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Journal of Affective Disorders 62 (2001) 113–121 / locate / jad

The effects of inositol treatment in animal models of psychiatric


Haim Einat, R.H. Belmaker*

Ministry of Health Mental Health Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, Israel


Clinical trials indicate that inositol may be effective in the treatment of patients with depression, panic disorder and
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), but not in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD
or autism. This spectrum of clinical action parallels that of serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), but inositol is a
precursor in the phosphatidylinositol cycle, a second messenger system distal to the receptor for 5HT-2. To study its
mechanism of therapeutic action there is a need to test inositol’s activity in animal models of psychopathology. In rats,
chronic inositol was demonstrated to increase activity levels, reduce immobility time in the forced swim test and in the
reserpine-induced hypoactivity models of depression, and reduce anxiety-like behaviors in the elevated plus-maze. The
reduction in anxiety-like behaviors appears to be related to baseline levels of activity. Inositol treatment was not observed to
have any effect on amphetamine-induced hyperactivity, apomorphine-induced stereotypy, or on the performance of memory
tasks by monkeys. Clinical controlled trials of inositol in patients with depression, panic disorder, and OCD were small, and
positive psychoactive effects in animals clearly strengthen the case for further clinical trials and potential for general
therapeutic use in humans.  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Inositol; Animal models; Depression; Anxiety; Second messengers

1. Introduction disorders (Rodgers, 1997; Willner, 1991b), it is clear

that their use is still the best option to screen
The development of novel drugs for the treatment potential novel drug treatments in psychiatry.
of psychiatric disorder and the understanding of their Inositol is an endogenous polyol that has emerged
mechanism of action is dependent on our ability to during the last few years as a new possible treatment
test pharmaceutical compounds in appropriate animal in psychiatry (Levine, 1997). Inositol is the pre-
models of these diseases (Abramson and Seligman, cursor of the PI cycle in the cell and as such is
1977; Willner, 1991a). Beyond the thoroughly dis- necessary for the production of two second messen-
cussed problematics of animal models for psychiatric gers: Inositol triphosphate 3 (IP3 ) and DAG. Unlike
most psychotropic drugs, inositol is probably not
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 972-7-6401-602; fax: 1 972-7- acting directly in the synapse but in second mes-
6401-621. senger systems distal to receptors.
E-mail address: (R.H. Belmaker). Inositol does not readily enter the brain and only

0165-0327 / 01 / $ – see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0165-0327( 00 )00355-4
114 H. Einat, R.H. Belmaker / Journal of Affective Disorders 62 (2001) 113 – 121

about 3% of plasma inositol crosses the blood brain activity levels in normal rats; reserpine induced
barrier (Spector, 1998). Yet, exogenously adminis- hypoactivity; the Porsolt forced swimming test.
tered oral inositol was demonstrated to increase CSF
inositol levels in chronic schizophrenic patients 1.1.1. Activity levels studies
(Levine et al., 1993c). In rats, acute intraperitoneal Two studies examined the effects of inositol on
injection of 5 g / kg resulted in increased inositol activity level in rats, the first one tested the effects of
levels in cortex, hypothalamus and hippocampus acute intraperitoneal inositol treatment (Kofman et
(Patishi et al., 1996) and chronic dietary inositol (5% al., 1993) and the second examined the effects of
in food for 3 weeks) elevated inositol levels in the chronic oral inositol administration (Kofman et al.,
cortex and hippocampus (Kofman et al., 1998). 1998).
A possible relevence of inositol to psychiatric For the first study, Sprague Dawley rats were
disorders was first suggested by Barkai et al. (1978) housed 4 per cage in a temperature controlled (238C)
who reported that patients with affective disorders and 12 h light dark cycle colony room, with food and
had reduced CSF inositol levels. Although these water provided ad lib. All tests were done during the
findings were not replicated (Levine et al., 1996), dark phase of the light dark cycle. Rats were divided
recent studies reported reduced inositol level in to five groups which received saline (n 5 8); glucose
frontal cortex of post mortem brains of patients with 1 g / kg (n 5 10); glucose 5 g / kg (n 5 10; inositol 1
bipolar disorder and victims of suicide (Shimon et g / kg (n 5 9); and inositol 5 g / kg (n 5 10). All drugs
al., 1997). Furthermore, clinical studies with inositol were diluted in distilled water and administered via
demonstrated that it may have therapeutic value in intra-peritoneal injection in a volume of 2 ml / 100 g
the treatment of depression (Levine, 1997; Levine et weight. Two hours after injection, rats were placed in
al., 1993a, 1995a), depression accompanying post- automated activity monitors (Optivarimax, Colum-
traumatic stress disorder (Kaplan et al., 1996), panic bus Instruments, USA) and their behavior monitored
disorder (Benjamin et al., 1995), and obsessive- for horizontal and vertical activity for 20 min.
compulsive disorder (OCD; Fux et al., 1996). In The vertical activity (number of rearings) of the
contrast, no therapeutic effects were found in schizo- inositol 1 g / kg group was significantly higher than
phrenic patients (Levine et al., 1993b; Levine et al., of the other groups (ANOVA: F(4,42) 5 3.18, P 5
1994), Alzheimer patients (Barak et al., 1996), 0.022; followed by Neuman–Keuls post-hoc test).
individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Dis- No other significant effects were found but a similar
order (Levine et al., 1995b), or autistic patients non-significant trend was demonstrated for horizontal
(Levine et al., 1997). This clinical spectrum parallels activity induced by the same inositol dose (1 g / kg).
that of the anti-depressant serotonin selective uptake For the second study, 20 male rats were housed 5
inhibitors (SSRI’s). per cage in similar conditions to the previous experi-
The present paper reviews a variety of studies of ments. Rats received ad lib food containing 5%
the effects of inositol treatment on animal behavior. inositol or 5% glucose plus mannitol at 1:2 ratio for
Two studies tested the effects on normal behavior 3 weeks. On day 22 of treatment, rats were placed in
and the others tested effects on animal models of activity monitors for 30 min. Total ambulatory
psychopathology. The goal of these studies was to activity as well as horizontal activity (rearing) levels
confirm psychoactive effects for this compound were measured and served for later analysis.
which had been studied in only a small number of Results show that inositol treatment induced in-
patients, and to define at least one robust effect of creased ambulation (approximately 30% increase,
inositol in an animal model that could be used for F 5 11.64, P 5 0.003) and increased rearing (ap-
detailed neurochemical studies of mechanism and proximately 60% increase, F 5 16.27, P , 0.0008)
dose–response relationships. compared with control animals.

1.1. Depression related studies 1.1.2. Reserpine induced hypoactivity ( Einat et al.,
The effects of inositol treatment were tested in Two experiments were conducted to test the
three different conditions related to depression: effects of inositol in the reserpine induced hypoac-
H. Einat, R.H. Belmaker / Journal of Affective Disorders 62 (2001) 113 – 121 115

tivity model of depression. The difference between of the test session (totalling 3 min per rat). Data for
the two experiments was only in the dose of re- all measures (ambulatory behavior, vertical activity,
serpine used to induce hypoactivity. and immobility score) were analyzed utilizing a
Rats (Sprague Dawley males weighing 200–250 g student’s t-test.
at the beginning of experiment) were housed 4 per As shown in Table 1, inositol treatment was
cage, with free access to food and water, in a effective in reducing complete immobility time in
temperature controlled (228C) animal colony with 12 both experiments. A similar trend was also demon-
h light dark cycle. All treatments and experimental strated in the second experiment for increased am-
procedures were conducted during the light phase of bulatory behavior but did not reach statistical signifi-
the cycle. cance.
A treatment group (n 5 10 for each experiment)
received 14 daily inositol injections (1.2 g / kg di- 1.2. Forced swim test ( Einat et al., 1999)
luted in deionized water to injection volume of 12
ml / kg). A control group (n 5 10 for each experi- Two experiments were conducted to test the
ment) received equivalent injections of glucose: effects of chronic treatment with intraperitoneal
mannitol in a 1:2 ratio. During the last 3 days of (experiment 1) or oral (experiment 2) inositol on
each experiment all rats were also given daily rats’ performance in the Porsolt forced swim test, an
subcutaneous (SC) reserpine injections. The dose of established model of depression (Porsolt et al., 1978;
reserpine was 0.5 mg / kg for the first experiment and Borsini and Meli, 1988).
0.25 mg / kg for the second experiment. Reserpine Experiment 1 was designed to test a number of
was diluted in deionized water, with a minimal doses of inositol. Accordingly, 3 groups of rats
amount of citric acid added, to injection volume of 2 received 2 weeks of daily intraperitoneal inositol
ml / kg. injections at different doses: 0.3 g / kg (n 5 9); 0.6
Thirty minutes after the last reserpine injection, g / kg (n 5 10); and 1.2 g / kg (n 5 8). All doses were
rats were placed in automated activity monitors diluted in deionized water to volume of 12 ml / kg.
(Elvicom, Israel) and their behavior monitored for Control rats (n 5 10) received injections of 1.2 g / kg,
ambulatory and vertical activity for 30 min. Since 1:2 glucose: mannitol solution.
the activity monitors are not sensitive enough to For experiment 2, rats were fed for 14 days with
detect locally oriented activity (and therefore dif- inositol (10% in powdered rat chow, n 5 20) or 1:2
ferentiate between complete immobility and small glucose: mannitol (10% in powdered rat chow, n 5
movements), manual scoring of behavior was also 20). The powdered food replaced the regular food
performed and an experimenter scored complete chow in this experiment and was provided ad lib.
immobility periods of rats for 1 min for each 10 min Since normal daily food consumption of rats is

Table 1
Effects of inositol treatment on reserpine-included hypoactivity model of depression. Significant effects are observed for the measure of
‘immobility time’ at both reserpine doses
Experiment Behavior Treatment Mean 1 std P value
Experiment 1: Immobility inositol 170.9 1 7.3 0.024
0.5 mg / kg time (s) control 177.6 1 3.5
reserpine Ambulation inositol 248.7 1 189.5 N.S.
counts control 342.7 1 651.8
Experiment 2: Immobility inositol 38 1 25.8 0.0003
0.25 mg / kg time (s) control 98 1 33.9
reserpine Ambulation inositol 981.5 1 364.9 N.S.
counts control 771.6 1 229.9
Vertical inositol 31.8 1 23 N.S.
counts control 31.1 1 28.5
116 H. Einat, R.H. Belmaker / Journal of Affective Disorders 62 (2001) 113 – 121

approximately 10% of body weight, it can be esti- t-test for experiment 2. Significance level was set at
mated that the oral daily inositol dose in this P , 0.05.
experiment | 2.5–3 g. Table 2 shows the results of the forced swim test
Swim exposure for both experiments was con- experiments. These results demonstrate that chronic
ducted during days 13 and 14. inositol treatment with intraperitoneal 1.2 g / kg dose,
The Porsolt swim test includes two exposures to a but not with lower doses, significantly reduced
water tank, spaced 1 day apart (Borsini and Meli, immobility time compared with control animals
1988; Porsolt et al., 1978; Sanchez and Meier, 1997). (ANOVA: F(4) 5 3.07586, P 5 0.026; post-hoc tests:
For these experiments the tank sizes were 22 cm in inositol (1.2 g / kg) different than control, and in-
diameter and 40 cm in height. The tank had a creased struggle time compared with controls
rounded lid and contained 20 cm high fresh water at (ANOVA: F(4) 5 6.23, P 5 0.0005; post-hoc test
258C. During the first exposure, rats were placed into inositol (1.2 g / kg) different than control). Similar
the tank and left there for 10 min. During the second results were obtained for rats treated chronically with
exposure (test session), rats were placed in the tank oral inositol (10% in powdered rat chow). Reduced
and left there for 5 min during which their behavior immobility time was observed compared with control
was videotaped. rats (t-test: t(38) 5 3.77286, P 5 0.0006) and strug-
Videotapes of the test session were scored by a gle time in the treatment group appears increased
blind observer for complete immobility time, small although the difference did not reach statistical
movements time, and vigorous struggle time. The significance (t-test: t(38) 5 1.76297, P 5 0.086).
division of activity levels to three rather than the
traditional 2 (yes or no) levels is an elaboration of 1.3. Anxiety related studies
the method that may be more appropriate to examine
the effects of different treatments (Borsini and Meli, 1.3.1. Effects of acute and chronic inositol in the
1988). Results were analyzed utilizing one-way plus-maze model of anxiety ( Cohen et al., 1997 a)
analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by LSD The elevated plus-maze serves to model anxiety-
post-hoc tests for experiment 1, and by a student’s like behavior in rodents. It is based on a conflict

Table 2
Effects of chronic intraperitoneal and chronic oral inositol on behavior in the Porsolt forced swim test. Significant effects are observed for
‘immobility time’ and ‘struggle time’ measures after chronic intraperitoneal inositol, and for the ‘immobility time’ measure after chronic
oral inositol
Experiment Behavior Treatment Mean6std P value
Experiment 1: Immobility control 178.2 1 32.3 0.026
Chronic time (s) inositol 161 1 21.6 post hoc
intraperitoneal 0.3 g / kg inositol 1.2 g / kg
inositol inositol 168.5 1 45.2 vs. control
or control 0.6 g / kg 140.5 1 26.7
1.2 g / kg
Struggle control 36 1 27.6 0.0005
time (s) inositol 38 1 38.4 post hoc
0.3 g / kg inositol
inositol 56.5 1 47.1 1.2 g / kg
0.6 g / kg vs. control
inositol 80.3 1 47.3
1.2 g / kg

Experiment 2: Immobility control 147 1 49.8 0.0006

Chronic oral time (s) inositol 95.1 1 36.2
inositol or Struggle control 31.3 1 29 NS
control time (s) inositol 47.5 1 29.1 (0.086)
H. Einat, R.H. Belmaker / Journal of Affective Disorders 62 (2001) 113 – 121 117

situation between the exploratory drive of rodents

and their aversion from open spaces (e.g. Rodgers
and Cole, 1994). The model is one of the most
frequently used models in psychopharmacology and
had been validated in numerous studies (for review
see File, 1992). The first attempt to examine the
effects of inositol treatment in the plus-maze was
done by Cohen et al. (1997a). In that study, the
effects of a variety of acute doses injected peripher-
ally, two doses injected acutely in intracerebroven-
tricular injection, and one dose injected chronically
and intraperitoneally were examined in the elevated
plus-maze. Fig. 1. Effects of chronic inositol (1.25 g / kg daily for 14 days) in
Results of the dose–response study of acute the elevated plus-maze model of anxiety. Time spent in open arms
peripheral inositol treatment (0.03–2.5 g / kg) indi- and number of entries to open arms. * Represents significant
difference, P , 0.05.
cated that a single peripheral injection of inositol
may have an anxiogenic effect compared with con-
trol solution (data not shown). However, a single
ICV injection of 5 mg inositol resulted in reduced that inositol significantly increased the time spent in
anxiety-like behaviors in the elevated plus-maze the open arms supports a specific anxiolytic-like
(data not shown). Thus, the data regarding the acute activity.
effects of inositol in this model are not clear. In Support for the previous findings was found
human studies, inositol treatment was demonstrated recently in a study of the anxiolytic-like effect in the
to have a therapeutic effect in anxiety disorders only elevated plus-maze of inositol and one of its isomers,
after chronic treatment (Benjamin et al., 1995). epi-inositol (Einat et al., 1998a). Chronic intraperi-
Therefore the evaluation of the effects in the model toneal inositol treatment was demonstrated again to
in a chronic treatment paradigm appears to be the produce anxiolytic-like effects in the elevated plus-
most appropriate. maze as shown by increase time spent and number of
To examine the effects of chronic inositol, groups entries to the open arms of the maze (Table 3).
of rats (n 5 10 per group) were treated with daily Interestingly, epi-inositol appeared to be even more
intraperitoneal injections of inositol (1.25 g / kg potent than myo-inositol in that model (data not
diluted to 10% in de-ionized water) or control shown).
solution (1:2 glucose / mannitol at equal concentra- In contrast to the previous intraperitoneal findings,
tion and dilution) for 14 days. Two hours after the an attempt to examine the consequences of oral
last injection rats were tested in the elevated plus- inositol treatment (5% in food for 2 weeks) in the
maze. As shown in Fig. 1, rats treated chronically plus-maze did not indicate any anxiolytic-like effects
with inositol spent significantly more time in the (Einat et al., unpublished observations). The observa-
open arms of the maze and demonstrated a similar tion that intraperitoneal but not oral inositol has
trend in the measure of number of entries to these
arms. These measures indicate that chronic inositol Table 3
treatment has anxiolytic-like properties in the ele- Effects of chronic intraperitoneal inositol treatment on behavior in
vated plus-maze model. In line with the results of the elevated plus-maze model of anxiety. Inositol significantly
other studies (Kofman et al., 1993; Kofman et al., increases ‘time spent in open arms’ and ‘number of entries to open
1998), the inositol group also demonstrated in-
creased activity compared with the control group as Behavior Inositol Control Significance level
observed by increased number of entries to both the Time spent in open 28.866.9 10.864.8 P 5 0.022
open and the closed arms of the maze (data not arms
shown). This finding could imply that the anxiolytic- Number of entries 2.560.6 1.160.4 P , 0.03
to open arms
like effect is an artifact of hyperactivity but the fact
118 H. Einat, R.H. Belmaker / Journal of Affective Disorders 62 (2001) 113 – 121

anxiolytic-like activity appears unusual because oral- For the present experiment, rats were fed pellets
ly administered inositol was reported to increase containing 5% inositol (n 5 10) or 5% 1:2 glucose
brain inositol levels and to have behavioral effects in mannitol (n 5 10) for 19 days. On day 18 all rats
intact rats (Kofman et al., 1998). However, the fact were exposed for 10 min to a domestic cat (no
that SSRIs are effective in the treatment of patients physical contact was permitted) and 24 h later each
with anxiety disorders but do not have any anxiolytic rat was tested in the elevated plus-maze. Results
effects in normal controls (e.g. Gelfin et al., 1998) indicate that inositol treatment reduced anxiety-like
suggested the hypothesis that inositol may be more behaviors in this paradigm as observed by a sig-
active in stressed than in unstressed animals. If that nificantly higher number of rats from the inositol
is the case than rats chronically treated with in- group that entered the open arms (8 / 10 in the
jections and therefore chronically stressed by that inositol group, 3 / 10 in the control group, x 2 5 5.05.
paradigm, should respond more readily to inositol P , 0.02); by increased number of entries to the
treatment than rats who received inositol in their open arms (t 5 2.48, P 5 0.024) and by a strong
food in a non-stressful manner. To test this hypoth- trend of the inositol treated rats to spend more time
esis two studies were designed that included: (a) an in the open arms than the control animals (t 5 2.0,
examination of the effects of oral inositol treatment P 5 0.06).
after chronic mild stress; and (b) a study of the The results of the last experiment combined with
effects of chronic oral inositol after acute stress the trend presented in the previous experiment add
(Kofman et al., 2000). support to the hypothesis that inositol’s anxiolytic-
like effect is stronger when the level of anxiety is
1.3.2. Testing the relationship between stress levels higher than normal.
and the effects of inositol on anxiety-like behavior
The first study examined the effects of chronic 1.4. Schizophrenia related studies
mild stress and inositol treatment in the elevated
plus-maze. Rats were divided to 4 groups (n 5 10 per Amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and apomor-
group) in a 2 3 2 design with oral inositol (5% in phine-induced stereotypy are both frequently used to
food for 3 weeks) treatment as one factor and chronic models for some aspects of mania (Lyon, 1991a) and
mild stress (daily saline injection 20 ml / kg for the schizophrenia (Lyon, 1991b) respectively. To evalu-
last 14 days of the experiment) as the second factor. ate the possible effects of inositol in these models
Results indicated that as shown before (e.g. Lister, two preliminary experiments were conducted (Kof-
1987; Pellow et al., 1985; Treit et al., 1993), stress man et al., 1993).
had a significant effect on the performance of rats in The first experiment was designed to evaluate the
the elevated plus-maze. The effect of inositol on effect of acute inositol treatment on amphetamine-
behavior in the plus-maze was not significant but a induced hyperactivity. Accordingly, 4 treatment
near-significant trend was demonstrated for the inter- groups received treatment as follows: Group saline-
action between inositol and stress (data not shown). saline (n 5 8), Group saline-amphetamine (n 5 9),
This offers support to the hypothesis that inositol Group glucose-amphetamine (n 5 8), and Group
effects on anxiety may be related to the level of inositol-amphetamine (n 5 9). Rats were injected
anxiety. intraperitoneal with inositol or glucose (1 g / kg
The second experiment was designed to test the diluted to 20 ml / kg) or an equivalent volume of
effects of chronic oral inositol treatment on anxiety- saline followed 2 h later by a SC injection of
like behavior after acute stress. The paradigm used to amphetamine (0.75 mg / kg diluted to 1 ml / kg) or an
induce stress was a single exposure to a cat. A single equal volume of saline. Five minutes after the SC
exposure to a predator was demonstrated to increase injection, rats were placed in activity monitors
anxiety-like behaviors in rodents and was stipulated (Optivarimax, Columbus Instruments, Columbus,
to model pathologic anxiety mechanisms (Hendrei et Ohio) and their activity automatically monitored for
al., 1996) as well as behaviors related to PTSD 20 min. Results indicate no observable effects of
(Adamec and Shallow, 1993; Cohen et al., 1997b). inositol in this model (data not shown).
H. Einat, R.H. Belmaker / Journal of Affective Disorders 62 (2001) 113 – 121 119

The second experiment tested the effects of acute mania-related models and on memory-related tasks
inositol treatment on apomorphine-induced in monkeys.
stereotypy. Rats received intraperitoneal pretreatment Clinical controlled trials of inositol in patients
with inositol (1 g / kg, 20 ml / kg), glucose (same dose with depression, panic disorder, OCD and PTSD
and dilution) or saline (same volume). Two hours were small and positive psychoactive effects in
later they were injected SC with 0.5 mg / kg apomor- animals clearly strengthen the case for further clini-
phine and their level of stereotypy rated by two blind cal trials and potential for general therapeutic use in
observers according to a rating scale modified from humans. A study of inositol in an animal model of
Kelly and Iverson (1976). Results did not reveal any OCD would be a critical next step, although the
effects of inositol in this model (data not shown). tentativeness of present animal models of OCD could
The last two experiments tested only acute inositol make this step an unsure one. The lack of inositol
treatment and that may diminish the possibility for effects on amphetamine-induced hyperactivity, an
substantial conclusions regarding the effects of animal model of mania, suggests that inositol may be
inositol in these models. However, the effects of more anti-depressant than anti-bipolar. This is con-
classical anti-psychotic drugs in these models follow sistent with its efficacy in panic disorder and OCD in
acute treatment (for review see Lyon, 1991b) and humans, where anti-bipolar drugs such as lithium are
thus the results may be enough to conclude that ineffective. However, the effects of lithium on
inositol is not acting in any similar way to these inositol metabolism raise the speculation that inositol
drugs. might be lithium-like. This speculation is not sup-
ported by our rat model data.
1.5. Memory related study ( Einat et al., 1998 b) The present data provide several animal behavioral
effects of inositol that are robust enough for pharma-
To test the effects of inositol on memory, 4 cological analysis. It will be important to determine
Rhesus monkeys were fed with 20 g / day inositol or if inositol effects in the plus-maze and the swim test
20 g 1:2 glucose:mannitol for 2 weeks in a cross are reversible with serotonin antagonists at specific
over design. Spatial discrimination tests (Olton et al., receptors, for instance. Such mechanistic data could
1980; Raveh et al., 1997) that permit the examina- then stimulate hypotheses that would be testable in
tion of a number of behavioral parameters with patients under treatment with inositol, and perhaps
emphasis on working and reference memory were lead to etiological hypotheses related to the PI cycle.
administered to the monkeys daily. Results indicate
no effects of inositol on any of the behavioral
parameters tested in this study (data not shown).
These results are consistent with the lack of effects
of inositol in Alzheimer’s patients (Barak et al.,
The authors would like to thank Dr. Ora Kofman
and Dr. Hagit Cohen for their help. Supported by a
Stanley Foundation Center grant.
2. Discussion

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