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Title of the Training/ Activity:

Conduct of orientation on project SPLIT and re-documentation for splitting of titles/


Type of Project: Local Government Unit ( LGU ) Based Project

Project Proponents: ( Office/ Division/ Section/ Unit conducting the activity): DAR, LGU-
San Luis, Municipal Agriculture Office

Number of Beneficiary/ies : 50 training beneficiaries

Project Beneficiaries: Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries ( ARB’s)

Location of the beneficiaries: Brgy. Nuevo Trabajo, San Luis, Agusan Del Sur

Date of implementation/ Duration: April 11,16, and 24, 2024

Area of Training Project Implementation : Brgy. Nuevo Trabajo, San Luis, Agusan Del

Budget Requirement:

Training Number 1: 34,500

Training Number 2: 15,000

Training Number 3: 16,500

Assessment: 35, 000

Budget requested: 100,000

Partner Agency: LGU- San Luis, DAR, DA



A just safe and equitable society that upholds the right of tiller to own, control, secure,
cultivate and enhance their agrricultural lands, improve their quality of life towards rural
development and national industrialization.


DAR is the lead government agency that upholds and implements comprehensive ang
genuine agrarian reform which actualizes equitable land distribution, ownership,
agricultural productivity, and tenurial are security for, of, and with the titles of the land
towards the improvement of their quality of life.


To ensure that the orientation is comprehensive, practical, and beneficial to all

participants, ultimately contributing to the success of Project SPLIT and the process of
re-documentation for splitting titles/CLOA's.


1. Increase understanding and awareness of Project SPLIT and the process of re-
documentation for splitting titles and CLOA's among landowners and other

2. Equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the land titling
process and the splitting of titles/CLOA's effectively.
3. Through the orientation, shed light on the procedures, rights, and responsibilities
involved in the land titling process, thereby promoting transparency and fairness.

4. Help participants understand the steps they need to take to secure their land tenure,
reducing potential disputes and conflicts.

5. Encourage cooperation and dialogue among landowners, government officials, and

other stakeholders to foster a more effective and inclusive land titling process.

6. Through the orientation, contribute to rural development by promoting secure land

tenure and efficient land administration.


“ The department of agrarian Reform (DAR) had launched the SPLIT project, with

Simultaneous inaugural activity at the regional and provincial offices to improve

Land tenure security and stabilize property rights of about 1,140,735 agrarian

Reform beneficiaries (ARBs) nationwide.

Agrarian Reform Secretary Jhon R. Castriciones said the SPLIT Project, which is

An acronym for Support to Parcelization of land for Individual Titling, aims

To fast -track land subdivision/Parcelization of collective certificates of land

Ownership award (CCLOs) and eventually issue individual land titles to ARBs

Who were previously awarded with land . SPLIT project has three components,

Namely: Parcelization of collective CLOAs , capability building and technical

Assistance and project management, monitoring and evaluation.


By the end of the training the beneficiaries will be able to be oriented about project
SPLIT: Also able to assist the ARBs in the preparation of the required documents for


The Project SPLIT and Re- documentation for splitting of titles/ CLOA’s designed to
issued to agrarian reform beneficiaries or the Parcelization of CLOA’s.


Work Plan for Orientation on Project SPLIT and Re-Documentation:

1. Preparation Phase:

- Identify key personnel from DAR, LGU-San Luis, and the Municipal Agriculture Office
responsible for organizing the orientation and re-documentation.

- Secure necessary materials, including presentation slides, documentation forms,

and equipment.

- Coordinate with Barangay Nuevo Trabajo officials for venue arrangements and
logistical support.

- Develop an agenda for each session, ensuring all aspects of the project are covered

2. Communication and Promotion:

- Distribute invitations and informational materials to the 50 ARBs in Brgy. Nuevo

Trabajo, emphasizing the importance of their participation.

- Utilize various communication channels such as flyers, text messages, and

community announcements to ensure maximum attendance.

3. Orientation Sessions (April 11, 16, and 24, 2024):

- Day 1 (April 11): Introduction to Project SPLIT and its objectives, overview of the re-
documentation process, and clarification of roles and responsibilities.
- Day 2 (April 16): Detailed explanation of the re-documentation procedures, including
required documents, legal implications, and timelines.

- Day 3 (April 24): Hands-on training on filling out documentation forms, Q&A session,
and finalization of re-documentation plans.

4. Documentation and Reporting:

- Ensure accurate recording of attendance for each session.

- Collect feedback from participants regarding the clarity and effectiveness of the
orientation sessions.

- Compile all re-documentation forms and ensure they are properly organized and
submitted to the relevant authorities.

- Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the activities conducted, outcomes

achieved, and any challenges encountered during the process.

5. Follow-Up and Evaluation:

- Conduct follow-up sessions or consultations with ARBs who may require additional
support or clarification on the re-documentation process.

- Evaluate the overall success of the orientation and re-documentation efforts,

identifying areas for improvement and lessons learned.

- Share findings and recommendations with project stakeholders for future planning
and implementation.

6. Closure and Next Steps:

- Express gratitude to all participants, organizers, and stakeholders for their

contributions to the project.

- Provide contact information for ongoing support and assistance regarding re-
documentation inquiries.
- Outline next steps for the project, including any further actions needed to ensure the
successful completion of the splitting of titles/CLOAs.

By following this work plan, the orientation on Project SPLIT and re-documentation
process can be efficiently conducted, ensuring clarity, compliance, and support for the
ARBs in Brgy. Nuevo Trabajo, San Luis, Agusan Del Sur.



LGU- San Luis, Office, Funding the project or LGU- Accounting office in
Division and Unit. training programs change

Department of Agrarian Issued the Certificates and Francis Ronald B. Albolario

Reform (DAR). Facilitate the program

Barangay Nuevo Trabajo Barangay captain and the

Counsil whole barangay counsil.


Office Supplies Description Amount Needed Proposed

Expenses souces
Bond paper Ream –(5) – 125.00 623.00 STF
Certificate, photo Piece – (50) – 20.00 600.00 STF
paper A4
Pencil Piece – (50) – 7.00 210.00 STF
Ball pen Piece – (50) – 9.00 270.00 STF
Journal book Piece – (50) – 100.00 3,000.00 STF
Long Expanded Piece – (50) – 20.00 300.00 STF
Registration Form Piece – (50) – 10.00 300.00 STF
Epson ink Refill color Bottle – (4) – 400.pp 1,600.00 STF
( Black )
White Board Marker Piece – (15) – 150. 1,600.00 STF
Calculator Piece – (25) – 2,000.00 STF
Tarpaulin 4×8 Piece (1) – 500.00 500.00 STF
Sounds and Venue Package – 5000. 00 5,000.00 STF
Snacks (AM/PM) Packs (50) – 100.00 5,000.00 STF
Meals Packs (50) – 150.00 7,500.00 STF
Speakers Packs ( 4 ) – 1500.00 6,000.00 STF
Total 34, 500 pesos


The expected outputs of the training are the following:

1. The orientation will ensure that everyone is aligned with the goals of the project and
understands the importance of accurate and thorough re-documentation.

2. The project team will be well-prepared and equipped to carry out the re-
documentation process effectively, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the split
titles/CLOA's in the training proposal.

Prepared by:

Levard L. Patanao

Bea G. Corton

Gissele T. Mestizo

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