60 Life-Changing Transformation Tools E - Book

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Psychological and Spiritual Tools that Can
Turn Your Life Around Physically, Mentally,
Socially, Spiritually and Inspire You
Towards Greater Life Achievements

Dr. Ayodele Olurotimi Coker

Contents iii
Dedication vi
Acknowledgments vii
Prologue viii

Transformational Tool No. 1 1

You Are Wonderful

Transformational Tool No. 2 2

Just Imagine What You Want
From Life and Go For It

Transformational Tool No. 3 3

Be Decisive

Transformational Tool No. 4 4

Forgive Yourself

Transformational Tool No. 5 5

Forgive Your Adversaries

Transformational Tool No. 6 6

Be Childlike

Transformational Tool No. 7 7

As You Think So You Are

Transformational Tool No. 8 8

Develop Yourself Technologically

Transformational Tool No. 9 9

Positive Talk-back Attitude

Transformational Tool No. 10 10

Anticipate Changes

Transformational Tool No. 11 11

Have a Personal Vision

Transformational Tool No. 12 12

Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

Transformational Tool No. 13 13

Write Your Mission Statements
Transformational Tool No. 14 14
Givers Never Lack

Transformational Tool No. 15 15

Take Frequent Risks

Transformational Tool No. 16 16

Take Another Risk

Transformational Tool No. 17 17

Develop Yourself Educationally

Transformational Tool No. 18 18

Live Your Life With Passion

Transformational Tool No. 19 19

Disappointments are Successes in Disguise

Transformational Tool No. 20 20

Switch Off Your Generator

Transformational Tool No. 21 21

Laugh Away Your Stress

Transformational Tool No. 22 22

Stop Keeping Malice

Transformational Tool No. 23 23

Do Your Best And Leave The Rest

Transformational Tool No. 24 24

Just Do It

Transformational Tool No. 25 25

Delay Your Gratification

Transformational Tool No. 26 26

Set Immediate-term Goals

Transformational Tool No. 27 27

Set Short-term Goals

Transformational Tool No. 28 28

Set Long-term Goals

Transformational Tool No. 29 29

Do Not Procrastinate
Transformational Tool No. 30 30
Go The Extra Mile

Transformational Tool No. 31 31

Burn That Bridge

Transformational Tool No. 32 32

Grow Your Fruit

Transformational Tool No. 33 33

You Always Have a Choice

Transformational Tool No. 34 34

Nobody Can Stop You

Transformational Tool No. 35 35

Success Is A Journey

Transformational Tool No. 36 36

Test Your Hypotheses

Transformational Tool No. 37 37

Expect Criticisms

Transformational Tool No. 38 38

Be Ready To Serve

Transformational Tool No. 39 39

Your Position in Life is Temporary

Transformational Tool No. 40 40

Problems Reveal Your Identity

Transformational Tool No. 41 41

Change Your Belief System

Transformational Tool No. 42 42

Change Your Emotional States

Transformational Tool No. 43 43

Mind and Body Connection

Transformational Tool No. 44 44

Eat to Live

Transformational Tool No. 45 45

Improve Your Circle of Social Networks
Transformational Tool No. 46 46
Become Financially Independent

Transformational Tool No. 47 47

Be an Entrepreneur

Transformational Tool No. 48 48

One Man's Meat

Transformational Tool No. 49 49

Learn To Sing and Dance

Transformational Tool No. 50 50

Can You See the Future?

Transformational Tool No. 51 51

Talk and Grow Rich

Transformational Tool No. 52 52

Let Your Goals Be SMART

Transformational Tool No. 53 53

Improve Your Energy Level

Transformational Tool No. 54 54

Breathe Away Your Stress

Transformational Tool No. 55 55

Attract The Best For Yourself

Transformational Tool No. 56 56

You Cannot Fail

Transformational Tool No. 57 57

Dress Your Best Always

Transformational Tool No. 58 58

Stop Taking Unnecessary Permissions

Transformational Tool No. 59 59

Live That Quality Life Today

Transformational Tools No. 60 60

The Temple Of God

Epilogue 62
Other Books by Ayodele Olurotimi Coker 63

To my only sweetheart, the one that I worship next to God, Chief (Dr)
Mrs. Olayinka Olufunmilayo Coker, my honey pie for thirty years. You
are one of the Psycho-spiritual transformational tools that changed my
life dramatically.

I acknowledge God for giving these transformational tools to shape my

life as desired. My special gratitude goes to my parents Chief Bababode,
Abayomi Coker (late) and Chief (Mrs) Adejunji Coker for perfect
grooming and for laying the foundations of all my achievements.

To my dearest wife Chief (Dr) Olayinka Coker a co-psychologist,

medical practitioner and consultant public health physician who made
my emotions quite stable all through the last three decades. I also thank
our two lovely children Olamide and Mosope who are a delight to be
with any time and any day. I say thank you to all my siblings and close
friends in all my spiritual, social and sporting clubs.

This book is an accomplishment and as such, it could not have been

achievable without the help and encouragement of my mental health
teachers, senior colleagues, and colleagues in the field of mental health
in Nigeria.

I have written seven books on personal-development especially with regards

to the enhancement of human emotions. All the psychological, emotional,
mental and spiritual techniques have been summarised in this wonderful
personal-development book - 60 Transformational Tools; Tools that Can
Turn Your Life Around Socially, Emotionally and Spiritually and Drive
You Towards Super Achievement (60 TT for short). I found out within the
last three decades of practicing medicine in Nigeria and Africa, that the
majority of those who suffer from serious mental health conditions were
those who do not have concrete plans on how to deal with life’s daily

These are the people who live their lives on a day-to-day basis. Peradventure,
if they even had some nice decisions for their future, they had nonchalant
attitudes and so could not take concrete steps to succeed in their plans. On
encountering major hardships of life such as loss of job, divorce or reversal of
fortune, instead of switching to other alternative projects or decisions, they
simply breakdown physically, or emotionally and may end up being
hospitalised for their unsuspecting unconscious emotional conditions.

I conceived this idea of 60 - TT on my sixtieth birthday in 2019 when I

suddenly realized that I had used many of the techniques in this book to
achieve what seemed impossible in my life 50 years ago. For those who are
truly motivated to go after their important life desires, many of these 60-TT
can also be found in
all my motivational books. Moreover, where a Transformational Tool is not
quite explicit, the lengthy version of the technique can be found in all my
books. This is because each book compliments the other. It is my advice that
you get your copies of all the e-books for your library. They can all be found
on www. amazon.com.

This book aims to help individuals to bring out the best in them by using
some great age-long transformational principles to transform their dreams
into reality. You do not have to read long chapters to get a personal-
development point. With this 60 - TT, you will grasp many personal-
development useful tools on every page. Let me tell you that if your mind can
conceive any idea no matter how remote your idea appears to be if you put
your mind on it and remain focused in your vision, your brain will certainly
make manifest that idea.

Someone once said, "When the student is ready, the teacher will walk in." In
other words, when your life is about to be transformed, just like mine, it will
occur in a twinkle of the eye as you take the right steps. Therefore, your life
too can be transformed beyond your limited thoughts within the twinkle of
your eyes. This feat can simply be achieved by changing the way you think
and the words you use to communicate your talk-back to your subconscious
mind, and your optimistic attitude toward life. Nonetheless, as you read this
book, I pray that God will awaken the sleeping colossal innate potentials
within you. I wish you happy reading.

Ayodele Olurotimi Coker

Transformational Tool 1
You Are Wonderful

When next you take a look at the mirror, note that the image you see is
the most sophisticated technology in this world; that fantastic
technology is you. That is your curriculum vitae to all the happiness
you so desire in this world. You must believe in that image that you
see in that mirror. The results of self-belief are miraculous because you
will find yourself in unbelievable places. If things are not going too
well for you and if you are not happy and prosperous as you ought to
have been, remember that that sophisticated technology is the only
technology endowed with unique abilities to be whatever you can be.
When you believe in your abilities, you will bring out the creative
potentials within you. Use your self-belief to go after the most difficult
goal that you can think of and take massive actions to actualise that
goal and witness the transformations that will occur thereafter. When
you plant a cocoa bean, it will take years to grow.

However, after some years, the panted cocoa bean seeds will become a
cash crop. When you start today to sow the seed of perfect belief
system, self-esteem and self-appreciation, after some years, the result
will start manifesting in your life and your personalised venture will
mature and start to yield positive results. You must keep on telling
yourself that you are who you are and you cannot be simply what
others want you to be. Look inwards and tell yourself that I am what I
am and I do not have to apologise to anybody for the way I am.

Believe that, you too, can achieve anything, anytime and anywhere.
Transformational Tool 2
Just Imagine What You Want
From Life and Go For It

Each one of us has been created by God and He has given us the
potentials to be whoever we so desire to be in life. He gave us the
creative abilities to imagine or visualise anything we ever wanted in life.
Take a look around you this very moment, be it in your office, bedroom
or sitting room, every item that you can see such as books, shelves, clock,
photocopier, fridge, television, radio, computer, pen, pencils, pens,
tables, and the telephone were created from the imaginations of some
individuals like you.

You are not different from the visualisers who invented these items. You
too can use your God-given potentials and talents to invent that image
you have between your ears by taking necessary actions toward the
actualisation of such imaginations. Moreover, when you desire a
rainbow in your life, imagine thunderstorm before every rainbow.

Imagine the rainbow after the thunderstorms of life.

Transformational Tool 3
Be Decisive

You need to set that very important goal after you must have
imagined or visualised it. Take that decision today, this very
moment to go after that very challenging goal. Do all it takes, to
initiate whatever action to realise the difficult goal. If you decide
that from this very day you are going to change your life for good;
that is a promising decision.

However, if you refuse to take requisite actions to improve your life,

that is also a decision. The only way out of any rut, hardship or
conflict in life is to make a specific decision and act immediately on
such promising decisions. Even, when you get to the crossroads of
life difficult issues, make a decision on which way to go. If you
follow your intuition, your decision will never let you down.

Be bold, decisive and be specific. Take that decision today.

Transformational Tool 4
Forgive Yourself

If peradventure you were bold enough to have taken some

decisions in the past that were not too pleasurable, and these
decisions may be haunting you in the present moment; you need
to accept such past decisions as part of your learning experience
which could turn out as stepping stones towards your desired
success. Every positive result or negative past mistakes in your
life all happened for a reason. There is always a lesson to learn
from them. Because you had a road traffic accident yesterday and
you got yourself injured does not mean that you will experience
such injuries again today or tomorrow. Do not allow your past
tribulations to become memorials. These negative emotions
should be cremated and discarded. Free yourself from the
emotional pains of remorse by forgiving yourself for all your
negative decisions taken in the past and be quick to praise
yourself for every good decision made in the past too.

Free yourself from the negative emotions of contrition.

Transformational Tool 5
Forgive Your Adversaries

When you keep grievances against anybody, it creates a negative

emotional bond between you and that individual. It also allows for the
frequent discharge of adrenaline, a destructive chemical found in the
body acts that against certain organs in our bodies. To have a happy
life, you must also practice the art of forgiveness regularly. You need to
practice this form of emotional freedom by removing resentment and
revenge from your life. From this very moment, you must forgive
every individual that has ever hurt or abused you, cynical towards
you, stole your money, or even lied against you.

When you do not forgive and carry about thoughts of anger, hatred,
and resentment, they will continue to prevent you from moving to
greater heights emotionally. When you forgive and forget, you have
freed yourself from the emotional negative bondage with the person
you were resenting. When we pray to God to “forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us”, we too must develop the
attitude of a forgiven being and to try to forgive every individual that
has offended us from our childhood days till the present moment. We
are not supposed to love God alone. He said that we should love and
be loved in return. God does not want us to love him alone He wants
us to love ourselves first and others too. Send positive loving thoughts
to your adversaries, enemies and to those who do not wish you well.
Shoot them with love.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Transformational Tool 6
Be Childlike

When children imagine, they can turn a cup into a rocket or a box
into a bus. Children can imagine anything and also design
anything they want with their power of creative visualisations.
They are permanently full of optimistic opportunities. When
children fail to get what they want, they are happy with whatever
they have.

Let your childlike fantasies create your future realities. That is one
reason you need to read children's books and cartoons too. When a
four-year-old child wants something from his parents, he or she
will not stop demanding that thing until he or she gets what he or
she wants. To achieve our important goals, we must be childlike
but not childish. We must develop the childlike grit to match our
adult wishes and wants in life.

In your attitude, be childlike, but not childish.

Transformational Tool 7
As You Think So You Are

Your thinking processes will determine and shape your character,

behaviour, and attitude. You are the product of all your choices and

For this reason, if you are not where you are supposed to be at this
present moment, take full responsibilities; do not blame anybody for
your predicaments; blame yourself. Therefore, if you don’t like your
present situation, take a decision this very moment to get out of that rut!
It is never too late.

As you lay your bed so shall you lie on it.

Transformational Tool 8
Develop Yourself Technologically

All the knowledge, information, and education that one needs to

increase one's educational faculty are within your fingertips. They
can be found online on the Internet. This is one basic reason why you
must invest in a good telephone that can browse the Internet and also
a laptop computer to further boost your technological skills.

You must also save money to buy Internet data. You cannot afford to
be offline if you want to achieve great life goals. With regards to your
short-term, mid and long-term goals, all the information, education
and knowledge that you will ever need to achieve these goals can be
found on the Internet. So, what are you waiting for? Go online to get
all your strategies and techniques to achieve all your goals.

My people perish due to the lack of knowledge.

Transformational Tool 9
Positive Talk-back Attitude

Your intra-communication talk-back with yourself will either make

you or destroy you. How do you talk to yourself? Are you always
advising yourself positively or always criticizing yourself? As from
today, never allow negative thoughts to dominate your internal
dialogue or self-talk-back again.

Negative thoughts usually end up shaping people’s behaviour and

attitude negatively. When negative thoughts accumulate in our
minds, they become monsters and taunt us in the future in forms of
hallucinations and delusions. This is why you must always develop
conscious and deliberate positive talk-back to yourself by using
positive affirmations towards the attainment of your goals.

Think your way to your desired success.

Transformational Tool 10
Anticipate Changes

Change has been said to be the only thing constant in life, and the only
thing that is permanent in life is change. We cannot be successful in the
quest for our goals-attainment if we don't grow emotionally to follow the
positive trends of life. Anybody that refuses to change with the trends of
life will ultimately cease to grow in all dimensions of life. In life,
whatever you cannot change or influence, you must try your best to
improve upon it and leave the rest for others. Researchers claim that
every scientific research is tentative; no matter how robust the research
was, someone will still improve upon it in the future.

For any of us to prosper in line with our desired goals, we must change
the way we think, change the way we dress, change our behaviour and
attitude. We must continue to adapt to various changes in our immediate
and remote environments. Can you imagine how Mercedes Benz's salon
car keeps on changing with time? Look at the transformation of
Mercedes Benz saloon car - the 200 Model in 1970 compared to the
Mercedes Benz Model 230 E-class in 2019? The same mode of
transformation and rebranding is very necessary for all of us.

Predict future trends and you will always be abreast of your

Transformational Tool 11
Have a Personal Vision

Every person that is desirous of being a peak performer and great

achiever must be able to see the big picture of his goal by developing
the ability to visualise clear specific pictures of the desired goal. What
you cannot visualise in the spiritual realm may be very difficult to
achieve in real life.

Whatever you want in life, first visualise it; it could be a new car,
house, new job or a new relationship. Keep focused on your vision and
with time, the vision will manifest to reality.

Vision creates a mission.

Transformational Tool 12
Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

By developing your personalised mission statement, it will serve as

the constitution that will keep you focused and disciplined towards
the attainment of your life goals and it will prevent you from
derailments. Your mission statement should be all-encompassing to
include all dimensions of life desires: they should include spiritual,
mental physical, professional, social, relationships, technological
and financial goals. You must constantly and continuously improve
on your mission statements annually.

Your mission statements will determine your mission for life. You
will become a person with vision and mission. When you have a
vision and a focused mission in life, your life will always be exciting
and challenging.

Become a person with vision and mission.

Transformational Tool 13
Write Your Mission Statements

Before living your house every morning, take a look at your

personalised mission statements. It will help you to remain focused.
It will also help you manage your time with regards to the attainment
of your set immediate-term, short-term and long-term goals.

When you write out your mission statements, you have directly or
indirectly imprinted in your unconscious mind your plans for the
day, month and year. It will enhance your self-discipline and
unconsciously keeps you focused daily, monthly and yearly.

Have you designed your mission statement?

Transformational Tool 14
Givers Never Lack

When you find yourself having much more than your friend,
colleagues or neighbours, you need to assist them with your time,
talents and treasures. You should know that whatever you have
today, it is not by your power or might but by the special Grace of

Assist people and your community to solve their problems. God’s

abundant favours will come your way when you assist people to
solve their problems. When you are very generous with your time,
talent and treasures, it shows that you have conquered greed.

It is blessed to give than to receive.

Transformational Tool 15
Take Frequent Risks

To achieve greater things in life, you need to get out of your comfort
zones and venture into some danger zones. You cannot get to the
top of the ladder on a single leap. You must climb the ladder of life
with faith. You must leave the certainty for uncertainty and what is
secured for the unsecured; otherwise, you may remain stagnant in

When you take a risk there can only be two outcomes, the expected
favourable one and the other one that may not be quite encouraging.
Whatever your outcome after taking a risk with regards to your
goals-achievements, you have at least tried your best; that means,
you have also gained a lot of experience from that attempt.

Repetition is the father and mother of all skills acquisition.

Transformational Tool 16
Take Another Risk

One risk is never enough for a breakthrough in life. You need to

take risks frequently. Perseverance in risk-taking is the hallmark
of successful individuals. Quitters do not win any race of life.
Before you venture out to take a risk regarding your goals, you
need to equip yourself with the necessary information, education,
and knowledge about that venture.

Study the rules of the game before you play it. For example, you
cannot play the game of lawn tennis with a table tennis bat or
badminton racquet. You cannot even play the game unless you go
and receive tutelage from someone who knows how to play the
game well. It will take frequent and constant practice and
education to play the game very well after some years of
coaching. This same rule applies to real life. Whatever you do
there are lay down rules that must be understood even before
taking the risk at all.

We live to learn and learn to live.

Transformational Tool 17
Develop Yourself Educationally

One of the rules of life is to grow educationally or professionally

especially in Nigeria and Africa. The more you are educated, the
more you grow in your world view of life. The more you are
educated, the more chances that you will be more informed and
enlightened and resilient about life issues and conditions. If you
obtained your certificate five or ten years ago, by now, that level of
education may appear obsolete. That is why you must continue to
grow in life. For example, if you have the General Certificate of
Education (GCE), get a National Diploma (ND). If you have an ND,
get the Higher National Diploma (HND), if you are stuck to the
HND, go get a Bachelor’s degree (BSc). If you have a Bachelor’s
degree, get a Master’s degree (M.Sc), and let those with Master
Degrees get Doctorate Degrees (Ph. D).

To get more education, attend as many as possible seminars and

workshops on personal-development that will advance in all facets
of life. Your level of education sometimes determines your level of
creative ability. Remember, no knowledge is lost. To achieve one of
your great goals, you might need to go back to school.

If you think that education is expensive try illiteracy.

Transformational Tool 18
Live Your Life With Passion

We are in this world to be happy. In that light, we should do all that it

takes in life to be happy. Therefore, we should learn to live our lives
having fun. Let our lives be full of great acclamations rather than
woeful explanations.

The only way to enjoy your life is to discover what you love and
enjoy doing it over and over again as long as it brings you joy. When
you love what you are passionate about, you will never be bored or
time conscious. Fulfillment will be derived from your passion.
Moreover, when you have discovered what your passions are, use
them to live each day with optimistic enthusiasm for the future.

Life is meant to be enjoyed; live it to the full.

Transformational Tool 19
Disappointments are Successes in Disguise

On your way towards the attainment of your difficult life goals, you
will also encounter a series of difficult problems. However, the
most difficult ones are the ones God wants you to learn from. That
is some people may not be promoted in life until they are qualified
for the elevation. There is a saying that "When one door closes, ten
more doors open at the same time."

Instead of looking for the blessings and the opportunities given by

the closed door, we are too gloomy to realise that so many
opportunities have been opened to us. It has been said that the
bigger the tribulation, the bigger the impending success. That is
why when you encounter an overwhelming challenge, you must
still give God the glory.

Disappointments are blessings in disguise.

Transformational Tool 20
Switch Off Your Generator

Our brain has been likened to a generator set that works to

generate electric power every hour, every day, every week and
every month year in, year out. That is why we must also learn to
switch off that electric power generating machine for it to last
longer and also remain effective.

This is the reason why we must find time to relax physically and
mentally during our quiet moments to recoup our lost physical
and mental energies. We must find at least ten to thirty minutes
every day to be on our own and to think absolutely about nothing.
It could be one of the most difficult things to do but with practice,
you too can develop relaxation skills.

Relax your mind, body, and soul to achieve your goals.

Transformational Tool 21
Laugh Away Your Stress

You too can learn to laugh away your stress when you encounter
overwhelming stress. However, you can only acquire this skill by
laughing when there is nothing to laugh about. When you
frequently smile, laugh and crack jokes, you are telling yourself
and others around you that you are in a happy frame of mind.
When you have mastered this technique, you will be able to laugh
at yourself when you have committed a blunder, or after making
silly mistakes. For this reason, laughter can be used to ameliorate
physical and emotional traumatic pain. When you smile and laugh
regularly, your brain releases happy hormones that calm stressed
muscles and nerves. Thus, when your body is relaxed, you cannot
be tensed up or anxious at the same time. In this sense, you cannot
be happy and sad at the same time. These two opposing emotional
states cannot clash if you deliberately stick to one.

Whenever you find yourself stressed up, you can break that
negative emotional pattern by simply bursting into laughter. You
can also break any tense situation by merely smiling. Nobody can
stand up against a bright smile or laughter from the heart. One of
the methods of developing a positive emotional state is to visit film
houses and watch comedy movies. We can also buy home video
compact discs made locally or imported ones.
You are accountable for your moods therefore, do not expect
anyone to make you happy.
Transformational Tool 22
Stop Keeping Malice

When you point a finger at someone, four more are pointing at

you. Before you remove the speck in my eye, remember to
remove the log in your eye. When you talk bad, malign or keep a
grudge or malice against somebody, you are also hurting
yourself emotionally. This is because whenever you see the
individual that hurt you in the past, the stress hormones such as
cortisol and adrenaline will pump through your body.

These chemicals could also cause damages to many parts of the

body organs. However, when you replace these detrimental
thoughts with complimentary ones especially, on those who
abominate you, your mental state will be relatively stable and
healthier. Your self–estimation and self-perception will also grow

God is Love.
Transformational Tool 23
Do Your Best And Leave The Rest

In all issues of life, contribute your quota positively to improve

whatever you can, anywhere you can, and in any place, you can.
Sometimes, you may be overwhelmed about the challenges of life,
and you may think that your contributions may not matter, do not
be discouraged, do your best and leave the rest to be improved
upon by others.

Every drop of water counts in a bucket where there is no water. In

certain situations and circumstances, your best contributions may
not even be enough to make you happy or fulfilled. In such
circumstances, do your possible best and leave the rest for God to
take control.

When your best is not the best, leave the rest for God.
Transformational Tool 24
Just Do It

When you set your important life-changing goals and you have
clearly and specifically allocated a realistic time frame for the
achievement of the goals, what is next is to take massive actions in
all directions towards the actualisation of your set goals. You do
not need to be sceptical about achieving the set goals, as long as
you can see the big picture of your goals, just take action. Just do

When you have made a concrete decision, they become

submerged in your unconscious mind. There is a universal law of
collective unconsciousness that helps people in need to actualise
their dreams. In this sense, how you will achieve your goals will
come from unexpected quarters. Divine intervention will see you
through difficult periods.

A journey of one thousand miles starts with the first step.

Transformational Tool 25
Delay Your Gratification

You too can achieve anything in life through the strategy of being
patient. If you can visualise it, you can achieve the visualised

However, you need to delay many gratifications to achieve such

goals. If you have a long-term goal and you can visualise the
ultimate gratification of that goal, inconsequential rewards will
not entice or derail you from your vision.

Do not major in minor things in life.

Transformational Tool 26
Set Immediate-term Goals

Setting goals and achieving goals is not a-quick-fix thing. It takes

time to learn the practice of goals-setting. Immediate-term goals are
aspirations, desires or needs that you would like to achieve within a
very short period between one and six months. Immediate-term
goals will also help you to manage your time and drive you to work
harder towards the attainment of your overall vision.

When you achieve your set immediate-term goals and achieve

them within the stipulated time frame, you will have tremendous
energy levels to set more goals. Thus, your self- worthiness will
tremendously increase. You will develop the confidence to set
near-impossible short-term and long-term goals. Immediate-goals
setting and achievement are the training grounds for short and
long-term goals settings and achievements.

Set an immediate-term goal today.

Transformational Tool 27
Set Short-term Goals

Short-term goals are needs, projects that you would like to

achieve between one to five years. It follows that with a
determined mindset, and self-discipline, nothing will be
impossible for you to achieve again. If you can visualise the
project, meditate and pray about the goal, remain focused, work
hard toward your vision, you will be an achiever anytime,

Nonetheless, if you set a time frame of two years toward

achieving a particular goal and you did not achieve the goal
within that period, it does not mean that you have to abandon the
goal; you may need to make room for additional months to the
attainment of the goal within which you keep working on the
project until you succeed.

With God all things are possible.

Transformational Tool 28
Set Long-term Goals

Long-term goals are desires, expectations, and dreams that you

set for yourself and promise to achieve between a period of 5
and 20 years into the future. Yes! You too can set a long-term
goal. Pessimistic individuals believe they may not live long
enough to set and achieve a twenty-year programme. When you
set a long-term goal, your life will make meaning to you and you
will have the drive to propel you towards the attainments of the
set goals.

Even if you die on your way toward the realisation of these

goals, there is a fulfilment that your life was lived with passion.
If you know what you want twenty years from now, take action,
do not procrastinate and twenty years would be like twenty days
around. Your faith and belief in your creative abilities and God
that you can achieve your desired long-term goals will carry you
through all difficult and trying periods towards goal attainment.

With long-term goals, you can turn scarcity into abundance.

Transformational Tool 29
Do Not Procrastinate

When you have set your immediate, short, and long-term goals, do
not be idle wishing these goals to materialise like manna from
heaven. Each goal must be a viable project in your life that was
designed to serve humanity. For your goals to materialise, you must
take massive actions towards the realisation of your goals. This
means that you must immediately seek information and knowledge
about the goal you want to achieve. This is one of the reasons why we
must expand our social networking in our society to get the services
of “friends” and “acquaintances”.

These services will either come free of charge or almost next to

nothing compared to fees charged by the professionals. When you
truly committed toward the transformation of your dreams to reality,
you will work extremely hard. You will at times find yourself
working late into the night and when you go to bed, you are still
turning here and there thinking about these projects. You will be
energized by these projects and they will make you charge out of bed
very early in the morning. Setting goals without daily massive
actions towards the attainment of your goals is merely wishful

Do not procrastinate, take massive action today.

Transformational Tool 30
Go The Extra Mile

To achieve anything worthwhile in life, you must continue to do what

others have not done before. You don't need to even re-invent the
wheel. All you need to do is to rebrand in your creative ways what
had already been branded.

The only way to do that is to go the extra mile in your journey towards
fantastic goals-attainments where there are no hold-ups or proverbial
traffic jams. If you want to catch a big fish, you must sail to the deep
waters. In deep waters, it could be turbulent, and unpredictable, and

Rebrand a project or an item today.

Transformational Tool 31
Burn That Bridge

When a set-goal is very important to you, it becomes imperative that

you must achieve that goal within the stipulated time-frame. The
trick of achieving such goals is, that you must follow-up that desired
goal the way a two-year-old-boy follow-up whatever he wants from
his parents. A five-year-old little boy will not stop worrying his
parents until he gets their attention. When a one-year-old baby
attempts to walk for the first time, he falls a dozen times attempting
to walk; sometimes dangerously by hitting his head on the table and

However, a baby that is trying to walk will never give up until he

walks. On your way towards attaining your goals, you will
encounter many rivers of frustrations. Your burning desire, passion,
and determination for success; again, your positive attitude, belief in
yourself and absolute faith in God will take you across the rivers of
hardship. Once such proverbial bridge is crossed, burn that bridge.
This means that you cannot turn back to where you were coming
from. You then have no option but to face your goals squarely.

Cross that river of frustration; no retreat, no surrender.

Transformational Tool 32
Grow Your Fruit

Set your own goals, develop the big picture, have specific visions
of your future goals. Once you have done that, face your own
goals attainment strategies squarely. Do not look at the goals
other people are setting or achieving. When you are not sure
how your friend or neighbour acquired his wealth, or achieved
his success, just wish him well and face your farm.

Cultivate your farm, if you have planted mango fruit, you must
nurture, manure and do all that it takes to harvest your mango
fruits at the given time frame. However, leave your neighbour's
cocoa farm alone, and face your mangoes. This is because what
you sow is what you will reap. Never again envy your
neighbour's farm. Your gold mine is within your farm. You, too,
can grow and harvest any "fruit" anytime and anywhere in this

What you sow today, you will reap tomorrow.

Transformational Tool 33
You Always Have a Choice

Life-changing Transformation Tools and Techniques is the

acquisition of the gift of using choices and alternates in all
situations and events of life. The Almighty God gave all of us the
free will to choose whatever we so desire in life without any form
of hindrance. Therefore, you have a choice to live your life the way
you want it or you can allow others to determine it for you. Thus,
good living is a choice. If you want to live to enjoy life by taking
your destiny in your hands that is a choice.

Likewise, if you want to take rat poison and end it all, that is still
another choice available to you. It is either you want to stay in
penury or you want to be prosperous. It is either you want to
remain in scarcity or live in abundance. It is a choice, whether you
want to always remain weak or you want to be full of energy, it is
your choice; or whether you want to be physically and mentally
sick or you want to have perfect health mentally and physically it is
still a choice. Moreover, you can either live your life having fun
daily or you live your life fighting “battles” against the “unseen
forces” every day. Whatever you want in this life, you too have the
right to choose it for yourself.

Choose what you want in your life today.

Transformational Tool 34
Nobody Can Stop You

One-way of stimulating yourself towards the attainments of your

goals is to declare your goals publicly. It is a difficult aspect of
dream transformation. You need to have developed your self-
confidence and esteem to enviable heights before you can be bold
enough to declare these goals publicly. When you have absolute
belief in God and with God on your side everything in life is
possible. Again, you should know that if God is with you, nobody
can be against you; any weapon that is designed or fashioned
against you shall not come to manifestation.

With all these as your spiritual foundation, coupled with hard

work, you will never be afraid of any human being again. When
you declare your decisions publicly, the advantages are; first, it will
not allow you to backslide again because you have convinced your
friends and the whole world that you are up to something big.
Second, public declaration of your goals will stimulate you towards
your goals because people that do not like your guts will continue
to remind you whether you have achieved your goal or not. Third,
you may by chance meet somebody who believes in your decision
who may assist you materially, financially or emotionally.
However, declare your goals in the presence of like minds when
you have all your facts correct.

Be bold; declare your goals publicly.

Transformational Tool 35
Success is a Journey

When you have achieved your most important set goal, you should
not rest on your oars. You should realise that success is a journey but
not the final destination. Once you have started to enjoy the fruits of
your labour, you must then commit yourself to achieve personal
excellence. You should develop Anthony Robin’s strategy of
Constant and Never-Ending Improvement (CANI).

Ask yourself some empowering questions such as, "Is this the best
that I can achieve?" Is this the best in my country, the continent or
worldwide? Obviously from these questions, with time, you will
come to realise that there are many more there are in life to be
achieved than what you have achieved so far.

Be a trailblazer always.
Transformational Tool 36
Test Your Hypotheses

Hypotheses are constructive propositions made based on limited

evidence as a starting point for further scientific study. Through
systematic curiosity, researchers test or verify whether the set
hypothesis was right or wrong. Based on this theory, if you want to
continue to be an achiever or a leader, you, too, must develop the
attitude of writing out and testing your own life's hypotheses. This
is one way that you can take your destiny into your own hands.
From this moment, formulate your personal mission statements on
anything important to you in life.

Remember, a revelation becomes an eye-opener when you have

proved it to be your revelation. In Nigeria and Africa, oral
communication of serious, cultural and traditional information is
still the order of the day. As a leader one must not be satisfied with
the oral forms of information, rather one should dig deep to find out
the real information about events and situations of issues around
oneself. There are many ways of testing out hypotheses; one of the
best is to read self-development books and listen to personal-power
audio programmes. Moreover, you certainly must continue to
develop yourself educationally, technologically and spiritually to
empower yourself over the charlatans that dominate our society.

If there is one way, there must be other ways.

Transformational Tool 37
Expect Criticisms

When you embark on any creative project, expect the worse of

criticisms from people around you especially those very close to
you. But out of their criticisms, take the constructive ones and use
them to improve yourself and your projects.

The famous Nigerian social critic, the late Tai Solarin said, “May
your roads be rough always.” What he meant was that you should
always expect the worse in all your attempts in all you do.

When you encounter rough roads, take the less travelled road.
Transformational Tool 38
Be Ready To Serve

Your worth in life is your contribution through your service to your

community and humanity. Since God is love, the highest love for God is
the service you render to fellow human beings. Whenever an
opportunity calls for you to serve your immediate community quickly
grab it.

In this regard, you can always serve in your church, mosque,

community, social clubs or societies, and you may also decide to give
free professional service in your community. You must be seen to be
serving with your time, talents and treasures in all spheres of life.
Whatever we are today it is by the grace of God, so appreciate God by
giving back to your society.

Are you serving your community with your time, talents and treasures?
Transformational Tool 39
Your Position in Life is Temporary

When you get to the top of the ladder, you should realise that the
position is temporary. In most cases, the exalted positions may last
from a range of two to twenty years; what therefore happens when
the person leaves the leadership position?

Remember that those you met on your way to the top of the ladders
are the ones you will still meet when coming down the ladder. Be
reminded that, if you find yourself in any leadership position, use
that position to serve humanity. When you, therefore, leave that
privileged office, others will continue to see the person in you and
not the office.

Use your elevated position to serve humanity.

Transformational Tool 40
Problems Reveal Your Identity

Circumstances, hardship, frustrations, disappointment, woes, and

sorrows are not meant to prevent us from achieving our goals.
When they knock on our doors, they help to reveal who we truly
are. Are you the type of person that cries over spilled milk and
blames the neighbours, witches, and wizards or the type that will
face the problems squarely by looking for the best solution to the
problem at hand? We live in a society where individuals
externalize their problems by attributing them to the
machinations of their enemies and principalities in high places.

From today, blame yourself for all your supposed failures. When
things are not going as planned, know that you caused it by your
wrong choices and decisions in the past. You may even be your
own worst enemy. When you crash, get up shake your body, dust
off the dirt and start moving. If you can’t run, walk, if you can’t
walk, crawl. Napoleon Bonaparte once said “No one but myself
can be blamed for my failures. I am my own quietest enemy and
the cause of my fate.”

Winners don't quit, they keep keeping on.

Transformational Tool 41
Change Your Belief System

One of the necessary ingredients for changing paradigms is to

believe in yourself, your skills, abilities, personality, passion,
enthusiasm and physical and mental strength. Even if your belief
system was conditioned inappropriately by your parents and your
society, your belief in yourself matters most. Their beliefs play
major roles in determining our own cultivated internalised beliefs.
This is why before the age of 30 years you may be carrying out the
internalized beliefs of others around you.

Moreover, some people may even carry about these faulty

conditioning all through their lifetime. The good news is that when
some individuals can detect and correct there negative and faulty
beliefs, there is a likelihood of immediate change in their attitudes
and behaviours. However, when you have a creative thought on
your mind to carry out a project or attempt any productive scheme
and you are undecided or rather confused about what to do, all you
have to do is to just try and attempt that project with all that you
have within you.

Change your thoughts to change your belief system.

Transformational Tool 42
Change Your Emotional States

Your emotional feelings can either assist you or prevent you from
achieving your life goals. You must always be in control of your
moods which are the internal feelings or emotional states that
determine your behaviour and attitude. The rule of the thumb is to
always and permanently be in control of your emotions at all times.
This is why you must always choose happy, positive emotions in
whatever condition that you may find yourself.

It is a psychological skill that we must all acquire as we are aging in

life. Most people do not realize they have control and power over their
feelings and emotions. These are instant psychological strategies that
you can use to switch your emotions from negative ones to positive
ones. Learn how to sing and dance and if possible, learn a musical
instrument. The morale of these strategies is that you must keep on
using positive emotions to control your attitude and behaviour on a
daily basis. If your whole system is full of positive emotions, the
negative ones cannot have a place in your mind.

Your emotions determine your behaviour.

Transformational Tool 43
Mind And Body Connection

Your mind, body, and brain must always be in synchrony at all

times. When these physiological and psychological states are in
tune, you will develop the personal power to attempt difficult life
challenges. You will radiate confidence, control, energy, power,
enthusiasm, and state of willingness to have more, be more and do
more in life.

When you are congruent in your thoughts, words, and deeds, your
mental attitude and physical actions will propel you to achieve
wonderful things in this world that your mates and others around
you will find amazing. Your posture, confident voice, with good
tone and pitch, upright shoulders, deep breathing patterns will
show confidence; congruity and that you are absolutely in control
of your senses.

Your mind is your body and your body is your brain, keep them
Transformational Tool 44
Eat to Live

Are you eating to get the necessary energy from food or eating to
destroy your body? Similarly, are you drinking enough water to
hydrate your body to prevent the dehydration of the brain? You
must be conscious of the food that you put into your system. You
are what you eat.

The quality of your physical and mental health may be determined

by the quality of your food intake. If you unconsciously take a lot
of fat and salt, your blood pressure may become elevated without
you being aware of it. Some people will develop hypertension,
diabetes, stroke, growth, poor eyesight from the food that they eat
without even being conscious of it. These poor health conditions
will thereafter prevent them from achieving their desired life goals.
We need to eat water-rich food, fruits, and vegetables daily.

We should eat to live, not eat to die.

Transformational Tool 45
Improve Your Circle of Social Networks

Are you taking care of your social health the way you are taking care
of your physical and mental health? One of the World Health
Organisation's definitions of health is to acquire social health and
wellbeing. Likewise, part of the definition of mental health is to
initiate, sustain mutual relationships and also contribute to your
community. Therefore, we must develop ourselves in the social
realms of life. The third stage of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs is to love and be loved. This means, directly or indirectly, we
should strive to connect with others in our society. Human beings are
social creatures in nature.

We need to acquire the skills of socialisation anywhere that we may

find ourselves. Those that have acquired the skills of connecting to
others socially are said to also have social intelligence. Social
intelligence adds meaning, purpose and positive relationships when
they easily connect with others around them. Therefore, find ways
and means to connect with others not only within your organisation,
but also in your community. Find a calling to serve with your time,
talent, or treasure. Just connect, find a way to connect to your
neighbours, with the high and mighty and also the less privileged,
serve in the prison, serve in primary and secondary schools, clean the
beaches or parks or your street gutters.

You will attract what you desire for yourself.

Transformational Tool 46
Become Financially Independent

Since you are a choice-making entity, you can choose to be rich or

poor. As you can see, the choice is yours to make. The choice of
being rich is a life option. Why not choose to be rich? After all, you
are in charge of your brain, mind, and life. All you need to do is to
change your thinking processes to “de-condition”, “re-programme
or “re-design” the life that was previously conditioned for you, by
your parents and society. This moment is the right time to de-
condition your negative mindset for a prosperous one. One simple
way is to put in thousands of hours of reading financial materials to
acquire financial knowledge and information that will ultimately
lead to financial independence.

Therefore, you must continue to read, study, learn, practice, grow,

and correct your mistakes before you can become an expert in the
financial sphere. You also need to buy many books, journals,
magazines, newspapers on financial intelligence and at the same
time attend seminars and workshops on financial topics. Buy and
listen to audio programmes on financial strategies, go online
especially to the websites on financial intelligence until you have
good knowledge of financial investments. It is therefore important
that we must all learn the rudiments of financial intelligence. When
you become financially literate, you will ultimately become
confident and comfortable in following your intuition concerning
making money.

Your financial security depends on your internal security, take some

Transformational Tool 47
Be an Entrepreneur

If you are not happy with your financial status today, you have a
choice to become a small-scale entrepreneur. This is the reason you
must start a business no matter how small. Start with what you have to
get what you need. Your business must reflect your passion. Use your
passion to solve other people’s problems. All you have to do is to
identify a societal need and create a business niche to fulfill that need
of the society. There is always a service gap that needs to be filled
without necessarily re-reinvent the wheel. Again, if you have decided
to set up a business venture, you need to invest hundreds of thousands
of hours to learn about the rudiment of business ventures. In your
business, you have absolute control and this is tantamount to 100
percent job security.

You will not need to worry about job loss or job insecurity for your
working life. When you have started your business, be innovative
about the services that you want to provide. The more creative you are
the more you will be heads and shoulders above your rivals. The new
business must have a vision, mission statements and core values that
will drive it.

The strategy to financial abundance is to meet people's needs with

your services.
Transformational Tool 48
One Man's Meat

When you encounter disappointments, frustrations, sorrows, and

woes on your way to fulfilling your life desires and ambitions, your
emotional interpretations of these bad situations only make meaning
to you because you gave them some meaning from your conscious
and unconscious life experiences. Therefore, the misinterpretations
of negative situations and events can make your life to be gloomy,
frustrated, anxious and depressed. The popular quote by the Roman
poet Lucretius which says that “one man’s meat is another man’s
poison,” is all about interpretation of events.

This is why we must look at what we term negative events before we

allow it to bother our emotions. In every disappointment, there is a
blessing. Therefore, in the face of any adversity, always take a
second look at the alternate interpretations of the event or situation.
When you encounter serious negative situations, you should realise
that there may be a blessing in that event. Thus, negative events or
situations will not break down your emotions, rather it is our
interpretations of such events and situations that disturb our feelings
and emotions. This explains why some people are always happy and
well-adjusted and seem as if they do not have problems.

When there is life, there is hope; tomorrow will be better than today.
Transformational Tool 49
Learn to Sing and Dance

Music has been said to be the nutrition for the mind and soul and
when it hits you hard, you cannot resist singing or dancing.
Therefore, in your low moments, one strategy that can immediately
elevate your mood anytime and anywhere is to sing or dance to
good music especially the high tempo upbeat rhythms. Similarly,
when you are tired after the end of the day, and about to sleep, you
can also play a series of slow tempo rhythm and blues sentimental or
hypnotic music to gradually put you to sleep.

Another musical strategy that one can use to quickly elevate one’s
mood is to learn new and latest dancing steps. The ability to use
dancing skills to elevate your low moods during hard times can be
very useful in times of stress. With the acquisition of this
psychological tool, you can use it to dance away your frustration and

If music is the food of love and nutrition for the soul, then sing and
Transformational Tool 50
Can You See the Future?

One of the most important psychological tools for instant attainment

of difficult goals is the acquisition of the skills of visualisation. This
skill is all about dreaming with your eyes opens. With this skill, you
will be able to visualise who or what you want to be in the next five,
ten, fifteen or twenty years from now.

You can determine your future and destiny by yourself. With this
skill, you can visualise your future marriage, that is, if you are single,
promotion to the next grade, acquisition of a brand-new car, building
or buying of a house, changing jobs or even your retirement. With
this fantastic skill, whatever you desire in life, you should first,
visualise it. What you cannot visualise in the spiritual or mental
realm you may find it more difficult to achieve in the physical realm.

Dream with your eyes open?

Transformational Tool 51
Talk and Grow Rich

Another very important psychological skill in goals-attainment is the

affirmation technique. If one can pair the techniques of visualisation
with affirmation in goals-attainment, the goal is as good as achieved.
Affirmations are short phrases or sentences that capture your desire for
a particular goal. When you write your affirmations, they must be
personal and specific to you, positive in nature, have an emotional
tone, and a visual component.

An example sounds like this; “I have acquired my brand-new grey

Suzuki Grand Vitara jeep”. This was the affirmation I used to acquire
my brand-new Suzuki Grand Vitara SUV many years ago. I made the
affirmation personal: "I have." I also claimed that "I have acquired" the
SUV. I attached the emotion that I have already acquired by using the
past tense. I also affirmed this statement as many times as possible day
and night. However, you must be realistic about the expected time
you hope to achieve the desired goal. The time frame for goals
achievement could be within five, ten, fifteen and twenty years.

Affirm and talk your way to success today.

Transformational Tool 52
Let Your Goals Be SMART

When you set your goals must make them be SMART. S means
specific. You must be specific about what you want to accomplish. M
means measurable. Let your set goals be measurable. You must
design ways and means to monitor, evaluate and assess your activities
towards the realisation of your set goals. You should know whether
you are stagnant, moving towards or away from the set goal most
especially when you have a specific time frame.

This measurement of goals activities is especially good mid and long-

term goals. A stand for achievable. The goals that you set for yourself
must be achievable. They are your goals; therefore, you must strive to
achieve them. R means Realistic. In the same light, your set goals must
be realistic. Don't set out-of-this-world goals that may be unrealistic
like buying a rocket to travel to the moon. T is for the time frame. Let
all your goals have a timeline. You must allocate a realistic time frame
to each of the set goals.

Your SMART goals will make you visionary.

Transformational Tool 53
Improve Your Energy Level

For you to have adequate physical and mental energies that will
propel you to achieve your difficult goals, you need to create the
needed energy level. To improve upon your physical and mental
health you need to consciously take care of your health. For this
reason, you must get adequate quality sleep every night. An adult
human being is designed to sleep at night for 6 to 8 hours. Sleep is
necessary to assist you to replenish reduced physical and mental
energies. Quality sleep has been found to improve memory, attention,
concentration, judgment, and mental alertness.

You also need to be fit physically and mentally. For you to be

physically fit, you must be able to carry out a physical workout that
will raise your heartbeats to about 100 beats per minute and also
maintain it that way for at least 30minutes. You must watch what you
feed your body. Is it food that will nourish or poison your body? You
must cultivate the habit of checking your blood pressure, glucose
level, cholesterol or a complete medical examination at least twice a
year from the age of 40 years upwards. The same way you would not
put adulterated motor oil or altered fuel in your Lexus jeep, it is that
same way that you would not put alcohol, and cigarette and fatty
foods in your body.

Your energy level determines your achievement level.

Transformational Tool 54
Breathe Away Your Stress

The deep abdominal breathing technique is so healthy because it can

be used to quickly bring wellness to your system. The benefits of the
acquisition of this skill include enhanced blood flow to all organs,
increased energy levels, improves the movement of the abdomen, it
can reduce physical and emotional pain; it can be used to detoxify the
body system and also stimulate the lymphatic system. If you can
practice this technique for 10 to 20 minutes daily, it can increase your
stress tolerance level, and also assist you to manage your
psychological distress by promoting the continuous state of calmness.
Start the deep abdominal breathing session by breathing in slowly
and progressively into your two lungs counting 1 to 5. Hold your
breath and also count slowly from 1 to 5. Thereafter, exhale through
the mouth slowly through your pursed lips or like blowing through a
straw counting, this time from 1 to 10.

After carrying out one session of one deep abdominal breath, you can
relax and breathe normally for another 30 seconds (about 5 normal
breaths) thereafter repeat another session of the deep abdominal
breath. Repeat the deep abdominal breathing sessions for about ten
times. The essence of the deep abdominal breathing exercise is to
allow you to take in a large amount of oxygen to the brain and also to
expel a large amount of carbon dioxide. Oxygen relaxes the brain and
muscles and also prevents the secretion of the stress hormones such as
cortisol and adrenaline. In this light, at the end of the breathing
abdominal sessions all or, most of your muscles would have relaxed.

Calm your mind, body, and brain through deep abdominal breathing
Transformational Tool 55
Attract the Best for Yourself

You will always attract to your life events, situations, and

circumstances that are in harmony with our daily predominant
thoughts. Because you will be able to attract into your life whatever
your mind and brain believe that it can achieve, you should, therefore,
be mindful of your thoughts. When you are aware of this principle,
your eyes will open to a world of endless opportunities. As you think,
so you are; therefore, turn your thoughts from the spiritual realm into
achievements in the physical world. Moreover, if you can think of a
great goal in your mind, and take meaningful and powerful actions
towards the attainment of the great need, it is as good as yours. That
is the reason you must always have in your mind an attitude of
positive self-expectancy.

Therefore, if you believe that you can do anything, that means that
you can. However, if you also believe that you cannot do certain
things, you will never be able to do them. Try hard to identify the
beliefs holding you back from achieving certain goals. For example,
list the self-limiting beliefs, talk to some close friends or experts who
have overcome such negative beliefs to give you strategies of
overcoming such negative doubts and beliefs. With God, all things are
possible. You too can achieve anything, anytime and anywhere you
find yourself.

You can only attract into your life whatever you give your physical
and mental energies.
Transformational Tool 56
You Cannot Fail

One good reason why many people do not achieve great things in life
is because of the fear of failure. We fear to fail because we do not want
other people to call us failures. You should realise that the right to fail
is just as important as the right to succeed. Nobody fails! And you,
too, cannot fail, period! There is nothing called failure! That word,
failure was coined to restrain ambitious individuals from moving up
the ladder of success. When somebody is labeled as a failure, he may
believe them and start to act as a failure thoughtlessly. When you try
something new and difficult and fail to achieve the desired results, it
simply means you have not carried out the procedures adequately.
Sometimes, you might need to repeat a task to master it. This is the
reason why you cannot pick up a violin, guitar or saxophone and play
these instruments satisfactorily in one year.

You will play them awfully at your first few attempts at playing these
instruments. But if you are determined and have made up your mind
to play the piano, for instance, you will have to practice playing on the
instrument for more than one year over and over again, until you
develop the skill to play it effectively. Moreover, in whatever you try
to achieve, you are likely to produce a result or an outcome.
Consequently, with constant repetition or practice, your result or
desired outcome of your embarked project will eventually transform
into an accomplishment or a skill. With such acquired skill, you will
have the dexterity or the proficiency to perform wonders in
subsequent projects that you embark upon. Repetition is the mother
and father of all new skills attainment!

If you fear to fail, you will fail to achieve life significant goals.
Transformational Tool 57
Dress Your Best Always

Do you know that the way you dress is the way you will be
addressed? Most people who meet you for the very first time will
prejudge you according to the way you dress. That is why you must
learn to dress to impress yourself and others by putting on your best
set of dresses daily. You should always dress flamboyantly and
powerfully to formal and social gatherings or any event so that your
friends and others will appreciate the new you. You must always
look neat and attractive every day because of the way you dress is the
only way to communicate to the world about your personality. It is a
form of non-verbal communication.

The way you dress must convey your particular individual branding
and style, internal confidence, self- worthiness, charisma, and
glamour. Your dressing must also command leadership and
authority. That is one reason we dress to impress and express our
emotions. Your dressing sense will also be determined by your sub-
conscious emotions; that is why your mood and affect must always be
congruent at all times especially in the mornings when you are
dressing to head for work or other important outings.

The way you dress is the way you will be addressed at events.
Transformational Tool 58
Stop Taking Unnecessary Permissions

One of the identified reasons why many people fail to achieve great
goals in life is because of their approval-seeking attitude. Taking
permission from others may consciously or unconsciously prevent
you from being courageous to go into the uncharted and unknown
territories. If you are working hard and not where you are supposed
to be or if you are not where you are meant to be today, it may be
because of your approval-seeking behaviour. The fact is that you
don’t need anybody's approval to get to where God has destined you
to be. The only approval that you need is the one from your gut or
instinct. The problem with approval-seeking behaviour is that instead
of getting the approval you sought for, you are likely to get
disapproval or disappointment from the person you wanted his

The disapproval of your permission will probably come from the

respected members of your family, especially your parents, brothers,
sisters, aunts, and uncles. Your dream is yours, given to you by God
so why do you need other people's approval to stop you from
realising your dreams? Nonetheless, in your pathways towards the
attainment of difficult goals, you should always expect
disappointments, resistance, frustrations and objections from those
very close to you and also others around you. In this light, you should
not be disappointed or frustrated when you encounter opposition
towards the attainment of your goals.

If that project will make you feel good, just do it.

Transformational Tool 59
Live That Quality Life Today

The essence of living is to live a meaningful and purposeful quality of

life. When one sets very challenging and excitingly difficult goals,
when one achieves those goals, one will become extremely happy.
Apart from being happy, the person will now believe that other lesser
difficult goals can also be achieved. What are the immediate benefits
of achieving great goals? The person becomes an instant celebrity.

Also, because you are a happy person, your immune system and other
systems in the body become enhanced physically and mentally; you
are therefore immune from some minor physical and mental
conditions. In this light, the achievement of difficult goals can bring
about quality life, physically, psychologically and mentally, promote
good health and also longevity. When you are indeed truly happy and
watch your lifestyle, all your bodily systems will also be happy with
your achievements thereby preventing chronic ailments such as
diabetes, hypertension, and depression.

Life and living should be fun, so don't settle for less.

Transformational Tools 60
The Temple Of God

Your body is the temple of God. It can, therefore, be assumed that you
have all the powers of the temple of God. The physical temple can,
therefore, connect with the supernatural temple to overcome the
difficult challenges of life. The words from the good book “I AM
THAT I AM” have been said to be the most powerful meditational
tool, especially in spiritual and positive psychology. This is because "I
Am" is the name of God. That is why you must speak positivity about
your goals. You should henceforth claim that: "I am blessed," "I am
gifted," "I am anointed," "I am successful," "I am favoured," "I am
healthy," "I am mentally sound," "I am physically strong," and "I am
an achiever."

If you need to venture into the unknown and you are afraid, call on
God for special protection. God is your only protection and security in
the "Valley of the shadow of death." Psalm 23 says the "Lord is my
shepherd, I shall not want." Likewise, Psalm 121 says "I will lift my
eyes unto the hills, where will my help come from?" These two
powerful Psalms and others found in the Bible can be of help when
you need to reach out to the supernatural powers. When you think
that some people are preventing you from attaining your goals that is
when to repeatedly quote that statement that: "No weapon fashioned
against me shall prosper.“

Again, when you doubt your abilities, you need to develop absolute
faith in God and yourself. It has been said that: "If you have faith as
tiny as a mustard seed, you shall tell the proverbial mountain to move
and it will move and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Moreover,
the righteous live and achieve all their life's desires with faith.
When you pray and desire an important need, you need to believe
that you have achieved it and it will be yours for grabs. That is why
you must keep on asking God through your daily affirmations till he
gives you your heart's desires, also seek for His favour until you
become blessed, and keep on knocking on His door till He opens the
floodgate of heavens for you. In times of persistent challenges, He will
come to your rescue and continue to be your strength.

"You are now a new creature because old things have passed away; all
things have become new." – 2 Cor.5:17

Every one of us frequently encounters physical, emotional, spiritual, social or

financial challenges. When one knows the strategies and techniques of
managing these daily unavoidable storms of life and has also acquired the
psychological technology and tools to face these storms of life, the person is
then said to be “battle-ready.”

These 60 life-changing Transformation Tools will make you be “battle-

ready” to face whatever hardship that may come your way in your quest to
achieve your life goals. They will lift you out of any conflict when used
appropriately and adequately. You do not have to use all these techniques at
the same time. Take the ones that are easier for you to use and later try the
difficult ones.

If you have got to this final page of this marvellous life-changing and
motivational book, go ahead and start living your life to the full and with
passion. Never settle for less, always strive for the best in all that you do.
Norman Vincent Peale once said: "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you
will land among the stars."

Live your life to the fullest, shining like a star.

Other Books by the Author on www.amazon.com.
 Change and grow rich
 How to set and achieve life's most difficult goals
 Relax your mind and body to achieve your goals
 Stress management made easy
 You too can achieve anything, anytime, anywhere: The psychology of total
 All you need to know about HIV/AIDS (with Adedoyin Dosunmu and
Olayinka Coker)
 Careers, prospects, and opportunities in psychiatry
 Overcoming stress, burnout, and depression among medical doctors
About the Book

The ability to achieve genuine happiness, prosperity, inner peace of mind and
charismatic personality is not meant for a few people. These lofty and
wonderful achievements can also be attained by every human being who is
hard-working. All one needs to acquire them are the appropriate education,
knowledge, information and some age-long proven psychological skills to
gear oneself towards the attainment of personal excellence.

In this book, 60 Life-changing Transformational Tools will make the reader

be a no-limit person because he or she will be able to adopt a new attitude
toward sudden changes faced by determined individuals. With these 60 Life-
changing Transformational Tools, exciting unbelievable life opportunities
await you and all of them are already within your grasp. The principles and
theories in these 60 Life-changing Transformational Tools will also motivate
you to perform at your peak daily by widening your viewpoints and attitudes
about people and life. Thus, you will ultimately lead a more enjoyable,
productive and profitable life.

The 60 Life-changing Transformational Tools are short motivational tools to

transform your life instantly; therefore, you do not have to read several pages
before you get one important psychological transformational tool about
personal-achievement and goals attainments. Many self-achievement
technological tools have been written on each page. With these 60 Life-
changing Transformational Tools, you too will learn how to live your life
every day to the fullest.
About The Author

Dr. Ayodele Olurotimi Coker is a medical doctor, clinical

psychologist, consultant psychiatrist, and Associate Professor of
Psychiatry at the Department of Behavioural Medicine, Lagos State
University College of Medicine, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Dr. Coker is
Nigeria’s foremost pioneer professional on goals-setting strategies,
personal-development and stress management. He has been
instructing Nigerians on how to use goals-setting tools to achieve
their life desires for more than three decades.

In this book, Dr. Coker gave a summary of all his seven motivational
books on personal-development in the 60 Life-changing
Transformational Tools. These tools can turn your life around
physically, socially, emotionally, financially and spiritually and also
drive you towards super achievements. This book aims to help
individuals to bring out the best in them by using some great age-
long transformational principles to transfigure their dreams to reality.
You do not have to read long chapters to get personal-development
points. With this book, you will grasp many personal-development
useful tools on every page.

Dr. Coker is an active member of many social and sports clubs; he

serves his community through Rotary International, Young Men
Christian Association, Counselling Ministry, Breadfruit Ark
Fellowship of the St. Paul's Breadfruit Anglican Church, Lagos,
Nigeria where he is also a chorister. He is happily married to Yinka, a
consultant public health physician and clinical psychologist; they
have two lovely children - Olamide and Mosope. Dr. Coker loves
singing, playing the guitar, piano and also a passionate lawn tennis

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