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Staying cool when it's not cool


Read the motivation speech below and pick out the phrases that help deal with pressure and
those that don’t.

Alright, team, circle up. Big game today, the stakes are high. You know, they say pressure is what
turns coal into diamonds. But, uh, sometimes it just makes a bigger lump of coal. Not that we're
going to be coal, I hope.
Here’s the thing, just try to ignore the scoreboard. I mean, it's hard, especially when things aren't
looking great, but who's counting? Well, everyone, but you get my drift.
I know the saying goes, "There’s no 'I' in 'team'." True, but every one of you brings something
unique to the field.
It's your personal touch that strengthens us. So, own it.
So, let’s take this on, not just as a challenge, but as our moment.
We’ve got this, not because it’s easy, but because we’re ready to face anything, together.
Let’s go out there and make it happen.

Watch the video.

How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen
Source: TED-Ed | How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen

Answer the questions based on the video you just watched.

1. What is “choking”?
2. Explain one of the theories on the phenomenon of “choking”?
3. Who is more prone to “choking”?
4. How can we avoid making mistakes under pressure?


Fill the gaps in the text with the words in the box.

When it comes to handling pressure in sports, it's a real ___________ walk. Picture this: you're in the final
seconds of a game, the score is tied, and all eyes are on you. That's when pressure really shows its true
_________. It can either pump you up to do something legendary, or it can weigh you down like a ton of

This whole thing is actually backed by science, with theories like the Inverted-U Hypothesis explaining why a
little bit of pressure can be a good thing, making you sharp and focused. But, push it too far, and suddenly
you're a __________ of nerves, missing shots you'd normally make in your sleep.

So, how do the pros deal with it? It's all in the __________ games. They use tricks like visualization, where
they picture nailing that perfect shot over and over, or mindfulness, keeping their thoughts in the here and
______ instead of on the "what ifs." They turn pressure into their wingman instead of their __________.

But here's the kicker: mastering pressure isn't just for the sports legends. It's a lesson for all of us, showing
how with the right mindset, we can turn ______________ moments into our time to shine. It's about seeing
pressure not as the enemy, but a challenge to rise above.

Match the terms to their definitions.


Read the text below.

When we're faced with high-pressure situations, it's like being at a crossroads with all eyes on us,
waiting to see which path we'll choose. Whether it's nailing a crucial work project, making a
split-second decision in an emergency, or even navigating the ups and downs of personal
relationships, pressure is that uninvited guest that somehow always finds its way in.

But here's the thing: it's not just about surviving these moments; it's about finding a way to thrive.
It's about understanding that while we can't control everything that happens to us, we can control
how we react. This is where the real magic happens. It's in these moments that we discover what
we're truly made of.

Developing a toolkit for these situations is key. It could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths
to center ourselves, or as complex as strategizing a step-by-step plan under tight deadlines. The
goal is to find what works for you, what calms your mind and steadies your hand.

Answer the questions based on the text you just read.

1. What strategies can be effective in maintaining composure during high-pressure moments?

2. How can learning from past high-pressure situations contribute to better outcomes in
future scenarios?
3. What role does mental and emotional preparation play in facing anticipated high-pressure
4. In what ways can sharing experiences of high-pressure situations within a community or
team influence collective resilience and problem-solving capabilities?


Use the prompts in the boxes to discuss the questions below.

1. How does the anticipation of high-pressure situations affect mental preparation and performance?
2. Can performing under pressure be improved through practice, or is it more about innate ability?
3. What role does support from others play in managing pressure, and can it sometimes be


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