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A mobile network operator, furthermore perceived as a wi-fi supplier, wi-fi transporter,

versatile organisation, or cell local area transporter, is an organisation of wi-fi interchanges
contributions that claims or controls every one of the elements basic to elevating and
supplying contributions to a quit customer, for example, radio range distribution, wi-fi local
area framework, charging, customer care, provisioning PC frameworks, and promoting and
re-establishing organisations.
An MNO may also sell "get-in-to-the-community" offerings at wholesale prices to mobile
virtual network operators (MVNO) in addition to providing retail offerings under its own
brand for profit.

A key principal quality of a versatile organisation administrator is that a MNO needs to claim
or oversee getting admission to a radio range permit from an administrative or specialist
element. A second key principal attribute of a MNO is that it should individualise or deal
with the variables of the local area foundation that are significant to outfit contributions to
endorsers over the authorised range.
In addition, a mobile network operator typically has the necessary engineering, billing, and
provisioning teams to sell, deliver, and bill for services. However, an MNO can still be
considered a mobile network operator even if any of these structures or features are

The mobile network operator (MNO) is a smartphone provider company agency that presents
cell voice and facts connectivity to its subscribed cellular users.

Mobile community operators are self-sustaining phone carrier companies who very own a full
telecommunications machine for web hosting and managing cellular communications
between subscribed cellular customers in the identical and exterior wi-fi and wired
telecommunications network.

The position of these operators is to construct a community of high-end telecommunications

equipment proprietary purpose and client-end subscriber identification modules to allow end-
to-end connectivity between wired and wi-fi end-user devices.
The operators use a range of base stations, whilst cell users use a circuit-like chip in their
cellphone telephones to attain the stations whilst they are in the base station’s vary or
insurance cell. In addition to imparting voice dialing and receiving services, MNOs
additionally provide statistics communications through textual content messages and internet
get admission to and are now additionally handing over video communications.

A smartphone is a portable laptop that combines the capabilities of a mobile phone and a
computer. They are extraordinary from an attribute phone standpoint via their prevalent
equipment abilities and goliath cell working frameworks, which work with more extensive
programming, the net (counting web shopping over cell broadband), and mixed media
execution (counting music, video, cameras, and gaming), close by centre cell phone elements,
for example, voice calls and printed content informing. Cell phones regularly contain an
amount of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) chips worked into circuit (IC) chips, envelop a
scope of sensors that can be utilised by means of a pre-included and outsider programming
programme (like a magnetometer, nearness sensors, gauge, whirligig, accelerometer, and the
sky is the limit from there), and guide wi-fi correspondence conventions (for example,
Bluetooth, wi-fi, or satellite television for the PC route). Smartphone manufacturers have
recently begun incorporating satellite TV for PC messaging connectivity and satellite TV for
PC emergency services into devices that can be used in remote areas without a reliable
mobile network.
Frank Canova, an IBM engineer, realised at the beginning of the 1990s that chip-and-wireless
technology was getting small enough to be used in handheld devices. The prototype known as
"Angler" was developed by Canova while he was working at IBM in 1992 and demonstrated
in November of that same year at the COMDEX laptop enterprise alternate show. It was the
first system that was commercially available and thought to be desirable. This system was
referred to as a "smartphone."

India's internet:

Web in India began in 1986 and used to be convenient exclusively to the scholar and query
local area. The public got access to the internet on August 15, 1995, and as of July 2022,
there are 833 active internet users, or 59.28% of the population. To similarly accelerate the
expansion of internet-based ecosystems, the Indian government has initiated initiatives like
BharatNet, Digital India, Brand India, and Startup India.

On August 15, 1995, the state-owned Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) launched
India's first publicly available internet service.

Indian telecommunications company Tata Communications Limited (formerly Videsh

Sanchar Nigam Limited) It was previously a telecommunications carrier company owned by
the Indian government and operated under the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry
of Communications, and Government of India. When the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-Bharatiya
Janta Party-National Democratic Alliance was in power, it was then offered to Tata Group;
The Tata Group is the employer at the moment.

The business endeavor used to be arranged as Videsh Sanchar Nigam Restricted (VSNL) in
1986. Under the administrator of B.K.Syngal (1991-1998).

Brijendra Kumar Syngal was an Indian telecom administrator who lived from 1940 to July 9,
2022, and was referred to as the "Father of Internet and Data Services in India."

VSNL sent off the first openly accessible Web plans in Quite a while in 1995. Following the
introduction of Disinvestment of Public Sector Units in India by the Indian Government. In
2004, VSNL International, the company's global arm, went public. On February 13, 2008, the
Tata Group completely acquired VSNL and renamed it Tata Communications.


In the recent years, there are different types of network operators but most people prefer
using Airtel and Jio as it is widely famous and well known for its quality and for many other
different reasons. Just like it has a positive side, there are many problems too. One of the
major problems are that sometimes there are network issues and the speed of the network
becomes very slow especially while we are on travel and when the network towers keep
changing it tends to be very slow and also some areas especially the rural side do not have a
signal at all which makes it very difficult for people to use it continuously during the travel.
The costs of the network operators are extremely increasing these years. So, not everyone
might be able to afford it. However, there are many pros too, so even if there are cons, we as
people need it to survive and so, we still choose it for our living. This study is on consumer
preference towards Airtel and Jio.


The following objectives have been set for the study:
1. To ascertain the respondents' consumer profile.
2. To determine whether Airtel and Jio are preferred by customers.
3. To identify the satisfaction levels of respondents towards Airtel and Jio.


1. There is a significant difference between the age of the respondents and the operators
used by the respondents.
2. There is a significant difference between the gender of the respondents and the plan
preferred by the respondents.
3. There is no significant difference between age of the respondents and problem faced by
respondents about network.


Primary data:

A questionnaire was used to collect the primary data. For the purpose of analysis, 120
respondents have been gathered.

Secondary data:

We gathered secondary data from books, journals, and websites.

Tools for analysis:

Percentages have been used to analyze the collected data. Diagrams have been used for better
representation of the tabulated figures. The software for conducting independent sample t-
tests, chi-square tests, and ANOVA analyses of the data is the Statistical Package for Social
Science (SPSS).

Trichy City has been selected as the study area. The purpose of the study is to analyse
consumer preference towards Airtel and Jio in Trichy City.


The research was carried out for a total of three months, from December 2022 to February


In this study, it covers only ultimate consumers who use mobile network operator Airtel and
Jio. The study covers an analysis of consumer profile, consumer preference and level of
satisfaction of the consumer towards Airtel and Jio. It is aimed to identify the satisfaction
level of respondents about the network operator. This research will helps us understand which
operator is most preferred by consumers.


1. The study includes personal opinion and perception of consumers. It may be subjected to
personal bias and prejudices.

2. The area of the study has been restricted to Trichy city.

3. This study uses the convenience sample method.

4. The sample dimension is confined to 120 respondents only.


Chapter 1 – This chapter gives the introduction about the research problem, objectives of the
study, methodology, tools used, scope of the study, limitations of the study and chapter

Chapter 2 – The concepts and review of literature are presented in this chapter.

Chapter 3 - The profile of selected area are presented in this chapter.

Chapter 4 - The analysis and interpretation of the data collected are presented in this chapter.

Chapter 5 - The findings, suggestions, and conclusion are presented in this chapter.



Marketing meaning:

Finding, creating, and providing value in the form of goods and services to a target market is
the process of marketing. The definition of the terms of sale, such as price, discounts,
warranty, and return policy, as well as the selection of a target audience, the selection of
specific attributes or themes to emphasize in advertising, the operation of advertising
campaigns, attendance at public events and trade shows, and the design of buyer-pleasing
products and packaging are all possible considerations. The seller, typically a retailer or
manufacturer, is typically in charge of marketing.

Consumer meaning:

A consumer is a person or group that intends to order or use purchased goods, products, or
services primarily for personal, social, family, and household needs that have nothing to do
with business or entrepreneurial endeavors. The most widely recognized utilization of the
term is to an individual who purchases labour and products for individual use.

Preference definition:

“Preferences refer to certain characteristics any consumer wants to have in a good or service
to make it preferable to him. This could be the level of happiness, degree of satisfaction,
utility from the product, etc”.

Consumer preference meaning:

The opportunity cost of an item can be used to gauge a consumer's preferences by comparing
their satisfaction with it to its opportunity cost, as each time a consumer purchases one item,
they forfeit the opportunity to purchase another.

The study of economics has no bearing on the preferences of individual consumers. These
preferences are influenced by a variety of factors, including personal taste, culture, education,
and social pressure from friends and neighbors.
It is essential to keep in mind that consumer choices are not always solely determined by
preference, even though consumer preference is a predictor of consumer demand. When
compared to the price of an item, a consumer's options are frequently limited by their income
or budget, which is why so few people drive luxury automobiles or fly first class.

Factors affecting consumer preference:

Preferences of the consumer explain why people select particular goods and services.
Businesses can target their products at specific consumer groups, develop new products, and
determine why some products are more successful than others by analyzing the factors that
influence consumer preferences.


Consumer preferences are significantly influenced by advertising, particularly for non-

durable goods like magazines and food. Advertising influences consumers' preferences for
products and services that are on the market. Demand can also be created by advertising; For
instance, a consumer might not have had a strong desire for a brand-new cell phone until he
saw flashy new phones on television.

Social establishment:

Social institutions like families, friends, schools, religion, and television shows influence
consumer preferences. For instance, young adults may want to buy the same things their
parents did, while children may want the same toys as their classmates.


Customers are more likely to buy more of a product when its price drops. A sale, for instance,
or lower prices may result in an increase in product consumption. On the other hand, if the
product has readily available alternatives, an increase in price may decrease consumption.

Customers' income:

A consumer frequently desires more expensive goods and services as their income rises. They
are more likely to select products and services that are less expensive if their income
decreases. A luxury goods business, like one that sells jewellery, is more likely to succeed in
a high-income region than in a low-income region.
Alternatives to consider:

Consumers will be more receptive to price changes if a product has multiple substitutes—
products that consumers can choose to replace a particular brand. However, consumers are
less likely to switch to a substitute based on price if they do not believe that comparable
products are effective substitutes—for instance, they do not believe that Coke and Pepsi are
equally delicious. The term for this is "price elasticity of demand."

Review of literature:

1. Sourabh Jain and Sheetal Kaur Ahuja (2021): In this research paper random sampling and
questionnaire method is used to come at the conclusion that in the existing situation
Indian telecom industry through attention about the mobile service provider and they
examine there are very excessive competitions among the gamers in the telecom industry.
2. Goyal, K., & Kar, A. K. (2019): Using well-known hashtags, approximately four lakh
tweets from Twitter were gathered for this study and highlighted for Indian telecom
providers. The conclusion suggests that established variables (customer satisfaction) and
impartial variables (network quality, service interaction, and customer support) are well
correlated. Point demonstrating and opinion mining have been done on these four lakhs
tweets. The factual assessment demonstrated that network quality, administration
exchange fine and shopper assist with playing an earth shattering thing in the fulfillment
of client in the media transmission industry.
3. Nurysh, N et al. (2019): This study was an answer to a request made by previous
researchers to investigate the necessary factors, like perceived cost and service quality,
that can simultaneously affect customer satisfaction in Malaysian mobile phone operators.
Between variables, the moderating effect of beauty preferences has also been
investigated. Consequently, the exact discoveries, which depend absolutely on
quantitative examination and comparably two or three relapse investigation, proposes that
each apparent worth and administration quality has a compelling relationship toward
shopper fulfillment. However, it was discovered that the interaction of each variable with
the elegance of the choices has no effect on satisfaction.
4. Yadav, R. K., & Dabhade, N. (2019): This examination learn about used to be a work to
check a few implied components that impacted consumer loyalty in the Indian versatile
help industry. Verbal exchange services, network issues, technology, price, manufacturer
image, and customer care offerings were all examined for satisfaction. In December 2015,
Reliance Jio launched a number of free voice communication services, which caused a
disruption in the Indian telecom market and had an impact in Madhya Pradesh. fewer
statistics packs and free voice calls without roaming restrictions. This move by Reliance
Jio resulted in a peaceful conflict between the mobile service providers and put
significant pressure on rivals to offer comparable services at substantially lower prices.
The purpose of this study was initially exploratory. A questionnaire administered to five
hundred mobile service users provided the primary data. In the past, SPSS 21.0 software
was used to analyze the data, which was randomly gathered from Bhopal, India, using
factor evaluation. Out of 32 objects with seven variables, ten elements have been
identified. In the mobile service industry, the findings confirmed that a variety of plans
and high-quality network indicators have been two crucial predictors of customer
5. Gupta, A et al. (2019) concluded that the opposition has risen to its top after the
introduction of Jio. some of the rivals had to merge, while others had to trade their
techniques forming a definitely new one. Further they concluded that customer had been
pretty satisfied with service of Jio; few complained about its dismal response toward
consumer offerings.
6. Jyothika, M. J. (2019) has regarded the impact of fee on share of service provider telecom
industry and has concluded that traders have proven activity toward introduction of Jio
shares. Existing limitations made the survival of other groups difficult. Many traders have
additionally said trade in their investment behavior with the opportunity of a hike in share
7. Jasrotia, S. S., Sharma, R.L., & Mishra, H.G. (2019) have produced a total of seven
factors, which include: tariffs, the speed of internet data, the endorsement of a
manufacturer, value-added services, a picture of the service provider, the company's
image, and a modern agency for determining how customers react to Jio services. The
find out about additionally printed that Reliance has led to shut down or mergers of a
number key service providers and at the identical time has modified the state of affairs of
how Telecom Industry used to work. Now humans are greater touchy to fee alongside
with quality net speed, voice calls and so on.
8. Vivek Nagar and Neha Mathur (2019) the level of customer satisfaction is analyzed in
this paper involving Reliance Fiber and BSNL are additionally addressed in this study.
The parameters for research include voice services, tariff rates, value-added services,
interconnectivity and voice offerings are additionally considered.
9. Atul Kumar (2018): In this research paper secondary statistics is used to come at the
conclusion that Customer pleasure is influenced by means of really empathy and
reliability, whereas customer loyalty is influenced with the aid of empathy, assurance,
responsiveness, tangibility. Customer satisfaction serves as a partial mediator between
empathy and customer loyalty when it comes to mediation.
10. Mr. Selvaraj, A Sivakasi, V. D., Dr. Selvakumar, M. (2018): In this research paper
sampling is used to supply the conclusion that in order to keep the advantageous gap, the
mobile phone network ought to provide pleasant offerings to the customer shortly and get
to the bottom of their queries and problems.
11. Diaw, B et al. (2018): The study looks at how innovation affects how satisfied customers
are in Ghana's competitive telecommunications service industry. Item and administration
advancement is accepted to be the way to satisfying and holding clients. One hundred
fifty customers were surveyed using questionnaires to gather data. The relationship
between dependent and independent variables has been examined using data evaluation
equipment. Innovation, customer satisfaction, and retention were once found to have a
significant positive correlation. Additionally, the study found that recent advancements in
advertising have played a significant role in customer satisfaction and retention. The find
out about prescribes that broadcast communications organizations should make interests
in providing progressive contributions through acquiring information on state of the art
attributes to figure product and administrations.
12. Sharma, V., Joseph, S., & Poulose, J. (2018): The purpose of this study was to examine a
model of a variety of factors that influence customer retention strategies in the Indian
telecom service industry, including loyalty, customer satisfaction, and switching
boundaries (customer relationship management, choice elegance, and switching cost). In
the past, data from respondents in three of India's most populous cities—Indore, Bhopal,
and Central India—were collected using a straightforward, structured questionnaire and a
convenient sampling strategy. Around 450 questionaries have been disseminated, out of
which 318 usable reactions have been acquired for shutting investigation. Structure
Equation Modeling (SEM) for direct effect and Multiple Moderating Regression Analysis
(MMRA) for moderating effect were used to examine the hypothesis and the instrument
for validity and reliability. The results suggested that customer retention is directly
influenced by loyalty, satisfaction, switching restrictions, and customer relationship
management. However, it has been determined that the connection to choice splendor is
weak. As a moderating variable, switching cost was deemed excellent and demonstrated a
significant deviation in the relationship between unstructured and structured variables.
13. Rajathi, V. M. A, & Siva, M. (2018): The SERVQUAL model, which serves as the
primary framework for examining service quality and the connections between customer
satisfaction and service quality variables, was improved as a result of this study. The
findings revealed that all of the service quality indicators were reliable predictors of
customer satisfaction. This finding has significant ramifications for managers, particularly
in terms of business development strategies.
14. H. D. Chandra, A. K. Henry, A. S. & Khurana (2018): In this research paper sampling
approach is used at the conclusion that this research suggests that customer do turn out to
be loyal closer to the manufactures when the get comfy with the supplied services.
15. Dr. T. Sisili et al. (2018) in their learn about viewed the elements of connectivity,
customer care, speed, getting new connections and compatibility for measuring
satisfaction level of customers’. Study printed that a massive range of customers had been
contented with the offerings of Jio, which consist of free neighborhood and country-wide
SMS, outside coverage, roaming service, error-free SMS delivery and receipt alongside
with the terrific ride of net speed.
16. Mr. R. Santosh 1, Dr. KVR. Rajandran 2 (2018) have emphasized upon Reliance Jio
service quality, efficiency, rate and free offerings to decide the understanding of customer
towards it. Study concludes that there exists extensive affiliation between income level
and satisfaction level; however, no longer for age and awareness level. Further,
commercial and availability of free plans had been some of the primary driver of
satisfaction and awareness level of the customers. Study additionally endorsed that there
is dire want for enhancement in call drops, call blocking, placing of the service stations,
speed and location coverage.
17. Alaknanda Lonare, Rachana Swamy, Shreyas Shrivastava, Vashishth Shah (2018) have
emphasized upon likely motives for customer switching to Jio, advertising techniques
adopted via it and modifications in income move of different telecom service providers
earlier than and after introduction of Reliance Jio. price, manufacturer value, data speed,
voice call and customer service have been said ad independent variables. Further, it used
to be concluded that there was once a big drop in income of different service providers
after the launch of Jio. The three primary elements that lead to customer switching to Jio
have been month-to month expenses, the plans supplied by means of Reliance Jio, and the
impact of promotional activities. Apart from that, authors have recognized penetration
pricing approach as one the simple cause for enormous increase of Jio’s market share.
18. Patlolla, R., & Doodipala, M. R. (2018) have discovered that Jio's launch has had a
significant impact on customer awareness and satisfaction. However, we have said that
enhancement in network coverage is a must. It was once additionally determined that
many subscribers use Airtel as their primary network and Jio as secondary simply for the
sake of excessive speed data.
19. Joy, T., & Bahl, S. (2018) have analyzed the satisfaction level of customer on the
groundwork of 4G data speed and call quality & journey ranking with the assist of
information from TRAI Analytics Portal. The techniques undertaken by means of
Reliance Jio have been labeled into three foremost heads: market disruption, pricing
disruption and operational strategy. Study concludes that seventy-eight pre-cent of
humans have been comfortable with the call quality and experience rating.
20. Ms. Indumathy. R et al. (2018) in their review of Reliance Jio have recognized elements
like SIM usage, data, calling service and different offerings provided to verify preferences
and satisfaction level of customers. They have concluded that many customers decide
upon Jio as their secondary network due to the fact of higher data services. It was once
additionally found that there exists an enormous relationship between demographical
elements like occupation and age with service preferences. Finally, it was once concluded
that customers have been distinctly comfortable with Reliance Jio’s statistics service,
calling service, schemes and offers; network coverage and call connectivity desires
21. Daga, T., Chandra, V., & Malik, A. (2018) have analyzed the contribution of Reliance Jio
and authorities in digitalizing India and altering the shape of Indian telecommunication
sector. Study published that through supplying affordable fee plans, Jio has modified the
way of life of subscribers in today’s world. Further, it used to be additionally cited that
respondents do consider that authorities initiatives towards ‘Digital India’ has appreciably
helped Indian telecommunication area to decorate itself towards digitalization.
22. Vimalnath. V 1 and Dr. Balaji. B 2 (2018): In this paper, Chennai-based telecom prepaid
customer were surveyed to find out their appreciation of the elements that have an effect
on customer satisfaction. On the most important data, regression evaluation used to be
carried out and their affect used to be additionally documented.
23. Gnana Lakshmi (2017): In this research paper sampling is used to come at the conclusion
that to appeal to a massive crowd, Reliance should exceptionally focal point on improving
customer service, increasing consignment charge locations, and executing a range of new
attractive advertising and marketing programs.
24. Chatterjee, B. (2017): In this research paper descriptive and analytical approach is used to
conclude that JIO has a significant influence on Indian Telecom companies’ everyday
operations. Also, a small quantity of human beings are hesitant to label this as disruptive
on account that they trust it is a passing fad.
25. Sornapriya, R., & Sathya, M. (2017) has conducted their research to determine the level
of customer satisfaction with the Jio network. 50 reliance Jio network users used to be the
pattern dimension of this study. According to the findings of this study, 52% of
respondents are satisfied with Jio's offerings; Additionally, the majority of respondents
(64%) propose expanding Jio's network coverage. As a result, the public was encouraged
to raise the price of their services. The report also recommends putting up towers in
places where the network isn't available and in faraway places to get rid of call congestion
and network issues.
26. Mr. U. Dineshkumar, Mr. V. Moorthy (2017) in this study the pattern dimension of this
research was once one hundred Airtel prepaid users. The research concludes that the
service provide with the aid of Airtel Prepaid Portable Client is at palatable level to the
respondents. However, the majority of respondents are now uneasy with the phone's
features. In order to enhance their service experience and satisfy their customers, Airtel
Prepaid Mobile customers must focus on promotional measures in the same manner as
personal service providers.
27. V. Rengarajan 1, R. Amudha 2, R. Alamelu 3, 1. Cresenta Shakila Motha 4 and R. Nalini
5 (2017): The learn-about was once primarily based on primary information amassed via
way of administering the questionnaire. The data were collected from 200 Airtel
customers in the Cuddalore district using a simple random sampling method. They were
analyzed with the help of the SPSS package using proportion analysis and ANOVA
single component. Orientation impacts the fulfillment level dependent absolutely upon
momentary help and organization modernization. Due to their level of dissatisfaction,
respondents believe that continuing to purchase, having more than one connection,
standard satisfaction and belief in Airtel, charge sensitivity, differentiation in service, and
multi-usage should no longer be tolerated. 57% of respondents choose Airtel, while the
rest choose other brands. Because of this capability, 43% of Airtel customers probably
will switch to a competitor.
28. Mahalaxmi, K. R., & Kumar, S.N (2017): The research methodology used in this research
paper is questionnaire technique which suggests that most customer pick out this service
provider due to the fact of its limitless voice calling and high-speed facts connection
capabilities. In simply 5 months, Reliance JIO has seized 1/3 of the market, and their
advertising and marketing method has performed a key position in this.
29. Parag Amin 1, Anagha Kale, Ajay Nilakantan (2017): This research paper used sampling
and questionnaire technique which helped to arrive at a conclusion that Jio presents
gorgeous fee for cash (both prepaid and postpaid). Vodafone’s important precedence is
desirable call connectivity. Airtel has higher voice readability and data coverage, and Jio,
Airtel and Vodafone all have desirable customer service.
30. Mr. N. Venkat, Mr. M. Nagabhaskar, Mr. D. Subbareddy (2017): In this research paper
the authors have used customer satisfaction surveys, put up internet promoter score,
customer effort rating and social media monitoring to come at the conclusion that
Observation of social media websites suggests that many humans are responding
positively to Reliance Jio’s internet package. In addition, respondents are pretty involved
about the best of connectivity and the quantity of free calls supplied through Reliance
31. Medhi, M. (2017) in her find-out emphasized upon discovering motives for carrying
different operators as secondary network by using telecom customers, and it used to be
concluded that most of the customers have been immensely blissful by way of the
offerings of Jio; however, scope of enhancements are there in phrases of network
coverage and calling connectivity.
32. Laddha, S., & Trivdei, A. (2017) have used a complete of 6 elements, namely;
personality, culture, attributes usage, advantages and values to analyze the understanding
of customers towards brand. It used to be concluded that Jio is faring properly in
dimensions like value, culture, character and utilization; However wishes upgrades in
product and gain aspects.
33. Chinthala, G., Madhuri, H., & Kumar, K. (2017) have concluded that most of the
individuals beneath learn about had been at ease with the offerings of Reliance Jio; The
extraordinary point out is internet facilities. Further, there is no huge qualification among
male and female respondents toward satisfaction level. Finally, they have concluded that
there are many customer who have complained about low stage of customer care service.
34. Salomi, S., & Selvan, K. G. (2017) via their find out about, printed that due to growing
opposition in the telecom industry, many groups are focusing on penetration strategy;
Reliance Jio used to be the first to put in force that.
35. Boobalan, C., & Jayaraman, K. (2017) is to find out about used-to be to pick out the loop
holes inside the Reliance Jio and suggesting viable remedies. They concluded that forty-
one per cent ad 36 per cent of respondents had been satisfied with and had been conscious
of the offerings of Reliance Jio. Further, they have concluded that the level of customer
satisfaction is significantly correlated with income level; however now not between age
and awareness level.
36. Singh, R. (2017) has concluded that Relicance Jio has severely impacted the telecom
industrty via supplying low cost data plans and free services. Revenues of the opponents
have considerably decreased; subsequently resulted in shutdowns or mergers in the
industry. Aggressive advertisement through Reliance Jio used to be one of the key
elements contributing closer to its success.
37. Brahmani, N., & Vamsi, S. (2017) utilized hardware like Shapiroh-wilk test, one sample
t-test, two sample t-test and ANOVA on R 3.2.5 complete bundle for information
investigation and understanding. Cost effectiveness, free calls, no roaming, free channels,
free caller tunes, and voice clarity have been identified as the primary factors contributing
to customer satisfaction; while elements contributing toward dissatisfaction are net speed,
compatibility of different SIM playing cards and voice call connectivity.
38. Sugunathi, M. G. M & Shanthi, R. (2017) in their research paper performed a learn-about
based pn customer opinions about service they are the use of with parameters
responsiveness, reliability, empathy, assurance and tangibility. The elements that matter
most are on time and a proper service when the customer excepts.
39. Saravanan, S and Manigandan, K (2017) to their findings, it calculates customer
satisfaction by comparing customer expectations to the perceived service. This is known
as the “service sector gap”. All telecom industries are working hard to close the gap in the
service delivery system. By closing the gap, service quality will improve in terms of
promptness, zero defects, effective communication, and personalized attention to
customers. It provides the organization with profitability, business growth, market share
growth, added value, and financial performance.
40. Mrs. Venna P. Bhosale and Mr. Ashwin Nirmal Jain (2016): In this research paper
sampling is used to come at the conclusion that multiplied non-voice earnings and
multiplied penetration in the rural region are estimated to propel India’s telecoms
commercial enterprise forward.
41. K. Krishna Prasad & P.S. Aithal (2016): In this research paper ABCD evaluation
methods area used to come at the conclusion that 4G technology’s giant adoption in India,
with functions in entertainment, education, navy and defense, and fitness care.
42. Dr. K. Moorthy et al. (17th Jan 2016) inferred in their research that internet has modified
the day-to-day strategies of human beings as a long way as their style, nature, socializing
aspect, sharing of information, go with the flow of ideas are concerned. In order to make
them fulfill the service provider companies have to cover greater mile to fulfill their
wishes and desires on their terms.
43. Singh, S. (2016): In order to classify the Consumer Attitude toward Reliance Jio in India,
we conducted interviews with 200 Reliance Jio customers in Ghaziabad. According to the
study's findings, 168 customers out of 200 sample sizes were pleased with the services
provided by Reliance Jio, while 32 customers were dissatisfied. The study came to the
conclusion that customer satisfaction with reliance Jio is growing, and it also identified
the factors that contribute to customer satisfaction with reliance Jio.
44. Kalyani, P. (2016): This research paper has used Survey questionnaire technique which
effects in the discovering that “Until the pre-launch deal,” “wait for the subsequent great
plans,” and “most probable they will proceed as any other connection for Data usage”
have been the most frequent responses when requested how lengthy they sketch to use
Reliance JIO. “Until the pre-launch deal,” “wait for the subsequent exceptional plans,”
and “most possibly they will proceed as some other connection for Data usage” had been
the most frequent responses when requested how lengthy they design to use Reliance JIO.
45. Charles Makanyeza and Darlington Mumiriki (2016) to their findings, the customer
category has no effect on service quality or customer satisfaction. The managerial
implications are that when managing service quality to achieve customer satisfaction.
Customer segmentation by customer category is not necessary.
46. Panda, R., & Shastri, D. (2016) has argued that India is also considered to be the world's
fourth-best software financial system. It very well may be referenced that there are two
immense thought processes because of the reality of which the telecom venture of India is
growing quickly. The primary factor or reason has to do with the country's increasing
customer demand. Customers in the Indian market are currently looking for a telecom
service provider that can offer services like quick internet connectivity and a green
mobile network at prices that are both affordable and convenient.
47. In addition to this, the plans of government are additionally directed toward facilitating a
proactive and truthful regulatory framework with a goal to make certain that customers in
the enterprise are supplied with the great best of offerings at costs which are affordable.
According to Dhar, B. (2016), the telecom industry in India receives government support
because it immediately contributes to the expansion and improvement of the country's
economy. The fact that Indian telecom is anticipated to generate more than 4 million
employment opportunities in the country lends credence to the announcement.
48. Hoa T.K, Ngoc L.T.B (2015): This learn about used to be aimed at investigating three
elements (services quality, manufacturer picture and charge perception) and assessed the
diploma of the have an impact on of everything on customer satisfaction, the place there
have been the existence of the fierce competition, mature market and internationally built-
in economy, finally struggling for market share and survival. The results demonstrated
that each factor—service quality, company image, and perception of pricing—has a
distinct and significant impact on customer satisfaction. The results of this learning are
consistent with the existing research findings and evidence. The information provides the
crucial feedback provided by customers to mobile telecom providers. Managers of
Vietnamese mobile telecommunications companies are expected to benefit from the
study's findings in order to improve effective advertising strategies in today's competitive
and expensive market.
49. Kumar, S., & Bhardwaj, G. N. (2015): In this research paper secondary data is
accumulated through more than a few posted reports, and applicable articles which helped
in giving the conclusion that in India, nearly all telecom provider are presently mired in a
cycle of rising fees and flat income. As a result, the fantastic of offerings will surely go
through in the close to future.
50. Zahoor, Z. (2015) surveyed one hundred Srinagar HNI, JK Bank Corporate Plan, and
Dongle customers to determine Aircel customers' levels of satisfaction. Learn about the
customer's expectations from a variety of segments and the challenges they face in this
study. The majority of customers in this study recommend expanding network coverage,
increasing net speed, and improving customer service. The study's findings indicate that
Aircel is doing exceptionally well in the areas of tariff design and brand image. However,
the company also has a lot of room for improvement in the areas of network speed and
51. Singh, T., & Satsangi, A. K. (2015): In this paper, the authors analyzed customer
satisfaction in accordance to the respondents ranking. Studies exhibit that social
networking is the best possible provider in offering customer satisfaction. All the top ten
rank service offerings associated to customer services, recharge options, fee method,
scheme/plan, 3G services, downloading, chatting, short messaging services, net get right
of entry to offerings and social networking are significantly situated associated to their
respective usage.
52. Sharma, P.K., & Pandey, V. (2015) the Indian government has found a way almost each
practical way to work on up the general execution and blast of the telecom business. The
fact that the Indian government has developed high-quality methods to guarantee easy
access to telecom equipment lends credence to the announcement.
53. Dr. Gopika, G.G (2014) in her research paper offers a thinking about telecom foundation
and additionally about the big evolution that has taken area in this sector. The paper in
view of researcher offers an overview of the number of authorities like Telecom
Regulatory Authority of India, additionally the distinctive networks which are existing in
this industry.
54. Rahman, H. (2014): The purpose of this empirical investigation was to determine the
specific factors that contributed to customer satisfaction in Bangladesh's mobile
telecommunications sector. Through a structured questionnaire, 282 samples had been
collected; The operators' network/signal coverage, pricing, offering, fulfillment of
consumer demand, value added service, brand value, and operators' contribution to
society have insignificant influences on making customers satisfied at a 5 percentage
level of significance at two regression analyses. Learn about printed that service
innovativeness, service reliability, service competitiveness, and service consistency have
a hugely significant impact on making customers satisfied. on the basis of these results;
We conclude that mobile service providers must participate in factors that have a
significant impact on advertising customer satisfaction in Bangladesh's
telecommunications industry when marketing customer satisfaction.
55. Kumar, D., Kumar, B., & Haque, M. (2014): In this paper the researcher worked on the
level of consumer satisfaction among the telecom service provider gamers in the market.
Data is processed using laptop aided equipment such as Excel tables for evaluation are
56. (Hossain, M., & Suchy, N. J. (2013) in this paper they learn about analyzed the
relationship that exists between a variety of telecom service providers in Bangladesh's
telecom industry and customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is positively correlated with
communication, price, value-added services, ease of use, and customer service, according
to a recently published study. To find out about additionally published that sales-
promotions are no longer associated to the customer loyalty.
57. Kavitha, T. N. R., & Murugan, S. D. A. (2013), in their research titled decided the
customer satisfaction with the services offered by Vodafone in the Madurai district and to
learn more about how customers feel about using the services. Descriptive research was
utilized in this study. Information has been amassed by means of study strategy through
organized survey with each open and shut finished questions. The comfort sampling
method was used to select customers for the distribution of the questionnaire, and the
survey was conducted among these selected users. The Simple Percentage and Chi-
Square Tests method was used to examine the collected data after it had been compiled
from the respondents.
58. Chakraborty, D. (2013), in his research discovered out that choice of customers are extra
inclined towards these service providers who have a brand of this very own and extends
un-paralleled service with recognize to huge network coverage, unbreakable signal and
59. S. Vishnuvarthani (2013) in her article, she stated that telecommunications is one of
India’s fastest-growing service sectors. In today’s hectic world, it is unavoidable.
Telecommunications encompasses both mobile and fixed telephone lines. Mobile phones
are increasingly being used instead of landlines. Landline phone customers were
outnumbered by mobile phone customers. Government and private operators are battling
it out to provide people with a variety of value-added services because of certain
advantages offered by mobile phones. Therefore, in order to satisfy and delight their
customers, cellular operators ought to make an effort to provide low-cost, high-quality
equipment, competitively priced call tariffs for connectivity at various levels, and
individualized services.
60. Almossawi (2012): This study learn about sheds some gentle on the importance and
outcomes of fulfillment in the forceful telecom industry in Bahrain. The examination
presumes that organizations which control to satisfy their clients, hold them for as
extensive as could be expected and hopefully flip them into faithful clients, will point of
fact be in a higher forceful position. Consequences of this study learn about printed that
the portable clients changed from one guarantor to an other because of their
disappointment with their previous supplier or because of higher proposition, picture, and
acknowledgment of the new supplier. According to the findings of this study, factors such
as "had a higher offer," "dissatisfied with the costs utilized with the aid of the previous
provider," and "the new provider has improved signal coverage" are the primary
determinants of switching.
61. Achour, M. et al. (2012): This study examines the connection between customer loyalty,
brand image, high-quality product offerings, and switching restrictions. The group of
mobile phone users and employees at University Utara Malaysia (UUM) used to make up
the population of this study. In the past, there were 28,790 users in this study, and the
pattern dimension was 378 users. The evaluation results also indicate that the company's
brand image in the market positively influences customer loyalty, and the research
concludes that all factors have a positive impact on customer loyalty.
62. Khan, S. et al. (2012): The evaluation of these factors, which may have an impact on
customer satisfaction in the telecom industry, was the objective of this study. This study's
sample consisted of private university students from Peshawar. In the past, this study had
150 users as its pattern measurement. The study came to the conclusion that university
students' levels of customer satisfaction are primarily influenced by price equity and
coverage. Moreover, inclusion and customer care also influence the consumer loyalty
connected with any specialist co-operation.
63. T. Kavipriya and P. Rengarajan (2012) in this article, that the demand for mobile phones
has recently increased. The mobile phone industry is crowded. Though the cell phone
industry is relatively new, it has experienced rapid growth. Every business is adding new
features to market their services.
64. (Leelakulthanit, O., & Hongcharu, B. (2011) explored the determinants of customer
fulfillment through meeting 400 versatile customers in Thailand. According to research,
the most important factors that influence customer satisfaction are promotional value,
retail store customer service quality, and corporate image.
65. Jahanzeb, S., Fatima, T., & Khan, M.B. (2011) accomplished there research pattern
dimension the original population of this study, which included mobile phone customers
in Pakistan, was 146. The study's findings revealed that consumer loyalty is primarily
formed by: trust, administration quality, loyal staff, and exchanging cost.
66. Boohene, R., & Agyapong, G.K. (2011) has completed their research on 460 Vodafone
Telecom Company customers in Ghana. The study's conclusion is that customer
satisfaction does always result in loyalty, whereas service quality was previously found to
be strongly and positively linked to loyalty. This study's findings indicate that customer
satisfaction is already a part of service quality. If customers are pleased with the service
provider and the services they receive, they have a positive perception of service quality.
67. B. Adhinarayanan and K. Balanagagurunathan (2011): Like every other industrial sector
in India, the telecom industry has undergone numerous stages of diversification and
growth. The field of telephonic communication has grown to include cutting-edge
technologies like GSM, CDMA, and WLL, moving from the telegraphic and telephone
systems of the nineteenth century to the ground-breaking 3G technology found in mobile
68. Bhattacharya Manas (2010) provides an overview of India’s telecom industry’s future.
The paper sheds light on telecom tax reforms and industry policies. The paper discusses
the number of telephone lines used to determine the industry’s growth factor. This paper
explains briefly the effects of economic changes on this industry. The paper also
discusses the impact of IT, competition policy, and technological trends. Finally, the
researcher emphasizes the importance of advanced planning in this ever-growing
industry, the need to develop a deeper understanding of the sector, and the importance of
IT in this industry.
69. Ishfaq Ahmed et al. (2010), in their research study, discovered that all dimensions have a
significant relationship with customer satisfaction. This study gives decision-makers
guidance on the aspects of service quality that need to be paid close attention.
70. Balaji (2009) investigated the Customer Satisfaction with Indian Mobile Services by
means of interviewing 199 post-paid cell subscribers in a main town in India. The
American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) mannequin is used to examine the
framework of the causal relationships between customer expectations, quality, value,
satisfaction, and loyalty. This study's results demonstrate that perceived good is a
significant indicator of customer satisfaction, which eventually results in trust, price
tolerance, and customer loyalty.

Airtel, or Bharti Airtel Limited, is an Indian multinational telecommunications services

provider with its headquarters in New Delhi. We are the most dependable provider of ICT
services thanks to our global network that spans the United States, Europe, Africa, the Middle
East, Asia-Pacific, India, and the SAARC region. set up on July 7, 1995; 27 years back.
Bharti Airtel Limited was founded by Sunil Mittal.

It operates in the Channel Islands and 18 South Asian and African nations. In India, Airtel
currently provides 4G and 4G+ services, as well as 5G service in a few cities. Fixed-line
broadband and voice services are currently available, depending on the country of operation.
VOLTE technology had also been implemented by Airtel across all Indian telecom networks.
It is India's second-largest mobile network operator and the second-largest in the world. In
the initial Brandz ranking conducted by Millward Brown and WPP Plc, Airtel came in second
place among India's most valuable brands.

It is India's third-biggest supplier of fixed communication and furthermore offers broadband

and membership TV administrations. The brand is owned and operated by Bharti Airtel's
subsidiaries. Bharti Hexacom and Bharti Telemedia provide broadband fixed line services,
and Bharti Infratel provides telecom passive infrastructure services like telecom equipment
and telecom towers. Airtel is the first Indian telecom provider to obtain Cisco Gold
certification. Additionally, it provides long-distance communication services both
domestically and internationally. A submarine cable landing station that is connected to
Singapore is run by the company in Chennai.
In India, there are 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G networks available.
India's auction for 4G spectrum, also known as broadband wireless access (BWA), came to
an end on May 19, 2010. For four circles of spectrum, Airtel paid 33.1436 billion rupees
(US$420 million). God, God's Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, and Kolkata 30 MHz of
BWA spectrum in the 2.3 GHz frequency band was provided to the business. Huawei in
Karnataka, Nokia Siemens Networks in Maharashtra and Goa, and ZTE in Kolkata and
Punjab construct and manage Airtel's TD-LTE network. Airtel turned into the first
organisation in quite a while to offer 4G administrations on April 10, 2012, when it sent off
4G administrations in Kolkata by means of dongles and modems utilising TD-LTE
innovation. Bangalore (7 May 2012), Pune (18 October 2012), Chandigarh, Mohali, and
Panchkula (25 March 2013) followed the Kolkata launch. Airtel obtained 4G licences and
now has spectrum in Delhi, Haryana, Kerala, and Mumbai after acquiring Wireless Business
Services Private Limited, a joint venture founded by Qualcomm that had won BWA spectrum
in those telecom circles in the 4G spectrum auction.

In February 2014, Airtel launched 4G mobile services. The service was first introduced in
Bangalore. In Karnal and Yamuna Nagar, both in Haryana, Airtel launched 4G services on
June 16, 2015. On June 18, 2015, Airtel 4G trials began in Delhi. Airtel had 95,173,000 4G
customers as of June 2019. Airtel has 4G coverage in 22 circles across India as of June 2019.
Airtel expanded its 4G network 15 kilometres off the coast of India in response to a request
from the Indian Navy. On January 15, 2019, Airtel began offering its 4G service in Andaman
and Nicobar. As of March 2019, Airtel served 96% of Rajasthan's population. Nearly 98
percent of the people living in these areas are now served by Airtel's network.

Jan. 20, 2021: Live 5G organisation exhibition in Hyderabad, India.
A partnership with Qualcomm to develop an Open-RAN-based 5G network was announced
in February 2021.
Airtel and Intel reported a cooperation to speed up in July 2021, India will have 5G.
In August 2022, Airtel, Nokia, Samsung, and Ericsson entered into a service agreement for
On October 1, 2022, Bharti Airtel introduced 5G services in eight cities in India.

A subsidiary of Jio Platforms, Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited, or Jio, is an Indian

telecommunications company with its headquarters in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. On
February 15, 2007, the business was established. The founder of the company is Mukesh
Ambani. It manages an LTE network that connects all 22 telecom circles across the country.
Jio offers 4G and 4G+ types of assistance all through India, as well as 5G assistance in
numerous urban communities. It is working on a service for 6G.

Jio Delicate was sent off on December 27, 2015, with a beta for accomplices and
representatives, and opened up to the world on September 5, 2016. It is the largest mobile
network operator in India and the third largest in the world, with over 42.62 crore (426.2
million) subscribers.

In September 2019, Jio launched a home broadband, television, and telephone service via
fibre to the home. Rs has been raised by Reliance Industries. 1.65 lakh crore, or US$21
billion, by selling nearly 33% of its equity stake in Jio Platforms by September 2020.

4G: Internally, the 4G services were launched on December 27, 2015. On September 5,
2016, the company went public with its 4G services, which provided free data and voice
services until December 31, 2016, which was later extended to March 31, 2017. In the first
month, Jio announced that it had reached 100 million subscribers on February 22, 2017, after
acquiring 1.6 crore (16 million) subscribers and crossing the 5 crore (50 million) subscriber
mark in 83 days. It had approximately 130 million (13 crore) subscribers as of October 2017.

5G: On October 5, 2022, it launched 5G services in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai,
as well as in Varanasi, Siliguri, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Nagpur.


TABLE: 4.1

Table showing the gender of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Male 25 21
2 Female 95 79
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data

Table 4.1 shows the gender of the respondent. 95 Respondents (79 percent) are female
and 25 respondents (21 percent) are male.

A majority of the respondent (79 percent) are female.

CHART: 4.1

Gender of the respondents











Male Female
TABLE: 4.2

Table showing the age of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Below 18 1 1
2 18 to 25 93 77
3 25 to 34 15 13
4 Above 34 11 9
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data

Table 4.2 shows that age group of the respondents. 93 respondents (77 percent) in the age
group of 18 to 25 years, 15 respondents (13 percent) in the age group of 25 to 34 years, 11
respondents (9 percent) in the age of group of above 34years, 1 respondents (1 percent) in the
age group of below 18 years.

A majority of the respondents (77 percent) in the age group of 18 to 25 years.

CHART: 4.2

Age of the respondents











Below 18 18 to 25 25 to 34 Above 34
TABLE: 4.3

Table showing the education qualification of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 School 4 3
2 Undergraduate 54 45
3 Postgraduate 54 45
4 Others 8 7
Total 120 100
Source: Primary Data

Table 4.3 shows the educational qualification of the respondents. 54 respondents (45 percent)
are postgraduate and undergraduate, 8 respondents (7 percent) are other category, 4
respondents (3 percent) have done their schooling alone.

A majority of the respondents education qualification (45 percent) is postgraduation and


CHART: 4.3

Education qualification of the respondents

Education Qualification of the Respondnets







School Undergraduate Postgraduate Others

TABLE: 4.4
Table showing the occupation of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Student 68 57
2 Government employee 3 2
3 Self employed 9 8
4 Private employee 34 28
5 Retired 1 1
6 Home maker 5 4
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.4 shows the occupation of the respondents. 68 respondents (57 percent) are students,
34 respondents (28 percent ) are Private employee, 9 respondents (8 percent) are self
employed, 5 respondents (4 percent ) are home maker, 3 respondents (2 percent) are
government employee, 1 respondents (1 percent) are retired.

A majority of the respondents (57 percent) are students.

CHART: 4.4

Occupation of the respondents









Student Government Self employed Private Retired Home maker
employee employee

TABLE: 4.5
Table showing the family monthly income of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentages

1 Below 20,000 58 48
2 20,001 to 40,000 27 22
3 40,001 to 60,000 9 8
4 Above 60,000 26 22
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.5 shows the family monthly income of the respondents. 58 respondents (48 percent)
income is below 20,000 per month, 27 respondents (22 percent) income is from 20,001 to
40,000 per month, 26 respondents (22 percent) income is above 60,000 per month,
9 respondents (8 percent) income is from 40,001 to 60,000 per month.

A majority of the respondents (48 percent) income is below 20,000 per month.

CHART: 4.5

Family monthly income of the respondents








Below 20,000 20,001 to 40,000 40,001 to 60,000 Above 60,000

TABLE: 4.6
Table showing the uses of operators of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Airtel 45 37
2 Jio 57 48
3 Both 18 15
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.6 shows the uses of operators of the respondents. 57 respondents (48 percent) are Jio
users, 45 respondents (37 percent) are Airtel users, 18 respondents (15 percent) are users of
both Airtel and Jio network

A majority of the respondents (48 percent) on Jio users.

CHART: 4.6

Users of operators of the respondents







Airtel Jio Both

TABLE: 4.7
Table showing the source of referring the operator used by respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Friends 33 27
2 Advertisement 40 33
3 Relatives 27 23
4 Other Source 20 17
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.7 shows the source of reference of operators used. 40 respondents (33 percent) have
chosen the operator by watching advertisement, 33 respondents (27 percent) have chosen
based on friends recommendation, 27 respondents (23 percent) have chosen due to their
relatives, 20 respondents (17 percent) have chosen because of other sources.

A majority of the respondents (33 percent) have chosen the operator by watching

CHART: 4.7

Source of referring the operator used by respondents









Friends Advertisement Relatives Other Source

TABLE: 4.8
Table showing the type of service of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Post-paid 37 31
2 Prepaid 83 69
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.8 shows the type of service of the respondents. 83 respondents (69 percent) have
opted for prepaid service, 37 respondents (31 percent) opted for post-paid service.

A majority of the respondents (69 percent) have opted for prepaid service.

CHART: 4.8

Type of service of the respondents










Postpaid Prepaid

TABLE: 4.9
Table showing the type of network of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 4G 112 93
2 5G 8 7
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.9 shows the type of network of the respondents. 112 respondents (93 percent) are 4G
users, 8 respondents (7 percent) are 5G users.

A majority of the respondents (93 percent) are 4G network users.

CHART: 4.9

Type of network of the respondents







4G 5G

TABLE: 4.10
Table shows the network speed of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 High 36 30
2 Medium 81 67
3 Low 3 3
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.10 shows the network speed of the respondents. 81 respondents (67 percent) network
is of medium speed, 36 respondents (30 percent) network is of high speed,3 respondents (3
percent) network is of low speed.

A majority of the respondents (67 percent) network is of medium speed.

CHART: 4.10

Network speed of the respondents










High Medium Low

TABLE: 4.11
Table showing the payment option preferred by the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Card payment 12 10
2 Mobile banking 26 22
3 Cash payment 33 27
4 UPI 49 41
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.11 shows the payment option preferred by the respondents. 49 respondents (41
percent) prefers UPI, 33 respondents (27 percent) prefers cash payment, 26 respondents (22
percent) prefers mobile banking, 12 respondents (10 percent) prefers card payment.

A majority of the respondents (41 percent) prefers UPI payment option.

CHART: 4.11

Payment option preferred by the respondents







Card payment Mobile banking Cash payment UPI

TABLE: 4.12

Table showing the plan preferred by respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 28 days 41 34
2 56 days 15 13
3 84 days 53 44
4 1 year 11 9
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.12 shows the plan preferred by respondents. 53 respondents (44 percent) prefers 84
days plan, 41 respondents (34 percent) prefers 28 days plan, 15 respondents (13 percent)
prefers 56 days plan, 11 respondents (9 percent) prefers 1 year plan.

A majority of the respondents (44 percent) prefers 84 days plan.

CHART: 4.12

Plan preferred by respondents







28 days 56 days 84 days 1 year

TABLE: 4.13

Table showing the network usage period of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Less than 1 year 16 13
2 1 to 3 years 36 30
3 More than 3 years 68 57
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.13 shows the network usage period of the respondents. 68 respondents (57 percent)
use the same network for more than 3 years, 36 respondents (30 percent) use the same
network for 1 to 3 years, 16 respondents (13 percent) use the same network for less than 1

A majority of the respondents (57 percent) use the same network for more than 3 years.

CHART: 4.13

Network usage period of the respondents









Less than 1 year 1 to 3 years More than 3 years

TABLE: 4.14

Table showing the problem faced by respondents about networks Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Price value 36 30
2 Network speed 27 23
3 Signal coverage 34 28
4 Data plans 23 19
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.14 shows the problem faced by respondents about networks. 36 respondents (30
percent) faces problem on price value, 34 respondents (28 percent) have signal coverage
problem, 27 respondents (23 percent) have problem with network speed, 23 respondents (19
percent) have problem with data plans.

A majority of the respondents (30 percent) faces problem on price value.

CHART: 4.14

Problem faced by respondents about networks








Price value Network speed Signal coverage Data plans

TABLE: 4.15

Table showing the respondents reason for choosing the operator Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Unlimited Calls 51 42
2 Unlimited SMS 2 2
3 Unlimited Data 30 25
4 For providing more number of 37 31
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.15 shows the respondents reason for choosing the operator. 51 respondents (42
percent) have chosen the network because of unlimited calls facility, 37 respondents (31
percent) have chosen the network for its abundant services provided by the network, 30
respondents (25 percent) have chosen network for its unlimited data, 2 respondents (2
precent) have chosen for unlimited SMS.

A majority of the respondents (42 percent) have chosen the network because of unlimited

CHART: 4.15

Respondents reason for choosing the operator







Unlimited Calls Unlimited SMS Unlimited Data For providing more
number of services

TABLE: 4.16

Table showing the advertisement attracts by respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Airtel 56 47
2 Jio 64 53
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.16 shows the advertisement attracts by respondents. 64 respondents (53 percent) were
attracted by Jio advertisement, 56 respondents (47 percent) were attracted by Airtel

A majority of the respondents (53 percent) were attracted by Jio advertisement.

CHART: 4.16

Advertisement attracts by respondents








Airtel Jio

TABLE: 4.17
Table showing the types of operator used by respondents which is more
affordable Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Airtel 41 34
2 Jio 79 66
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.17 shows the types of operator used by respondents which is more affordable.
79 respondents (66 percent) opines that Jio is more affordable, 41 respondents (34 percent)
opines that Airtel is more affordable.

A majority of the respondents (66 percent) opines that Jio is more affordable.

CHART: 4.17

Types of operator used by respondents which is more affordable










Airtel Jio

TABLE: 4.18
Table showing the recommendation level of the respondents Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Yes 86 72
2 No 34 28
Total 120 100
Source: Primary data

Table 4.18 shows the recommendation level of the respondents. 86 respondents (72 percent)
says that they will recommend their operators to others, 34 respondents (28 percent) says that
they will not recommend their operators to others.

A majority of the respondents (72 percent) says that they will recommend their operators to

CHART: 4.18

Recommendation level of the respondents











Yes No

TABLE: 4.19.1
Table showing respondents opinion towards improvement in their
operator -Airtel Particulars No. of respondents

1 Cost 14
2 Network speed 23
3 Data plans 19
4 Customer care services 6

Source: Primary data

Table 4.19.2 shows the improvement required with their current operator on airtel by the
respondents. 23 respondents says that improvement is required for their network speed, 19
respondents says that improvement is required in their data plans, 14 respondents
improvement is required in their cost, 6 respondents improvement is required in their
customer care services.

A majority of the 23 respondents says that improvement is required for their network speed.

CHART: 4.19.1

Respondents opinion towards improvement in their operator – Airtel





Cost Network speed Data plans Customer care

TABLE: 4.19.2
Table showing respondents opinion towards improvement in their
operator - Jio Particulars No. of respondents

1 Cost 14
2 Network speed 21
3 Data plans 19
4 Customer care services 8

Source: Primary data

Table 4.19.2 shows the improvement required with their current operator on Jio by the
respondents. 21 respondents says that improvement is required for their network speed, 19
respondents says that improvement is required in their data plans, 14 respondents says that
improvement is required in their cost, 8 respondents says that improvement is required in
their customer care service.

A majority of the 21 respondents says that improvement is required for their network speed.

CHART: 4.19.2

Respondents opinion towards improvement in their operator – Jio





Cost Network speed Data plans Customer care

TABLE: 4.20.1
Table showing the level of satisfaction - Airtel

S.n Particular Highly Satisfie Neutra Dissatisfie Highly Tota

o s satisfie d l d dissatisfie l
d d
1 Data plan 18 47 27 8 0 100

2 Network 13 49 25 13 0 100
3 Talk time 33 47 20 0 0 100
4 Loan option 0 31 60 7 2 100
5 Cost 4 29 43 20 4 100
6 Customer 11 45 36 4 4 100
care service
7 Signal 18 29 38 11 4 100
8 Overall 2 52 42 4 0 100

The above table shows the level of satisfaction on data plan. It is clear that 47 percent of the
respondents are satisfied on data plan, 27 percent of the respondents are neutral, 18 percent of
the respondents are highly satisfied, 8 percent of the respondents are dissatisfied, 0 percent of
the respondents are highly dissatisfied on data plan.

The above table shows the level of satisfaction on network speed. It is clear that 49 percent of
the respondents are satisfied on network speed, 25 percent of the respondents are neutral, 13
percent of the respondents are highly satisfied and dissatisfied, 0 percent of the respondents
are highly dissatisfied on network speed.

The above table shows the level of satisfaction on talk time. It is clear that 47 percent of the
respondents are satisfied on talk time, 33 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 20
percent of the respondents are neutral, 0 percent of the respondents are dissatisfied and highly
dissatisfied on talk time.
The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on loan option. It is clear that 60 percent
of the respondents are neutral on loan option, 31 percent of the respondents are satisfied, 7
percent of the respondents are dissatisfied, 2 percent of the respondents are highly
dissatisfied, 0 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied on loan option.

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on cost. It is clear that 43 percent of the
respondents are neutral on cost, 29 percent of the respondents are satisfied, 20 percent of the
respondents dissatisfied, 4 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied and highly
dissatisfied on cost.

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on customer care service. It is clear that
45 percent of the respondents are satisfied on customer care service, 36 percent of the
respondents are neutral, 11 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 4 percent of the
respondents are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied on customer care service.

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on signal coverage. It is clear that 38
percent of the respondents are neutral on signal coverage, 29 percent of the respondents are
satisfied, 18 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 11 percent of the respondents are
dissatisfied, 4 percent of the respondents are highly dissatisfied on signal coverage.

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on overall. It is clear that 52 percent of
the respondents are satisfied on overall, 42 percent of the respondents are neutral, 4 percent
of the respondents are dissatisfied, 2 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 0 percent
of the respondents are highly dissatisfied on overall level of satisfaction.

It is concluded that 47 percent of the respondents are satisfied on data plan, 49 percent of the
respondents are satisfied on network speed, 47 percent of the respondents are satisfied on talk
time, 60 percent of the respondents are neutral on loan option, 43 percent of the respondents
are neutral on cost, 45 percent of the respondents are satisfied on customer care service, 38
percent of the respondents are neutral on signal coverage, 52 percent of the respondents are
satisfied on overall level of satisfaction.
TABLE: 4.20.2

Table showing the level of satisfaction - Jio

S.n Particular Highly Satisfie Neutra Dissatisfie Highly Tota

o s satisfie d l d dissatisfie l
d d
1 Data plan 14 60 25 0 1 100

2 Network 7 67 23 3 0 100
3 Talk time 32 58 9 1 0 100
4 Loan option 7 40 46 7 0 100
5 Cost 7 35 42 12 4 100
6 Customer 12 61 23 4 0 100
care service
7 Signal 12 51 30 5 2 100
8 Overall 17 58 21 4 0 100

The above table shows the level of satisfaction on data plan. It is clear that 60 percent of the
respondents are satisfied on data plan, 25 percent of the respondents are neutral, 14 percent of
the respondents are highly satisfied, 1 percent of the respondents are highly dissatisfied, 0
percent of the respondents are dissatisfied on data plan.

The above table shows the level of satisfaction on network speed. It is clear that 67 percent of
the respondents are satisfied on network speed, 23 percent of the respondents are neutral, 7
percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 3 percent of the respondents are dissatisfied, 0
percent of the respondents are highly dissatisfied on network speed.

The above table shows the level of satisfaction on talk time. It is clear that 58 percent of the
respondents are satisfied on talk time, 32 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 9
percent of the respondents are neutral, 1 percent of the respondents are dissatisfied, 0 percent
of the respondents are highly dissatisfied on talk time.
The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on loan option. It is clear that 46 percent
of the respondents are neutral on loan option, 40 percent of the respondents are satisfied, 7
percent of the respondents are highly satisfied and dissatisfied, 0 percent of the respondents
are highly dissatisfied on loan option.

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on cost. It is clear that 42 percent of the
respondents are neutral on cost, 35 percent of the respondents are satisfied, 12 percent of the
respondents dissatisfied, 7 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 4 percent of the
respondents are highly dissatisfied on cost.

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on customer care service. It is clear that
61 percent of the respondents are satisfied on customer care service, 23 percent of the
respondents are neutral, 12 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 4 percent of the
respondents are dissatisfied, 0 percent of the respondents are highly dissatisfied on customer
care service.

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on signal coverage. It is clear that 51
percent of the respondents are satisfied on signal coverage, 30 percent of the respondents are
neutral, 12 percent of the respondents are highly satisfied, 5 percent of the respondents are
dissatisfied, 2 percent of the respondents are highly dissatisfied on signal coverage.

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction on overall. It is clear that 58 percent of
the respondents are satisfied on overall, 21 percent of the respondents are neutral, 17 percent
of the respondents are highly satisfied, 4 percent of the respondents are dissatisfied, 0 percent
of the respondents are highly dissatisfied on overall level of satisfaction.

It is concluded that 60 percent of the respondents are satisfied on data plan, 67 percent of the
respondents are satisfied on network speed, 58 percent of the respondents are satisfied on talk
time, 46 percent of the respondents are neutral on loan option, 42 percent of the respondents
are neutral on cost, 61 percent of the respondents are satisfied on customer care service, 51
percent of the respondents are satisfied on signal coverage, 58 percent of the respondents are
satisfied on overall level of satisfaction.
TABLE: 4.21.1

Table showing the level of agreement that convinced the users to opt for
Airtel Particulars Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongl Total

agree y
1 Scheme 9 44 44 3 0 100

2 Speed 13 47 33 7 0 100

3 Advertisement 13 56 27 4 0 100

4 OTT 7 42 42 9 0 100
5 Coverage 9 42 42 7 0 100
6 Loan option 2 31 54 11 2 100

The above table shows that the level of agreement on scheme. It is clear that 44 percent of the
respondents are agree and neutral on scheme, 9 percent of the respondents are strongly agree,
3 percent of the respondents are disagree, 0 percent of the respondents are strongly disagree
on scheme.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on speed. It is clear that 47 percent of the
respondents are agree on speed, 33 percent of the respondents are neutral, 13 percent of the
respondents are strongly agree, 7 percent of the respondents are disagree, 0 percent of the
respondents are strongly disagree on speed.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on advertisement. It is clear that 56 percent
of the respondents are agree on advertisement, 27 percent of the respondents are neutral, 13
percent of the respondents are strongly agree, 4 percent of the respondents are disagree, 0
percent of the respondents are strongly disagree on advertisement.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on OTT subscription. It is clear that 42
percent of the respondents are agree and neutral on OTT subscription, 9 percent of the
respondents are disagree, 7 percent of the respondents are strongly agree, 0 percent of the
respondents are strongly disagree on OTT subscription.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on coverage. It is clear that 42 percent of
the respondents are agree and neutral on coverage, 9 percent of the respondents are strongly
agree, 7 percent of the respondents are disagree, 0 percent of the respondents are strongly
disagree on coverage.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on loan option. It is clear that 54 percent of
the respondents are neutral on loan option, 31 percent of the respondents are agree, 11
percent of the respondents are disagree, 2 percent of the respondents are strongly agree and
strongly disagree on loan option.

It is concluded that 44 percent of the respondents are agree and neutral on scheme, 47 percent
of the respondents are agree on speed, 56 percent of the respondents are agree on
advertisement, 42 percent of the respondents are agree and neutral on OTT subscription, 42
percent of the respondents are agree and neutral on coverage, 54 percent of the respondents
are neutral on loan option in the level of agreement that convinced the users to opt for Airtel.
TABLE: 4.21.2

Table showing the level of agreement that convinced the users to opt for
JIO Particulars Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongl Total

agree y
1 Scheme 9 56 33 2 0 100

2 Speed 18 63 18 1 0 100
3 Advertisement 12 49 31 4 4 100

4 OTT 12 45 35 4 4 100
5 Coverage 10 51 35 4 0 100

6 Loan option 7 37 49 7 0 100

The above table shows that the level of agreement on scheme. It is clear that 56 percent of the
respondents are agree on scheme, 33 percent of the respondents are neutral, 9 percent of the
respondents are strongly agree, 2 percent of the respondents are disagree, 0 percent of the
respondents are strongly disagree on scheme.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on speed. It is clear that 63 percent of the
respondents are agree on speed, 18 percent of the respondents are strongly agree and neutral,
1 percent of the respondents are disagree, 0 percent of the respondents are strongly disagree
on speed.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on advertisement. It is clear that 49 percent
of the respondents are agree on advertisement, 31 percent of the respondents are neutral, 12
percent of the respondents are strongly agree, 4 percent of the respondents are disagree and
strongly disagree on advertisement.
The above table shows that the level of agreement on OTT subscription. It is clear that 45
percent of the respondents are agree on OTT subscription, 35 percent of the respondents are
neutral, 12 percent of the respondents are strongly agree, 4 percent of the respondents are
disagree and strongly disagree on OTT subscription.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on coverage. It is clear that 51 percent of
the respondents are agree on coverage, 35 percent of the respondents are neutral, 10 percent
of the respondents are strongly agree, 4 percent of the respondents are disagree, 0 percent of
the respondents are strongly disagree on coverage.

The above table shows that the level of agreement on loan option. It is clear that 49 percent of
the respondents are neutral on loan option, 37 percent of the respondents are agree, 7 percent
of the respondents are strongly agree and disagree, 0 percent of the respondents are strongly
disagree on loan option.

It is concluded that 56 percent of the respondents are agree on scheme, 63 percent of the
respondents are agree on speed, 49 percent of the respondents are agree on advertisement, 45
percent of the respondents are agree on OTT subscription, 51 percent of the respondents are
agree on coverage, 49 percent of the respondents are neutral on loan option in the level of
agreement that convinced the users to opt for Jio.
Null Hypothesis: There is no significance difference between gender of the
respondents and plan preferred by respondents.
Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significance difference between gender
of the respondents and plan preferred by respondents.
Group Statistics

gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Plan preferred by Male 25 2.8800 .92736 .18547

Female 95 2.1263 1.01313 .10394

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality
of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence Interval of

the Difference

Sig. Std.
(2- Mean Error
taile Differ Differe
F Sig. T df d) ence nce Lower Upper

Plan Equal 7.286 .008 3.36 118 .001 .7536 .22394 .31021 1.19716
preferred by variances 5 8
respondnets assumed

Equal 3.54 40.42 .001 .7536 .21261 .32412 1.18325

variances 5 5 8

The above table shows the mean of gender in two groups of male is 2.8800 and female is
2.1263 while standard deviation .92736 for male and 1.01313 for female.

The independent sample t-test shows that the t-value 3.365 for df 118(25+95-2) as male as 25
values and female as 95 values the significance level is .008 which is lesser than 0.05. So the
alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.


Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between age of the respondents and
operators used by respondents.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between age of the respondents and
operators used by respondents.

Age * Operators used by respondents Crosstabulation


Operators used by respondents

Airtel Jio Both Total

Age Below 18 0 0 1 1

18 to 25 37 50 6 93

25 to 34 5 1 9 15

Above 34 3 6 2 11
Total 45 57 18 120

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 37.176a 6 .000

Likelihood Ratio 30.800 6 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 3.519 1 .061
N of Valid Cases 120

a. 6 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .15.

The above table shows that there is significance difference between age of the respondents
and operators used by respondents. hence the calculated value (p=0.000) is less than 0.05.
So the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.



Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between age of the respondents and
problem faced by respondents about network.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant difference between age of the respondents

and problem faced by respondents about network.


Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups .278 3 .093 .219 .883

Within Groups 48.922 116 .422
Total 49.200 119

The one way ANOVA was done to test the hypothesis with the variables taking dependent
variable and independent variable. The age of the respondents considered as dependent
variable and problems faced by respondents about network as independent variable. The test
yield the significant result F value is .219, p=0.883. Hence it is inferred that there is no
significant difference between age of the respondents and problems faced by respondents
about network.
Post Hoc Tests

problem Subset for alpha = 0.05

faced by
network N 1

Tukey HSDa,,b Signal 34 2.2353


Data plans 23 2.3043

Price value 36 2.3056

Network 27 2.3704

Sig. .858

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 29.048.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I
error levels are not guaranteed.
Post hoc test was performed with tukey test and it implies that the respondents aged between
18 to 25 years faces problem on price value and 25 to 34 years aged people faces problem on
signal coverage.



 A majority of the respondents (79 percent) are female.

 A majority of the respondents (77 percent) are in the age group of 18 to 25.
 A majority of the respondents education qualification (45 percent) is postgraduation
and under graduation.
 A majority of the respondents (57 percent) are students.
 A majority of the respondents (48 percent) income is below 20,000 per month.
 A majority of the respondents (48 percent) on Jio users.
 A majority of the respondents (33 percent) have chosen the operator by watching
 A majority of the respondents (69 percent) have opted for prepaid service.
 A majority of the respondents (93 percent) are 4G network users.
 A majority of the respondents (67 percent) network speed is of medium.
 A majority of the respondents (41 percent) prefers UPI payment option.
 A majority of the respondents (44 percent) prefers 84 days plan.
 A majority of the respondents (57 percent) use the same network for more than 3
 A majority of the respondents (30 percent) faces problem on price value.
 A majority of the respondents (42 percent) have chosen the network because of
unlimited calls.
 A majority of the respondents (53 percent) were attracted by Jio advertisement.
 A majority of the respondents (66 percent) opines that Jio is more affordable.
 A majority of the respondents (72 percent) say that they will recommend their
operators to others.
 A majority of the 23 respondents says that improvement is required for their network
 A majority of the 21 respondents says that improvement is required for their network
 47 percent of the respondents are satisfied on data plan in the level of satisfaction for
 49 percent of the respondents are satisfied on network speed in the level of
satisfaction for Airtel.
 47 percent of the respondents are satisfied on talk time in the level of satisfaction for
 60 percent of the respondents are neutral on loan option in the level of satisfaction for
 43 percent of the respondents are neutral on cost in the level of satisfaction for Airtel.
 45 percent of the respondents are satisfied on customer care service in the level of
satisfaction for Airtel.
 38 percent of the respondents are neutral on signal coverage in the level of satisfaction
for Airtel.
 52 percent of the respondents are satisfied on overall in the level of satisfaction for
 60 percent of the respondents are satisfied on data plan in the level of satisfaction for
 67 percent of the respondents are satisfied on network speed in the level of
satisfaction for Jio.
 58 percent of the respondents are satisfied on talk time in the level of satisfaction for
 46 percent of the respondents are neutral on loan option in the level of satisfaction for
 42 percent of the respondents are neutral on cost in the level of satisfaction for Jio.
 61 percent of the respondents are satisfied on customer care service in the level of
satisfaction for Jio.
 51 percent of the respondents are satisfied on signal coverage in the level of
satisfaction for Jio.
 58 percent of the respondents are satisfied on overall in the level of satisfaction for
 44 percent of the respondents are agree and neutral on scheme in the level of
agreement that convinced the users to opt for Airtel.
 47 percent of the respondents are agree on speed in the level of agreement that
convinced the users to opt for Airtel.
 56 percent of the respondents are agree on advertisement in the level of agreement
that convinced the users to opt for Airtel.
 42 percent of the respondents are agree and neutral on OTT subscription in the level
of agreement that convinced the users to opt for Airtel.
 42 percent of the respondents are agree and neutral on coverage in the level of
agreement that convinced the users to opt for Airtel.
 54 percent of the respondents are neutral on loan option in the level of agreement that
convinced the users to opt for Airtel.
 56 percent of the respondents are agree on scheme in the level of agreement that
convinced the users to opt for Jio.
 63 percent of the respondents are agree on speed in the level of agreement that
convinced the users to opt for Jio.
 49 percent of the respondents are agree on advertisement in the level of agreement
that convinced the users to opt for Jio.
 45 percent of the respondents are agree on OTT subscription in the level of agreement
that convinced the users to opt for Jio.
 51 percent of the respondents are agree on coverage in the level of agreement that
convinced the users to opt for Jio.
 49 percent of the respondents are neutral on loan option in the level of agreement that
convinced the users to opt for Jio.
 There is a significant difference between gender of the respondents and plan preferred
by respondents.
 There is a significant difference between age of the respondents and operators used by
 There is no significant difference between age of the respondents and problem faced
by respondents about network.

 Airtel and Jio should improve their postpaid services.

 Airtel and Jio must increase its speed.
 Airtel and Jio should solve their problems based on price.
 Airtel and Jio have committed to providing more services to their customers.
 Airtel must provide creative advertising to their customers to attract them.
 Airtel must make their services more affordable for their customers.
 Airtel must improve their services to gain more customers towards them.
 Operators must make 5G services more affordable so that more customers will start
using them.
 Airtel and Jio will improve the requirement in their customer care service for its


Airtel and Jio are both leading Indian companies that meet their customer needs by
introducing innovative plans and better deals. According to this study’s findings, Jio
outperforms Airtel in many variables, and Jio customers are more satisfied than Airtel
customers. Jio is more popular than Airtel because Jio offers faster network speed, signal
coverage, data plans and price value. One notable finding is that Jio customers are more
satisfied than Airtel customers. So, to conclude, both the operators have their own advantages
and disadvantages and it will be better if they improve all their disadvantages and so more
customers will start using them therefore creating a better world for telecommunication.

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