
adjacent to hippocampal sclerosis, with the qualification zure freedom.
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sia. Neurology. 2009;​72(3):​211–216. als or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this
21. Fauser S, Bast T, Altenmüller DM, et al. Factors influencing paper.
surgical outcome in patients with focal cortical dysplasia. J
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2008;​79(1):​103–105. Author Contributions
22. Tassi L, Garbelli R, Colombo N, et al. Type I focal cortical
dysplasia:​surgical outcome is related to histopathology. Epi- Conception and design: Jayalakshmi, Panigrahi. Acquisition of
leptic Disord. 2010;​12(3):​181–191. data: all authors. Analysis and interpretation of data: Jayalakshmi,
23. Lamberink HJ, Otte WM, Blümcke I, Braun KPJ. Seizure Vooturi, Madigubba. Drafting the article: Vadapalli. Critically
outcome and use of antiepileptic drugs after epilepsy surgery revising the article: Jayalakshmi, Panigrahi. Reviewed submitted
according to histopathological diagnosis:​a retrospective mul- version of manuscript: Jayalakshmi, Panigrahi. Approved the final
ticentre cohort study. Lancet Neurol. 2020;​19(9):​748–757. version of the manuscript on behalf of all authors: Jayalakshmi.
24. Cossu M, Fuschillo D, Bramerio M, et al. Epilepsy surgery of Statistical analysis: Vooturi. Administrative/technical/material
focal cortical dysplasia-associated tumors. Epilepsia. 2013;​ support: Vadapalli.
54(suppl 9):​115–122.
25. Deleo F, Garbelli R, Milesi G, et al. Short- and long-term Correspondence
surgical outcomes of temporal lobe epilepsy associated with Sita Jayalakshmi: Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Secun-
hippocampal sclerosis:​relationships with neuropathology. derabad, Telangana State, India.
Epilepsia. 2016;​57(2):​306–315.
26. Giulioni M, Marucci G, Martinoni M, et al. Seizure outcome
in surgically treated drug-resistant mesial temporal lobe epi-
lepsy based on the recent histopathological classifications. J
Neurosurg. 2013;​119(1):​37–47.

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