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Ability CAN (present) I can speak English

COULD (past) John could read when he was 3

years old.

Possibility / Probability COULD It could rain tomorrow.

MAY He may come to the party.

MIGHT Although she hasn’t studied, she

might pass the test.

Obligation MUST / HAVE TO You must wear a tie to enter this


Absence of obligation DON’T HAVE TO You don’t have to do this exercise.

It's voluntary.

Prohibition MUSTN’T You mustn’t smoke in public places.

Give advice SHOULD (N’T) You should cut down on junk food.
You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets.

1) Write the adequate modal verb to express ABILITY:

a. Last year, I ……… run 3 miles without problems. Now, I ………… only run 2 miles because I get really
b. When Sam was 2 years old, he …………….write down his name!
c. Nowadays, you ……… do amazing things with computers!
d. This magician is very good! He ……….do great tricks!
e. When I was little, I …………….. touch the tip of my nose with my tongue.
f. His best quality is that he ………. be very friendly.

2) Underline the correct modal verb:

a. I can’t/ couldn’t hear you! The music is too loud!

b. You must/ might wear a tracksuit to go to Sports lessons.
c. I have to/ has to finish these exercise for tomorrow.
d. John must/ can be very annoying sometimes. He’s such an idiot!
e. Jimmy Hendrix can/ could play the guitar very well.
f. You should/ mustn’t go to the gym if you want to get fit.
g. Where’s Jim? He might/ mustn’t be in his office.
h. If I had a lot of money I could/ can buy I house, but I don’t!
i. You could/ must arrive at school before 8. We have to/ must be punctual.
j. We mustn’t/ don’t have to do this exercise if you don’t want. It’s voluntary.
k. You mustn’t/ don’t have to interrupt the teacher when he’s talking. It is very rude.
l. You shouldn’t/ might drive if you are sick. It’s dangerous!

3) Circle the correct answer.

1. You can / must / shouldn’t colour your hair. I like it the way it is.

2. It’s 1 o’clock! I must / can / could go home now. My parents will be very angry.

3. Frank can / could / should run 10 kilometres when he was younger.

4. She couldn’t / mustn’t / can’t do her homework. There is too much noise.

5. She shouldn’t / can’t / mustn’t stay up late. She has an exam tomorrow.

4) This taxi cab full of labels telling you what to do.

Write at least five sentences using must / mustn’t, can / can’t, should / shouldn’t.

1. You mustn’t smoke cigars in the taxi.

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________
5) Choose the adequate modal verb:

1 They (can/ might)________________ be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
2 You (may /don’t have to)________________ leave now if you don’t want to.
3 Can /might)________________ you speak Chinese?
4 He (can/ should)____________ take his studies more seriously, if he wants to graduate.
5 (May/ Can)________________ you swim?
6 Listen, please. You (mustn’t/ might not)________________ speak during this exam.
7 You (can't/ don’t have to)_____________be so rude! I take the hint!
8 You (mustn’t/ might not)________________ smoke on the bus.
9 With luck, tomorrow (must/ might)________________ be a cooler day.
10 She (can /might)______________ arrive on time but …who knows?

6) Write appropriate sentences with modal verbs to describe appropriate behaviours and
attitudes in the following situations:

At a job interview, you must dress appropriately. You don’t have to buy a new suit for each
interview you attend, but it’s important to look smart.

There are many things we can do to protect the environment.

7) Write appropriate sentences for each situation:

Your friend wants to borrow your book, but you want it back tomorrow:

Your friend wants to borrow your book, and you don’t need it until tomorrow:
(absence of obligation)

Your friend eats a lot of junk food: (give advice)

You want to throw a party, but you don’t want people to smoke in your house:

You want to tell your boss about your ability with languages. You speak English, German, Spanish and
Chinese. (present ability)

You want to tell your friends about the ability you had when you were little: putting your legs behind your
back. (past ability)

It is quite possible that you miss the bus if you don’t hurry. (give advice and possibility)

It is possible (but not very likely) that you don’t get tickets for the concert if you don’t buy them on the
Internet. (remote possibility)

The teacher recommends you the reading of one book, but it is voluntary. (absence of obligation)

The teacher tells you to be quiet during the exam. (command)

8) Choose the adequate modal verb:

1. You MUST/ DON’T HAVE TO wear appropriate clothes to visit the Vatican.
2. She SHOULD/ MUSTN’T go to the gym if she wants to get fit.
3. He CAN/ MUST be friendly, but he is usually unfriendly.
4. We MIGHT/ SHOULDN’T watch TV so much.
5. Stop biting your nails. You really SHOULDN’T/ COULDN’T do it!
5. It MIGHT/ MAY rain in the desert sometimes, but it is very rare.
6. We MUST/ COULDN’T read very well when we were kids.
7. I have no time. I MUST/ MAY leave now. My parents are waiting for me
8. She MIGHT/ DOESN’T HAVE TO come to the party but I doubt it.
9. It is getting very cloudy. It MAY/ HAS TO rain soon.
10. Penelope Cruz MAY/ COULD win the Oscar this year.

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