Bhs Inggris 5

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Nama : Hari/Tanggal :Kamis,7 Desember 2023
Kelas : 5 Mata pelajara : Bahasa Inggris

Petunjuk : 1. Sebelum mengerjakan soal terlebih dahulu bacalah Bismillah.

2. Tulislah nama lengkap pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.
3. Bacalah soal dengan teliti, kemudian kerjakan soal-soal yang kamu anggap lebih mudah.
4. Periksalah kembali soalmu sebelum diserahkan.

A. Choose using crossing (X) to the word A, B ,C or D!

1. People usually call the rainy seasons as …

a. Spring b. summer c. Spring d. Wet season

2. Indonesia has … seasons

a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

3. People use umbrella when they are …

a. Hot b. Snow c. Rain d. Sunny

4. There are names of Personnel at school, except …

a. Clerk b. Teacher c. Nurse d. Principal

5. A… works in the library

a. Teacher b. security c. Librarian d. Police

6. Mr Budiman Leads my school because he is …

a. Teacher b. Headmaster c. School Guard d. Skill laborer .

7. We can practice type a letter in the…

a. People room b. Computer room c. School yard d. Kitchen

8. Students Park bike in the …

a. Office b. Praying room c. Parking lot d. Toilet

9. Doni likes…. ( berenang)

a. Surfing b. Swimming c. Reading d. Dancing

10. Hobbiku memancing . that sentence has meaning …

a. My hobby is cooking c. My hobby is surfing

b. My hobby is singing d. My hobby is Fishing

11. My hobby is … football

a. Play b. Playing c. Read d. Reading

12. Guitar – hobby – is – his – playing. Arrange the words into good sentence!

a. Playing guitar his is hobby c. His hobby is playing guitar

b. Guitar is his hobby playing d. Is hobby playing guitar

13. E – n – p . arranga into a good word .

a. Pen b. Nep c. Enp c. Pne

14. Singing in Indonesia language is …

a. Memasak b. Memancing c. Menari d. Menyanyi

15. Dancing in Indonesia language is …

a. Memasak b. Memancing c.Menari d. Menyanyi

B. Arrange the sentences correctly

16. Dika – football – likes-playing

17. Is – Hobby – your – dancing

18. Hobby – is – their – cycling

19. Gardening – mother – likes – my

20. Sister – my – writing – likes

21. Cooking – likes – my – mother

22. Hobby – my – singing – is

23. Ria – swimming – hobby – is

24. Faris – badminton – is – likes

25. Fishing – is – hobby – Our

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